View Full Version : Magtv setup
10-03-2015, 01:09 PM
Morning Guys
I been trying to set up my Magtv emulator, I have followed all the steps. and all i see on the screen is a bar scrolling ( i have a MyGica Atv582 unit) any ideas what i could be missing ..thanks
big dady
10-03-2015, 06:50 PM
Did you link your mac address to your donation?
What url are you using?
10-04-2015, 03:11 AM
yes i have linked my mac address to my donation , the url am using is ..
big dady
10-04-2015, 03:21 AM
Try putting http:// in front of url
10-05-2015, 12:27 AM
sorry.. i forgot to put that when i wrote my url.. but i do have .. thanks
10-05-2015, 01:51 AM
Hey guys,
I just got in contact with the Mag TV App developer and they are releasing a upgraded firmware auto update to every subscriber who has the app on October 7th, hang on a few more days and try it on the 7th or the 8th. This will affect people with MyGica ATV 1900AC box users or anybody with the Android 5.0. OS Im trying to be patient but am eager to get this bad boy running like it should. When i bought the box i was expecting everything to be perfect but apparently we have to give it time for everybody to catch up because currently barely any apps work for it! is anybody else having the same problem?
10-08-2015, 02:42 AM
I still haven't got this going yet...
10-08-2015, 10:02 PM
Did you read this, post #6?
10-10-2015, 02:47 PM
Have the same problem with MagTV , just get blue bar . Did read post #6 , can't find "Device ID" section anywhere in the MagTV app?
big dady
10-10-2015, 06:44 PM
Did you update the mag tv app
10-10-2015, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the response, downloaded from MyGica store, version 8.5.1 says updated April 2015 (MyGica 1800e)
big dady
10-10-2015, 09:36 PM
Go to the play store and get the latest magtv also
10-10-2015, 09:54 PM
Can't download from google, keep getting message-can't retrieve info from servers. Something else that i'm not sure about, is the portal internal/external? This app has been a pain in the ass, tried numerous times to load with no luck. Should just stick with pvr simple client.
big dady
10-10-2015, 10:37 PM
go here download the emulator and see if that works for you
10-10-2015, 11:55 PM
Thanks for your suggestions Big Dady, i have tried the NFPS emulator. Found it very slow to respond, thought that the official MagTV app may somehow be better, probably not. Thanks for your help though.
11-24-2015, 08:32 PM
Hi guys
as i also have this Mag TV app downloaded i have Mygica 1800e.
when we install the MagTV it will show the add profile are and shows the set profile setting, there are two default Portals( Portal#1 and Portal#2) i started with portal #1, by clecking on it shows setting area, it call STB setting.
first item is profile name,U can give a new name (if u like) (default name is Portal #1) by clicking on it. then 2nd item is
in STB setting i select STB Model "mag 250" ( u can select different STB Model if u know ur device STB Model, like mag254, or mag260.) i prefer to keep it on mag 250
then 3rd iitem is Portal Setting.
in portal settings area
1st item is portal URL i put portal URL ""(if u are using rocket)
2nd item in portal setting area is "portal is internal" and make sure u enable( by check mark the box)
3rd item in portal setting area is "internal portal URL" U also put the same URL in it (
4th item in portal setting area is "select portal start file" (select portal main file{index.html or another}i did not touched it.
know come out of it to main setting, then
3rd item is Screen Resolution( no need to change it)
4th item is Mac address (in my case when i install MagTV it automatically pick( or generated) my Mac address and my device serial number,
(if Ur MagTV do ot genrate by it self, the u can fine the mac address on the back of the Magica box remember u use only last 6 digit of it and replace the last zero(0) of mac address (00:1A:79:00:00:00)
then 6th item is IP address (leave it as is)
now scroll down to "Device ID" setting area
click on it and it will show some options, in these options u will enable "Use MAC-base device ID" option (by check marking the box) now get out of these setting by press back button of ur remote. it will show u blue or black screen. now u press menu button on ur remote( it is between volume buttons in Ur Magica 1800e remote) it will show u some menu options on top left corner (or it will popup on bottom right corner) select exit . once u r out of MagTV restart it, now it will show u the loading bar and blue screen. then it will load all the channel and other option. i
I hope it will help u to set up the MagTV. Enjoy:)
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 12:17 PM
Wow thank you for that. I think I have done everything correct. I know get a blue screen with a loading bar but at the moment it wont load. Do I have to wait for a while for my ip address to become live?
With being new to all this it a little hard to sort out all the info on the site, my box is a Mygica 585 & there is so much information on this site its hard for a newbie to understand how to do things the right way. I will double check my settings to see if I have done something wrong.
01-01-2016, 12:32 PM
did you link your mac addy at papio?
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 12:38 PM
Yes I linked the mac address, i used rocket. why does it have a box at the bottom that sa change address? I have checked & it must be live. One thing i have just noticed is the url I have input would that make a difference?
01-01-2016, 01:06 PM is what should be there
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 03:38 PM
Thank you for the info. I have changed it & still the same problem, blue screen with loading bar but still does nothing else. I have double checked the settings again. I may have to take it somewhere for someone to look at. I dont understand what I am doing wrong.
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 04:43 PM
I have searched my Rocket details & this is what it shows on my details IPTV Portal:
So is this not the url I put in? should it be
01-01-2016, 04:49 PM
Rocket donation is
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 05:43 PM
Thanks Farmer1
That is why I checked with my donation. It still only a blue screen but I will keep trying for a while. Its got to be something simple that is wrong. Bloody frustrating though.
Ian Hunt
01-01-2016, 08:24 PM
Yes I have downloaded the new Mag tv app. Is there any other app that will do the same & is easier to set up? I am wishing now I had not spent the money on a donation. I have tried to do everything by the book but still only a blue screen & scrolling bar.
Ian Hunt
01-02-2016, 10:41 AM
Well good news I have finally got Mag Tv working. I just reset the box & started from scratch. There must have been a few problems with some of the software so well pleased now.
I will start to load a few more apps now & see how it goes.
01-02-2016, 04:58 PM
that sounds great thanks for the update
02-03-2016, 08:04 PM
Mine is not working any more! where do i put this new username and password request .. all am getting now is that scrolling blue bar
02-04-2016, 03:48 AM
I finally go to the screen to enter te information, seem to take the information without problems.. however when i got the tv section i get authentication problem messages.. any idea what is happening. am able to go watch stuff from the Videoclub tab .. thanks
02-07-2016, 03:40 AM
Hi guys, I am wondering is any one have problem with Mag TV loading, i mean my is showing only blue screen and loading bar somehow? why ? i dod not know. it was working good yesterday. in the beginning of Feb, they ask the Authentication and i got it from the email. bur now why it is not working? please help me it you guys now any changes they mad in configration or in seeting of the Mag TV. thanks waiting for your help.
So now Update:
now Mag tv is loading and showing the channels and the listing but not able to PLAY. when i try to play the any Channel like news or AMC etc, it days on the top "Authentication Problem" , so i do not why it is saying this although, i on Feb 2nd it asked for Authentication and i put the username and password , and it was start working till this today. secondly when i go to video club and play the move then it is playing it. but on TV area it is not playing any channel , as it says Authentication Problem. please help if any one know who to fix it. thanks
04-28-2016, 02:56 PM
Morning Guys.. am still not able to get this going? all i see is the barber stripes.. i have all the information needed to get it going.. any help would be appreciated
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