crazed 9.6
12-19-2023, 03:18 PM
Right at the start we all should know that this movie is pure propaganda (predictive programming), to instill fear into the Western civilizations and their peoples.
The cyberattacks and what ever else is shown in this movie is something that the WEF and other corrupt entities have been planning for some time. They are the enemies.
They'd want us to think it is China or Russia r even the north Koreans planning and exacuting these attacks, but nope. It's those that tell us to trust them that are doing this.
Barrack Obama outlined the plot in this movie some years ago.... and that should tell us something. That man is evil :eek:
Anyway , the movie stars Julia Roberts , Keven Bacon, Mahershala Ali, and that other guy whom I forget his name... Ethan somebody.
In the movie, Ethan's character tells us at one point that he is a 'useless man'. The context of the scene is about being a male , a useless male that can't protect his family cause he has no idea how to survive without being on the 'grid'. That's outright 'in your face' chit that we are being fed for some time now.
Watch this movie but do understand it's all propaganda made to scare the chit out of us !
And remember that when cyberattacks happen, it's your's and my governments and the Money Changers and the War-Machine other corrupt entities that are behind the whole mess.
The ship near the beginning of the movie is called the 'White Lion'
The Lion or the symbol of the Lion is a symbol of standing up against your oppressors. Funny how that ship named as that, is one of the first casualties in the movie. And not just any Lion but a 'WHITE' Lion.
Then we have the son wearing a T-shirt which says "OBEY' and the daughter is wearing a 'NASA' T-shirt.
The movie plays out like the old Biblical movies or even some Stephen King movies or I think 2001: A Space Odyssey was the same too. By this I mean that it was divided into Acts.
Act i , Act ii and so on. This was done on purpose to make the movie seem of epic quality.
The first Act showed a scene of the Earth with the Sun rising behind it. Then in the opening scene of another Act it shows the same scene but this time the view pans back to show that the camera location was on the moon AND in the for-ground (on the Moon) is a USA flag standing there.
Sorry but NASA never went to the Moon, but that's a whole another story.
There are more things to point out (things like Electric Cars out to kill you and that kinda fun stuff) but I will leave that for you. to find :)
That's just my preview at the type of programming we see in this movie. Along with the plot of course, which is predictive programing.
Kinda similar to that movie 'Contagen', which was about dangerous 'virus' and lock downs and etc... That movie came out some time before covid-19 was seen on the grande stage.
The cyberattacks and what ever else is shown in this movie is something that the WEF and other corrupt entities have been planning for some time. They are the enemies.
They'd want us to think it is China or Russia r even the north Koreans planning and exacuting these attacks, but nope. It's those that tell us to trust them that are doing this.
Barrack Obama outlined the plot in this movie some years ago.... and that should tell us something. That man is evil :eek:
Anyway , the movie stars Julia Roberts , Keven Bacon, Mahershala Ali, and that other guy whom I forget his name... Ethan somebody.
In the movie, Ethan's character tells us at one point that he is a 'useless man'. The context of the scene is about being a male , a useless male that can't protect his family cause he has no idea how to survive without being on the 'grid'. That's outright 'in your face' chit that we are being fed for some time now.
Watch this movie but do understand it's all propaganda made to scare the chit out of us !
And remember that when cyberattacks happen, it's your's and my governments and the Money Changers and the War-Machine other corrupt entities that are behind the whole mess.
The ship near the beginning of the movie is called the 'White Lion'
The Lion or the symbol of the Lion is a symbol of standing up against your oppressors. Funny how that ship named as that, is one of the first casualties in the movie. And not just any Lion but a 'WHITE' Lion.
Then we have the son wearing a T-shirt which says "OBEY' and the daughter is wearing a 'NASA' T-shirt.
The movie plays out like the old Biblical movies or even some Stephen King movies or I think 2001: A Space Odyssey was the same too. By this I mean that it was divided into Acts.
Act i , Act ii and so on. This was done on purpose to make the movie seem of epic quality.
The first Act showed a scene of the Earth with the Sun rising behind it. Then in the opening scene of another Act it shows the same scene but this time the view pans back to show that the camera location was on the moon AND in the for-ground (on the Moon) is a USA flag standing there.
Sorry but NASA never went to the Moon, but that's a whole another story.
There are more things to point out (things like Electric Cars out to kill you and that kinda fun stuff) but I will leave that for you. to find :)
That's just my preview at the type of programming we see in this movie. Along with the plot of course, which is predictive programing.
Kinda similar to that movie 'Contagen', which was about dangerous 'virus' and lock downs and etc... That movie came out some time before covid-19 was seen on the grande stage.