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00:1A:79 Mac linked donation for Mag 254 [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


View Full Version : 00:1A:79 Mac linked donation for Mag 254

08-12-2015, 04:11 PM
Since 00:1A:79 only works for Mag 254 labeled at bottom of unit.

and Dara posted

IMPORTANT for Emulator and Kodi users: 00:1A:78 now works

I assume nobody will take over Mag 254 Mac address 00:1A:79 Mac address and make use of it if you unlink it from your donation Mac. If we using that donation to link to 00:1A:78 to make it work on ANDROID IPTV Stalker ? We can link the 00:1A:79 Mac address to same donation when we decide to use Mag 254 instead of Android IPTV Stalker.

So what is the actually procedure for unlinking and linking a Mac address to donation ?

So we just type new 00:1A:78:??:??:?? Mac address over the current one we not going to use for Mag 254 and save it ?

When I displayed search details for my Rocket donation,.

After click "Change IPTV Mac Address"

It says

WARNING: If you are using an STB emulator for IPTV then you should use a MAC Address under the following range 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (replace XX by hexadecimal digits), or your MAC Address may be modified without any previous notice.

So I can use any Mac address for last 3 set of digits like from my Android box or other as long it is not being used by someone else linked to donation already, is that correct ?

This also apply for Android IPTV Stalker ?
Who will modify Mac Address if one doesn't modify one's self ?
So after one change from 00:1A:79:XX:XX:XX to 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX

So if we finished use it on Android IPTV Stalker and decide to change back for Mag 254,
There should be no problem in changing from 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX to 00:1A:79:XX:XX:XX should we decide to use it on Mag 254 again ?

So once we submit it - donation to Mac address be effective immediately or does it take time before it become active ? Considering your donation is active.


08-12-2015, 04:31 PM
After reading all that, I think the answer is yes.

If you are using the MAG, make sure that the linked mac is your MAG's MAC
If you want to use Kodi, use the same mac except change 79 to 78. That should work, and you do that in your server's donation checker.

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