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crazed 9.6
03-20-2020, 10:21 PM
keep yourself and your family safely at home Marley, as much as possible anyway.
03-21-2020, 05:03 PM
Marley... There is Always Hope, Never Give-In or Give-Up :
These Numbers WILL BE Changing as We go along but for Now...
California 1,249 Cases 6 Recovered 24 Deaths 1,219 Active
Washington 1,524 124 83 1,317
03-21-2020, 08:11 PM
All should do their best to keep safe it is community thing, the results from China are encouraging don't know what to say about Italy where the population density and their habit of the double cheek kiss greeting my factor, as for Spain a close look at their social system might help others, as for me I have my own set of health issues might talk about later.
03-21-2020, 09:42 PM
As of 20 March 2020, there were 47,021 confirmed cases, 4,032 deaths and 5,129 recoveries in Italy...!
03-22-2020, 03:51 PM
Good morning, not believing the numbers from China lately. underground reports from China is that it has slowed but not to the statistics they are producing. Scramble eggs from carton (no eggs in the supermarket) and a small cup of coffee. Have a safe one everyone!
03-22-2020, 04:13 PM
good morning Kimbo iptv members and staff have a good one
03-22-2020, 04:50 PM
Good morning all talkers spring weather just round the corner when young mans fancy turns to planting seeds, have good one.
03-23-2020, 12:38 PM
Good Morning Talkers, eating some cheerios. Funny how specific foods that you hated as a kid are now your regulars..LOL!!Finally finished the Lost TV series rewatch, moving on to my next binge..I'm thinking either Boston Legal or Rome both excellent tv. Have a safe one!
03-23-2020, 01:32 PM
Good morning Every one . Hope every one is safe , sound and healthy this morning ….
03-23-2020, 01:56 PM
Have A Safe Day People... Remember to Practice "Social Distancing"...! atchers-638x330.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
crazed 9.6
03-23-2020, 05:10 PM
thing is thou that we as humans need to be touched by others
A baby needs the touch of its mother.
You and I need the touch of others.
It's like the sunshine, we all need it
03-23-2020, 06:10 PM
just went to store today had most of what i wanted
03-23-2020, 07:28 PM
Grocery, Pharmacy or Liquor Store...?!? :cool:
03-23-2020, 07:31 PM
thing is thou that we as humans need to be touched by others
A baby needs the touch of its mother.
You and I need the touch of others.
It's like the sunshine, we all need it
Kenny said it Best :
03-23-2020, 07:58 PM
March 22 2020 bed_16x9_992.jpg
March 22 2020 9_992.jpg
March 23 2020
@ Marley i wasn't mocking you , i just couldn't believe the numbers the California governor said . I sent you a PM ..
I know a lot of people are making money off of this .. is the sick part , my two second search below :
crazed 9.6
03-23-2020, 08:02 PM
Kenny did not say it best
I love the guy and all but he did not say it best
I will hold and love my loved ones.
We need our loved ones close now more then ever
crazed 9.6
03-23-2020, 08:24 PM
I am so tired and so stressed
I am a janitor and run a company. We have 10 to 12 employees at any given time.
But most of them have elected to stay home and not come in.
Which is ok because all our jobs have been shut down anyway except the grocery store which we do
I alone clean that store
Normally it would take me 3 or4 hours, now it is 6 or 8 hours depending.
I sanatise everything.
I find myself in tears at times.
But I continue. I want everyone to be a winner, no matter what the cost to me is.
I have not seen or been with my loved ones in a long time, I miss them dearly. I do see my sister often thou, which without I think I would die
03-23-2020, 08:28 PM
March 22 2020
@ Marley i wasn't mocking you , i just couldn't believe the numbers the California governor said . I sent you a PM ..
I know a lot of people are making money off of this .. is the sick part , my two second search below :
4me wasn't Mocking Marley either... just trying to bring a little Levity into a Ruff Situation... Laughter Is the Best Medicine, esp if there is no Alcohol in the house...!
crazed 9.6
03-23-2020, 08:32 PM
4me wasn't Mocking Marley either... just trying to bring a little Levity into a Ruff Situation... Laughter Is the Best Medicine, esp if there is no Alcohol in the house...!
we love you buddy
Your postings are a staple
Please do not stop
03-23-2020, 10:11 PM
Then I Hope This Lifts Your Spirits Some crazed :
We All Must Stay Safe for Our Loved Ones and Right Now the Best Way is Above...!
03-23-2020, 11:40 PM
For sure Crazed, 4me is one of the old friends we all need to hear from, You take care there brother, you have a job that is hard without the additional worries and being protected is an absolute must. I was a screwup in the Army and had Battalion cleanup a lot of times. It is a job that I didn't mind but took a long time. No time to sleep that night. The first steady not for myself job I had was an EMT1 at a county hospital. I had to work Quarantine for all kinds of things So I know the routine, hot, stuffy and layered gloves, suits, booties, mask, face shield and bonnet. Wishing you well, and I'd say some of us are here more than others but we all love all our buds here and feel like they are family. Smooth trips and no dips my friends.
03-24-2020, 12:10 AM
me i just sit at home and it was grocery store that had about everything i needed still out yeast and baking soda which i need now tomorrow will go at 6am there letting the old farts like me in first for hr sofar no one i know is sick and winco thats doing that and many other stores too
03-24-2020, 01:22 AM
March 23 2020
03-24-2020, 01:17 PM
Good morning Talkers, expecting some rain and wind today. I truly find that during difficult times listening to music seems to help a little, I have Crosby, Stills & Nash and some great oldies but goodies playing in the house and might make some Cannabis infused honey today for my tea but have to check how much AVF (already vaped flower) i have. Have a safe and quiet Tuesday!
03-24-2020, 01:30 PM
Stay Safe Everyone... Can't get any Masks anywhere... Remember being a Kid and Playing Cop and Robber...! Yep, Bandanas will Help...!
Bananas will also but are kinda hard to get back out of Your Nostrils...!
One can use Alligator Clips, Pull Chain and Paper Clips with a Hanky...!
If One wears Glasses a Mask can bee easy to make...!
Coffee Filters and Paper Clips will werk also... Open the Clip and Position it in the Filter so One can Re-Bend the Clip to fit over the Bridge of the Nose and the Filter will hang down over the Nose, Mouth and Chin...!
03-24-2020, 08:44 PM
Know any peeps who run body shops? The masks they recommend are for paint not based on a volatile solvent. The thing is not to touch the nose or mouth. Coughs and sneezes are superfine particles. If I were out with no mask and gloves and someone sneezed, I would hold my breath till I got at least ten feet from them and wipe my face with the inside of my undershirt and hold my head down if I didn't carry a disinfectant wipe in my pocket. I try to keep a few wipes like Monk did, and wipe anytime I think there is a chance of contamination. Stay safe my friends. Maybe the idiots who wont follow the instructions won't make the rest of us sick. When this is all over we need to have a REAL discussion in this country about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Seems one side wants there to be none. It is time to bring down their house and save ours. Great luck and good health my friends.
03-24-2020, 10:38 PM
Discussions about personal responsibility are becoming quite common now days as news of the effect that Covid19 is getting closer to home.
My wife and daughter went shopping at the local supermarket chain and first thing they were handed a pair of thin gloves to wear then the checkout counter a plexiglass barrier with just small payment window just little protection for the staff, then today I received two calls from the hospital with questions about my health and if I had traveled abroad recently and they would only allow the patient with one helper in, previously anyone could go in get some timmie refreshment and stay long as they wanted, lots of plexiglss installed they say, do hear of a lot of health care workers contracting covid19.
03-25-2020, 04:56 AM
Yeah it is strange the way things are going around here though. There are no (DETECTED) cases in this or neighboring counties BUT there are no testing facilities within 40 miles either, so even though the restaurants are drive through only, and the stores are on short hours there is no precaution like you have there, theuduk, it seems like some type of "good enough" arrogance has hold of some people, and others say "use everything". Too much is better than not enough EVERYTIME when you deal with an infectious disease. Glad to hear you are being protected. Some countries never learn to deal with something like this. I think the US will be the major epicenter for the fight just because of the younger peoples lackadaisical attitude and arrogance. I know the procedure for quarantine and it hasn't caught on yet. I cared for some people when I was an EMT that were double doored. There were two stations and two scrub-downs, took 30 minutes to get in and 45 to get out. Mask, suit, booties, face shield, long cuff surgical gloves covered with another pair of sterile gloves. Sprayed with Amphil all over (stuff was rough you had to hold your breath)then out to the take it off room, and leave the last gloves and booties on till opening the door then take them off drop in trash can. Outside room after door shut wash everything good another Amphil on shoe bottoms, alcohol wash and lotion pack, wash face area with sterile cloth dial soap and alcohol little lotion and out and about. We all need to learn some things. I saw a video from one of the testing kiosks, and it was a person using the same suit changing cheap gloves and a surgical mask with no barrier between them and the patient they were testing. They were using an igloo cooler to store things. Oh well I'm trying to keep well, staying home as much as possible and washing everything ten times. Hope you all make it without even a sneeze.
03-25-2020, 12:32 PM
Good morning Talkers, sunny and hot is todays forecast, its a good time to try new cooking new recipes if you can find the ingredients. Have a safe day everyone!!
03-25-2020, 03:35 PM
Good day all, stay safe and have a good day
03-25-2020, 03:57 PM
Good morning all 9deg today nd some 10s during week a change is coming last of snow should go of deck, be time to put flower bulbs in pots t least and a few in ground, take care wherever you are.
03-26-2020, 02:08 AM
wow 00:57: 2,155 new cases and 81 new deaths in New York City, New York state, United States. thats just few hrs ago and this was yesterday 15:30: 4,463 new cases and 14 new deaths in New York state, United States. God help them and calif nexts
03-26-2020, 02:40 AM
03-27-2020, 01:27 AM
All good today? hope you are all well and staying in the hideout. Went to the shop today and seemed everything I did something else needed work, Think I need to stay in front of the telly and watch Duke, Hoppy, Roy and Gene shoot the bad guys. Matt Dillon killed more people than any serial killer ever, HAHAHA. Looking for a rainbow Hope you find the Pot O Gold friends.
03-27-2020, 02:25 AM
Catching Up on some Stargate SG-1 now and Tomorrow will bee, NCIS : Los Angeles, all Day on ION...!
Loaded up on Provisions for Me and Kitty... Planted some Glads, Iris, Marigolds and Snapdragons along with some (2)Black Grape Plants(Vines), (2)Blueberry and (2)Blackberry Bushes...! Having some Fun and Positivity...!
Stay Safe All at IPTV Talk...!
and to Those that take Vitamins, take some extra Vitamin D...!
03-27-2020, 12:48 PM
Good morning Talkers, it's a quiet Friday and after washing my hands for so many times i forgot to start putting lotion so a quick reminder :). Have a safe one!!
03-27-2020, 12:51 PM
Yep, the Sun is Up, Stay Safe All...!
03-27-2020, 04:35 PM
Hello talkers hope all is well and you are avoiding the invisible enemy, my daughter took me on a 21/2 hr ride for my radiation treatment
lots of electronic signs saying "STAY HOME" the hospital only the patient allowed in, enough medical staff already being hit...
03-29-2020, 03:26 PM
Good morning everyone, cases double overnight in my area. Complete lockdown for seniors, also notice a booming crime rate specially home burglaries. My security team Smith, Wesson, Glock and Remmington have been on alert. Be safe!! PS. my local store ran out of bullets!
03-29-2020, 06:45 PM
Duk glad you made a good trip, I have a cuz going through his fourth round, seems like he has been doing this forever. He had one good year two years ago and then he had to start one, then he was three from the end for that and was told he had to start the one he is on now. Keep yourself away from anyone that sneezes from pepper brother. I know you know the drill and I hope you know we all pray for your recovery. Riverbend is warm a little storm last night, and we are still watching what is going on. Went to a "Jacks" kinda made a mistake in retrospect. The cashier handed my wifes Ice cream cone out with gloves on but they may have been the same ones he took the money with. Not going back anyway, and taking her temp twice a day. Should have thought and refused it. If it happens to all the customers, someone may get a case. That Jacks is just off of a major highway. Peeps watch what is going on with the peeps who serve you, and think then, not in retrospect. refuse it and teach them something about stopping an illness. I should have. Watching my Baby, praying for no temp in the next fourteen days.
crazed 9.6
03-29-2020, 07:35 PM
Local grocery store here is expected to stop any exchange of cash and maybe as soon as Monday (they already have big notices posted in the store about it).
I don't know how well that is gonna work thou, but we will see :eek:
At any rate , this is gonna change how we see and treat cash in-hand, as if we needed something this big to wake us up on that :(
03-30-2020, 02:42 AM
Yeah so many peeps don't take this serious enough until it hits them. My wife said she was watching a young nurse who said she had hooked up four people from 18 to 22 on ventilators in the last two days and they were really bad.
03-30-2020, 12:45 PM
good morning...!!! :cool:
03-30-2020, 12:56 PM
Good morning, lots of TV and time to get the xbox 1 out, cereal and the wife is cooking chili in the crockpot!!have a safe one!!
03-30-2020, 01:20 PM
Good Morning every one , from my family to yours ; stay positive, stay safe , if possible , stay home … We wish you all the very best ..
03-31-2020, 01:36 PM
Good morning Talkers, checking some new movies out here and there!!Stay home and safe!!
04-01-2020, 02:34 PM
Good morning, a vegetables and fruit mix morning smoothie on the vitamix. starting on a new book online and staying home. Be safe!!
04-01-2020, 05:45 PM
Good Mornin, Good Mornin, Im Up the the SUN is Sunnin, the sky is blue, the grass is green, freshest air Ive ever seen!! All ok here in riverbend. Hope you are all doing well and having a good morning too.
04-01-2020, 08:27 PM
Yeah Baby...!(Jim an Bret, the "Pink and Black Attack")
Fresh Air is the Best, esp after some Rain or Mowed Grass...!!!
Went shopping this AM as Winn Dixie showed a Spcl Deal on Tyson Chicken : BOGO...!!! Love the Southwestern Style Breast Tenderloins...
While there got a Phone Call from the Clinic where Me Dr. sits... I have an Apt for 2morrow and the lady on the Phone said that I do not need to show up at the Clinic for it... I asked her... "Well, how do I find out if I am a Carrier w/o symptoms" and She couldn't answer so I said... "Maybee it is time I find another Dr." and said "Goodbye"...!
When I got Home, got another call from the Nurse, blah, blah, blah... Ended up telling Me that the Doctor will Call Me at the Time of Me Appt and We will have a Conversation about what is going on... Lol...!
Got a Msg from the Med Cntr saying that if I go Out I should wear a Mask and I replied back... "Ok, Just where can I get a Mask and do I really need one as on the News they say People w/o symptoms shouldn't wear a mask as it might, (if Handled Incorrectly) pose more possibility to get infected"... "I also told them that I use a Coffee Filter held on by Me Glasses"... Haven't heard anything back from Them on that...!
Those People are Krazy if They Think We are Crazy...! Have a "Safe Day All"...!
04-01-2020, 08:54 PM
That Little Rant Above is "TRUE", but, But, BUTT...
Bee Careful out there as it is April Fool's Day...!!!
04-02-2020, 03:58 AM
Yeah brother, don't get it 4me, I couldn't let you go bro. If you wear a mask it will help as long as you don't reach up and scratch your nose because it itches, or move it up and down, or anything but seal it and breathe through it. To check the fit and valve on an N95 you should cup your hand over the valve to seal it and your mask should pressurize slightly. When you breathe in the valve should be closed and a quick sharp breath in should create a slight vacuum. With no valve you can try a mask with a pack of sweetener and water sprayed into the air, If you can smell or taste it, the mask is worthless. Keep us up bro, We have been out some, but we shop online, and store outside for a while, when it is ready to come in it gets the wipedown, and cleaning with disinfectant all over. 4me if you want a test mostly some express med and such are doing them around here. And that's no foolin, As for Mornin Coffee, Good morning but Zpac and Xyrtec evening they are always rough on my stomach allergy season.
04-02-2020, 09:03 AM
4me Bee Fine, "Feeling Real Good" here...! Tonight at Midnight We are on a "Stay at Home" order...! As I Ride Me byke I can't Stay at Home...! I do Beelieve in the Social Distancing and I am Not afraid to tell someone to "Back Off" a Bit...! Stores are Implementing the Lines on the Floors and have Signs Posted at Doors and Registers but, But, BUTT, One can see people are Disgruntled...! I go in, get what I Need/Want, and Head for the Check-outs...! Keep Alcohol Wipes on hand so I can Wipe Beefore I Swipe...! Gloves and Masks are Not on Shelves anywhere, I can get all the Wipes, Personal Cleansing Cloths,Medline ReadyFlush Cleansing Cloths, Readybath Fresh Bathing Cloths and Alcohol Prep Pads(70%) from Me OTC Account but No Gloves or Masks so I Improvise...!
You know... Military "Adapt and Over-come"...!
Temperature "Cool-down" in Effect also down here(60') at 5AM...!!! Have A Safe Day out there "Talkers"...!
04-02-2020, 01:35 PM
Good morning Talkers, stay well my friends!!4me2c hope everything is well!!!
04-02-2020, 01:56 PM
Yeah 4me, You can use plastic sandwich bags pretty well for the glove deal, you can get the fold over kind really cheap for 100. All is well here save the allergy. Taking Zpac is rough on the belly, I dropped the antihistamine for a day or two and am going to a decongestant. Seems like back and forth works best. Kimbo You are like the Ninjas of old, faithful as the mountain. Talkers need to step up and come here daily to read your greeting, It should be required. Thanks for the hello each morning Bro.
04-02-2020, 05:21 PM
When Me gets a Cold(Very Seldom of Late) I used to use NyQuil, after a Few Years of that, it didn't werk so well. seems the viruses get Immune after awhile... Switching to other Meds seem to work Much Better... The Allergy Meds could bee effected the same way...!!! :cool:
04-03-2020, 02:28 PM
Good morning Talkers, enjoying a rather large bowl of cereal (honey bunches) and watching the quiet neighborhood on a cloudy day!!Stay safe my friends.
R.I.P. Bill Withers a great musician!
04-03-2020, 02:41 PM
Short and Maybee Sweet...
04-03-2020, 06:43 PM
Seems Like People Are Practicing Social Distancing by the Lack of New Posts, Can Only Hope All Are Okay and Families are Safe...!!!
04-04-2020, 04:18 PM
Good morning Talkers, staying positive and strong....lots of music on the jukebox and lots of facetime with family!!Stay safe!!
04-05-2020, 02:01 PM
Top of the morning blokes and sheilas, took out my telescope last night and spend a good hour looking at the starts forgot how to relaxing star gazing is for me. Rain today in my neck of the woods!!Stay safe and stay home!!
04-05-2020, 02:32 PM
Lol, don't see too many Stars in the Sky down here in the Sunny South...! I can Remember the Nights on the Farms in UpState New York thou... Beautiful... Indeed...! The ones while on Training were a different Set for some reason...!
Went Out and About Early this AM in Hopes of Missing the Crowds... Bee Careful out there in Never-neverland as so Many People can not, do not or just Won't, adhere to the 6' Social Distancing and for some Reason, they all Speak a Different Language or they JUST REFUSE to Speak English...!
04-06-2020, 05:22 PM
All cool in riversbend. It seems as if we spend more time ordering things online, and searching for stuff that some people horde for some reason. What makes it somewhat frustrating is WE always ordered the same thing as we try to order now twice a month, the reason was it was what we used and we just restocked as we needed it. Hope all of you are at home, clear, and wiping down anything brought in from the public, 151 Bacardi is 75% alchy. HAHA a good drink and a few drops on the wipedown rag make for a good day. Clear skies my friends.
04-06-2020, 07:52 PM
yea rain here for next 5 days my grass is so green got cut it every week
04-07-2020, 02:25 AM
4me how can (OUT IN the country) in NY. PA and NJ be so pretty in the cool part of spring, and the cities be so stark and cold. I remember riding through that part of the country when I was in Ft Dix in early spring and looking at some of the fields and thinking how super green and bluish they were. Then Going into town was like going into a salt mine. HAHAHA Different world then my friends. Keep safe stay hidden from the monster, I am trying but they say some are not even getting a fever and still carrying it. I guess we have to start a new 15 days every time anyone comes into our circle. Good luck to you all.
04-07-2020, 03:38 AM
4me how can (OUT IN the country) in NY. PA and NJ be so pretty in the cool part of spring, and the cities be so stark and cold. I remember riding through that part of the country when I was in Ft Dix in early spring and looking at some of the fields and thinking how super green and bluish they were. Then Going into town was like going into a salt mine. HAHAHA Different world then my friends. Keep safe stay hidden from the monster, I am trying but they say some are not even getting a fever and still carrying it. I guess we have to start a new 15 days every time anyone comes into our circle. Good luck to you all.
Love of Nature vs Love of Money 4me would Guess...!
04-07-2020, 07:23 PM
Good morning Talkers, watching or to be more accurate rewatching "Chernobyl", to those realist that believe that human history repeats itself. Have a safe one!!
04-07-2020, 08:28 PM
Check out "COMET" and "CHARGE" as They bee showing some Oldies...! :cool: Way :cool:
04-08-2020, 02:00 AM
Good Coffee time to you Kimbo, 4me, and Talkers. Been getting a lot of old westerns and such from The internet archive. Hoppy, RR, Duke, Even Hoot Gibson and Tex Ritter. They have all kinds of Public Domain movies Horror, Tarzan and Silent's like Cleopatra. Most are downloadable as Zips. Between what the IPTV Talk subs and the old stuff, you never have to see the same thing twice in a year if you want. I hope this finds all well and happy extended families and friends too social distancing brings despair and loneliness to some. Call a friend you know is alone and talk to them You never know how much it can help.
04-08-2020, 07:58 AM
morning every one, pray al r well this morning .. up early here 1,000 cases here confirmed in a 24 hr period ...sad,sad,,sad,,,stay at home if u can , pray for those who cant ..
04-08-2020, 01:16 PM
Morning Talkers, get ready for another raffle , thank you Farmer, NBS and Buzz Team. Stay safe my friends!!
RIP Charlotte Figi a true pioneer and John Prine Songwriter/Singer!!
04-08-2020, 03:17 PM
well now its thousand dollar fine or jail if you dont wear a mask this is in calf in riverside and la area weird to see all in a mask at store
04-08-2020, 03:18 PM
Mornin. been "Out and About" and Traffic is almost Non-Existent, but, But, BUTT, that doesn't mean the ones out aren't Krazy and of course "DOT" isn't Helping by Parking on the Side-Walks and Blocking Inter-sections...!!! Drivers are Still more Interested in their Cell Phones instead of where the Next Turn is...!!!
04-09-2020, 02:18 AM
Went to Wally World to finish off the two week grocery supply. Ordered up and they loaded us up. Only thing I did was pop the trunk and use a glove to put the milk and eggs from the trunk to the back seat. Wiped it down and put it in holding till it comes into rotation. It is good to get out and about even if you just see a few others out. Good to know we are doing ok for now. Fair skies my friends.
04-09-2020, 04:14 AM
Can Understand Why 1st Responders, Police, Firefighters and Hospital Staff Need the PPE... but, But, BUTT, I see No PPE in stores for JohnQ Public...!!! We the People are the Backbone of the Economy(ies)...! If We can't get PPE Masks We can't go out and BUY what We Need to Survive...! Some of US are able to Make PPE for Ourselves but there are Plenty out there that can't...!!!
Now People are Complaining that they are not getting what was Promised to them...! What-ever happened to "Rainy-Day Funds". Personal Responsibility...?!? We have become Nations and Countries of "Don't Ask what One can do for Their Country, but, Ask, What can the Country do for the One"...?!?
Sorry, Some People Somewhere have Ruined Our Countries...!
Stay Safe People and even though Others Won't... "Keep Your Distance"...!
04-09-2020, 01:21 PM
Can Understand Why 1st Responders, Police, Firefighters and Hospital Staff Need the PPE... but, But, BUTT, I see No PPE in stores for JohnQ Public...!!! We the People are the Backbone of the Economy(ies)...! If We can't get PPE Masks We can't go out and BUY what We Need to Survive...! Some of US are able to Make PPE for Ourselves but there are Plenty out there that can't...!!!
Now People are Complaining that they are not getting what was Promised to them...! What-ever happened to "Rainy-Day Funds". Personal Responsibility...?!? We have become Nations and Countries of "Don't Ask what One can do for Their Country, but, Ask, What can the Country do for the One"...?!?
Sorry, Some People Somewhere have Ruined Our Countries...!
Stay Safe People and even though Others Won't... "Keep Your Distance"...!
I guess people expected more from their government, kudos to Canada my friend requested for relief funds and received them within a week, if people were big corporations the money would already be there. Thank you to first responders, truck drivers, health workers, farmers, immigrants that pick up the crops and dont have medical benefits, the poor people that clean our workplaces and serves us our food. Glad we all looking out for each other, read somewhere that the top 10 millionaire Televangelists have not donated a penny. Stay home and stay safe!!
04-09-2020, 02:01 PM
I guess people expected more from their government, kudos to Canada my friend requested for relief funds and received them within a week, if people were big corporations the money would already be there. Thank you to first responders, truck drivers, health workers, farmers, immigrants that pick up the crops and dont have medical benefits, the poor people that clean our workplaces and serves us our food. Glad we all looking out for each other, read somewhere that the top 10 millionaire Televangelists have not donated a penny. Stay home and stay safe!!
Good morning all . Back to winter here -9C or 16F
Kimbo don't forget our government hands out money like it was candy. We are so far in dept it wont be long and our pay will go straight to the government. Always Have to rember everything the goverment hands out costs the tax payer dearly.
Just my 2 cents for what it is worth, it"s only worth 1.5 cents US
04-09-2020, 03:58 PM
look government gives you dollar takes back 10 im taxed so high i need pay every yr and im retired and i pay taxes on my Social Security every month too not fair in my eyes
04-09-2020, 08:26 PM
a hot day and found some old "country time" lemonade and made a pitcher. Reminds me as a kid we would drink the frozen concentrate orange juice..LOL even made popsicles!! starting to count how many times i open the fridge in a far my record is 13,,how do i know well the mrs suddenly has become the Fridge gestapo!!
04-09-2020, 09:44 PM
yea wife went up 4 lbs the world is ending
04-10-2020, 02:23 AM
We got case number two in riversbend. I told the wife next few days it will be up to fifty. Some peeps are to foolish to understand the damage they do, or they are too selfish. You are all right the new Ultra PC police idiots have made heinous behavior into a right for some groups and taken responsibility from themselves and their chosen groups and placed it on anyone that opposes their insanely skewed view of justice. Watch out for anyone who denies you access to anything they require for themselves, it proves they are insane and dangerous. Be well my friends.
04-10-2020, 07:58 AM
Well, Today is "Good Friday", To All Who Observe It, I Hope You Have A Good Day, and To All Others, May Your Day Bee Blessed...!
Stay Safe and "Keep Your Distance"...!
04-10-2020, 08:20 AM
morning every one , think im gonna bbq and day drink lol (maybe) either way , im wishing every one the best hope u all have a great day !!
04-10-2020, 12:44 PM
Morning Talkers, cloudy and hot! I was able to get supplies online, not cheap and it took 2 weeks for delivery. Finally got to opened a new card game we got for christmas is called "relative insanity" it's hilarious but i think it was meant for more than 2 people :rolleyes: Have a safe one!!
04-10-2020, 12:54 PM
Morning Talkers, cloudy and hot! I was able to get supplies online, not cheap and it took 2 weeks for delivery. Finally got to opened a new card game we got for christmas is called "relative insanity" it's hilarious but i think it was meant for more than 2 people :rolleyes: Have a safe one!!
Can it bee Played On-Line or "On the Line" ?!?
04-10-2020, 12:56 PM
LOL...i wish!!
04-10-2020, 06:31 PM
Coffee was good this morning, My son is running sound for a wedding today-tomorrow 3 peeps today 10 or so tomorrow they say, I wish people would put off things like that off so there wouldn't be any problems for service people. They hired him before all this, and he will have to fulfil the contract. Mask gloves and social distancing. Hope that is enough. Man why not do a JP, and have the party later. I guess Sunday will start another 15 day period of temp twice a day, and Emergen-C. immunity booster. Sounds like some fun Kimbo we all need a bit of help passing the time on the bubble. Luck, health and happiness my friends.
04-10-2020, 07:44 PM
Good day everyone.Things are starting to melt here today.Every one have a great Easter and Stay Safe.
04-10-2020, 08:52 PM
store are displaying signs that say no gloves , no mask , no service .......
i went home .. made it :cool:
store are displaying signs that say no gloves , no mask , no service .......
i went home .. made it :cool:
im glad you made it safe home. get your old shirt and wrap around your face next time you go outside. its better than nothing :). hope you doing great. :)
its windy here and have a safe day guys. :)
04-11-2020, 04:25 AM
im glad you made it safe home. get your old shirt and wrap around your face next time you go outside. its better than nothing :). hope you doing great. :)
its windy here and have a safe day guys. :)
thanks my friend ;D
i have gloves and mask .. one with little filter inside it on the mask ... i don't have to go anywhere for awhile
04-11-2020, 09:24 AM
good morning every one … Hope every one is doing as well as can be ? and mayb today we r one day closer to an end of all this mess ...hope every one has a safe and wonderful day ….
04-11-2020, 04:00 PM
Good Morning Talkers, happy easter sunday (end of lent) for those of us who celebrate it. Attending mass has never been easier :) since it was on TV. Thankful for another day and hope everyone is staying positive and healthy.
04-11-2020, 04:07 PM
life has changed forever l miss being around people talking and drinking and just doing things cant pass pipe now and kissing is greatest thing to do in my eyes luv it when grand kids give me kiss and hug and now nothing that sucks big time i miss that but got stay safe i cant even see my mother what is
this world coming too she 87 and afraid she will get bug
04-11-2020, 04:12 PM
"The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same"...!
The quote “the more things change, the more they stay the same” is a reference to situations where there appears to be a meaningful change, but many underlying fundamentals are still the same. It nicely catches peoples thoughts in a diverse array of matters including:
A drug lord is arrested and people think things are improving, then another drug lord takes his place and things stay the same.
A new government promises change but reverts back to the policies of its predecessors once in power..
When a person knows the sun will rise everyday, regardless of what else is happening in their life...
In Other Words : Keep the Faith, but, But, BUTT, Keep Your Distance...!
"We Shall Overcome"...!!!
04-12-2020, 01:34 AM
Ah cest la vie, cest la guerre. The victims have science to thank for this debacle. Some of joe’s buddies. Funny how we are denied the truth by the media that are supposed to inform us. It seems as though the majority of media outlets WANT a bad outcome, and a way to blame our president for it. All is still well in riversbend, praying for a good celebration of our saviors return. All who believe and celebrate salvation know you don’t have to go to be seen at a building to celebrate. I am not a good faithful Christian, my ways are deeply seated in this world, but my faith is unshakable and complete. I feel as if I owe our GOD a debt that is insurmountable because the worth of a child is unmeasurable to the future of a father. Be well and happy my friends. Life is only a breeze soon spent.
04-12-2020, 09:12 AM
Good morning everyone , Happy Easter , keep ur faith , never give up ; I have to run into town Monday for the first time since this all started , so im a bit nervous to say the least, but im still going either way …. t/c all have a blessed day ….
04-12-2020, 12:43 PM
"happy easter"...!
04-12-2020, 03:42 PM
Good morning Talkers, keeping faith and staying home, A local medical supplier distributed mask at $10 a piece so wife got a couple, now is required to got to public places like supermarkets, pharmacies, etc...Luckily she is making some also using the sawing machine, there are a lot of cool videos on youtube on how to make them. Wishing you all of our IPTV Talk family a safe and positive Easter!!
04-12-2020, 04:00 PM
$10 Each... That's Price Gouging... Gov Hot Line to Report that Crook is 1-866-966-7226...! Lol...!!!
04-12-2020, 06:25 PM
yea wife made 100 gave them out for free Happy Easter
04-12-2020, 07:57 PM
yea wife made 100 gave them out for free Happy Easter
She's A "Keeper" Marley...!
04-13-2020, 03:39 AM
We are all ok at riverbend, I had enough masks to give most of the family one from the shop. Painting cars, tractors and such and spraying insecticide and herbicide I always had a few on hand. It seems that we still don't have all of the info on this virus. China has been disinfecting EVERYTHING, even spraying the streets and plants. One of their scientist had been studying the virus in a bat cave just a few miles from a city center in a lab just a few blocks from a wet market. The lab is suspected as the originator of the Human link. It is time the WHO took the action needed to protect the people of the world. Hope you all had a great day of meditation and solace. Be at peace with yourself, and strive to achieve mental satisfaction my friends. I generally fall short, but!!!!! on occasion I get there and the weight melts away. I pray forgiveness for mankind for the death of Jesus and give thanks for my only way to salvation. HAPPY EASTER!
04-13-2020, 07:01 AM
morning all , up early here , fell asleep early , awake having coffee ..Hope every one enjoyed Easter Sunday , Didn't do much here , Going n2 town later .. wishing every one the best , Never give up hope …...
04-13-2020, 02:55 PM
"April Showers Bring May Flowers", so far this Month only about 2 hours of Sprinkles and not the Dunkin Kind...!
We have been going on about the China Flu for about a month or more now and We here seem to bee doing Pretty Well, can Only Hope All will bee Well...! Have A Great?!? Day and "Keep Your Distance"...!!!
04-13-2020, 06:54 PM
its been raining in calf forever hope its now over
04-13-2020, 07:01 PM
Good morning Talkers, so finally started on "ozarks" tv show....that should hold me over for a couple of weeks!!Wife is baking today some Carrott cake and homemade bread...yes both are smelling up the house. Stay safe and be positive my friends!!
04-14-2020, 10:34 AM
morning every one , Brand new day ! Hope every one has a good one !!
04-14-2020, 11:32 AM
Just a "Head's Up"... Gonna Get Hotter...! Along with a "Face Mask" don't forget the "Sun Mask"...!
04-14-2020, 12:18 PM
Good morning everyone, crazy how much food is being thrown out, the dumping of milk, vegetables, and fruits while food banks are being slammed is truly sad. Drinking some hot coffee and toast! have a safe and positive day!!
04-15-2020, 02:46 AM
All ok in riversbend. Gonna be a long week. To much to do. Have to move some stuff and stay away from everyone at the same time. Be safe all and stay well.
04-15-2020, 12:41 PM
Good morning all Talkers a bit warmer here would be OK with me 4c high and white dusting on the grass is not for everyone.
Take care whatever you are up to.
04-16-2020, 04:04 PM
was 85 here yesterday little one went swimming in pool water is 70 degrees too dang cold for me but they loved it everything is green from all rain we had
04-16-2020, 05:42 PM
Morning Talkers, is a rainy day and the cool breeze is welcome!!have a safe and positive day!!
04-16-2020, 08:04 PM
Bee Careful Friends as everywhere I go, there are still plenty Not Obeying the Safe Distance Regulations...!
04-17-2020, 03:17 AM
Yeah the strong and well don't worry about us old timers. Worked out and about in some places where not too many have the bug, tried to keep safe, but it is hard to maintain space, keep a mask on all of the time, and sanitize everything when you handle a thousand things in a day. Just start another 15 days I guess of temp twice a day, and staying in the house or yard work. Seems the next trial of Trump has begun. Hold on to your property and lives Friends. NWO wants them.
04-17-2020, 05:00 PM
Good morning everyone, got more meat and chicken since there is a possibility of meat shortages due to manufacturing plants closing, loving all the conspiracy theories unfortunately i'm out of tin foil to make a hat. It's sad how much crap is out there like 5G..LOL and people believe it :). Stay positive, safe and well informed my friends!!
04-18-2020, 04:34 AM
Yeah Kimbo funny how things disappear from news sites and you tube after some people get caught, and some people get edited, sound bytes and run everywhere forever though isn't it. I record a lot of things, direct from our Rulers, funny how the mainstream loses stuff, and forgets what some said just a few days ago. I can open one of the terabits and watch what was really said and see the mainstream try to bury it. Live well, my friends have a peaceful and satisfied mind. Hard to do sometimes but one key to a long life is low stress, and satisfaction. Stay well.
04-18-2020, 11:01 AM
Good morning everyone ,yes lots of crap being said but trying to ignore most of it ,going to go forget about it all this morning with a little ski-doo ride and few hours of ice fishing ,stay safe and have a great day.
04-18-2020, 11:40 AM
Getting geared up to go make another Quick Run to Wally world to see what 4me can see... Want to get some Eggs and those Prices are climbing again...! Stay Safe, Try to have a Good Day and Take Care of Your Loved Ones... "Peace Out"...!
04-18-2020, 02:38 PM
Good morning, so the weather lady said thunderstorms but somehow is sunny and extremely hot!!Stay safe and positive!!
04-18-2020, 03:46 PM
Good morning Iptvtalkers! Up early with Biscuits and Sausage Gravy. The less I hear form the US news media the better. It should be criminal to lie and call yourself a NEWs organization. We need to take a page from Aussies on that. 4me We just shop online at Walton World. My wife worked there 35 yrs and got a notice one day that her job was obsolete and was being phased out in a year. Buyout or another job. She took the money and ran hard, hasn’t been back in that same WM since, haha. Hope you find everything you need my friend. They just bring our stuff to the car and we hit the road with no direct interaction. Happy day talkers and warm sunny weather for a good tan.
04-18-2020, 04:29 PM
Good to Know Ice...! Seems everyday the Media Changes It's Stories...!
As for Wm, they never cease to amaze 4me...!!! Eggs have doubled in price since Christmas there... I Have to Look and Feal the Fruits and Veggies and as far as Canned Goods, Mixes and Condiments, One has to Check the Expiry Dates, not just to see when they Expire but, But, BUTT will One have time to use them beefor they do Expire...
On a Side Note, when I was putting the Two- One Dozen Pkgs of Eggs into Me cart a little 5'4", almost 3' across came pushing thru the gathering behind Me saying "Excuse Me, Excuse Me"... trying to get a Dozen before they were all gone(about 50 dz on the shelf)...! Sheeple always in a Hurry to get Nowhere...! I'm at the Cat Food Aisle all by Meself when another shorty comes up behind Me and stops to gander at the Swifter Cleaning Pkgs that are across the aisle...! Doesn't say "Excuse Me" or anything... Just Stops, I move away and wait, about 3 minutes goes by, then She leaves... I say "Thanks for the 6' Space...!" Employees still don't speak English...! Yes, I Know Florida is a "Right-to-work State" but, I had to Retire Early because I am not Bi-lingual and they don't or won't speak English...! Just Burns 4me to a Crisp...!
Stay Safe Out There People and Remember This : No One out there is Looking Out for You, You have to "Watch Out" for them...!
04-18-2020, 04:49 PM
buy time this is over there wont be any to get a social security check like that movie there are no old folks and we did this or should sat china did but all test with things like that this is www3 in handbag and virus will change or new one in 4 yrs no stopping it will be here forever like common cold thanks for making something we didnt need then you have aholes like this what the heck was he thinking
04-18-2020, 07:14 PM
he Just didn't Care... Knew exactly what he was doing, wanting to make Casper a Not So Friendly Ghost Town...!!!
04-19-2020, 03:22 PM
Good morning Talkers, a quiet Sunday! I do miss taking the Dogs to the doggie park and watching them run, that being said bacon and eggs for a Sunday Brunch always gets morale up in our household!!Have a safe one my friends!!
04-20-2020, 02:09 PM
Good morning everyone, new meds :( today hating it. Reached that age when your meds are taken from a daily/weekly pill organizer! A hot hot day today in my neck of the woods!!Have a safe and positive day my friends!!
04-20-2020, 03:00 PM
Lol, 4Me's are called "Centrum Adults" and a side order of "Aspirin"...!
04-21-2020, 01:02 AM
Good evening, haha!! Always wanted to use that from Fantastic features on channel 13 in Memphis “Sivad” was the host dressed in the vampire costume. He was actually the owner of Happy Hal toys remember all of those toy racks you used to see in service stations and grocery stores, most of them were Happy Hal’s. Riversbend cases are 4 now. Peeps just can’t take a few days to let us clean out this thing. I go to get gas, use the app and a glove never go in or touch anything bare handed, and I see a woman with four kids go in and touch everything in the shop. Be careful my friends. Fools will get you killed in a war every time. Clean air, and hot water will save the day yet.
04-21-2020, 04:00 PM
Good morning, ways to stay positive:
Listen to music
video/calling friends and family
reading books
Playing video games
Learn new recipes
Watch youtube videos (lots of content that even helps you cook a recipe)
Play with your pets (they need the attention since they can sense stress)
Create albums in your phone for picture so that you stop excessive scrolling to find a picture
Play a board/card game
Play IPTV Talk contest and win
Learn a new word from the dictionary by 4me2c posts
Get a telescope and reading Ilan post on space with beautiful pictures
Make plans for what to do next time this happens so you are a little better prepared
Fishing on a empty lake or pond
Call mom if possible :(
Watch a black and white movie
Those are a few ways to stay positive feel free to share more ways to be a more positive person in a world were having a good human being can make your life journey so much better !!Stay safe and positive
04-21-2020, 04:44 PM
Great ideas Kimbo, we ALL need something positive right now. The Internet Archive video section has a lot of videos Silent movies, Westerns, even Coronet school videos from the 40s and 50s. All kinds of things that are funny, informative or just time consuming. Keep safe my friends, may we all see the day that this will be over and we can once again “Sing in the sunshine, laugh every daaay”
04-21-2020, 05:09 PM
Is this natures revenge for the way humans have used theEarths resources with little remorse, perhaps the Triffids will have their turn
and scare the living daylights out of peoplenot me though as expect to be made into fertisizzer shortly.
Besides reading The day of the Triffids and watching the 75 year aniversary edition. of Casablanca
04-22-2020, 10:29 AM
Going out for Early Bird Shopping at Me Local Winn Dixie...! 7-8 AM is Designated for US Old Folks...! Hope All Stay Safe and "Keep Your Distance"...!!!
Funny how They Want Old Folks on the Road, in Early Mornings, when People are on Their Way to Work...!
What Were They "Thinking"...?!? :cool:
Happy Hump Day on this an "Earth Day"...!
04-22-2020, 04:40 PM
Good morning Everyone
04-22-2020, 08:43 PM
94 Degrees in the Shade...!
04-22-2020, 09:38 PM
Bee Careful Out There... Winn Dixie had a New Flyer(Ad) which became in effect this AM... Saw a Couple of Items on Sale which I enjoy so I decided to go and get them... Looked all thru the Ad and No Hours of Operation were shown... So, I get Online to see "Hours of Operation"... they used to Open at 7 AM and I wanted to bee sure... On their Site it showed 7 AM Opening so I get Up, get Ready and Go...! Got there around 7:30 AM and Store was Closed with a Sign on the Door showing Opens at 8 AM... Luckily there were only a few People there wearing Masks so I got in line (6th) and Waited...!!! Needless to say, I "Thanked" them for Updating Site and Flyers to reflect the Time Change...!
04-22-2020, 10:36 PM
..."Just left Walmart where a lady asked me what kind of dog i had. I said a GSD service dog. Very rudely she yells what type of service? I said he is a BLD. What's a BLD? She asked as she has her face in my dog's face allowing him to lick her......Now with a straight face I said "He is my butt licking dog. I can't find any toilet paper anywhere because of all you hoarding ass people, so he licks my ass clean...... The cashier lost it and walked away from the register.!..."
04-23-2020, 01:18 AM
Funny one 4me, some people just are rectal retentive all the time, I was at a stop sign, a young couple were at the other side and were going to turn left, I waved them on, and they pulled up a little and then stopped and waited for me to go after I gave them the right of way, since I had no idea what they were going to do I waited since I had given them the right of way and they moved. They finally followed through and completed their move and the passenger was cursing me all the way as if I had kept him from making his move. Some people don't need a drivers license. I had just returned from my CDL physical for the 40th year. I am dropping the CDL next year probably, Driving a truck in this country has become worse than driving the Burma Road in a mule cart. It was a good day in Riverbend country about 60 to 75 all day and mostly sunny morning and somewhat overcast to mild drizzle in the evening. Got some Panda Express Veggie spring rolls and hot sauce a little fruit Tea, and AHHHH. Be safe and well friends Looking for you tomorrow Kimbo and 4me good to hear from you DUK and Marley. I wish everyone would take time to come Here and post a word daily.
04-23-2020, 01:41 PM
Marley may have hit on something without realizing it... Was watching the AM News here and the scrolling banner at the bottom was giving updates on Testing Locations... One Location displayed showed Testing of 18+, WITH Symptoms, is available without Appointment and that 65+, WITHOUT Symptoms, are encouraged to show for testing...
NOW, Why would They want 65+ W/O Symptoms to wait with 18+ WITH Symptoms...?!?
As far as Your CDL Icer, if You were to Keep it Updated and Not use it would Still COST $$$... Me license allows Me to drive up to 26,000 Lbs and any RV and good for another 6 Years... at that time will bee looking for a 3 wheel cycle with side-car... LMAO...!
Stay Safe Everyone and "Keep Your Distance"... Please...?!?
04-23-2020, 02:02 PM
Good morning Talkers, this happened at my local supermarket a couple of days back while i was line to pay. Elderly lady at checkout after the cashier told her the amount owed she asked to have the rice bag, canned goods and some vegetables returned because she was short, as the cashier removed the items the lady behind her told the cashier that she would pay for it. It was really touching including the part were the lady who paid for the groceries if you go by the way she was clothed looked like she had limited funds herself. I remember has a kid my dad telling me "you don't truly appreciate what you have unless you grew up with nothing". Stay safe and humble my friends!
04-23-2020, 02:46 PM
Yeah, Check the Parking Lot, where I get into there are BMW's, Mercedes, Caddies, Linc's, Fancy Sports Cars and Dbbl Cab Trucks... At least I have Me Bicycle parking Spot that no one has tried to block...!
crazed 9.6
04-23-2020, 10:26 PM
For Olive Veronesi, a 93-year-old resident of Seminole, Pennsylvania, there is one thing that makes lockdown a whole lot easier: beer.
Veronesi has been doing the responsible thing during the COVID-19 pandemic, by self-isolating in her home and not going outside unless it's absolutely necessary. This led to her running dangerously low on Coors Light, her brand of choice, so she fashioned a sign last week informing her neighbors of the dire situation: pg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=2d5d41&_nc_ohc=62jZwTPkT9oAX_nBnVY&_nc_ht=scontent.fyxd1-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=62f038b879b40763f99f2a575368dccf&oe=5EC64C42
Her public plea for more beer soon went viral, and led to a surprise delivery on Monday; 150 cans of Coors Light, along with some pretty rad Coors Light merch which she proudly modeled. Delighted by the gift, Veronesi quickly made a new sign updating the world: "Got more beer!"
04-23-2020, 11:28 PM
'Got more beer!': 93-year-old Pennsylvania woman receives coronavirus quarantine gift from Molson Coors...! :cool:
The first thing 93-year-old Olive Veronesi did after receiving a special delivery of 150 cans of Coors Light Monday was to crack open a cold one. Now, the coronavirus should run out of gas long before Olive runs out of beer this time around. (Photo via Coors Light)
04-24-2020, 12:46 PM
Good morning Talkers, Listening to music has i sip some steaming hot coffee and ponder my itinerary for today. Learning about how people around the world drink coffee. Did you know in Colombia they put cheese on the coffee? in some cultures they add salt to their coffee, has for me i like it with extra cream and 2 small tablespoons of sugar and if i'm feeling frisky i might drissle some cinnamon powder on the coffee or whip cream....yep i'm gansta like that..LOL. How do you like your coffee? Have a safe one my friends!!
04-24-2020, 01:02 PM
We have always Sprinkled some Salt in with the Coffee before Percolating...
Haven't used salt with Instant tho...!
Like Mine Like I Like Me Women...!
04-24-2020, 03:40 PM
we have always sprinkled some salt in with the coffee before percolating...
Haven't used salt with instant tho...!
Like mine like i like me women...!
crazed 9.6
04-24-2020, 04:27 PM
if yous have not yet watched the news last night or today, then don't watch it.
It will be such a shock, some may have a heart attack upon hearing the latest from Mr Trumph :(
You will never believe what Mr Trumph said yesterday. It is so bad that I am not even gonna repeat it.
I will say this... Doctors are horrified !
Including US Surgeon General.
And the Lysol company (which makes disinfectants) has made a statement this morning reminding people of what it says on their product labels.
It goes something like this --> Ingestion or injection or any other route into the human body of a disinfectant can and most certainly will kill you.
OMG ... I know we are not to be talking politics here on our site, but this is... ummmm just wow !
04-24-2020, 07:12 PM
OPEN at Your OWN RISK...!!!
04-24-2020, 08:35 PM
i miss it did dam man say drink chit i hope god not some were drinking that fish chit and killed a few oh i got it this is what he said after "I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside," the president continued. "But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters."
04-24-2020, 09:19 PM
i miss it did dam man say drink chit i hope god not some were drinking that fish chit and killed a few oh i got it this is what he said after "I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside," the president continued. "But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters." :cool::rolleyes::cool:
04-25-2020, 12:44 AM
Termites are Swarming, Hide the TP...!!!
04-25-2020, 06:00 PM
Spitting and Sputtering around and Out an About...!!!
Stay Safe All and May GOD Bless...!!!
04-26-2020, 04:33 AM
Great story Kimbo, those of us who think we’re well off can be on the street tomorrow. If one looks down upon any of his fellow men he is less than the ones he sees as beneath him. I lived in so many cities working around that seeing the poverty and despair that government programs create made me sad. I feel that if you see a wino begging for a dollar for a bottle, buy him a sandwich, a soft drink watch him eat, talk to him and then buy him a bottle and tell him to get out of sight so he won’t go to jail. Riversbend is rainy but clearing biscuit and sausage gravy were good with the coffee. 4me, you and Marley have the basis of the NWO socialist agenda nailed. Full sails and tailwinds my friends.
04-26-2020, 12:08 PM
Sunday, Supposed to bee a "Day of Rest" but, Me as to go get Moo Juice Again...! Dr. Pepper also and Maybe, Just Maybee a 6-pack, Nah, don't need that...! Really getting to where 4me doesn't even want to go anywhere as Everywhere 4me goes there are People encroaching on Me Personal Space... Some just don't see the Writing on the Floor while they bee looking down at their Phones...! They Go tru a Store like They Drive on the Streets...! They pull out of a side street and onto the Main Road w/o stopping to see if the way is clear, They Cut You Off to get in front of You and so many are Busy on those Phones and Pads that They can't bee Bothered by Doing what is Right...!!!
Take Care Everyone, Try to Stay Safe and PuhLease, "Keep Your Distance" as You May have Someone waiting at Home for You to get back...!
Remember to "Watch Out" for Others as others are only watching out for Themselves...!!! :cool:
04-26-2020, 03:00 PM
4me, wear a good mask and wash your hands well. Handle the mask carefully and rotate the mask every 4-5 days if possible before reuse. I am amazed also by the lack of "social distancing" but many people are still moving out of habit.
04-26-2020, 03:45 PM
4me's Arsenal :
Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer(Kills 99% of Germs)...
Assured Antibacterial Wet Wipes...
Medline Alcohol Prep Pads...
Disposable Respirator(3 Layers)...
Medline Ready Flush(Flushable Personal Cleaning Cloths) I don't Flush them just trash them...
Medline ReadyBath Fresh Bathing Cloth...
FitRight Aloe Personal Cleansing Cloths... all of those Cleansing/Cleaning Cloths are pH Balanced and HypoAllergenic...!
Isopropyl Alcohol 50-70% in a Spray Bottle for Dis-Infecting the Masks for even More Usage Time...
Just Biding Me Time...Lol...
04-26-2020, 06:50 PM
Good morning Everyone, hope you are all holding up well!!!Have a safe and positive day!!
04-28-2020, 11:51 AM
Sky Is Wide Open, Get Out and Enjoy It...!
Stay Safe but, But, BUTT,
"Keep Your Distance"...!
04-28-2020, 02:47 PM
Good morning everyone, finished watching the Ozarks, and stopped watching Homeland tv series because the story is pretty much the same season after season and this season is just terrible. But got some outstanding news that HBO will be starting a new "Hellraiser" tv series, for those that are not horror movie buffs the first two "hellraiser" movies are cult classics the ones after are terrible.
Have a safe and positive day!!
04-29-2020, 12:36 AM
still have poster for two with pin head
04-29-2020, 03:59 AM
Went out to a drive through fish restaurant they had a full drive through. The girl took the money no gloves. Handed out the bag no gloves. Didn’t get the drink went back she handed it to the person in the drive through to hand to me. I keep two boxes of gloves hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes in the front seat. After all was wiped down and the drink was repackaged, we ate with utensils we keep in the car. No returning to the fish place. Some place apparently don’t give their people any training on procedures at all. I am getting to the point of requiring a certificate from each employee on sanitary etiquette. Stupidity has no place in quarantine and explosives, they have the same effect. Make them serve you hot food, make sure it is covered, Make sure they handle it properly. I for one am not accepting any more stuff I have to treat before I eat. I am taking my own condiments and straws too from now on. If it’s not hot I don’t want it from a restaurant. Be well my friends 4me my friend you are bullseye on the looking out it is every man watching out for everyone trying to kill him off.
04-29-2020, 02:33 PM
Just got back from the Loco Winn Dixie... Heard People on their phones, something about Stim Checks being Delivered and Deposited so seems Things Are Looking Up...! Only about 15 People in that Great Big Store...! Watch the Floors Where-ever You Shop as Milk was spilt and Employees just walked on by...! Told the Mgr where it was located and He took care of it...!!!
Stay Safe Me friends and "Keep Your Distance"...!!!
04-29-2020, 07:27 PM
still have poster for two with pin head
Good morning,, really happy to see this series comeback and hoping for a well deserved script hopefully!!Have a safe and positive day!!!
04-30-2020, 05:21 AM
Keep vigilant, nice day on riversbend but wiiiiinnnnddddyyy went to Wallace world and got a pickup of most weekly needs. I like it just pull up get loaded, unload and wipe down in the garage at home. Went to a Dollar General in a small community and there were only four people to come in in the twenty minutes I spent there. They have the best disinfectant wipes I have ever seen. I use them to wipe down the hoses from the rv and they even takeout the color if you leave it on too long. Have some fun, go fishing, ride a wave, watch some birds, just get out in the fresh air away from humanity and breathe easy for a while my friends, enjoy GODS work the short time we are here.
04-30-2020, 09:23 AM
Keep vigilant, nice day on riversbend but wiiiiinnnnddddyyy went to Wallace world and got a pickup of most weekly needs. I like it just pull up get loaded, unload and wipe down in the garage at home. Went to a Dollar General in a small community and there were only four people to come in in the twenty minutes I spent there. They have the best disinfectant wipes I have ever seen. I use them to wipe down the hoses from the rv and they even takeout the color if you leave it on too long. Have some fun, go fishing, ride a wave, watch some birds, just get out in the fresh air away from humanity and breathe easy for a while my friends, enjoy GODS work the short time we are here.
Some Dang Good Advice there icer...! 4me IS Out Everyday, Weeding and Re-Planting and sometimes just Keeping Kitty Company...!
Stay Safe Me Friends and Remember to Watch Out as Others Don't...! and "Keep Your Distance"...!
04-30-2020, 10:40 AM
Yeah just started me cup, ready to get some air and unwind the spring a little. Ha! Gonna stay close to the farm and get ready for some planting.
04-30-2020, 04:33 PM
Good morning everyone, lots of clouds but no rain. Have a safe and positive day!!
04-30-2020, 04:37 PM
On the 20th of last Month 4me went to ALDI and bought 2 Black Grape Plants, 2 Black Raspberry(BlackCaps, We called Them on the Farm) Plants and 2 Blueberry Plants... The 2 Grape Plants are over 4' Now and Ready to bee Trained...! The Black Raspberry are about 2' Tall and getting Bushy... The Blueberries are struggling and me Thinks I will bee Replanting Them into bigger pots...
Got Tomato Plants at the 5' Tall Mark with clumps of Cherry Tomatos on one, waiting for the Beefsteak to follow suit... Peppers will bee Right Behind Them and to keep bugs away got Marigolds growing getting ready to blossom, bugs and aphids don't like Their Fragrance so they stay away...
Had One Fresh Strawberry this Am and noticed a few more hiding, soon to bee eaten...!
Planted Glads and Iris's for the Gals, no Blooms yet but They are thriving, the Heat has been Ruff on Them but soon They will bounce back and Flower...!
Stay Safe Me Friends and Please "Keep Your Distance" and as for those Loved Ones that are not on hand, "Hold Them in Your Heart Til You can Hold Them in Your Arms...!!! :cool:
05-01-2020, 04:03 AM
Great council and great gardening 4me. It is good to hear about the plants. I have squash three types of tomato, peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Blackberries and some other odds and ends. I sure would like to be able to have some grapes. Be careful my friends a lot of pitfalls out there. Some traps and illness too are hiding and come from the shadows.
05-01-2020, 05:29 PM
Good morning Talkers, spend all day yesterday thinking about Greek I will try a Baklava recipe!!Stay safe and positive my friends!!!
05-01-2020, 09:13 PM
Bee Careful Kimbo, 4me has heard that Going Greek can make Your eyes Cross and vice-versa...!
Stay Safe Me Friends and Please "Keep Your Distance" and as for those Loved Ones that are not on hand, "Hold Them in Your Heart Til You can Hold Them in Your Arms...!!! :cool:
05-02-2020, 02:33 AM
Always 4me, good friends are like 10 carat diamonds, good family is even more rare sometimes. I have been blessed with both being better to me when I am sometimes not worthy. It was a good day in riversbend did some garage cleaning and had a good day. Two of my sons friends that could lift a truck came and made moving the furniture stored out there look like carrying out a bag of cotton balls. Keep well my friends, Kimbo I like Greek meals as long as it is the right type of meat. With sweets though you can build from basics to some real good pies let us know what you build. My grandsons wife builds a great apple base with some different nuts and a super flaky crust. The two of them need to open a restaurant but he said he didn’t want to make cooking work.
05-02-2020, 11:01 AM
Good morning Talkers, Beautiful cool day forecasted! Sending everyone a virtual hot cup of coffee!!Have a safe and positive day friends!!
05-03-2020, 11:56 AM
Looks to bee a :cool: Day in Whoville...! Enjoy the :cool:ness...!
Stay Safe Me Friends and Please..."Keep Your Distance"...! Don't bee Like Sheep Now that Restrictions May Start being Lifted... Wear that Mask just don't bee the Bad Guy...!!!
05-03-2020, 02:26 PM
Good morning Talkers, laundry day and cleaning day. Was able to get some pork ribs so it's bbq time time to defrost and marinate this morning!!Have a safe and positive Sunday!!
05-04-2020, 02:35 PM
yea got 10lbs of them for 119 so put few away for latter but still luv the baby back
05-04-2020, 03:26 PM
luv me some ribs , we cook out side a lot out here it beats heating up the house n the summer and in times like these u can get out side ur home and get some fresh air …
05-05-2020, 10:14 AM
Gm every one. Hope every one has a great day , Be productive , Stay safe ….
05-05-2020, 01:38 PM
Good morning Gotcha & Talkers, read a beautiful article on how people in Ireland are donating money to various Native American communities in their gofundme page!It's all about helping people and being an example to your family and community!That being said a lot of restrictions are going away, just hope people are smart with the liberties we are blessed with. A Store Security person in Michigan was shot for doing his job and asking a patron to put a mask on if he wanted to be in the store, sadly he passed away!Stay Safe my friends bc these are trying times!!
05-05-2020, 01:59 PM
Just a "Tip"... bee Careful of those "Go Fundme" Start Ups...! Most People have a Sweat Spot in Their Heart and there are many Stinking Thief's out an about just willing to collect from Their "Kindness"...!
Stay Safe Me Friends and Please..."Keep Your Distance"...! Don't bee Like Sheep Now that Restrictions May Start being Lifted... Wear that Mask just don't bee the Bad Guy...!!!
Seems One of Us has not been seen since the 1st of May... 12icer, Hope All is Well with You and Your Family...!!!
05-06-2020, 02:41 PM
Good morning, coffee and toast!!Counting blessing but also noticing i'm gaining a little weight, understandable when you are constantly checking the fridge for new items to eat LOL!!Hope 12icer is okay and hoping everyone has a safe and positive Wednesday!!
05-06-2020, 04:44 PM
Good morning Kimbo 4me ll tlkers including 12icer hope all are well.
nice day here 14c and sunny tops pity that is the high for the next week will be ok for cool weather crops.
05-07-2020, 01:17 AM
Yeah we are all still doing well. A little bit of sinus from the dust of garage cleaning. More things than corona need a mask I guess. Been cool at night and hot n humid days. Mornin coffee tastes really good when there’s a nip in the air and your feet are cold on the floor. All keep safe, So many peeps are being WRECKLESS and reckless, combined you got to cover yo ass. Good breezes and clean air my friends.
05-07-2020, 01:25 AM
Just bee Careful that the Nip in the Air doesn't turn into a Kamikaze...!!!
05-07-2020, 02:06 PM
Just bee Careful that the Nip in the Air doesn't turn into a Kamikaze...!!!
05-08-2020, 09:07 PM
Yeah, pop was on Burma rd. Heard the old song about muleskinners? Speaking of Burma, We know all about quinine, he had malaria and relapsing fever. If I catch this bug, I will take the Quinine. Hope we all skip the need for it though. Good breakfast coffee, steak and eggs with pepper jack.
05-08-2020, 09:55 PM
Back in the Base PX We had one shelf dedicated to Canada Dry Products of which there was Tonic Water with Quinine...! A Few Old-Timers used to Stock up on it for Their Battles with Malaria...! There are stories going around saying it MIGHT bee used to Help Against the C-19 :
Bee Aware and Bee Safe... "Keep Your Distance"...! It Will Get Worse...!!!
05-08-2020, 10:25 PM
Here's something else for those with Allergy Related Symptoms :
Bee Aware and Bee Safe... "Keep Your Distance"...! It Will Get Worse...!!!
05-09-2020, 04:17 AM
Looks like the last few months before the election what we watch with our morning coffee will be undeniable proof of conspiracy to commit sedition and the people who committed the crimes laughing and walking away. We should all refuse to be tried for anything if they aren’t prosecuted. It would sure be nice to watch Morning Stretch,, wow what legs!! and have a dull slow news cycle with no lying shit scum trying to destroy our lives and become a monarchal ruling class. Haha be calm my friends we shall overcome all enemies of our freedoms foreign or domestic. For now the second amendment guarantees it.
05-10-2020, 10:42 AM
Good morning Talkers, quiet Sunday!!Have a safe and positive day!!
05-10-2020, 12:36 PM
gm every one , hope every one is n good spirits , stayed up for ufc 249 , well worth it … now I have ; honey do list to finish lol hope every one have a great day !!!
05-10-2020, 01:25 PM
Ahhhh, Cool-down and Wet-down all at the Same Time, Ohhhhhhh What A Rush...!!!
Have A Good One All and All Stay Safe, "Keep Your Distance" as Others Can't, Don't AND Won't...!!!
At a Winn Dixie Yesturday, at the Cashier, I just "Felt", just Wrong, Quick Look behind and there was this Really Cute Girl(20ish) right at Me Heels...!!! I Looked at Her and She Smiled, I asked Her, "You Must bee Special", Her Smile got bigger, Eyes widened and She said "I am, Why"... I pointed Down at the Big RED Circles with the words, Please Stay 6 Feet Away...!!! Special and Dumb as a Bunch of Rocks as She Stuttered back and pointed at the ones in line behind Her... "They Came Up Behind Me and I can't get back there...!!! Ring in Her Nose and wearing almost Skin Tight, Light Gray, Cloth that showed, what is known as, Camel Toe, If only I was Younger...!!! :D
05-12-2020, 04:05 PM
Been 2 Days and No More Replies, Hope All Are OK and just too Busy to Check-in...!
05-12-2020, 10:57 PM
get ready they say about 15% has virus when we hit about 65 to 70% all will be well yea right they say that coming
05-12-2020, 11:21 PM
All cool in riversbend 4me, Just had a lot of stuff going on. I had an appointment for a butthole exam, OLD HEMMIE decided to bleed, but they said I didn't need the scope because I had it a few years ago, and The hemmies were there and all the rest was spick an span. did some blood work and said man your blood pressure is high today. Anxiety will make you HIGH as a kite. I checked it when I got home, and it is still a little high though so I am moving up to 1 pill a day that my doc prescribed, been taking 1/2 forever and been running under 135 but it is creepin up. only medicine I take so i'm not griping. Been really nice here the days a little warm, nites cool and fresh. Mornin coffee was great at 9:30 haha. My son bought a rail dragster called a side by side. Can-am maverick X-RC. I could choke him. 195 hp 1800# the thing pulls the front wheels and smokes the tires on pavement. 4me most young girls these days are not worth the drama and diseases they bring with them. After all they are socialists. HAHA. Luck health, and kids that try to live longer than you my friends, that is peace of mind.
05-13-2020, 12:33 AM
Isn't it a little late for "Morning Coffee"?
05-13-2020, 01:32 AM
Isn't it a little late for "Morning Coffee"?
It's Always after 5:00 PM Somewhere...!!!
05-13-2020, 11:10 AM
get ready they say about 15% has virus when we hit about 65 to 70% all will be well yea right they say that coming
i am 30 mins away from u ...... my license plate is government exempt ..... we can go anywhere do anything ... local police can do nothing either ...... you should take my invite .......... now i just made it public ;D
05-13-2020, 11:20 AM
delete message once read over n out .......... u want facts i'll hand them to you on your lap ....... like i said before its not what it really is " meaning " you'll have to step in the government issued vehicle to find out ...
05-13-2020, 06:39 PM
@ the person who wrote that message ........ does it look like i care ? no it doesn't ..........
05-13-2020, 07:36 PM
Lots of Wind down here Today with Rain on the Way and Maybee even some Action out in the Atlantic as June is Around the Corner with a Big Blow Coming...!!!
05-13-2020, 07:48 PM
Lots of Wind down here Today with Rain on the Way and Maybee even some Action out in the Atlantic as June is Around the Corner with a Big Blow Coming...!!!
Watch out for aerosolized COVID-19!!!!!!!! Them there wind currents......................:D
05-13-2020, 08:20 PM
Giant Sized Cans with Gusts up to 30mph...!!! Where will they bee Hidden...?!?
05-14-2020, 08:56 AM
love me some Andy Griffith show in the morning with coffee ; Morning every one …. danged ole Barney Fife sure is a funny feller , hope every one has a good day ….
05-14-2020, 02:27 PM
good morning everyone Rain day here
05-14-2020, 02:32 PM
Spitting and Sputtering around these here Parts...! Bee Careful, Stay Safe and...
"Keep Your Distance"...!!!
05-16-2020, 03:47 PM
its 75 to 80 here for two weeks they say i like that
05-16-2020, 04:34 PM
Possible Tropical Forming near here...!!!
Glad to see U Feeling better Marley...!
Stay Safe, Take Care and Keep Your Distance esp Now that Places will bee Opening Up Soon...!!!
05-17-2020, 12:53 PM
Rain like a mofo on the way......
05-17-2020, 03:34 PM
Sunny for a little but rain all around, good for the plants, "dagnabbed" (haha) wintergrass jumps up a foot with a sprinkle. Coffee was good this morning, didn't sleep too good worked too much and was too tired to sleep good then slept long and woke up stiff in all the wrong places. Have a good day, try to keep safe. Saw a story that some sailors that had recovered had been REINFECTED, that doesn't sound like good news for a cure or vaccine. Hope they just got a cold instead of C19. Watch peeps my friends they can be loaded and deadly.
05-20-2020, 12:45 PM
Happy Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp Day Y'all...!
Take Care, Stay Safe and Keep Your Distance...!!!
Lol, 4 an Update on the Covid-19, see : :cool: "Truth"
05-21-2020, 01:31 PM
Good morning all into the 2nd day of mid 20s here with no frost forcast time for outside plants if I can handle any activity, stay well you know the best ways.
05-24-2020, 12:42 AM
Hello all hope all talkers are well. The idiots around riversbend have boosted our cases to 23 after we stayed below 10 for over a month it took only two weeks to go to 14 and three days to go over 20. Shows how irresponsible peeps can make a clean area into a hot zone. Just like an idiot on a battlefield lights a cigarette at night and spots a whole group for enemy artillery. Keep safe my friends, live long and be happy.
05-24-2020, 01:47 PM
Lots of Rain so it bee Wet out there, bee sure to wear Ur Rubbers(Galoshes)...!!!
05-24-2020, 10:50 PM
Nice day in riversbend. Sunny warm dry with a little breeze. Worked too much and worn down though can’t really enjoy it. I guess retirement means do more than you did when you were working. Haha. Be safe and wise my friends. I am going to take a break.
05-25-2020, 01:31 PM
For All of Those that Have Memories, I Hope You All Have a Blessed and Safe Memorial Day...!
06-01-2020, 02:18 PM
good morning all have a great monday
06-02-2020, 06:20 AM
long day goin to the bed. tomorrow will be a new day if the lord wills I will see it. Keep safe in these crazy times my friends harassment intimidation destruction and assault are the ways of the leftist communist, they defeat their entire narrative by doing as the NWO monarchist rally them to do. The loss of our REAL history has proved our undoing. Blue skies my friends, we shall be only what we fight and strive to become.
06-02-2020, 01:41 PM
Yesterday was the 1st Day of Hurricane Season so You All Know what that Means, Maybee the Covid-19 will get sent back to China...! One can only Hope...!!!
Be Safe, Stay Safe, Watch Out for Others and "Keep Your Distance"...!!!
06-03-2020, 12:04 PM
(Morning has broken like the first morning Blackbird has spoken like the first bird Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for them springing fresh from the world. Sweet the rains new fall, sunlit from Heaven Like the first dewfall on the first grass Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where His feet pass.) Too bad the people bent on destroying the USA aren't seeing the true result of their actions. As the final conflict begins so shall mankinds demise start like dominoes running ever faster to the last one. The greed of the leftist power hungry NWO socialist WILL bring about worldwide street to street house to house conflict. All the while riversbend is as always just watching and shaking heads sun is slowly rising on the dew covered grass and the cardinals in the back yard are chasing the worms and crickets still moving around. Hope all of you Talkers are in safe places this morning and away from the madness of the assault. may GOD bless and keep you and yours.
06-03-2020, 03:52 PM
Hello all hope all talkers are well. The idiots around riversbend have boosted our cases to 23 after we stayed below 10 for over a month it took only two weeks to go to 14 and three days to go over 20. Shows how irresponsible peeps can make a clean area into a hot zone. Just like an idiot on a battlefield lights a cigarette at night and spots a whole group for enemy artillery. Keep safe my friends, live long and be happy.
Florida's Numbers have Increased by 617 since the Weekend... Those Sheeple bee so Smart...!!! Take Care Everyone, Stay Safe and Keep Your Distance...!!!
06-03-2020, 04:36 PM
Just did a yearly Physical at the docs, he is a really good doctor, and atheist, liberal Democrat. He is also an Irish Immigrant, He told me that this virus has not even got started yet. The calm before the storm, according to what he says the lung problem is just the tip of the iceberg, as they learn more it seems any of the organs can be affected. If peeps don't do the social distancing, testing and quarantine this country is looking for a second wave when it gets cooler that will make the first look like a walk in the park. Doc is pretty straight up when it comes to medicine, politically, I listen, he talks, I say HMMMMM. Like you say 4ME keep yourself safe, all we can do is ride till the getting off point and hope we catch the right train.
06-04-2020, 09:36 PM
Lots of Storms for Yesterday, Today and Two-Three-Four-morrows, Rain, no Bows, just Blows and Blows...!!!
Take Care, Stay Safe and Keep Your Distance...!
06-04-2020, 10:12 PM
heat wave 105 and 100 today
06-06-2020, 03:51 AM
Warm in riversbend today just 80s though Pretty good day slight rain HUUUUMMMMMIIIIIDDD to the BIG DOG!!! Hope all Talkers are well and safe. Live well my friends. Peeps are just ignoring the keep safe rules and going about like it was nothing. I am afraid Riots will bring bad things for the older family members of those involved. Thoughtless stooges bring sorrow and hardship on those they claim to help. Morning coffee was really good today, each day awakening is a gift to be thankful for and savored as a good Filet.
06-06-2020, 11:35 AM
Morning All, Stay Safe, Take Care and Keep Your Distance as the Case Numbers are Rising...! Down here in Fl. they have gone up 2700+ in the past two days...!!!
Was at WallyWorld and on Me way thru the Aisles, In one end out the other following the Arrows and the Signs while Others just go thru Willy-Nilly...! Wearing their masks on their chins, claiming to have Asthma or they just Can't Breath...! Got to a register and was informed by the Cashier that "You are Too Close"...! I was at the end of the belt getting ready to put Me Purchases on it so they would get to her... The person She was waiting on was wearing His Mask on his chin, mouth was wide open and he was constantly speaking, trying to stall the line as he was waiting for another member of his brood to get to the register with more items... Always has to bee ONE...!!! When She Finally got finished with him and his crew it was Me turn to go forward... When I got up to her I said, "Thank You for asking Me to Wait as I noticed he wasn't wearing his Mask the Right Way", she looked up at him and when she realized how Wrong she was, her head went down...! Didn't speak to me the whole time I was there except to say, "Have a Good Day" after I was ready to leave...!!!
Bee Careful and Watch Out as Others Don't and Won't...!!!
morning/night all, beautiful day and night all around. have a nice weekend guys. :)
06-07-2020, 12:16 AM
Still ok for another day in Riversbend, Hope we all get to stay that way!! Keep your heads down and masks on. Cigarette filters in the nose will help some if you cant find any just cut them shorter till you can get air through them, wear glasses, and gloves too wash them like your hands if you don't have a box. Clean air and virus free lives my friends. Hoping for a better future!!
4me,!!More tests bring more cases, peeps are just ignorant of the danger they are toying with. Being an EMT years ago and working with burn patients, infectious disease patients like typhoid, staph, and even measles, gave me a different perspective on the stupidity I see daily. I know the limitations of all this PPE. A mask doesn't work if it is not FITTED and tested by the one wearing it. You need gloves for any close contact and you need long sleeves, laundry and clothes change wash with low concentration of bleach when you get home. Shoes need wiped too. Mudroom cleanup every time you go out. It is ridiculous for this country to be in this shape. One group is trying to cause as much trouble and death as they can to try to win back power so they can finish their assault on our way of life. It is as THEIR president said about the government shutdown years ago when he was told he could keep needed parts of the government open. (To paraphrase) I want it to be as painful as possible so I can use it against them.
06-07-2020, 07:07 PM
Another 1200+ reported since Yesturday...! Sheeple Follow and Don't Learn Anything...!!!
Stay Safe, Take Care and Keep Your Distance...!!!
06-08-2020, 03:50 PM
Had Blood drawn this AM, 4 Vials of it...! Nice Deep Red in colour almost Burgundy w/o Ron...!!!
Next Appointment is for July 9th unless Something is Found in Me Blood and then They will let Me know what's up with that...!
Take Notice at what I type next... Sign at door : Please remain Outside until called to come in and You Must have a Mask to enter...! If You are wearing anything besides the Blue PPE Mask They will ask You to Remove it and They will give You a Blue PPE Mask... They also gave Me a bag with 4 Fluid ounce of sanitizer 1 pair of gloves, 2 PPE Masks. Also in the bag is a "bammie" I will post a link so one can see what they are...
Now... Watch the People You Deal with while at a Doctor Office or Clinic... When I got there, early, I stayed away from others at 1st one girl came out and said "Good Morning" and started with someone else which was fine with Me as I was Early... In a few more minutes another Gal came out and started filling out a form with another person... A few more minutes went by and a Guy comes out now it should have been My turn but here comes a FAT man speaking Spanish and was taken in before Me... The Guy comes back out and Now a Lady is close to the door so He starts talking to Her and She tells Him, "That Man was here before Me" while pointing at Me the Guy looks at Me again and starts to speak to Me and I tell Him to take care of Her as She IS by the Door...! Now comes My turn, the Guy comes over to the Table that I am standing by sets down His Clip-board and asks Me My Name, I show Him My Flip Wallet with Me DL and Security ID and He says, "wow Thanks, that makes it easier"... Until He gets passed Me 1st Name, He gets Stuck and asks Me how to spell Me Last Name while saying Me Middle Name... Then after that gets straightened out He starts asking Me ?'s about why I am there... I tell Him 3 Times that I am there because I have an Appointment...
Finally I get inside, sit in the waiting room, My Girl comes out to get Me and We go to the back of the office... 10 Minutes later Dr Rocky tells Me to have a Good Day Stay Safe and She will see Me next Month unless She feels the need to See Me earlier because of the Blood taken...
Take Care,, Stay Safe and Keep Your Distance...!!!
06-08-2020, 05:26 PM
Morning coffee has worn off, gonna have to make a second pot since the Tropical Depression is looming and the wind and a few sprinkles are forming up. I need to be planting all of the potted tomatoes, squash, peppers and sprouts I have on the patio. I disked up about 300 square feet to build cages for the tomatoes and a couple of rows for the squash, peppers, brussels sprouts and some broccoli. Hope I can get them all planted in the next two or three days. Peeps just keep spreading their microbes to everyone they can. I wonder what all of these NOT really protesting criminals are going to say when they go home with the virus and kill their parents, grandparents or someone close to them by transmitting it to them. I promise you they won't take responsibility, it will be the white supremacist Trumps fault. I am really tired of the constant intimidation, harassment, extortion and assault these people continually expose the rest of us to. All I can say to any who try is "Do not try that shit with me, I won't take your shit and I plan to stop you FOREVER". This problem should have been rectified by LAPD 28 years ago. Hope all comes out good 4me Mine was good except potassium was .2 high and blood sugar was 110 but it was after lunch. not fasting. Keep safe my friend it is beginning to look like not too many peeps are following the safety guidelines. Blue skies and green grass my friends..
06-08-2020, 08:58 PM
4me is getting tired of all the Protesting NEWS... Look Close at the Sheeple in the Protests... How many Bare Belly, Daisy Dukes wearing Gals does one see Parading for George Floyd... Are they Protesting For or Exploiting HIM...?!?
Don't take what 4me says Wrong, It is SAD Indeed that a Man is Killed by Police when "Not Resisting"and not being a Danger...! and all Involved should bee Punished to the Fullest Extent of the Law...
What did all that Damage to Local Businesses accomplish...?!? How many will Not Re-open and of the Ones that do Re-open how Strick will Their Store Policies bee in the Future... The protesters have Damaged More than They Realize... There are Changes Coming that I Fear All will Suffer From...!
Take Care, Stay Safe, Keep You Distance and May GOD Bless You and Yours...!
06-08-2020, 09:44 PM
Keep out of the way of Daisy Duke 4me have heard she can be hand full to the uninitiated keeping safe distance involved.Seems we may be over the hump for those areas that did not loosen elementary controls, here in Canada it has been a bit which may pop density issue.
Safe times ahead for aaall possible.
06-08-2020, 11:34 PM
The people who ALWAYS lose in these displays of ignorance are the single moms of young black men who are being taught to attack the police instead of complying with their requests, the mothers of two or three in the government housing complexes that have to have their kids sleep on the floor because of drive bys and the children who have NO way to get out of their social prison. The entire country loses a little bit because lawlessness gains another rung on the dimocrat agenda to make this country a one party ruling class Monarchy. The police lose a large chunk of their personal safety, everyday USA loving citizens lose more of their freedom to people who claim the right to withhold and trample on the rights of anyone they choose. I too am tired of riots and the politicians who allow them to happen. The rights given for redress, peaceful assembly and free speech do not extend to this type of garbage. There is NO right to block a road, no right to burn, assault or steal. No right to impede any other person in his chosen task. The Time to gear up and fight back is getting close, I expect these groups to be at polling places assaulting voters they expect to vote for Trump, they will stop at NOTHING, that is glaringly evident. Watch yourselves my friends, you could be the next victim of their ultra racist hatred of whites and anyone of ANY race that is a conservative or does not subscribe to their agenda. The afternoon coffee is really good too, I need to be in my shop working on one of the project cars instead of leaning back in the recliner on the couch. Safety and peace of mind my friends, we all deserve it even cops.
06-09-2020, 12:46 AM
Just the Beginning :
crazed 9.6
06-09-2020, 02:04 AM
here's a John Oliver stint from October 2016
Police Accountability
06-09-2020, 10:58 AM
4me Left something out of Post #2479 on purpose...!
While at the Doctor's Office, 4me was not checked for Covid-19...!!! Covid-19 was not mentioned by anyone in the Clinic...!!!
06-10-2020, 03:46 AM
Morning coffee was brewing all day, a little rain, good sunshine and man so humid the windows fogged. I say take a vote, the districts that vote to disband the cops, pull them out and do not send any type of assistance into the district. Require a permit to cross into another district, lines enforced by National Guard and Sheriff Dept. Other district cops work only in their district as do all emergency services since all will have to be denied to no cop districts because of safety concerns. Let stupid joe, oshitma, scumer and cuntholsi put on a uniform and save their asses. As for al sharpone, I always wonder when he and the shit like him show up why they weren’t there BEFORE instead of using a dead body to step on and disgrace.
06-10-2020, 01:48 PM
Al shor looks funny wearing "White for Blacks" with black rubber gloves on, very fitting...Indeed...!
Every Funeral I have been to, "We All" wear Black...!
Me Dr. called last evening and told Me everything looked good from Me Blood-work Tests... When I asked about the Antibodies in Me Blood She said no trace of Covid-19, even Me Bilirubin test was Lower than it was in Jan...!
Keep On Keeping On Talkers... Stay Safe, Take Care and Keep Your Distance...!!!
ps... They don't have the Covid Tests at that Clinic where at least 10 Dr.s have an Office... and CHEN Medical is Supposed to bee one of the Biggest and Bestest in the South and East US...!!!
06-11-2020, 03:44 AM
Good coffee this morning, too bad some peeps are too stoopuuud to realize they could save their grandparents by always doing what they are supposed to do. Fact is some just don’t care, they just want to do what they want to do no matter who gets sick. I wonder if the people in this country really know the truth about whites and other races. When you watch most news channels you would sure think they surely don’t. Anyone that thinks anything called white privlege exist is a fool or a racial extortionist. Unfortunately the liberal academia and the opportunist politicians and blacks have succeeded in reaching a point that is irreversible. The ruling class dimshits are too self centered and arrogant to even realize what is happening. It is something that will become horrifically evident in the next decade. Oh well have a good day talkers we should all live the dream while there is one to live. Lies, assault, diseases, thugs are bad, BUT the deep state operatives and would be kings are quickly becoming more dangerous than ANYTHING else on earth or in space.
06-11-2020, 03:19 PM
what about the girl that was pregnant he put gun too did her life matter ? funny the news dont post that and all bad stuff he did what cop did was wrong but this guy was very bad man if that man did crimes in another state he would have been jail for 50 yrs right now
06-11-2020, 04:28 PM i&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi55Ze4lvrpAhUxRTABHX29BO8QsAR6BAgBEAE
06-12-2020, 04:06 AM
Didn’t get coffee till later today, Watched the same old racist black peeps do the same old stuff. When are the people of this country going to stand up and say ENOUGH. I find myself thinking of a large scale military assault on all of the violent rioters. There has to be an accounting some time for the actions of these thugs. It is time to deface the monuments they hold in dear, like their museums remember they have some BAD skeletons that they worship. Oh well still above ground, still able to move, still kicking. It’s dark the sky is dark and the grass has dew so life is OK. They need to make everyone wear their PPE so this crap will go the hell away. Take care my friends we are the last of the run. I wish all a good evening and a good cup in the morning to wake up with.
06-12-2020, 11:59 AM
'morning Talkers, News this AM says at least 20 States say "Increased Number of Covid-19 Cases"...
"The Kingston Trio recorded the song in 1961.[11][12] Believing it to be a traditional song, they claimed authorship, although upon notice from Seeger they had their name removed and credited Seeger and Hickerson.[8] Seeger acknowledged their success with this song.[13] Their single, with "O Ken Karanga" as the A-side and the hit "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" the B-side, reached #21 in the 1962 Billboard Hot 100 chart and #4 on the Easy Listening chart."
06-12-2020, 04:13 PM
i wish the news would tell truth so many believe what they hear on news get life they lie so bad just for rating me im sick of all bs they been putting out
06-12-2020, 08:15 PM
Hey Marley, Yous Live in Calipornia don't Yous...?!? Cali is ONE of those 20 States Reporting Increases :
06-13-2020, 07:20 AM
4me, Franklin county AL is about 45 minutes to an hour from riversbend, they are a medium population density area but they have 665 cases because of the illegals that work at the chicken processing plants near Russellville AL. There is a large community of them in the area, the largest increase in riversbend also came in an area that joins Franklin county near Belmont, Ms.: A woman working at a garment factory was infected by her husband who worked at the chicken plant with a bunch of illegals. She infected a bunch at the garment factory. The illegals were working knowing they were sick and living with a large group of people in small quarters. The plant should be raided all illegals tested and immediately deported then the plant owners should be jailed and anyone who was ill should sue the company for any loss. If someone was infected there and died the plant supervisors should be charged with manslaughter for the deaths. Time to bring back personal responsibility. Dimshits need to be put in their place with an Hbomb. Ah well enough editorial rambling. The coffee was good when I got up about 12:15 pm. I worked on a side by side till 12:30 am, and went to bed at 3. Too old for that bs. Up now at 2:30 because of getting out of sync. Hope all talkers are well and being careful it is a must with the idiots we all meet on the streets and watch on tv. Luck and safety my friends!!
06-13-2020, 06:01 PM
i dont see it we dont wear mask in stores if you dont want too can go to doctor office now get hair cut and so on maybe its bad at spots they said that would happen just hope they have shot by November or i think all hell will come down on us oh and thats in la they are saying its bad i can see that dont even want to go there heck its bad anyhow down there with out the virus plus you know they get more money saying it virus think like 5000 more dollars if it that so they found out anyone that dies they say it virus sick of all lies but i bet you dont hear that one
06-13-2020, 07:53 PM
"wear a mask", truly nothing to lose there. Wash hands often and stay safe. Should, at the very least, cut the odds of an infection or a high viral load. Now, we need a better & reliable supply of quality, genuine masks. :)
06-13-2020, 08:17 PM
my wife makes them two time better then 95 you can even add more filters too them she gave away a lot of them takes her hr to make one even has it so dont hurt behind the ears oh and not selling them
06-13-2020, 08:22 PM
some are even funny like looney tunes one and number 30 0f 50 thats good one
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