crazed 9.6
09-16-2021, 05:39 PM
I had posted a thing about following the Money the other night. It did not stay up very long before I removed it. The reason why I removed it was because in the end my trail and research led to a dead end.,, well not really a dead end but it came to a cold trail.
The Vangaurd Group is protected by client confidentiality (estimated worth = 7 trillion dollars).
And the BlackRock group may be as well (estimated worth = 9 trillion dollars).
Estimated proceeds from Pfizer's vaccine rollout = 500 trillion dollars.
I have since come across this .pdf document and it's very interesting.
Seems I was not the only one that was following the money :eek:
Reasonable Substantial Evidence
crazed 9.6
09-16-2021, 06:28 PM
Quoted below is what I had posted the other night
According to Bloomberg July 2021
Pfizer's forecast for vaccine sales is $33.5 Billion
Which is something like almost 4 Million per hour.
Before we go on, let's first get to know just a bit about Pfizer
Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is a biopharmaceutical company and manufacturer of health care products including one of the COVID-19 vaccines. The publicly-traded company owns several well-known brands—including Chantix, Ibrance, Eliquis, Lipitor, Lyrica, and Prevnar—and manages a portfolio of health products. And its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc.
The company is one of the largest drugmakers, with a $255 billion market cap.
-end c/p
Pfizer’s Checkered History
Here’s a brief glimpse of Pfizer’s track record for safety and ethics. This is a short list, by no means inclusive of the company’s entire rap sheet.
-Pfizer received the biggest fine in U.S. history as part of a $2.3 Billion plea deal with federal prosecutors for mis-promoting medicines (Bextra, Celebrex) and paying kickbacks to compliant doctors. Pfizer pleaded guilty to mis-branding the painkiller Bextra by promoting the drug for uses for which it was not approved.
-In the 1990s, Pfizer was involved in defective heart valves that lead to the deaths of more than 100 people. Pfizer had deliberately misled regulators about the hazards. The company agreed to pay $10.75 Million to settle justice department charges for misleading regulators.
-Pfizer paid more than $60 Million to settle a lawsuit over Rezulin, a diabetes medication that caused patients to die from acute liver failure.
-In the UK, Pfizer has been fined nearly €90 Million for overcharging the NHS, the National Health Service. Pfizxer charged the taxpayer an additional €48 Million per year for what should have cost €2 million per year.
-Pfizer agreed to pay $430 Million in 2004 to settle criminal charges that it had bribed doctors to prescribe its epilepsy drug Neurontin for indications for which it was not approved.
-In 2011, a jury found Pfizer committed racketeering fraud in its marketing of the drug Neurontin. Pfizer agreed to pay $142.1 Million to settle the charges.
-Pfizer disclosed that it had paid nearly nearly 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals some $20 Million for speaking on Pfizer’s behalf.
-In 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had reached a $45 Million settlement with Pfizer to resolve charges that its subsidiaries had bribed overseas doctors and other healthcare professionals to increase foreign sales.
-Pfizer was sued in a U.S. federal court for using Nigerian children as human guinea pigs, without the childrens’ parents’ consent. Pfizer paid $75 Million to settle in Nigerian court for using an experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on the children. The company paid an additional undisclosed amount in the U.S. to settle charges here. Pfizer had violated international law, including the Nuremberg Convention established after WWII, due to Nazi experiments on unwilling prisoners.
-Amid widespread criticism of gouging poor countries for drugs, Pfizer pledged to give $50 million for an AIDS drug to South Africa. Later, however, Pfizer failed to honor that promise.
-end c/p
Keep in mind that you nor I can sue Pfizer or Moderna or J&J or AstraZeneca any other approved vaccine maker/company.
Why you ask ?
Cause you just can't !
If you ask the companies and governments thou, they would have you think it is so they (the companies) can continue with their life saving work. If they were to be sued every time their vaccine harmed or killed someone, then it would become an atmosphere that they just could not continue their life saving work in.
I think it was in the 1980's sometime that the government(s) made it impossible to sue these companies.
In any other past vaccine trials and testing, if there were any deaths recorded during the testing or trials then all trials would immediately cease.
But that is not the case now. Many have died and/or suffer adverse effects.
Okay back to the money....
The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX) was launched in 1992.
Since then, the fund's assets have grown to several hundred billion dollars.
-- The Vanguard Group Inc. is the largest shareholder of Pfizer Inc.
and BlackRock Inc. come in as the 2nd top shareholders in Pfizer.
Then come the Banks and other fund Management Services as their other top shareholders.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in AstraZeneca.
Need to look into who also has interests in this company. There is a certain Doctor that may.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Johnson & Johnson.
Blackrock coming in at it's 2nd top holder.
J&J has been sued as long ago as 1972 for a cancer causing aspect of their Baby Powder. They (j&j) have paid off these judgements time and time again and have in the process kept their product on the shelves. Did I mention it was BABY powder ?
They now have become a vaccine maker. Vaccine makers can not be sued. Imagine that.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Google.
Blackrock come in as the 2nd top holder.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Facebook.
Blackrock comes in at 2nd top holder.
Facebook owns Instagram.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Twitter.
Blackrock come in as the 2nd top holder.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Microsoft.
Blackrock comes in as the 2nd top holder.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Apple.
Blackrock comes in at 2nd top holder.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. comes in at the 3rd largest holder in Apple.
Berkshire is owned by Warren Buffet.
-- The Vanguard Group is number one shareholder in Amazon.
Blackrock comes in as the 2nd top holder.
The Murdock Family owns News Corp.
News Corp owns a large amount of Media sources.
A few are listed below...
-Channel 9 News Australia
-20th Century Fox
-NewYork Post
-TV Guide
-Herald Sun
-The Australian
-News World
-Daily Telegraph
-Nation Geographic
-- The Vanguard Group is the 3rd top shareholder in News Corp.
Blackrock comes in as the 2nd top holder.
Warner Media LLC is owned by CNN and AT&T is the Parent Company of CNN.
-- The Vanguard Group is also number one shareholder in AT&T.
Blackrock comes in as the 2nd top holder.
Fox News Corp opposes CNN at every turn thru main stream media and vise versa.
Guess who is the top shareholder of both Fox Corp and CNN ?
Yup, it's The Vanguard Group.
-- The Vanguard Group is also number one shareholder in Disney Co. and Marvel.
BlackRock and SSgA Funds come in as the 2nd and 3rd top holders.
And let's not forget about Lionsgate Films and other companies that Disney created
to distance from so they could produce adult R rated content. But yet hold the Disney wholesome look and value in the media.
#1 MHR Funds
#2 Vangaurd Group
Let's look at Warren Buffet's company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
-- The Vanguard Group is also number one shareholder in Berkshire Hathaway.
SSgA Funds and Blackrock come in as the 2nd and 3rd top holders.
Interestingly, the 4th top holder in Warren's company is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Gates Foundation's top shareholder is Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Bill Gates who is and has been pushing the vaccines for recent years now,
is also the primary funder of the Pharma and vaccine maker Moderna.
And un-benounced and most certainly surprising to hear,
this is a vaccine that was sent to University researchers weeks before the emergence
was seen of Covid-19 in Wuhan, China.
Berkshire recently bought up large amounts of shares in Big Pharma companies such as Abbive, Merck, Pfizer and Bristol Myers Squibb.
Warren said himself that the reasons why he bought into Big Pharma
was partly because of the relative bargains and that they were 'cash cows'
fact checking ?
FactCheck(dot)org are funded partially by Anneberg Foundation and Facebook and Google (among others).
The Anneberg Foundation is FactCheck's number one supporter and funder.
But who funds Anneberg, you may ask ?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation does, and at a tune of a 900 thousand dollar grant in 2020.
Okay, let's look at the 'junk fast food' industry.
That's the industry that contributes to some of the biggest diseases in the world right now
(diabetes, obesity and heart diseases).
Who are McDonald's top shareholders ?
#1 Vangaurd Group
Who are Coca-Cola's top shareholders ?
#1 Berkshire
#2 Vangaurd Group
#4 Blackrock
Who are Pepsico's top shareholders ?
#1 Vangaurd Group
#2 Blackrock
So who the heck owns Vangaurd ??
The Vangaurd group's top investors and shareholder is... wait for it.... wait ...
BlackRock Fund Advisors are Vangaurd's biggest shareholders.
The Vangaurd Group is based out of Pennsylvania and holds assets up to and exceeding 7 Trillion Dollars.
Billions and millions and millions involved.
I do have my suspicions
I have not included any links of the sources to all of this,
but it is not difficult to find the sources online for yourselves, simply just follow the money
Numbers or facts seen here, may have changed since the time of the start of this research,
but be sure there would not have been much changes.
The rich and powerful do not loose their way so easily
But I do think Buffet did some more changes thou, not sure why thou.
I think it had to do with his holdings with Gates.
Vanguard was founded by John C. Bogle as part of the Wellington Management Company.
Bogle earned his degree from Princeton University.
The fund grew out of a bad decision Bogle made on a merger.
Bogle was removed as the head of the group, but he was still allowed to start a new fund.
The main stipulation of allowing Bogle to start the new fund was that it could not be actively managed.
Due to this limitation, Bogle decided to start a passive fund that tracked the S&P 500.
Bogle named the fund "Vanguard" after a British ship.
The first new fund launched in 1975
John Bogle was the founder of the Vanguard Group and a major proponent of index investing.
Commonly referred to as "Jack," Bogle revolutionized the mutual fund world by creating index investing,
which allows investors to buy mutual funds that track the broader market.
He did this with the overall intent to make investing easier and at a low cost for the average investor.
Vanguard has a fairly unique structure in terms of investment management companies.
The company is owned by its funds. The company’s different funds are then owned by the shareholders.
Thus, the shareholders are the true owners of Vanguard. The company has no outside investors other than its shareholders.
Most of the major investment firms are publicly traded.
Vanguard's structure allows the company to charge very low expenses for its funds.
Due to its scope of size, the company has been able to reduce its expenses over the years.
The average expense ratio for Vanguard funds was 0.89% in 1975. That number stands at 0.09% in 2021.
Some experts believe Vanguard’s structure allows it to avoid conflicts of interest that are present at other investment management firms.
Publicly traded investment management firms must cater to their shareholders and the investors in their funds.
Key Takeaways
Vanguard Group is the second-largest investment firm in the world, after BlackRock.
It is the biggest issuer of mutual funds worldwide and the second-biggest issuer of ETFs.
The company is unusual in the fund world in that it is owned by its different funds,
which are in turn owned by the company's shareholders.
The company has no other owners than its shareholders, which sets it apart from most publicly-traded investment firms.
About Vanguard
As of 2021, Vanguard has more than $7.50 trillion in assets under management (AUM),
second to BlackRock, Inc ($9.01 trillion AUM).4 The company is headquartered in Pennsylvania.
Vanguard is the largest issuer of mutual funds in the world and the second-largest issuer of exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
It has 209 U.S. funds as of 2021. It has one of the largest bond funds in the world as of 2021, the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index.
Vanguard prides itself on its stability, transparency, low costs, and risk management.
It is a leader in the area of offering passively managed mutual funds and ETFs
Remdesivir is an expensive drug which has been approved as an emergency use drug for covid-19 treatment in a hospital setting.
The drug does not work. They know this. WHO has published this knowledge.
The drug had been in a trial testing atmosphere to treat Ebola some years ago. It was removed from the trial early because deaths were the results. But seems that does no matter and the drug is and has been fast-tracked into use for covid-19. While other treatments that do work are essentially illegal and in some countries almost impossible to get. Them drugs are cheap and effective and are un-patantable (so far).
But instead Fauci and the rest of the criminals are shooting us up with this dangerous drug, if and when you enter a hospital with covid symptoms.
The drug is administered over 5 or 10 days. A five-day course of treatment costs around $2600 per person.
So for a hospital with hundreds of Covid patients, that would amount to millions of dollars for one antiviral.
That price could be cost-effective if remdesivir saved lives and its use was limited to moderate or severe disease, but it's also being made available for milder cases and WHO found that it isn't a lifesaving drug.
Follow who pulls the strings with this drug company and you will find Bill Gates at the helm.
Remdesivir is owned by Gilead Sciences, a US biotechnology company. Gilead got its first patent for the drug in 2017 when the company was originally targeting it as a possible treatment for the Ebola virus. That didn't pan out, but Gilead is moving forward with remdesivir repurposed for treating COVID-19.
Gilead's patents mean that it has a monopoly on the drug in the United States, so barring government intervention or Gilead licensing the patent to others, it's the only company that can manufacture it until 2037, at which point a generic version could be possible.
Gilead Sciences biggest shareholder is Microsoft corp.(previous CEO Bill Gates) among a bunch of other tech giants.
Another thing is that when or if you take the vaccine and then end up with serious health issues, the drugs they will prescribe to you for things like heart and liver and other failed organs , them drugs are hugely expensive too and are made by the same companies that made the vaccines that damaged or killed you to begin with.
It's a win win situation for Big Pharma :)
crazed 9.6
09-17-2021, 05:36 PM
Fox corp. is made up of news, and entertainment.
If any watch Fox stations regularly, it can be seen that they at Fox seem to oppose vaccine mandates and even go as far as calling Biden a tyrant.
All their top guys are doing this.
Tucker, Hannity, Laura Ingram, and all of them are telling us it's our body our choice and they even go on to talk about the tyranny of it all.
They never ever pass on a chance to speak out against these vaccine mandates... but guess what??
It seems they at Fox are getting vaccinated weather they want to or not. Its their mandate and they go even further then what Biden said.
Biden says once a week for testing the unvaxxed.
Fox is testing them unvaxxed daily.
just like I mentioned in the above posts , don't trust any main stream media, none of them !
They are all the same (CNN, Fox, Global, Washington Post, NYTimes and etc..etc..)
Their paychecks come from the same people.
well their name alone tells us they whole story (Fox):eek:
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