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3rd party TV guide ? [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


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06-14-2015, 11:17 PM
Given that the guide feature doesn't work with all of the channels I was hoping to find some type of app that might have a searchable TV guide where I can add spacific channels .

Is there such a thing ?

06-14-2015, 11:25 PM
no on the mag or avov

06-15-2015, 02:14 PM
Given that the guide feature doesn't work with all of the channels I was hoping to find some type of app that might have a searchable TV guide where I can add spacific channels .

Is there such a thing ?
Ready APP will not find , but if you have knowledge of Linux you can take advantage of the enormous work done for free by the user "dara" to create EPG for KODI and integrate it into your MAG 25x open platform.

06-15-2015, 06:25 PM
I can only take partial credit for the XMLTV project, it was driven by psycon. Even then, deployment of Kodi onto the Mag 254 hasn't been reported, but if you can get a command line prompt from a linux machine, like the Mag, it probably can be done.

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