I know about it. I have owned Formuler devices before. They are basically the same with some minor differences.
It's easy really. Find that MOL3 app and open it, then find the Server Setup menu and open it.
There will be a MAC that starts with 00:1a:79 and includes 6 more digits. That's the MAC you would attach to your code at the iptv66 website.
In the server setup on the z11, using the MAC method, do not add credentials (username/password), just add the server URL portal and attach the MAC at website, do a reset there. That is about it, you should be connected.
Here's some info on the Formuler.
It's not the z11 but is sorta generic for all formuler devices (sort of)
Then in the dreamlink T3 sub-forum, check those Sticky threads posted in there.