View Full Version : Lies and omissions in media.
09-30-2020, 05:53 PM
If you find something or hear something you find you think is BS from either side lets laugh or cry about it here.
I will start with this
Funny we didn't hear this isn't it Morris is a Democrat but also PROFESSIONAL investigative journalist.
09-30-2020, 08:16 PM
What is Wrong with this ? :
"He took advantage of every way to cut his tax burden. Do you know any taxpayer who doesn’t?"
10-01-2020, 04:00 AM
The fact is he paid his taxes and the amount he paid for the year was not really just 750 dollars, it was much more that 750 dollars. The fact is financially the government held his 4+ million for a year and made more on his money than what he was supposed to pay in taxes so the government AND THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY got more in interest than he would have paid in taxes so if you add the interest to the 750 you get the real total tax he paid. The new jerk times should be made to print the whole story, not just the 750 dollar part. I just wonder exactly what the hell a question about his taxes was doing in the debate last night, if they were going to ask that Why did they not ask biden about the Ukrainian and Chinese extortion and influence pedaling and if he paid taxes on all of the under the table money he and his son received. They have no legal right to Trumps tax information and releasing it to the public is a crime. The court has not ruled on anyone having it for public release. if someone in the ny courts released it they have committed a felony and should be removed and disbarred
10-01-2020, 09:52 AM
"Taxpayers have the right to pay only the amount of tax legally due, including interest and penalties, and to have the IRS apply all tax payments properly."
I've been self employed for over 40 years. I take advantage of every loop hole and break that's out there.
10-01-2020, 05:33 PM
How a Biden wearing a "Wire" at the debate.
10-02-2020, 12:26 AM
I don't know but he was a lot sharper than he ever is off the cuff. He had to have some kind of knowledge of the questions or else someone to tell him what to say every time.
crazed 9.6
10-02-2020, 01:29 AM
They practiced with sessions of Q and A before the debate took place.
Some say Biden was wearing a wire and the only prove of that is substandard at best. They say because they would not allow him to be body searched before the debate then that was prove enough that a wire was worn... but that is just silly thinking.
I saw no evidence of a wire.
Biden is well trained and can enter these debates well prepared. His effort is shown in the fact that he did not stutter and has control over that.
I watched the debate and was rather amused at the whole thing.
There was nothing in that debate that would help a US citizen decide who to vote for :eek:
Sleepy Joe and Donald Duck put on a show for the masses and did not really touch on the real issues
crazed 9.6
10-02-2020, 03:25 AM
Some time ago in Staff discussions, we thought about having a section for this kinda of thing as what this thread is titled (Lies and Omissions in Media).
Conspiracies and all that stuff to be included.
But to do that would be opening a big can of worms :eek:
So many things could go wrong, like partisan views and the arguments that could and usually does bring.
There are also those that will be offended with certain things posted. We are in a whole new era on what we consider offensive these days.
There are also issues with posting or directing to 'fake news' or partial news quoted out of context.
Those that be are editing sites and things posted on sites and putting Social Media sites onto watch lists and all that craziness. I know we at iptv site are not what is considered a 'Social media' site , but I would hate to be put on some 'watchlist'.
Who will moderate all this if we allow it on site here ?
Send more Moderators, lol :)
Is basically why there has never been a 'Rumors' forum here.
But if the members here wanna see something like this then who be it me to interfere ?? :)
Did you know that the Volkswagon Automaker lied and even put devices in place to substantiate their lie, in order to keep selling vehicles that would have otherwise never passed emission tests in some States and Countrys ?
What about Fox News holding back certain evidence about what Monsata was and has been doing to the Dairy industry ?
There are lots of things out there that can fall under this thread... Let's just hope we do not attract the boys in the Ice-Cream suits or even them BLM crazzies... not that the idea is crazy, but just them rioters and criminals are the crazies... or is that suppossed to be 'peaceful protestors' ... and with their governments looking on and even in one case joining in !
What about florid in the water and what they never told us ?
Okay, I will stop now.... damn :eek:
10-02-2020, 08:55 AM
One More, Just in case it was missed in another Thread and One that 4me Wishes was just a Theory :
10-02-2020, 11:02 AM
Me Too too
10-03-2020, 04:16 AM
Just wanted to know why anyone would vote for a man who has been living off the tax payer for 47 years ..became a millionaire but never worked a day in his life.......Many years ago we had Statesmen ...who worked for a living and then ran for political office to fulfil their civic duty for a short time...and then go back to civilian life and work.............
10-03-2020, 05:16 AM
Some time ago in Staff discussions, we thought about having a section for this kinda of thing as what this thread is titled (Lies and Omissions in Media).
Conspiracies and all that stuff to be included.
But to do that would be opening a big can of worms :eek:
So many things could go wrong, like partisan views and the arguments that could and usually does bring.
There are also those that will be offended with certain things posted. We are in a whole new era on what we consider offensive these days.
There are also issues with posting or directing to 'fake news' or partial news quoted out of context.
Those that be are editing sites and things posted on sites and putting Social Media sites onto watch lists and all that craziness. I know we at iptv site are not what is considered a 'Social media' site , but I would hate to be put on some 'watchlist'.
Who will moderate all this if we allow it on site here ?
Send more Moderators, lol :)
Is basically why there has never been a 'Rumors' forum here.
But if the members here wanna see something like this then who be it me to interfere ?? :)
Did you know that the Volkswagon Automaker lied and even put devices in place to substantiate their lie, in order to keep selling vehicles that would have otherwise never passed emission tests in some States and Countrys ?
What about Fox News holding back certain evidence about what Monsata was and has been doing to the Dairy industry ?
There are lots of things out there that can fall under this thread... Let's just hope we do not attract the boys in the Ice-Cream suits or even them BLM crazzies... not that the idea is crazy, but just them rioters and criminals are the crazies... or is that suppossed to be 'peaceful protestors' ... and with their governments looking on and even in one case joining in !
What about florid in the water and what they never told us ?
Okay, I will stop now.... damn :eek:
Yeah I don't mean to have a political forum fight here, I just want to know what peeps think of the news media companies and their coverage or all media companies as far as that goes as the things like the Netflix "Cuties"? or whatever the name is that we see from them daily and get an idea of what peeps think is going on here. Political leaning and discussion is one thing but trying to convince someone to change their viewpoint to yours is best left to Political forums or in person conversations. As for Trumps covid, it is sad that we will have to deal with all of the scum rejoicing in his illness and calling for his death. It just proves beyond any doubt what kind of people they really are.
crazed 9.6
10-03-2020, 05:51 AM
I remember something that Michael Moore once said.
It went something like this....
Michael Moore is a documentary writer and producer and directer.
He also has been known for full length movies. One of those was 'Canadian Bacon', which is a fantastically funny satire.
But anyway, his documentaries are or can be controversial towards governments or corporations and also towards the media.
Moore asked himself, why do these same corps which he exposes as 'monsters', allow his content to be shown thru their media platforms, and even at times the corps will produce that same documentary.
So why would they produce something that shows they themselves as monsters?
Moore at that moment knew the answer.
Because they do not care.
If the copy sells, then they will sell it. No matter or no thought about anything else.
As most know these days, the media is largely owned by a handful of corps.
Globally, large media conglomerates include Bertelsmann, National Amusements (Viacom CBS), Sony Corporation, News Corp, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, AT&T Inc., Fox Corporation, Hearst Communications, MGM Holdings Inc., Grupo Globo (South America), and Lagardère Group.
As of 2020, the largest media conglomerates in terms of revenue rank Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, AT&T, and Viacom CBS.
per Forbes.
-end c/p
10-03-2020, 02:04 PM
Never did 4me Know that Moore had anything to do with "Canadian Bacon" although Now that 4me "Thinks" about it, "Frost-bite" just might explain what happened to him...!!!
Find it Hard on a Daily Basis to find any "Good and Truthful" "News" media...!
Seems Most All have an Agenda of telling their sides or their Sponsor's Sides...!!
The "Truth" is Left by the Way-side...!!!
As far as Covid and it's Effects on US, Hope All will bee OK, esp the People Who are in "Charge" of US as "We the People" Need Competent Leaders on Capital Hill Who Care More for US than Themselves...! There used to bee Many that did just that, Lately it seems Most Care about "Me, Myself and I" and Hell with the Rest...!!!
On a Side Note seems there is a post missing... GOOD...! If One can't or won't bee Civil then One shouldn't post...!!! Thanks to Whom-ever "Drains Our Swamp" Here...!
Take Care, Remain Vigilant, Stay Safe for Yourself and Your Families and Friends, May GOD Bless All...!
"Keep Your Distance"...! Don't Rub Yours eyes when You 1st wake up as You have no Idea where Yours Hands and Fingers have been...!!
10-03-2020, 07:43 PM
Yeah If I get out of line, I should have no problem having a post deleted. Civility is needed but hard to come by from some.
I dislike the elw as much as the erw
I did have to laugh at this on fox
Matt Gaetz argues Trump catching COVID after ignoring CDC guidance means coronavirus rules don’t work
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) argued on Fox News that President Donald Trump catching coronavirus means that the guidelines put forth by the Centers for Disease Control don’t work.
Gaetz made his argument to Tucker Carlson after Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital.
“What I can tell you is if this virus can get into the Oval, into the body of the president, there is no place where it could not possibly infect one of our fellow Americans,” Gaetz argued, ignoring the fact that Trump had constantly engaged in risky behavior like holding packed campaign rallies across the country while refusing to wear a mask.
“And that’s why it’s so important to continue executing on President Trump’s strategy to allow our country to open up, but then to ensure we protect the vulnerable because there is no lockdown that can be a panacea to save everyone from everything — and this is proof-positive that’s the case,” he argued, doubling down on the approach that resulted in Trump’s hospitalization.
Carlson agreed.
“It’s such a smart point. I mean, if the president can get this virus, then it tells you a lot about our ability to protect ourselves from it,” Carlson said, ignoring the fact that Trump defiantly ignored all the protections to protect oneself from COVID-19.
10-03-2020, 09:15 PM
“What I can tell you is if this virus can get into the Oval, into the body of the president, there is no place where it could not possibly infect one of our fellow Americans,” Gaetz argued, ignoring the fact that Trump had constantly engaged in risky behavior like holding packed campaign rallies across the country while refusing to wear a mask."
I Wonder if he even realizes that THAT is the Main Reason Trump was moved to Walter Reed...?!?
crazed 9.6
10-03-2020, 10:28 PM
There has not been any posts deleted from this thread.
Perhaps another post in another thread was being referred to?
Regardless thou, we are not gonna single out individual posts and delete them because we do not agree with what they say.
That would make this one sided and all very unfair :eek:
If we are gonna allow this discussion, we must not be allowed to censor it.
I am worried thou that members will diss each other,and I hope that will not happen.
If it does happen, then I will have no choice but to close the thread :eek:
10-04-2020, 02:01 AM
This thread is one political sneeze away from getting Covid and need to be quarantined :rolleyes:
10-04-2020, 06:02 AM
I don't want this to be a political fight thread, it is an open opinion, not a "your bad, I'm not", thread, if it has to be that then it isn't worth keeping open. The idea is find out what people think is true and hat they think is false in the media, and let them explain their view, like Crazed did with the Michael Moore thing. it has nothing to do with the politics of the outlet it has to do with each persons perception of the story. Like they are saying that Acosta said that Trump finally said he disavowed white supremacist, Is that true partly true or not true just your opinion and why you think that.
crazed 9.6
10-04-2020, 06:48 AM
12icer, I will work on getting a couple sub-forums for this sort of thing.
We then could then have things seperated better and that would work better for topics and etc...
Its hard to ignore things these days, so we might as well figure out a way to discuss it all.
I will get it done asap, will try for tomorrow.
10-04-2020, 08:36 PM
Thanx Crazed, not a political forum, but just a get to know our friends and the newbies here at The forum better, what they think of many things this was just one thing to get opinions and Knowledge from those who know things some of the rest of us don't. I miss some of the old friends who have left us too. But anything that brings more conversation , and more civil social interaction is good for all of us. NO FLAMING, personal attacks or arguments would be a good thing. Hope it will work out if it doesn't, close it quicker than a rocket. I was bumping up the "mornin coffee", and the "NITE OWLS" hoping to get some more peeps to join in since KK started them, but most just use the forum for quick TV I guess. I would say there are very few out there who could setup a dual band BUD, or even know what the old Al7bar was.
10-04-2020, 09:33 PM
I Remember many, Many, MANY Channels from All those sats up in the wild Blue...!!!
Haven't used a Pan in almost ten years... Are all those Channels still available or are they Owned by the Big Players Now...?!?
Haven't even visited Lyngsat in a long long time either...!!!
recent cband hack changed things
10-04-2020, 09:43 PM
Yeah If I get out of line, I should have no problem having a post deleted. Civility is needed but hard to come by from some.
Here Ya go, even Mentions You... Lol...!!!
"The Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation, known informally as the “sanctuary op,” could begin in California as soon as later this week. It would then expand to cities including Denver and Philadelphia, according to two of the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive government law enforcement plans.
Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, probably will travel to at least one of the jurisdictions where the operation will take place to boost President Trump’s claims that leaders in those cities have failed to protect residents from dangerous criminals, two officials said.
Trump has inveighed against sanctuary jurisdictions throughout his presidency, and he has expanded those attacks to include Democratic mayors in cities convulsed by racial justice demonstrations and sporadic rioting after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The immigration operation would sync with two themes of Trump’s reelection campaign: his crackdown on immigration and his push to vilify cities led by Democrats, whom he blames for crime and violence.
An ICE spokesperson emphasized that enforcement action by the agency prioritizes immigrants with criminal records.
Most arrests by ICE take place after they have been notified about an immigrant’s pending release from jails or state prisons."
That ^ should have been implemented many moons ago...!!! :cool:
10-05-2020, 01:01 AM
"recent cband hack changed things"
Could you elaborate I have a couple of old boards and a receiver I think
I didnt think there was much left on them
10-05-2020, 03:11 AM
Good to see your name in the news other than an obit or arrest report. I still have a Rainbird 9ft spun aluminum dual band and a positioner for any rec. haven't used any for a long time. The old stuff was pretty easy to set up and maintain. but some of the new stuff doesn't come with the things you had then. I used to use Navi-x all the time, It was a window on the world, but it is just like OTA, they didn't get to control it or make money from it so they legislated it out of existence. Same thing with all the computer programs you get these days, you get trial and partial programs that require a subscription to some service to use all the features. I had a windows 3.1 computer that was much more productive than the ones I have around now. I had thousands of fonts, thousands of card designs, and a picture program that would stitch together a panorama and match the frames to transition exactly. All of that and no cloud crap, no massive amount of memory or disk space. the reason programs use so much of both now is their connections to the spy networks that keep a file on your browsing, purchases, items you just look at, and watch the things you buy so they can cross-reference it with any way they can make money off of you. It is not progress, it is regress to no privacy, no security and no anonymity.
crazed 9.6
10-05-2020, 10:08 AM
Okay I did some changes on the boards.
This sub-forum we are currently in here is named as 'Media in Review' ... but as you may have seen it is not just Media topics. Looking at the threads I have moved here you may get the idea as what I am trying to create here as a sub-forum. Something with the Media topic and other topics like conspiracies and etc, etc... The sub-forum will need a new name, i know this but I am too tired right now to complete all this and I will get it finished up tomorrow or try to and then we can go from there :)
I dd a bunch of of house keeping things and some additions and some things as well... Have a look at the boards guys and you may see them :)
10-05-2020, 10:17 AM
Thanx Crazed, not a political forum, but just a get to know our friends and the newbies here at The forum better, what they think of many things this was just one thing to get opinions and Knowledge from those who know things some of the rest of us don't. I miss some of the old friends who have left us too. But anything that brings more conversation , and more civil social interaction is good for all of us. NO FLAMING, personal attacks or arguments would be a good thing. Hope it will work out if it doesn't, close it quicker than a rocket. I was bumping up the "mornin coffee", and the "NITE OWLS" hoping to get some more peeps to join in since KK started them, but most just use the forum for quick TV I guess. I would say there are very few out there who could setup a dual band BUD, or even know what the old Al7bar was.
I remember Al7bar WOW the trouble we used to go through ! I was a hobby then.
10-06-2020, 02:07 AM
Outstanding job Crazed, we just hope everyone respects the civility and treats it as a meeting place. Yeah BBOB lot of good old times in the no name hobby.
10-06-2020, 04:07 AM
Here's a Good One to Start With...
I see lots of Talk about about more and more People around Our Pres.testing + for Covid...!!!
Would like to Challenge All MSM to give the "TRUTH" about what Their Political Persuasion is, ie, what % is Democrat and what % is Republican...!!!
On a Side Note, watched AF-1 set down and Trump walk up to the Landing of the Capitol, what He did made My Heart Swell a little with Pride...! Thanks Mr. President for being so Patriotic...!!! :cool:
crazed 9.6
10-06-2020, 08:52 AM
Outstanding job Crazed, we just hope everyone respects the civility and treats it as a meeting place. Yeah BBOB lot of good old times in the no name hobby.
it's better now .. I had to create some forums , but first I had to find the topics and the posts which were in Romper Room , all over the place . So I moved them, the ones I initially found into that Media sub forum I mentioned... that gave me a base of topics and then I created more sub forums ... haaaaa :)
Then more post and threads movements and ummm stuff !!!
World News and Chit Chat forums have got new looks.
I am not yet done thou, but its looking like about 80% done.
Its damn tough trying to figure out the best... I found by creating one new forum (does not matter the name cause I change and add later) and moving a bunch of similar or not quite so type of posts into... then deal with the posts and create subs from them and etc. etc, makes it easier.... Is only way, otherwise I need some of them physicodelic drugs to figure it out :)
I need more time to finish up :)
crazed 9.6
10-06-2020, 08:54 AM
Here's a Good One to Start With...
I see lots of Talk about about more and more People around Our Pres.testing + for Covid...!!!
Would like to Challenge All MSM to give the "TRUTH" about what Their Political Persuasion is, ie, what % is Democrat and what % is Republican...!!!
On a Side Note, watched AF-1 set down and Trump walk up to the Landing of the Capitol, what He did made My Heart Swell a little with Pride...! Thanks Mr. President for being so Patriotic...!!! :cool:
I created a place for that :)
lmao, I think :eek:
There been a bunch of other 'tweeks' I did to the boards, other then in the Romper Room area.
I defy anyone to name them all :)
10-06-2020, 11:09 AM
I hate doing any type of work with a computer, I know it is probably a good thing, but they don't understand a generalized idea AT ALL, not like people you can't point and say "kinda like" and the computer get the idea. Thanks for all the hard work you do here Crazed keeping everyone happy. I know everyone appreciates you, they just don't let you know often enough!!!
10-06-2020, 01:30 PM
Did You see this :
As Far as Thanking crazed, One can only give so much "Rep" in a certain amount of time...!!! Lol...!!
10-07-2020, 03:09 AM
Good idea there 4me just wish we could put teeth on it and really MAKE them tell the truth. MAYBE IF TRUMP gets reelected by a miracle with the fraudulent voting squad running them off 24 hrs a day. If the senate and house are Repubs again there should be massive media reform laws that will require documentation and full disclosure of all TRUE facts and a ban on speculative reporting. Opinions with no verifiable complete facts will not be allowed on opinion shows without the ability for an unrestricted amount lawsuit by as many people who want to sue and unless there is such evidence the entire amount will be awarded on the day of closing including all applicable attorney fees and court costs. Freedom granted to the press does not include the old "Our sources say" anymore because there is NO source for a lot of the lies they push. It used to be a person could be made to reveal their source, now they just won't do it and laugh at the idea you can make them. Time to put them in jail and throw away the key. If anyone tries to get them out arrest that person for the same crime.
10-11-2020, 01:54 AM
“Most Americans have lost confidence in the media to deliver the news objectively,” said Sam Gill, Knight’s senior vice president and chief program officer. “This is corrosive for our democracy.”
The poll reports Republicans (71%) more often than Democrats (22%) and independents (52%) have unfavorable opinions of media outlets. More than 4 out of 5 Americans (86%) say that news organizations advocate political viewpoints rather than report the news free of bias.
10-12-2020, 12:05 AM
Here's a little Media thing to watch and ponder, It IS media related, but Not wholly media related. BTW it is almost 1hr long
The thing is these people were taught this by public schools and the corrupt lying media.
10-12-2020, 12:46 AM
Here's a little Media thing to watch and ponder, It IS media related, but Not wholly media related. BTW it is almost 1hr long
The thing is these people were taught this by public schools and the corrupt lying media.
Yep, even back in the 60's We had a "Political Science" course...!!! 4me didn't take it, ended up with Typing and Home Ex, Where the Girls were...!!!
10-12-2020, 04:45 AM
Yeah I had Study hall with the Cheerleaders, always had a full car going to the games. Man Those Were the Days My Friend!!!
This one could have gotten a ride too. HEHEH
10-12-2020, 03:31 PM
Wouldn't have to give Gas either...!!!
10-13-2020, 09:57 AM
WOW I got goose bumps 12icer watching that video. The lyrics really brought me back to a time I believed in!!!!
10-13-2020, 03:55 PM
The way it is Now, it would Seem that Politicians do this :
10-13-2020, 04:01 PM
Too bad the grandkids will never know the security, and safety of the life we had then thanks to PC leftist and their constant , assault, harassment, intimidation and extortion. I lived in a bad area as far as they existed back then I lived on the border of Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama and worked as in Selmer Tennessee and Alcorn and Tishomingo County Mississippi. Buford Pusser was Sherriff of McNairy County Tn, and all of the clubs were full tilt boogie. The People there were 100 times safer than any kid walking down the street in any part of Chicago in full daylight are now. I hope IF Trump wins the country can be MADE safe from the ** Democrat party.
GOOD choice 4ME!!! The definition of media...
10-16-2020, 02:41 PM
What a joke on the leftist Democrat agent media it was letting a useless "moderator" interject her personal venom into a town hall forum. It just shows what clowns these people really are, I think Trump would do well to just chuckle every once in a while and say "Is that a real question? Everyone in this room knows it is just a democrat talking point made up by you and the people you work for in the Democrat party". If they say "I don't work for the Democrat party" just chuckle again and say "Sounds like ANOTHER lie to me"!!!
10-16-2020, 07:43 PM
Yep what a Clusterfook that was...! she never let Trump Finish...!!! After that was over went searching for News and saw were Bidet was having a Town Hall also...!! Without Interruptions...! and with an Earpiece...!!!
the nerve of some people ,not letting the other person
10-17-2020, 12:14 AM
Yeah a "moderators" job is not to interrupt, as they are subordinate to the guest. Two people of equal situational standing are fair game in a debate especially when one is orating a string of lies about the other and his accomplishments. A town Hall is not an interrogation, it is a question and answer session. Leftist media people are just like their idols, they think others have no right to free speech. As far as the host of the Trump town hall goes, comic relief is what I would call the entire presentation with Trump walking through the non stick stuff and winning some of the attending people over even though I am sure they were handpicked.
10-17-2020, 01:12 AM
the nerve of some people ,not letting the other person
61 Times...!!!
10-17-2020, 01:13 AM
Yeah a "moderators" job is not to interrupt, as they are subordinate to the guest. Two people of equal situational standing are fair game in a debate especially when one is orating a string of lies about the other and his accomplishments. A town Hall is not an interrogation, it is a question and answer session. Leftist media people are just like their idols, they think others have no right to free speech. As far as the host of the Trump town hall goes, comic relief is what I would call the entire presentation with Trump walking through the non stick stuff and winning some of the attending people over even though I am sure they were handpicked.
yes, Yes, YES, by the DNC...!!!
A moderator's job is not to be subservient
In a presidential debate, a moderator has to wear multiple hats.
The duties of a presidential debate moderator are different from those of an academic or traditional moderator, said Dick Haven, an emeritus professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
The first responsibility of a presidential debate moderator is to be the microphone controller, or "MC," who directs the event.
"They have to be a time keeper and try to keep the event on schedule to get as many questions as possible whatever it may be," Haven said.
The moderator also has to be a referee to some extent.
"They have to try to be injecting in ways that keeps it fair," Haven said. "Fair to how much time each person gets to answer a question or to express an opinion or respond to another person."
Although this is the most controversial part, there are times where the debate moderator needs to interject and challenge the veracity of a comment the candidate made, Haven said.
Of the presidential debates held thus far — which were moderated by Elaine Quijano, Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, and Lester Holt — Haven said he thinks NBC’s Holt handled the moderator duties the best, despite having a record audience of more than 84 million viewers and losing control at times.
Haven, whose areas of expertise include American political discourse and American public address, said instead of interjecting and challenging the truthfulness of the candidates' remarks, Holt framed it as a question.
Some have said Holt should've had more control of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's microphone, but Haven said he thinks that would lead to more controversy about the role of the moderator and less of a free flowing debate.
"He made the decision to pull back a little bit and let the candidates kind of sell themselves and, of course, that led the audience to make decisions about the behavior of the candidates as well as what the candidates argued rather than the moderator trying to do that by fact checking or by stepping in and arguing with one candidate or another," Haven said of Holt.
In any case, Haven said being a presidential moderator is a tough job.
"I'm not sure this is any job anyone wants to really apply for because you're almost in a no-win situation," Haven said. "You have to be careful how much you do of each element."
The third and final presidential debate will be moderated by Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace on Wednesday, Oct.19
10-17-2020, 04:55 PM
A moderator's job is not to be subservient
In a presidential debate, a moderator has to wear multiple hats.
The duties of a presidential debate moderator are different from those of an academic or traditional moderator, said Dick Haven, an emeritus professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
The first responsibility of a presidential debate moderator is to be the microphone controller, or "MC," who directs the event.
"They have to be a time keeper and try to keep the event on schedule to get as many questions as possible whatever it may be," Haven said.
The moderator also has to be a referee to some extent.
"They have to try to be injecting in ways that keeps it fair," Haven said. "Fair to how much time each person gets to answer a question or to express an opinion or respond to another person."
Although this is the most controversial part, there are times where the debate moderator needs to interject and challenge the veracity of a comment the candidate made, Haven said.
Of the presidential debates held thus far — which were moderated by Elaine Quijano, Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, and Lester Holt — Haven said he thinks NBC’s Holt handled the moderator duties the best, despite having a record audience of more than 84 million viewers and losing control at times.
Haven, whose areas of expertise include American political discourse and American public address, said instead of interjecting and challenging the truthfulness of the candidates' remarks, Holt framed it as a question.
Some have said Holt should've had more control of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's microphone, but Haven said he thinks that would lead to more controversy about the role of the moderator and less of a free flowing debate.
"He made the decision to pull back a little bit and let the candidates kind of sell themselves and, of course, that led the audience to make decisions about the behavior of the candidates as well as what the candidates argued rather than the moderator trying to do that by fact checking or by stepping in and arguing with one candidate or another," Haven said of Holt.
In any case, Haven said being a presidential moderator is a tough job.
"I'm not sure this is any job anyone wants to really apply for because you're almost in a no-win situation," Haven said. "You have to be careful how much you do of each element."
The third and final presidential debate will be moderated by Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace on Wednesday, Oct.19
Notice how the DNC Nominee was Never Mentioned and wasn't it he who threw the 1st stone(Interruption)...?!? :(
10-17-2020, 10:18 PM
4me what does the word "moderate" used as a NOUN mean? In Merriam Webster's It says "the person in charge of a meeting," the Example is The moderator should make sure everyone gets a chance to speak. Does that mean the moderator gets to slander, debase and lecture ANY one at the meeting? I suggest a few hundred thousand Republican supporters go to the next democrat socialist town hall and kick in the door and stand at the exits. when the moderator jumps the president BOOOOOOOOOO SO LOUD THE WINDOWS SHAKE. Time to take it to them for a change. They call for us to be shouted down as we and our families go about our lives, they call for us to be beaten, they call for us to be fired from our jobs. they try to stop us from exercising our first and second amendment rights and they are trying to steal our votes. When are we going to reply with their own tactics IN TRIPLICATE. I say it is past due to slap them DOWN.
10-18-2020, 02:36 AM
Here is a good story about Facebook, I don't give a shit because i don't use FB but if i were a user i would be looking for a way to kick some ass.
Heres some more
10-18-2020, 01:18 PM
4me used FB to check on some USMC Buddies from when 4me was in way back when...!!! After years of searching, None Available... so FB is on the Way-Back Burner...!!
Thanks for those links, Interesting Stuff...!
10-18-2020, 05:40 PM
My wife has had a phone surgically attached to her arm since she retired, FB is the worst thing I know of for any type of relationship, We do good because she always puts it down and talks to me when I say something, and she always comes and includes me in any story or post she thinks I would like to know about. BUT the distraction for a lot of people is too much to handle. I don't trust anything electronic or any company to not have an ulterior motive in anything they do, I also do not trust the NSA not to compile a millisecond sequenced online dossier on every American citizen even if it is not Constitutional.
10-19-2020, 08:42 PM
We are trying to decide what the idea of the Town Hall with Trump is. The hosts seem to always be deeply connected to the biden family and the democrat party, seems like the idea of a neutral host is lost on the people who set these up. Why not then let ME or Sean Hannity host the biden Town Hall? That would be as unbiased and fair as the Trump selections.
10-19-2020, 08:52 PM
A moderator's job is not to be subservient
In a presidential debate, a moderator has to wear multiple hats.
The duties of a presidential debate moderator are different from those of an academic or traditional moderator, said Dick Haven, an emeritus professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
The first responsibility of a presidential debate moderator is to be the microphone controller, or "MC," who directs the event.
"They have to be a time keeper and try to keep the event on schedule to get as many questions as possible whatever it may be," Haven said.
The moderator also has to be a referee to some extent.
"They have to try to be injecting in ways that keeps it fair," Haven said. "Fair to how much time each person gets to answer a question or to express an opinion or respond to another person."
Although this is the most controversial part, there are times where the debate moderator needs to interject and challenge the veracity of a comment the candidate made, Haven said.
Of the presidential debates held thus far — which were moderated by Elaine Quijano, Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, and Lester Holt — Haven said he thinks NBC’s Holt handled the moderator duties the best, despite having a record audience of more than 84 million viewers and losing control at times.
Haven, whose areas of expertise include American political discourse and American public address, said instead of interjecting and challenging the truthfulness of the candidates' remarks, Holt framed it as a question.
Some have said Holt should've had more control of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's microphone, but Haven said he thinks that would lead to more controversy about the role of the moderator and less of a free flowing debate.
"He made the decision to pull back a little bit and let the candidates kind of sell themselves and, of course, that led the audience to make decisions about the behavior of the candidates as well as what the candidates argued rather than the moderator trying to do that by fact checking or by stepping in and arguing with one candidate or another," Haven said of Holt.
In any case, Haven said being a presidential moderator is a tough job.
"I'm not sure this is any job anyone wants to really apply for because you're almost in a no-win situation," Haven said. "You have to be careful how much you do of each element."
The third and final presidential debate will be moderated by Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace on Wednesday, Oct.19
UHHHH lets see I didn't watch this, was this a debate or a TOWN HALL? There is a HOST at a Town Hall event, no need for a moderator. The host is not there to harass the Person who is the object of the town hall, and there is not supposed to be an other party only audience. biden got a democrat host and a democrat audience too wonder why that is? REALITY talks and BULLSHIT WALKS!!! There is no way to defend the actions of the so called "mainstream" media and the debate panel they are worthless in my opinion and it is glaringly evident how ultra biased to the point of being criminally negligent in their duty to the American People they are. OBTW, 19 OCT 2020 is not a Wednesday it is a Monday. I think the debate is the Thursday 22 OCT 2020.
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