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Modified IPTV Stalker (9.0.21)
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  1. #1

    Fire From Within

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    Modified IPTV Stalker (9.0.21)

    THIS VERSION NO LONGER WORKS WITH THE SERVICES as it doesn't send login/password info to the server.
    This is a modified version of the IPTV Stalker (1.0.18) that allows for connection with iVue and other EPG addons. It also has all three supported servers with the correct URLs. All you need is your properly linked MAC, and set up your custom Serial Number. Main credit still remains with pocpoc, all I did was change a few lines, and the Settings pages.

    If you intend to use iVue, your MAC and serial number configuration must be entered in Portal 1 (NFPS), even if you purchased through Rocket or 66. If you already had configured Portal 1, click on Default, and reenter your mac to your server.

    The high version number is to bypass the rogue 1.2.0 version.

    To install:
    Uninstall previous versions of IPTV Stalker
    Download the .zip to your location, and Install from zip file
    Clear to defaults by going to add-on settings and clicking Defaults... this will remove old information.
    Configure the portals using your linked mac. If you are using iVue, add your linked mac to portal 1 as well
    Click on "Custom Mac Address" "Send Serial Number" and "Custom Serial" to show the required fields.

    For your Serial number, Device Id, Device Id2, and Signature, use any combination of numbers and letters. I recommend treating the fields like a PIN, using numbers you can remember, but not too easy to guess. Use more letters and numbers if you wish.

    The serial number can be alphanumeric.

    If you continue to have authentication issues, you may need to link a different MAC. Continue to read Post #2 for help.

    updated to 9.0.19 to allow configuration and use of portal 2 and portal 3
    updated to 9.0.20 - this version prevents "send serial number" vs Prostreams version. For use by iptvtalk users.
    updated to 9.0.21 - now allows setup of custom serial numbers
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    Last edited by dara; 03-08-2016 at 02:09 AM.

  2. #2

    Fire From Within

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    FAQ and issues

    - Portal 2 and 3 may be using the same credential as what ever is put into Portal 1 unless you reset to default. For now, as long as you put your MAC in Portal 1, the other portals will work as well. I trying to figure out how to activate portals 2 and 3 but still allow iVue to connect. [corrected in 9.0.19]
    - Portal 1 by default is set for NFPS, however, you can modify the settings there. If used by an external EPG program like iVue, the add-on will check if a portal named in the addons.ini (normally NFPS) is configured in Portal 2 or 3, and will use those credentials instead of Portal 1. [Feature]
    - VoD's no longer work. No fix is expected. You can still load the list, but the actual movies won't play.
    - This modification is intended for users of the supported servers here... NFPS, Rocket and IPTV66. If you are using other servers, you'll need to get your support for the original IPTV Stalker from the developer or at their sites.

    --Fixing Authorization Fails

    I'll summarize the steps necessary to not have the authorization fail. You need to have a current donation/rocket/route... if you got a MAC only from a reseller, go to back to that person for support.

    1. Go to the donation checker for the service that you have and modify your current MAC. Your first 6 digits are 00:1A:78, and modify one or two of the last six digits and save. If it doesn't take, try a different MAC.
    2. In Kodi, go to File Manager, select Profile directory, addon_data, and delete settings.xml
    3. Go to the settings for IPTV Stalker, and enter the new mac in your appropriate portal. Those who are got this addon automatically were using the iVue repo, so you will also need to put the mac in Portal 1.

    That should be it. If you still get the error, repeat steps 1 and 3. You should also be able to use the new MAC in PVR Stalker. If you have a MAG, you shouldn't be using its MAC on the Kodi apps, because you can't change it, however, if you can make it work, good for you!

    Going forward, a custom serial number and credentials are required. Use numbers and letters that are easy to remember, but not so easy to guess, like a PIN. Most have best luck with using a 13-15 character length for the Serial Number, and at least 4 characters for the Device Ids, and signature.

    You should make configuration changes first, with your intended MAC, link the new MAC in the donation checker, and if that comes back successful, you can then click on your configured portal. This order ensures that the MAC doesn't have the data attached to it before you actually use it.

    See this thread on why it's important to use a custom serial number... not just "Send Serial Number"
    Last edited by dara; 10-23-2015 at 04:38 AM.

  3. #3
    not a member
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    You should add to the post that this should only be used for NFPS Servers. Since you are blocking the SR# this client may not work with other servers. The Stalker Client is for use with Stalker Middle Ware servers and anyone can use them so the client is not just for NFPS.

    This cannot be used if you are using multiple portals. Shortcuts for channels to other portals will no longer work. iVue channels that are linked to other portals will no longer work.

    That is why the changes I made were backwards compatible and still allowed you to use the Stalker Client as it was interned. Getting the Stalker Client to work with the just the portal number was my first step. What I had planed next was to update the code so when iVue gets the link or shortcuts are created that it the client returns the portal number for the channel instead of all the portal information as it does now. That will solve 90% of the problems. As for the Serial Number, that will no longer be an issue unless they have the Send Serial number option checked and actual values in the SR# field. The only reason it is an issue is now is because the Stalker Client has a bug and is using a null argument for the Serial Number when the serial number is empty.

  4. #4

    Fire From Within

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    I think your changes are fine, but are for advanced users. The modification is only intended for users of the services supported here. If iVue no longer works going forward, they'll support their app and their addons.ini, but the intent here is to keep users connected to the service. If NFPS decides that it needs to support serial numbers, this mod will go away.

  5. #5
    highly doubts high247's Avatar
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    Good job. Though could i still use 1.0.18 with mac off for the same effect?

  6. #6

    Fire From Within

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    Quote Originally Posted by high247 View Post
    Good job. Though could i still use 1.0.18 with mac off for the same effect?
    You aren't supposed to. If you are using iVue, and had modified the addons.ini, you were passing a mac to the server with the unmodified version. This modified version will require you to add your mac, and will ignore what ever mac is in the addons.ini

  7. #7
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    A guide to load to a amazon fire tv

    Quote Originally Posted by dara View Post
    You aren't supposed to. If you are using iVue, and had modified the addons.ini, you were passing a mac to the server with the unmodified version. This modified version will require you to add your mac, and will ignore what ever mac is in the addons.ini
    Dara, can you give a step by step instruction guide on how to install this to a amazon television. I deleted my Amazon Fire Utility app and I do have ADB fire to do a sideload. Any help is great...

  8. #8

    Fire From Within

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    I'll have to defer to a AFTV expert for that.

  9. #9
    highly doubts high247's Avatar
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    Cool I willll give it a shot. Thanks for the work.

  10. #10
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    Where do i get the modified version 9.0.18


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