View Full Version : Experiencing heavy freezing on all channels
08-29-2015, 06:56 PM
Does anyone have a solution to stop the freezing?. Have a mag 254, running 25 to 50 mbps Cable Modem.
every 30 seconds to 1 minute it freezes, voice becomes unsynchronized at times as well.
Is there a setting on the box, or do we just wait for improvements?
08-29-2015, 07:13 PM
Does anyone have a solution to stop the freezing?. Have a mag 254, running 25 to 50 mbps Cable Modem.
every 30 seconds to 1 minute it freezes, voice becomes unsynchronized at times as well.
Is there a setting on the box, or do we just wait for improvements?
it's server proble not you internet ,, same at me freezing everyday so headed unwatch man
08-30-2015, 08:01 PM
Most English channels freezing here to
08-30-2015, 08:06 PM
Does anyone have a solution to stop the freezing?. Have a mag 254, running 25 to 50 mbps Cable Modem.
every 30 seconds to 1 minute it freezes, voice becomes unsynchronized at times as well.
Is there a setting on the box, or do we just wait for improvements?
Yes get a better server! U pay a little more but way less frezzing.....better ppv
08-30-2015, 08:12 PM
With my Avov box...i don't even use the live channels anymore......such a pain..............Just use the apps and kodi...........
08-30-2015, 10:39 PM
I have watched for the last two hours on five different channels and not one freeze.
08-30-2015, 11:04 PM
I knew NFPS group were over there head when they decided to charge ( the so called donation ) I'm not surprise a lot of users are having freezing problems (buffering) but is funny how they blame it on the ISP. Its very clearly is their servers they should get some credit until they fix the problem.
08-31-2015, 12:52 AM
same here, Duk...watched or had on most of the day without a single to the whiners, please realize there are no handcuffs or leg irons on you...feel free to use or go anywhere for service..nuff said......for those in the know the quality of your ISP has a great deal to do with your probs..believe it or not..
08-31-2015, 12:59 AM
Maybe get a sub till the ice cream melts ! LOL
08-31-2015, 01:24 AM
same here, Duk...watched or had on most of the day without a single to the whiners, please realize there are no handcuffs or leg irons on you...feel free to use or go anywhere for service..nuff said......for those in the know the quality of your ISP has a great deal to do with your probs..believe it or not..
Never ceases to amaze me how many reports of freezing are made AND how it never fails that about the only reports of great service always come from moderators. One only has to browse through the posts to see this.
As for the quality of the ISP, well, there must be mostly horrible ISP's out there. Mine is 63mbs tested speed and I only see poor response from sites that are well reported as being poor.
People don't need to be told they can go anywhere for service, they can and will figure that out for themselves. No doubt many subscribed due to the promises it would get better, especially after it went private, those promises won't work come renewal time.
08-31-2015, 01:34 AM
wow you guys make me laugh wife kids all watch live tv and i run 4 avov boxes and i dont do anything different then all of you an yes i do have bad days put not like everyday like your saying go ahead a get an different server pay lot more a see what you get this is getting better everyday
08-31-2015, 01:37 AM
Well I agree Sparky and Im running 150mbs ! We also cant forget they did post it will take 90 days to add and edit the server so we should at least give them a chance ! It would be nice if some updates or info were posted on the progress of the server so we are all not left wondering what changes are next.
08-31-2015, 01:39 AM
I have no personal agenda or gain a thing by promoting our service, I have no reason or will to lie about it, thks. I report the truth and call em as I see um. To infer otherwise is just another indication of those unwilling or ignorant in how they can improve their ISP performance. Other than the channel groups most notable with probs such as the Discovery networks group, I have no probs in my viewing whether on avov or mag. My d/l speed with DSL is 10Mbps upload is 2.5 Mbps and I GET that service 24hr a day, thks..
08-31-2015, 01:42 AM
you must not be watching ppv movies now in 1080p new indian channels lots more to come so the few that badmouth this all time why stay
08-31-2015, 01:43 AM
Yo Kool I did read that a lot of people with dsl are having less problems so thanks for the info and im looking into some dsl providers in my area !
08-31-2015, 01:43 AM
I have no personal agenda or gain a thing by promoting our service, I have no reason or will to lie about it, thks. I report the truth and call em as I see um. To infer otherwise is just another indication of those unwilling or ignorant in how they can improve their ISP performance. Other than the channel groups most notable with probs such as the Discovery networks group, I have no probs in my viewing whether on avov or mag. My d/l speed with DSL is 10Mbps upload is 2.5 Mbps and I GET that service 24hr a day, thks..
I must be very ignorant then, I never realized anyone could improve their ISP's performance ! (unless you were employed in the ISP's technical area)
gave you month to think about this
08-31-2015, 01:46 AM
Your welcome, Musatanee...I will help you anyway I can, thks..
08-31-2015, 02:32 AM
Is there anyone else using dsl and not having freezing problems ? Just wondering if dsl isp is working better for live tv ?
08-31-2015, 02:49 AM
same here, Duk...watched or had on most of the day without a single to the whiners, please realize there are no handcuffs or leg irons on you...feel free to use or go anywhere for service..nuff said......for those in the know the quality of your ISP has a great deal to do with your probs..believe it or not..
We are not complaining. We are just reporting. We know the game. We are just giving feedback so the engineers can improve it. I am personally a reseller and I cannot sell this until it improves. Just giving feedback.
08-31-2015, 02:55 AM
I agree chains ! Good post !
08-31-2015, 03:11 AM
look you have all the right in world to say yes my box is freezing they look at your post here Channel Issues give the the channel number and so on read the rules they want to fix thing even have many people to get this right wish i could tell you why some work great and other freeze on same channel yes sometime its the sever and other times its human error but for most part for me it works great it really if you use kodi or mag or avov each one need to be step up different and thats where people mess up look tested many channels and got no freeze but lost the ppv movie channels i will never lie about a channel working or not or freeze
08-31-2015, 04:01 AM
i agree.. the point of being here is to express your problems so issues can get fixed!
08-31-2015, 04:21 AM
yes but there are two way of doing it badmouth iptv all time saying you leave and dont like it here then leave dont keep on badmouthing us now if you want something fixed tell us we have Channel Issues thread and they do listen to what you say all i ask is dont be a azz its not that hard to do and yes sever we get freeze or go down on channels but they want all of us to be happy they try to and i do say chit to them all time about channels down or freezing but its been some what good to me so far
08-31-2015, 04:24 AM
look you have all the right in world to say yes my box is freezing they look at your post here Channel Issues give the the channel number and so on read the rules they want to fix thing even have many people to get this right wish i could tell you why some work great and other freeze on same channel yes sometime its the sever and other times its human error but for most part for me it works great it really if you use kodi or mag or avov each one need to be step up different and thats where people mess up look tested many channels and got no freeze but lost the ppv movie channels i will never lie about a channel working or not or freeze
Thx. That was a lot to read! But iksr and nfps need alot work
08-31-2015, 05:21 AM
Believe it or not, we are not the enemy. Staff here has exactly the same service as you and I don't know of one that doesn't tell the truth about their service. Our experience does tell us about good or bad internet and I'll bet every staff member here knows their menus of their HTPC or boxes, something which I find too few members do.thks...JMO
09-02-2015, 10:37 AM
We all know that they are still working on things to a degree. If I go to a channel that is acting up, I just use the box to register a complaint. Don't know if the complaint section is set up, but it seems to get things fixed. When on a channel that is acting up, press the APP button on the remote. Then pick the "Complain" selection, finally pick the complaint. Either sound, video, whatever. Then I see a message thanking me for informing them. Maybe it is a coincidence, but channel seems to get better within a day. But even if it don't, at least I feel better! LOL! Keep up the great job gang! Thanks for the service!
09-02-2015, 04:43 PM
I get quite heavy freezing sometimes but not all the time. Usually occurs on all channels when it does. I'm guessing it's because of the increasing number of users and perhaps not the bandwidth to handle it? Either way, i expect it to get better over time (hopefully soon!) as everyone keeps saying this is a new service so it's all about ironing out the faults.
09-02-2015, 05:37 PM
yes to all give it time they are working very hard at it thats all i can say
lots of freezing today on 66.IPTV66.TV/ any one having problems
09-12-2015, 03:08 PM
lots of freezing today on 66.IPTV66.TV/ any one having problemssame here i rarely get any but this morning kinda sucks
09-12-2015, 06:35 PM
lots of freezing today on 66.IPTV66.TV/ any one having problems
yes and a lot of buffering
09-12-2015, 07:37 PM
yup on most today
freezing back on 66.IPTV66.TV/ anyone same issues
I would trade freezing for your stb is blocked call the provider. Three accounts all down.
09-18-2015, 03:53 AM
I would trade freezing for your stb is blocked call the provider. Three accounts all down.
yeah im getting heavy freezing right now. 9:00pm pacific. it freezes every 2 sec. and after a while you can watch a minute or so then back to the freezing, ive noticed this happening lately in the evening like right now. Oh well. we'll see what happens.
not freezing here working great
09-18-2015, 04:18 AM
I wonder if it depends where you are located as well???
it may depend on your isp end where you are located
09-18-2015, 12:08 PM
If your using Kodi, you can try this and see if it improves your issues.
freezing today on 66.IPTV66.TV any one having same problem
09-23-2015, 06:49 PM
its pretty shitty here too today oh well.....
09-23-2015, 07:12 PM
09-23-2015, 10:11 PM
ESPN stays freezing smh
09-27-2015, 07:03 PM
I have 3 servers in Mag 254: iptvprivateserver, RUYA, and JINBOX. the first 2 servers freeze extremely after 1600 mountain time. Jinbox server is working flawlessly. I called my ISP agent and he changed the modem and all the cables. I reset my mag 254 to resetting factory and updated it to r11. I used the buffering 10 and port I have DSL with 25 mbps The freezing issues are the same but worse.
I have another Mag 250 with 2 servers: SamrtIPTV and IPONAIR. Both are working good.
I talked with my IPS technician about the issues he confirmed to me that port 8080 and another port ( I forget its number) has been blocked because of fraudulent hackers using these ports including IPTV providers.
I don't have too much knowledge about these technical issues but I conclude that ISP have the upperhand over IPTV servers, not all of them but the servers that use particular ports. so they block or freeze these ports. The modem they provide customers does not have the possibility of changing these ports.
I want to change the ISP but I want to make sure that my next ISP does not have the same policy regarding blocking specific ports.
If I am wrong, can anyone please correct me?
09-29-2015, 11:33 AM
I have 3 servers in Mag 254: iptvprivateserver, RUYA, and JINBOX. the first 2 servers freeze extremely after 1600 mountain time. Jinbox server is working flawlessly. I called my ISP agent and he changed the modem and all the cables. I reset my mag 254 to resetting factory and updated it to r11. I used the buffering 10 and port I have DSL with 25 mbps The freezing issues are the same but worse.
I have another Mag 250 with 2 servers: SamrtIPTV and IPONAIR. Both are working good.
I talked with my IPS technician about the issues he confirmed to me that port 8080 and another port ( I forget its number) has been blocked because of fraudulent hackers using these ports including IPTV providers.
I don't have too much knowledge about these technical issues but I conclude that ISP have the upperhand over IPTV servers, not all of them but the servers that use particular ports. so they block or freeze these ports. The modem they provide customers does not have the possibility of changing these ports.
I want to change the ISP but I want to make sure that my next ISP does not have the same policy regarding blocking specific ports.
If I am wrong, can anyone please correct me?
the tech told you chit was a easy used car salesman answer the provider don't care what port you rquest its at the end server where the port comes into play not on a route its just traffic down the highway the router centers move it in the direction of the isp at at the iprtv server is where the port comes in play lots of computer have 8080 blocked because it is was once a port used to hack or back door a computer frommictosucks support now they can hack any open port and with out a open port nothing happens you dont need internet because with out a port it dont work
10-03-2015, 03:51 AM
I figure it out. Today I have changed my ISP with DSL and subscribed with another one with Cable. The problem solved. NOMORE FREEZING. IPTV Private server and RUYA server are working without any freezing issues. My advice for you guys is to change the internet provider.
whats with all the freezing today most channel are running like crap
10-03-2015, 06:20 PM
LOL I figured that out months ago...All Cable people having better success .. DSL Crap here...
10-04-2015, 01:40 AM
Yes, you are right.
LOL I figured that out months ago...All Cable people having better success .. DSL Crap here...
freezing back today on 66.iptv66 anyone having this problem
10-04-2015, 05:49 PM
I have the same issues here as well with iptv66..Iwhen I watch lets say CBS Drama when I watch it using the filmon addon it runs flawlessly when I watch it using iptv66 it frezes a lot now this can in now way be my internet if it was both would be freezing not just one, btw I run kodi on an mq android box.
10-04-2015, 08:30 PM
I agree with the heavy freezing. I can barely watch anything. ESPN freezes every 40 seconds. At one point, this service worked well. Right now its not worth it... What is being done to fix the freezing issues?
working better now not freezing here
10-05-2015, 03:05 PM
It's fine for me until the weekend, can't watch any sports
freezing is back today any one having this problem
10-07-2015, 07:18 PM
freezing is back today any one having this problem
Yes, lol........
freezing like crazy today any one with same problem
10-08-2015, 08:53 PM
Yes same is very unwatchable, seems like iptv66 dont give a shit that we are having this problem nor do they seem to care...I can watch a channel using filmon and works great no freeze when I use iptv66 all it does is freeze, complete waste of money to buy from these guys and will never buy from them again the service sucks big time.
10-08-2015, 09:19 PM
could be bad weather where the server is located have to wait and see what happens
running better now maybe work on server today
Hank Venture
10-10-2015, 05:15 PM
Same here west coast USA, Las Vegas
Hank Venture
10-10-2015, 05:36 PM
All back up about 15 min ago.
10-10-2015, 05:51 PM
history has shown early Sat. are a heavy work day for the server techs, apparently this is a big work day for them, normally the service settles back down by late afternoon or early evening, thks...
Hank Venture
10-10-2015, 07:35 PM
All buffering like crazy again. FYI.
10-11-2015, 02:01 PM
Yes freeze exist since 3 days ago. I installed weeks ago the fix for buffering:
But since 3 days ago with fix or not a lot of buffering and/or freezing issues.
Sometimes is a little better sometimes not is a random issue sometimes.
I don't know what happened was running great now it's unwatchable.
10-11-2015, 06:25 PM
Been freezing like a lot the last few days, tried everything done everything
10-11-2015, 06:46 PM
Watching the football game on Sky Sports 3 ...playing great here
10-11-2015, 07:14 PM
Sky sports 3 works great and I can confirm that. Try sky sports 1 or 2 and freezing like crazy. Trying to watch some real football. World cup qualifying. This system is seriously bad with all the time they have had to correct it. Time to turn on the roku with another sub that works way better than this one. thanks
10-11-2015, 07:40 PM
Roku 3 with other sub running great and so is the Phoenix addon and watching acestream skysports 5 with no buffering or freezing. Tell NFPS to get there act together since this freezing issue has been going on way to long. Some days great, other days so so and today pathetic.
10-12-2015, 12:10 AM
Impossible to see buffering and freezes everywhere. Is amazing. I can't believe that is better for now see the guide of the IPTV what the channels are airing then close the IPTV for the buffering issues and better search that entries found in Genesis and there is no trouble. :p hehe.
10-12-2015, 12:18 AM
No hiccups here , maybe its your end. No freezing smooth as silk.
crazy carl
10-12-2015, 11:09 AM
No issues on stream either... Just annoying epg issies
10-12-2015, 06:14 PM
good here too
10-12-2015, 07:06 PM
freezing just started again. watching espn2..kodi working great on sky sports 1. Internet is not the issue.
10-12-2015, 08:44 PM
just tested it and having np on my plus box
10-12-2015, 09:16 PM
update yes i get a 0ne second freeze every 5 to 10 mins of sports
10-12-2015, 09:41 PM
working much better now. Yesterday and today when the uefa games were playing most of the sports channels were freezing. I switched to Kodi and no freeze. Currently watching FS1 and the Rangers and no freeze again on the rocket server. thanks
Digi X
10-13-2015, 04:54 PM
Anytime i ever watch IPTV on 66 its always working like a charm for me.
10-15-2015, 08:09 PM
There does appear to be alot of buffering lately. Its not my isp because if i go to the new Dexter there is no buffering. Im watching E4 not exactly a chanel i expect the masses to be watching.To those that keep say go somewhere else, you arent tied to Stalker, the issue is, I paid Stalker for a service, because of a promise of a better service being provided. I dont want to go somewhere else i just want what was suggested id get.
freezing like crazy today most channels unwatchable
10-17-2015, 03:07 PM
sorry yup getting freeze too just hold on
10-17-2015, 03:08 PM
Same here freezing.
10-17-2015, 03:22 PM
read Announcements
10-17-2015, 06:07 PM
Hi there i am experiencing a los of freezing on planeta fútbol and bien Sport spanish.
10-18-2015, 09:45 PM
I think when the channels was free that was better now freezing ,now every time server is down lot of freezing now I pay I have freezing
10-22-2015, 11:39 PM
JUst set up and ALL the channels won't play….I am just getting a handful that will play.
Could it be some mistake Ive made at my end in the settings?
freezing like crazy today most channels
10-25-2015, 03:33 PM
freezing here today bad also, pretty common for the weekend tho.
10-25-2015, 07:19 PM
ITV was stuttering something awful during rugby semifinals today. Unwatchable.
10-25-2015, 09:51 PM
Someone stated that the freezing is common for the are you saying we can only watch tv during the week days and forget the weekends...NO we pay for this service so we can watch tv all week not just a few days of the week, if you buy a new car and make payments on it what would you say if you were only allowed to drive that car certain days of the week and you have to park it the other days,,you be pretty pissed off I say..It will be nice when we can watch the tv that we were promised and FREEZE FREE as we were also promised with no down time.
10-26-2015, 12:24 PM
If people would read the announcements they would see that the problems have been found and they are working on it. As far as paying for it goes..... Find a better deal or spend many times more for sat or cable. Its all up to you. Nobody holds a gun to anyone's head to try a service. We all know this is something new, not even a year old yet. I figure by the time the service is a year old, these problems will be a nonissue. Have a great day!
service not running good tonight freezing like crazy on most channels here
10-28-2015, 02:56 AM
service not running good tonight freezing like crazy on most channels here Yep mine is freezing as well and some channels not even loading.
whats with all the freezing today lots channels dont work are freezing
11-08-2015, 05:48 PM
whats with all the freezing today lots channels dont work are freezing
It means winter is on the way.
11-08-2015, 07:51 PM
Powerpoint football... Image, sputter, freeze, image, sputter, freeze, etc., etc. I wonder what the ratio of freeloaders to donators is on weekends? Freeloaders check out y'tube, figure out the latest work arounds and then hammer the servers. I wonder if they're grumbling about the service too?!
11-08-2015, 08:01 PM
If people would read the announcements they would see that the problems have been found and they are working on it. As far as paying for it goes..... Find a better deal or spend many times more for sat or cable. Its all up to you. Nobody holds a gun to anyone's head to try a service. We all know this is something new, not even a year old yet. I figure by the time the service is a year old, these problems will be a nonissue. Have a great day!that announcement was made over a month ago how long does it take to get hardware fixed just saying
11-08-2015, 08:19 PM
that announcement was made over a month ago how long does it take to get hardware fixed just saying
Who knows what's involved as here is exactly what was said:
"The IPTV have been affected with heavy freezing and buffering due to a bad hardware detected in one of the ISP's transit routes and the people responsible of such hardware is working to replace it asap."
That means that they have to rely on the ISP and we all know how that goes and who knows how quick that countries ISP's work on things. It's also been said that they work on the servers on the weekend and that's when some freezing happens. I guess no matter when they do work on the server there isn't a good day or time as it will affect customers as we have people in every country and time zone.
11-08-2015, 08:26 PM
Who knows what's involved as here is exactly what was said:
"The IPTV have been affected with heavy freezing and buffering due to a bad hardware detected in one of the ISP's transit routes and the people responsible of such hardware is working to replace it asap."
That means that they have to rely on the ISP and we all know how that goes and who knows how quick that countries ISP's work on things.thank u I know what the announcements said I all so know that to run a business the powers to be need to get this fixed no matter what it takes
11-08-2015, 08:31 PM
Well the servers are in Belize...and the highest commercial internet Download speed 16mbps........don't know what the upload speed is but you know it is less then 16mbps.......just terrible....this is why our weekends are for the most part not watchable ..................something needs to be done............
11-08-2015, 08:34 PM
Well the servers are in Belize...and the highest commercial internet Download speed 16mbps........don't know what the upload speed is but you know it is less then 16mbps.......just terrible....this is why our weekends are for the most part not watchable ..................something needs to be done............I have read that before if that is true not good at all
11-08-2015, 08:45 PM
thank u I know what the announcements said I all so know that to run a business the powers to be need to get this fixed no matter what it takes
All I'm saying is if they indeed have to wait on the ISP provider there isn't much you can do. You can just go out yourself and repair things on someone else's system correct? I'm sure the Belize ISP provider doesn't move at lightning speed. It's not like they can just move the server to the U.S. Or a similar country with great ISP providers... I'm venturing a guess that it needs to be out of reach of the powers at be that want to shut it down, that's possibly way the server is where it's located now. Just imagine if it was located in a country where it could be shutdown the amount of pissed of people there would be.
11-08-2015, 08:51 PM
All I'm saying is if they indeed have to wait on the ISP provider there isn't much you can do. You can just go out yourself and repair things on someone else's system correct? I'm sure the Belize ISP provider doesn't move at lightning speed. It's not like they can just move the server to the U.S. Or a similar country with great ISP providers... I'm venturing a guess that it needs to be out of reach of the powers at be that want to shut it down, that's possibly way the server is where it's located now. Just imagine if it was located in a country where it could be shutdown the amount of pissed of people there would be.ok bud u can have the last word I am done with this tread I hope it gets fixed sooner than later
lots of freezing today most channels anyone having this problem
11-21-2015, 04:49 PM
Yes it was running real good till about half hr ago now freezing heavy what can I say but it is the weekend it has been announced they are having a problem with one of they internet provider lets hope it gets fixed soon
11-21-2015, 05:21 PM
i have mag 254 the channels 862 freez i dont onder stand why i pay 105$ for to watch freezing now i cannot watch real madrid vs fc barcelona.
11-21-2015, 05:35 PM
Please read the announcements:
11-21-2015, 06:39 PM
Please read the announcements: I don't like the wording and hope its gets better I think it is the Internet provider I have been in this for a long time I remember when nfps rocket started iks same problem I remember when they shut down the server for about two weeks while they moved the servers when it came back up 110% better
11-21-2015, 10:37 PM
Please read the announcements:
Well it isnt just the us channels...its all channels & you'd figure if they up'd the cost too $105 usd which is $140.00 cad it would be better not worse..just sayin!
it is working good now no freezing here watching ppv
11-21-2015, 10:55 PM
Yes it is running good now I know they will get it right I jest hope sooner than later thank u iptv team
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