08-10-2015, 08:15 PM
Hi I am hyped for the Avov Tv Online and will buy soon. I noticed there is a record button on the Avov TVonline remote, can this unit record live shows onto a usb drive?
Located above the RED History Button (up at the top).
Can someone confirm this... if you have never tried it before and you have some time can you please test it out and see if it works on recording live shows? And if it can record does it have a timer feature as well? Would appreciate it if you can take some pics of how it looks like in the menu screen while setting up timers for recording and pulling up saved recordings etc etc. (if you have time)... otherwise a let me know. Thanks for your help :)
Located above the RED History Button (up at the top).
Can someone confirm this... if you have never tried it before and you have some time can you please test it out and see if it works on recording live shows? And if it can record does it have a timer feature as well? Would appreciate it if you can take some pics of how it looks like in the menu screen while setting up timers for recording and pulling up saved recordings etc etc. (if you have time)... otherwise a let me know. Thanks for your help :)