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08-16-2015, 03:41 AM
I've been trying to setup simple client iptv and stalker iptv. Both enabled, TV enabled, rebooted, turned TV mode on and off a few times etc. Checked mac address with papiao tv and it is good.

And this is the KODI stalker iptv error log:

23:18:23 T:1873295672 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
23:18:23 T:1893588088 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 4 times.
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: Init: failed to get api endpoint
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: InitAPI: failed to init api
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVR - PVR_ERROR PVR::CPVRClient::GetChannels(PVR::CPVRChannelGroup&, bool) - addon 'Stalker Middleware:' returned an error: server error
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVR - PVR_ERROR PVR::CPVRClients::GetChannels(PVR::CPVRChannelGrou pInternal*) - cannot get channels from client '23839': server error
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVRChannelGroup - virtual bool PVR::CPVRChannelGroup::Load() - failed to update channels
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVRChannelGroupInternal - virtual bool PVR::CPVRChannelGroupInternal::Load() - failed to load channels
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVR - bool PVR::CPVRChannelGroups::Load() - failed to load channels
23:18:23 T:1893588088 ERROR: PVRManager - virtual void PVR::CPVRManager::Process() - failed to load PVR data, retrying
23:18:23 T:1902625480 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--

And this is the error for "PVR simple Client"

23:18:22 T:1888283520 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
23:18:22 T:1893588088 NOTICE: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
23:18:22 T:1900091376 NOTICE: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
23:18:22 T:1900091376 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://localhost:8899/channels.html?portal=1
23:18:22 T:1900091376 NOTICE: AddOnLog: PVR IPTV Simple Client: Loaded 1 channels.
23:18:22 T:1898475840 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
23:18:22 T:1898551192 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
23:18:22 T:1901184480 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
23:18:22 T:1787430216 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 11 times.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to fix?

08-16-2015, 03:51 AM
Another error when KODI boots up in regards to IPTV "Non recoverable error in name resolution"

08-16-2015, 04:15 AM
First of all, the server address in the stalker client is incorrect. Also the server address for the simple client is incorrect. The address you have in the stalker is the server address for the simple client. The stalker uses 11.iptv*************.tv. Change the addresses and also be sure only one is enabled as they do not play well together.

08-16-2015, 04:22 AM
Okay, thanks..I'll give this a try. Some other thread gave instructions on how I currently had it setup.

08-16-2015, 04:53 AM
Didn't work

I was following the instructions from DARA:

c/p from neat-

It's accurate:

Need to start with live tv disabled.
Download stalker master zip file, or source it from a repository (you can search this one on google or this forum for locations to get the addon), either way, get stalker video addon installed.

Now there are two addons ONLY that need to be configured. IPTV stalker (video addon), and PVR IPTV simple client (PVR client).

The PVR IPTV Simple client has absolutely nothing to do with your rocket or MAC address and is already inKodi 15.0. It is a pointer to your local host port 8899 and portal 1 and it gets you your EPG from

So the URL in there should be http://localhost:8899/channels.html?portal=1. Note, portal = 1, stalker provides a few to be defined, just configure portal 1, leave they others alone. The next item to configure in the PVR IPTV Simple Client is the EPG. URL is Set your time shift and save it and close the window. That's it for that. Don't touch it again afterwards...just make sure it's

Now, configure your IPTV Stalker video addon. This one your gonna use either (if your using a rocket), or (if your using NFPS) as your URL....not the 11.version. Or the's portal.

Add your specific MAC address... It must begin with 00:1A:79...then add three more pair from you machines actuall MAC address (00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx). This MAC address MUST match exactly what you added to your donation. Caps don't really matter, but do it anyway. ..... That's it for that.... Your done here too. Save it and close the window....make sure it's enabled.

Now, make sure they are both "Enabled"......
Lastly, go to the "Live TV" general settings and "enable" it. You should see downloading of the EPG in the top right and in the lower right you should see something like "IPTV PVR Client loaded 722 channels" notification. The TV category should appear.

If you don't..... Then try disabling and re-enabling live TV...or, closing and re opening Kodi.... And if needbe, dig into it by clicking addons... IPTV Stalker....NFPS...entertainment and try a channel... If it works your good. Close Kodi again and reopen... It should load up.

Sometimes, it will hang while loading and the TV category will not appear. You'll see this if in the top right, loading EPG it's taking forever and not progressing and/or if you don't see a notification that the PVR client loaded channels in the lower right. If this happens, you'll have to force Kodi to close. Open it and race (before the EPG begins to load in the top right) to disable live tv through the general settings tab. Then reenable it and it should load.

Hope this helps a few folks get up and running and doesn't confuse anyone... I tried to put it straight and simple...

Don't mess with anything else until you get your rig working though. These two addons are they only setting that need to be altered from a fresh install to get your tv working. Half way down the page

08-16-2015, 08:16 PM
Ensure that your credentials are entered correctly in the IPTV Stalker video addon. There's a very good guide on how to set your kodi system up here:

Once you've ensured that you've got an active donation and have entered the correct credentials in the IPTV Stalker settings, open the IPTV Stalker video addon, highlight the NFPS portal and click the Context Menu button (aka 'options'/'right click'), then click on Clear Cache. Once that is done, click on NFPS and wait for the channels to load. Then, go to the Live TV settings in Kodi and disable it. Scroll down and click on Clear Data. Then go back up again and Enable Live TV. Quickly shut down Kodi and open Kodi.

Hopefully that should ensure everything loads up correctly when Kodi starts up again.

08-18-2015, 01:48 AM
Okay, I fixed it and this is what I did in case anyone runs into the same problem. I went back to the "add mac link" and typed out the last 6 digits exactly like my real mac address. What I mean is uppercase and lower case. I read somewhere that it doesn't' matter if the last 6 digits of your mac address are typed out using either upper case or lower case. I then retyped my mac address for IPTV Stalker addon exactly with the same lower and upper case. Did the same for PVR IPTV Stalker. Cleared cache on IPTV Stalker addon. Disabled Live TV. Disabled PVR IPTV Stalker. Used the correct mac address and then I used for PVR and then I also used for the IPTV Stalker addon. Enabled PVR IPTV Stalker and then went to TV settings and enabled that. I rebooted and IVUE guide works almost perfectly. Occasionally when I click on a channel on IVUE I get "authorization failed". But, if I click on it again or a 3rd time it usually loads. That's the only bug I'm working on is the occasional "authorization failed" in IVUE. Other than that everything seems to work perfectly. I'm also using the PVR simple client enabled with http://localhost:8899/channels.html?portal=1 in the general tab. And for EPG I'm using

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