View Full Version : Newbie here needing big time help!
08-14-2015, 09:27 PM
First i want to say i hope i posted this in the right place because it involves kodi.a few months ago i came across a video on youtube about how to watch live tv through kodi(first time i ever heard of kodi) deleted well i followed how to set it up&has been working great!of course we all know now that iptv stalker is a paying service.i have no problem paying for it.i read through the iptv tutorial final page.i picked for 1 month because i had a feeling that i would have some trouble&if i couldn't figure it out i only wasted 10 dollars!i can't get anywhere with getting it to work,i worked on it last night till 4am&most of this afternoon!not sure what info i need to give here to get some help,please let me ultimite goal would be to get things back to before iptv stalker went to a paying(have no problem paying for it) thing&be able to use ivue tv guide.right now i'd like to get this iks66 running.needa break from this for a going to go blow off some steam for a few hours.i did send a message to iks66 last night but never heard back from them.thanks in advance for any help&have a nice day.
08-15-2015, 01:22 AM
first can the caps nobody likes caps.
second download the latest kodi from and install
third read in the forum about enabling the stalker app that is included within kodi.
watch tv
08-15-2015, 03:31 AM
No live links, please code them by highlight link and click on # in the above menu bar!!
08-15-2015, 03:35 AM
sorry about caps.if i'm looking right on kodi it says media sources-iptv stalker enabled.remember newbie here!one thing i'm thinking is maybe i'm not understanding Mac thing?i think i read that your mac addy starts with something like 1A or something?if i did things right checking on my pc isn't my mac addy the same as physical property?mine starts out 00-1B-B9 etc.i'm going to put what i received after i paid to iks66.hope that's ok?
Hi User, your Route(s) has been assigned:
User: took out my email addy
PORT: 50066 (Dish) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 33066 (Claro TV 50W) 35066 (Media Net)
DESKEY: 1234123412341234123412341234
Please use the following IPTV + Free IKS Route(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:
No. Username and Password MAC Address
1 Add MAC Address
any detailed help(newbie here)would be much appreciated.thank you....if any other info would help,let me know
hope I'm not too late editing out your the future pls don't be foolish enough to post it, thks..
08-15-2015, 04:02 AM
Try doing this walkthrough
08-15-2015, 09:56 AM
As above...follow the guide at the link....BUT for your mac ensure that it starts 00:1A:78 and NOT 79 as in the guide. The last 3 sets are from your device. Dont use the full mac of your should be 00:1A:78: xx:yy:zz,
Make sure your Mac is linked to your donation!
For KODI you can ignore the info in the email. Unless you need to change your MAC... which you will have to do if its not the correct format as above.
The guide works fine. But you need the latest version of Kodi
Good luck!
08-15-2015, 12:28 PM
i think this is the best guide:
08-15-2015, 10:52 PM
just went thru this, u need to use this url in stalker and your mac tied to your route and if possible use the older version of iptv stalker not 1.20.
this got me up and running.
08-18-2015, 01:16 PM
sorry about caps.if i'm looking right on kodi it says media sources-iptv stalker enabled.remember newbie here!one thing i'm thinking is maybe i'm not understanding Mac thing?i think i read that your mac addy starts with something like 1A or something?if i did things right checking on my pc isn't my mac addy the same as physical property?mine starts out 00-1B-B9 etc.i'm going to put what i received after i paid to iks66.hope that's ok?
Hi User, your Route(s) has been assigned:
User: took out my email addy
PORT: 50066 (Dish) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 33066 (Claro TV 50W) 35066 (Media Net)
DESKEY: 1234123412341234123412341234
Please use the following IPTV + Free IKS Route(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:
No. Username and Password MAC Address
1 Add MAC Address
any detailed help(newbie here)would be much appreciated.thank you....if any other info would help,let me know
hope I'm not too late editing out your the future pls don't be foolish enough to post it, thks..
I think her issue is the same as mine...
I bought it last week and in the IPTV66 details they send you there is no MAC number ... it says 'add a MAC'
When you press ADD A MAC it sends you to their page and you put in your route #
Then it says 'please wait 24-48h... Well it's been a few days and I STILL got that message and NO MAC...
Like me I need the MAC for IPTV Stalker/KODI..
This is really annoying cuz we pay for it and are losing days cuz of this...
Just like OP I paid 3 months just in case something like this happens...
08-18-2015, 01:29 PM
Oh I figured it out.. When clicking on the MAC I was entering my order # instead of the route #
So #1 - Click on ADD A MAC
#2 - Enter the ROUTE NUMBER *beside ADD A MAC) 0164XXXXXX
#3 - Go into your KODI settings in the system info there should be a Network MAC in there...
#4 - Put in the 00:1A:78: PLUS last 6 digits from in that number
08-18-2015, 07:40 PM
thank you for the editing.being a newbie i didn't realize route # is my donation #thank you!well the good news is that i got things up&running.only bummer is i can't use ivue tv guide.i'm going to ask a few questions and if this isn't the right place,please point me to the right place.
like i said before i only signed up for the 1 month $10 plan through iptv66 because if i couldn't get things going i was only out $10,now this sight has 3 places to get iptv,i'm pretty sure i know which one i need to pick to be able to use ivue tv guide.but i figure it doesn't hurt to ask the experts here which one i need to pick to use ivue.
i think i read somewhere that it's a good idea to use a alternate email addy when getting a iptv account(which i did)also i think i read that it is a good idea to use a vpn when using these services,true?
now i'm just curious,this site promotes 3 sites for the people that read this which one do you prefer&why?
sorry if i ramble on but i want to make sure i understand&do things right.thanks everybody&have a nice day
big dady
08-18-2015, 08:11 PM
Ivue will work on all 3 take alook here
08-26-2015, 12:35 AM
I have a satellite box PVR. Does anyone know hot to set it up?
User: took out my email addy
PORT: 50066 (Dish) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 33066 (Claro TV 50W) 35066 (Media Net)
DESKEY: 1234123412341234123412341234
Please use the following IPTV + Free IKS Route(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:
No. Username and Password MAC Address
1 Add MAC Address
08-26-2015, 12:54 AM
i do not understand how people have so much trouble setting this up..before i payed anything i read the how to in this forum it seemed strait forward enough so i donated and got my email within an hour i had my kodi up and running in 15 minuted....YOU NEED TO READ!! peeps
08-26-2015, 07:48 PM
thanks for all the advice everybody but i don't know what i'm doing wrong(sorry"built to last",everybody can't understand things as good as you)i can't get the ivue guide to work with my donation?keep getting the not authorized thing?.......question,now my 1 month donation will be up in about 2 weeks.this site shows 3 places to get a donation.right now i have iks66,now do all 3 sites pretty much have the same channels& hopefully if i go with one of the different sites it will be easier or be able to get ivue working?thanks in advance for any answers.
big dady
08-26-2015, 08:12 PM
If you have so many problem with ivue i would advise you to look at what else other member are using. Personally i prefer iptv emulator or even pvr stalker
08-26-2015, 10:28 PM
Hi guys,
I'm new and i would like to make a donation,but what does 1 route means?i'm from europe and have an Enigma2 box with all the necessary
programs to watch iptv,where should i read first to understand installations?thank you.
08-27-2015, 06:48 PM
thanks big dady,first i want to say that i am very grateful the help that i have gotten to get things working after i made a donation&please don't take anything that i say as being cocky or disrespectful.thanks again big dady for saying look into what other members are using,iptv emulator,pvr stalker etc.i did soe searching on here about those suggestions&being a newbie at this,it's quite confusing.this is where i'm not trying to be cocky etc.other sites that i have ask for help,lets say for example how to fix a computer they will (since i'm a newbie)if something doesn't work.they would suggest something else and help&walk you through things.i find all this stuff so intersting and want to learn about it.again no disrespect herejust want to learn and learn things.thank you all again and look forword to learning things from you,this is the only forum on this site i have asked questions,should i be asking elsewhere also?
big dady
08-27-2015, 07:09 PM
For iptv you don't need any other site. You will get the best help here
08-28-2015, 02:25 AM
thanks big dady,besides what i have said in my messages,what info from me do you need for me to get my donation linked to ivue tv or another tv guide type? the 3 donation sites on here,are the channels pretty much the same?thanks in advance.have a nice evening.
08-28-2015, 06:33 PM
For iptv you don't need any other site. You will get the best help here
Well why has my post been ignored for DAYS then??
i'm not feeling the help.. I paid for it and it's not working at all for me..
404 404 404 :(
big dady
08-28-2015, 07:53 PM
Well why has my post been ignored for DAYS then??
i'm not feeling the help.. I paid for it and it's not working at all for me..
404 404 404 :(
Help is there for does who help them self. A simple search for your problem on here you would have found the answer cause it's been answered over 50 times
We don't get paid to help we like to help. so i don't know where you paid to get help but it was not here
08-29-2015, 03:18 AM
Help is there for does who help them self. A simple search for your problem on here you would have found the answer cause it's been answered over 50 times
We don't get paid to help we like to help. so i don't know where you paid to get help but it was not here
considering when you pay for a service and they respond to you to come here for help. ya I expect it..
I know how to read.. plugged in all the right info...
googled the 404 error and nothing... put in the right info.. nothing...
but hey, i'll just let my time run out and never pay for a service again since help is clearly not there...
Especially when you have tried everything..
but hey thanks for no help...
I guess help only applies when you know the answer...
08-30-2015, 07:26 PM
wow,almost afraid to ask any disrespect to anyone,but newbies like myself have no problem with being directed by the people on here that understand all this stuff to read about the problem(as directed on here) we are having on here&then come back here an say well either that didn't work or i really don't understand this?I realize that people on here don't get paid to help&are here to help others,but any other help group i've ever asked for help,if i said that didn't work or i said really don't understand something.somebody in that group would take that extra step and walk you through it.everybody doesn't pick up on new things at the same pace.i really think this iptv stuff is so cool and i hope everyday i'll learn something new about it& i hope with the help of this group that will be i guess what i'm getting at is,if possible please be patient with us newbies&our questions.we all had to start learning about this&whatever in life at some point.i won't say that i'm as old as dirt,but when i was in school,there was no computers,computer classes etc. again,no disrespect meant by this message....have a safe&nice day
Closing this thread. It was hijacked. puckett59, please start a new thread, and please try to explain what exactly you need help with. See my sig for basic info,as a start. Once done with that, pick one method that you wish to connect with. Kodi has a learning curve, so I suggest getting up to speed with that first. If you have an android box, I recommend the Official Android emulator for IPTV66. If you are on a PC, you'll have no other real option than to learn Kodi, or get one of the dedicated SetTopBoxes.
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