View Full Version : My Appologies
crazed 9.6
02-25-2022, 09:46 AM
This note is addressed to all iptvtalk members.
Recently there was a thread on site here about what has been happening in Canada. I am the person that started the thread. I did not mean for it to be political but how could it not.
I have not been taking things well lately and with what happened in Ottawa I think I may have lost some of my marbles. I was devastated, upset and angry all at once. I was in tears at one point.
That thread I posted was against house rules but seems I think myself above them rules. And the result was that I disrespected another staff member by my reaction to something said and by doing that and breaking the rules to start the whole thing in the first place, I have disrespected yous all as well.
I had previously sent an apology to the staff member but I also wanted to make it public. Apologies again 4me2c
I needed to tell these details because i wanted to show that indeed I am not fit to be your site moderator, not at this time.
I have decided to take a break from the internet. I need to.
Its not this site here that is my trouble, but I frequently visit social media sites and take it all in.
It has harmed my brain, this I know.
But I will be here frequently as I know some will need to private message me about things to do with codes and etc, which i can access, but other then that I will be off the forums.
The staff here are fully able to handle things without me:)
So that is why I tell all this, so yous understand why I need to take a break at least till I am mentally fit and why I am truely sorry for my recent actions.
thnx guys and gals
See you in the funny papers :)
02-25-2022, 01:16 PM
Hey man don't be so hard on yourself. The worlds a mess and so are all of us,over the last couple years. You have helped thousands of people here, going to miss your input. Stay safe pal.
No need to apologize sir. You are fine. Your love for people and country probably made you upset and that’s ok. Your are great person and dedicated moderator who helps all every day from decades. :)
I have nothing but tip of hat for you for your love and dedication you have for us. :)
Take care of your health and we need you here :)
02-25-2022, 02:27 PM
It's OK craze, 4me doesn't mind being Green Again...!!!
Take Care of Yourself and Your Family, They are what's Really Important in Today's World...!!
Don't stay away as there is a Nascar Race this weekend...!
02-25-2022, 02:56 PM
I can understand you frustration, the last 2 years has had everyone on the edge. It is hard not to say anything when you get so down about what is going on in the country and the world. Your not alone buddy. I know you think of everyone here as family. As family I back you weather I agree or disagree with your opinion. When you are down you need to vent or it can lead to more depression and hostility. That's what family is for to help other through rough times. I'm here for you buddy you can contact me anytime we can discuss thing over a stiff drink. I will not judge you as everyone will always have different opinions. Things that are happening in today's word will affect everyone different.
02-26-2022, 07:57 PM
Hey buddy don't be so hard on yourself all of us have opinions of our leaders/government/life and you are free and allowed to express yours how you see it .
We live in Canada not Russia. And you apologize to those that didn't agree with your statement ,A wise on this site said to me it takes a man
to apologize, so take your wisdom and get well and come back your are the back bone of this site 10 years back that i remember . Take care
02-27-2022, 02:03 AM
I agree with everyone that posted.It shows the Character of a person that can apologize in public when they feel they wronged some one.I have much respect for you Crazed.In the last few years their has been a lot of us that have felt the stresses and been in the same situation as yourself.So take all the time you need to Heal.
02-27-2022, 10:45 PM
its ok crazed 9.6 and get well brother!
02-28-2022, 03:51 PM
get well buddy will be missing you .
your health is very important.
and you don't have to apologize
Take Care Crazed and thanks for helping so many here!!!
03-08-2022, 02:45 PM
No need to apologize sir. You are fine. Your love for people and country probably made you upset and that’s ok. Your are great person and dedicated moderator who helps all every day from decades. :)
I have nothing but tip of hat for you for your love and dedication you have for us. :)
Take care of your health and we need you here :)
Crazed you are one of the best my friend. :rolleyes:You see what other's think of you. :oTake good care and Don't worry about it. .. andkaal
03-09-2022, 12:56 PM
I know you have all the support from us ,get well and you owe nothing, all of us could use a break from all the shit thats been going on .
03-10-2022, 06:46 PM
i agree with 4wheelin , they couldn't have said it better ;D
took the words right out of my mouth :cool:
if you didn't know you have support from everyone including myself , you do now ;D
03-10-2022, 07:34 PM
@crazed 9.6, you sir, have no apologies to be made. This site is not the same without you, I will miss your daily, minute by minute, contributions.
A word to the wise for all members, today's political interactions, MSM media and social media is designed to keep you coming back or tuned in all day. Eyeballs are profitable and the daily drama keeps eyeballs locked, whether it's RW or LW, DRAMA sells. The best way to sell is to get you emotionally involved so let's not be victims when the media you are viewing is telling you that everyday and all day you are a victim, simply, you are NOT a victim. Don't let them sell you fear, distrust and anger because it makes it easier for any media to get you emotional and opening your pockets.
Remember we are all our country's citizens and united we stand and divided we fall.
crazed 9.6
03-11-2022, 04:19 AM
wow.. I am speechless. Yes it is true, I am speechless :eek:
Thnx for the kind words guys and gals. And the strength I find in them is ausome :)
I will post a message later tonight or tomorrow about my status and the world around us that is driving me crazy .... I know, I know I am the crazed one, but I am finding in the last few years that there are crazed people that are actually dangerous. I am not one of those.
I did post something yesterday but that was only to finish up my comments on a previous thread. I did not want to leave it with it looking like I did not care, so I did post something, regardless of Doctor's orders.
I am kidding about the doctor thing, I do not visit any Doctors most of my life and especially not these days :eek:
Anyway , I will post a message soon concerning my status :)
Thnx again people. I am over whelmed :)
crazed 9.6
03-11-2022, 03:18 PM
I hope everyone of yous and us makes it thru all this craziness.
I know I am no where near in a place as some people of this earth. I wish I had a magic wand that would keep us all save and secure.
I been fighting against lots of things these last coupe years, I been arrested and jailed a total of 3 times in the last two years.Last time was during the Freedom Convoy. I took my Canadian flag and stood in traffic here in my home town. It was silly thing to do as i could have been hurt. I was right in the traffic standing on the center line.
I had a few shots of Captain Morgans before hand , the Black Morgans. That stuff is potent. The cop that arrested me at first I could tell he had things on his mind as to weather or not charge me with crimanal acts, but when he figured out that I had been drinking well that was his way out. He arrested me for drunkenness which was better then a criminal charge. I never figured none of that out till the next day, what that cop actually did for me.
I have done things too that were less volatile (didn't get me arrested), like inform my community of whats going on behind their eyes or knowledge.
It\s a tough thing and makes one question a whole bunch of stuff we were always taught or saw.
I work as a Janitor as some know. I have a stake in the company along with a partner. Before this 'pandemic', two years ago, we had at any given time 20 to 25 employees and had 12 to 21 jobs daily and weekly.It was good.Then all hell broke loose and we had to let all employess go.. as we lost all them jobs. Most all them jobs. We could have kept some employees but the MSM and their fear-mongering made everyone scared.
We paid all employees every thing we had that we could spare. It helped them to get past a month or two till other revenue came in for them (government false hopes). Most were Mothers and wives, they did not want to take any chances. who could blame them.
And the business' we had most all let us go, except this one Grocery chain. we had one store of theirs we did 4 nights a week. Now since we have 3 of their stores.
it is cause I am so amazing at the work I do, they never had a better floor guy :eek:
Okay, that was some bullchit right there but it is partly true :)
About 6 months ago, one of the store's floor managers told me I would be fired if I did not get jabbed.
I said I'd come in at night and never see anyone or be in contact with anyone. She said I would not be allowed in the buildings at all.
this messed me up. If I do not have these jobs, I am done. The stress level has been so high since then and still is, but I do my job and in fact I have never done it better then I have in the last 2 years.
I have the option to work many hours without the company seeing it on the books, cause I get paid the same no matter what I do. So I do and it shows. They love me.
Ironically I could make trouble because of what that floor manager said to me, but instead the store benefits unknowingly because I work beyond expectations and their stores are looking sweet :)
Anyway, besides all that about myself, recently we had the Trucker Convoy in Ottawa and that turned attentions. It was responsible for changes. Not just in Ottawa either, they blocked bridges and access points to USA to stop trading. It was a well laid out plan.
Then the government stepped in with a heavy hand, or should I say 'heavy horses' !
And Tamara Lich went to jail too with bail denied and that was an unjust action. The third judge to hear her case saw it as that too. She is 'free' now after almost 3 weeks in jail.
That felt like we left a man behind. And that was a feeling that our government introduced to us.
It was devastating:(
I could carry on and on about things, but...
Along with many other shenanigans it been a rough couple years.
Anyway that is where I was at these last few months.
I can't say I am any better place these days, but I do know that there are far worse places as I am sure many of yous have been thru all this.
I am ok. I hope all you guys and gals, my brothers and sisters are ok too. I know some are not :(
03-12-2022, 12:18 AM
Great to have you back my friend
03-12-2022, 02:49 AM
Is there a couple of posts Missing from this thread...?!?
crazed 9.6
03-12-2022, 05:48 AM
Is there a couple of posts Missing from this thread...?!?
yes there was.
It was some humor that I thought not everyone would see it as humorous and then a member responded and as I suspected the humor was lost on him/her.
So to defer from further confusion I deleted the posts (2 of them).
No harm done and no offense meant, it was just me playing 'goal keeper' again :eek:
03-15-2022, 08:23 PM
Good to have you back Sir! This place isn't the same without you.
And regarding the Black Morgans, just don't stand on the center line with one foot up!!! < The foot up, not a good idea, no,no.........:D:D:p
crazed 9.6
03-23-2022, 12:06 PM
thnx :)
I never really went too far away thou, But I did need to get my act together which needed some quiet time :)
I should be okay going forward.
As prove of that .... yesterday our Prime Minister wang danged and somehow made it so he stays in office without the Canadian citizens votes or concensus or etc.. or something like that... in other words we the people have less then no rights now, we now have no vote. But even all that I stayed calm cool and collective :)
Then I got in the shower and turned the water on full blast and screamed my head off for about 15 minutes !
lol, just kidding... there was no shower involved :)
03-23-2022, 02:40 PM
Just the screaming LOL
I feel your pain
03-23-2022, 07:29 PM
Just the screaming LOL
I feel your pain
As do I and I don't even live there...
03-23-2022, 09:41 PM
Just saw a Youtube Video where this guy is talking about what is going on up there and at the end He says : "Keep the Hope, We're going to Fight and We're going to WIN!"...
His name is Pierre Poilievre... and He is asking for People to sign His Petition...
crazed 9.6
03-23-2022, 11:09 PM
Just saw a Youtube Video where this guy is talking about what is going on up there and at the end He says : "Keep the Hope, We're going to Fight and We're going to WIN!"...
His name is Pierre Poilievre... and He is asking for People to sign His Petition...
not gonna happen my friend.
Trudeau and his croonies will not allow it. And none of them politicians ever tell the truth anyway, no matter even if they seem good intentions, its all lies.
After trudeau is done (eventually), then it will be Christia Freeland as the next Prime Minister and then watch the tyranny . It will be 10 fold worse then Trudeau's
If anyone thought that New Zealand's female Prime Minister is a tryant,you ain't seen nothing yet with this Freeland in office :eek:
damn, damn... why are we discussing politics ?
I gotta go and get in the shower again now :eek:
03-24-2022, 01:05 AM
Just have to keep "The Glimmer of Hope" Alive...!!!
Old Plumb
03-30-2022, 06:19 PM
Very sad to see what can happen when we are bombarded with so much trash news . to Crazed 9.6 get yourself in a better spot and please do not stay away for long . Ihave been helped by you for many years and APPRICATE all you have done for us not s bright FTA guys and gals
09-10-2022, 10:59 PM
Update on Post #26 :
Gotta have a Positive Mind Set...!!!
big mac
09-11-2022, 12:38 AM
Update on Post #26 :
Gotta have a Positive Mind Set...!!!
I'm sure he'll win the party leadership role.
This is why Castro's son requested the early election this year.
09-11-2022, 12:38 AM
Pierre Poilievre WON. Now the Future Looks Better for Our Friends up North, Hopefully They have someone to Represent Them Now...!!!
crazed 9.6
09-11-2022, 06:09 AM
I am speechless.
I am so very happy :)
We would have been crispy fried and done if Charest had a got in !
Now onto Ottawa and unseat Trudy !
crazed 9.6
09-11-2022, 06:40 AM
Not long ago, I had low hopes for us Canadians. It did not look good at all for us.
Things have been changing thou. Canadians are waking up in a big way.
The Trucker Freedom convoy did alot to get us here :)
Watching the Legacy Media thou, you would not have known.
they said there were a couple dozen Trucks descending on Ottawa when in fact it was 1000s of trucks and people. The media hid that from the unsuspecting public, among alot of things they hid and/or reported falsely about.
The Truckers gave us the spark we needed. And the private trusted journalists gave us the window to see that :)
09-11-2022, 03:24 PM
I sure hope Pierre Poilievre lives up to our expectations. Not liker O'toole win the trader ship then do a 180 and fallow the Justin Trudeau policies with a few miner changes that never helped Canadains anyway.
Pierre Poilievre talked the talk now lets hope walks the walk.
Sorry for the uncertanty but I have grown to be sceptical of all polititions, they all seem to be able to be bought ot thretened into doing what the elites whan then to do.
The old saying money talks.
Just hoping and praying I am out to lunch!!!
crazed 9.6
09-11-2022, 03:29 PM
yea, my motto for some time is that there is not a good politician in the whole mess of them. There are exceptions I suppose, but they come far between.
Reason what makes me so happy to see what is taking place now is because I believe it can only be Pierre Poilievre that can beat Trudy.
In other words, any game plan to oust Trudy, count me in :)
09-11-2022, 09:38 PM
I’m have to agree with you on that.JT and his commies need the punt.
That Freeland gives me the chills.
09-12-2022, 04:53 PM
Good luck to all of you in Canada, I hope you fare better with a supporter of the people than we did in the south. It will be nice to have a country as Beautiful as Canada to have a government worthy of it's people again.
crazed 9.6
09-12-2022, 04:57 PM
thnx from us up North.
Unfortunately, we still have a minimum of 3 years and possibly 4 years, with Trudy (Castro Jr) in office until next Federal election :eek:
09-24-2022, 12:35 AM
More "Good News"... "Not even two weeks as leader and Trudeau is backing down on his unscientific vaccine mandates & making the disastrous ArriveCAN app voluntary.
Let’s keep going."...
crazed 9.6
09-24-2022, 01:03 AM
More "Good News"... "Not even two weeks as leader and Trudeau is backing down on his unscientific vaccine mandates & making the disastrous ArriveCAN app voluntary.
Let’s keep going."...
yup, but I think this has more to do with the Honorable Brian Pickford and his ongoing cases against the Trudeau government.
Pierre is doing good too.
Pickford was once the Newfoundland Premier and he is the only remaining living person who had a hand in drafting the Canadian Rights and Freedoms Constitution.
He is a lawyer now and is and has been taking on Trudeau full tilt
Others too have been taking it to Trudeau. Lots of information is surfacing proving Trudy's crimes.
09-24-2022, 11:54 AM
thnx from us up North.
Unfortunately, we still have a minimum of 3 years and possibly 4 years, with Trudy (Castro Jr) in office until next Federal election :eek: Not if Singh would get of his ass and vote non confident with the conservatives. After all no one voted for the NDP to give the Liberals a majority. I hope the voters send the liberals into the stone age, lest we forget .
09-24-2022, 08:01 PM
It is very hard to beat a coalition as strong and controlling as the liberals build when they get power, They remove every person they think will even think about obstructing their agenda form every position they can and replace them. Good luck to you in getting what you want!! Maybe America can become a united continent with all countries being places of Freedom, Safety, and Opportunity for every person that lives there.
10-13-2022, 01:30 AM
New Interview :
crazed 9.6
10-13-2022, 01:45 AM
to see real changes we have our hopes pegged on our Brand New Alberta Premier, just elected last week. Danielle Smith
She has already shown her objectives and they are looking very good.
She is a politician thou and we all know what are capable of ,,,, and this is Trudeau's Liberal Canada right now, but we have hopes in Danielle for Alberta :)
big mac
10-16-2022, 01:01 AM
to see real changes we have our hopes pegged on our Brand New Alberta Premier, just elected last week. Danielle Smith
She has already shown her objectives and they are looking very good.
She is a politician thou and we all know what are capable of ,,,, and this is Trudeau's Liberal Canada right now, but we have hopes in Danielle for Alberta :)
I'm super happy that I live in Ontario.Otherwise I would have been screwed in 2013,2016 and 2020.
This broad is a moron and no one and I mean no one deserves a leader like her.
She can go kick rocks for a living.
crazed 9.6
10-16-2022, 02:02 AM
If Calgary citynews and Rachel Notley say so then it must be true.
What Danielle Smith said was against big pharma and their killer drugs and treatments. So it stands to reason that 'Big Harma's' puppets would tow the line and treat Smith like some kind of monster.
If this is all that it takes to condemn Danielle then we are in a heap of trouble as a people.
crazed 9.6
10-16-2022, 02:20 AM
One of the first things Danielle did since taking office is fire Alberta's head doctor Henshaw.
Henshaw is another muppet / puppet, but no more. Jail time should be next for her.
This came after Danielle's speech about Canadians being discriminated against by their government and all else involved, as never seen before in history.
Now I know Henwsahw will be replaced but not one person but instead by a committee. They will have the same powers as Henshaw did and it may not work out as good as I hope, but just knowing Henshaw is gone is good enough for now.
Danielle Smith is not a muppet puppet... She is a politician thou, so there is that. But we need change and so far so good.
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