View Full Version : Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes
01-04-2020, 08:29 PM
I see Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes..............
new XRS 4500 Android 9 Media Player & ST4000 Android Stick built for IPTV!
thats really cool. im hungry now and can not wait to get those :) Farmer1 where are you???? :)
thats really cool. im hungry now and can not wait to get those :) Farmer1 where are you???? :)
01-05-2020, 01:38 AM
Farmer1????Box contests maybe?Lol
sorry thats not correct answer. Dodgeit1 is the winner here:)
Box contests maybe?Lol
you got it Dodgeit1. you have a correct answer. you just won one finest buzztv box.:)
Box contests maybe?Lol
so that where they come from?
so that where they come from?
boxes may not but amazing and funny contest are :) of course big thanks to donors Buzz team :)
crazed 9.6
01-05-2020, 06:33 AM
and here I thought I had the correct answer :eek:
Hey.. if I had a known it was a question, I woulda entered a long time ago !
Do I win ?
01-05-2020, 07:35 AM
I see Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes..............
new XRS 4500 Android 9 Media Player & ST4000 Android Stick built for IPTV!
Source ? Links ???
01-05-2020, 04:10 PM
Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes
new XRS 4500 Android 9 Media Player & ST4000 Android Stick built for IPTV! g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ohc=tblnEfh_z0oAQmXi_7Px6jAULUa8DvxyA_7MfwFpqG 7r-ksGlwDSexA0w&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=0c290fbe7d18a8d7e4d74a89407409a8&oe=5EA98192
01-05-2020, 06:54 PM
and here I thought I had the correct answer :eek:
Hey.. if I had a known it was a question, I woulda entered a long time ago !
Do I win ?Go ahead take another kick at the can.
Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes
new XRS 4500 Android 9 Media Player & ST4000 Android Stick built for IPTV! g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ohc=tblnEfh_z0oAQmXi_7Px6jAULUa8DvxyA_7MfwFpqG 7r-ksGlwDSexA0w&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=0c290fbe7d18a8d7e4d74a89407409a8&oe=5EA98192
and unfortunately I had to turn down an invitation to the vegas event :(
I see Buzztv is coming soon with some new boxes..............
new XRS 4500 Android 9 Media Player & ST4000 Android Stick built for IPTV!
you missed the xr 4500
01-07-2020, 04:32 AM
you missed the xr 4500
I didn't miss it......just didn't include it in my one sentence.....
01-07-2020, 11:40 AM
Amologic is not that great why do they keep making chips
01-07-2020, 06:00 PM
when is my turn win buzz are one of best did i win lol no they truly are one of best
01-07-2020, 09:05 PM g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=qWvBGWEgGssAQlKtv0LbkIuc_A2UqnStiaPtQhkK5x fLiqtKeOt7Zv9PQ&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=770e6a415ce7d209753a59a3f96cec96&oe=5EAA23C4
01-19-2020, 07:58 AM
Anyone know when the XRS 4500 will be out in stores ???
01-19-2020, 04:31 PM
All I know is SOON.......What ever that means......not sure.maybe NBS knows.............
All I know is SOON.......What ever that means......not sure.maybe NBS knows.............
same as you....
01-19-2020, 09:43 PM
I was told next month.
01-19-2020, 09:45 PM
That’s for the Xr/xrs4500 and March for the St4000.
01-21-2020, 03:41 PM
im ready to see something totally new
01-29-2020, 06:13 AM
I am sold too, thank you team Buzz tv for the superb work :)
01-29-2020, 01:05 PM
Why all the buzz lol
02-01-2020, 12:38 AM
i been buzzed for long time have not yea come down on high
02-01-2020, 08:16 AM
I live in Western Canada ( Vancouver area) any idea where I could get one of these amazing xrs4500 from?
Much Obliged
02-01-2020, 04:48 PM
From Canada ...........
From Canada ........... aka ftatronix
workdwidesatellites too
02-01-2020, 09:14 PM
XRS4500 is not for sale yet.............try the XRS4000
02-02-2020, 03:44 PM
are the xrs 's going to have option to change mac
02-02-2020, 04:37 PM
i think all buzz do
Tha Joker
02-02-2020, 08:58 PM
i think all buzz do
The 4000's do not. Not sure about the 4500 series coming out?
02-04-2020, 05:06 AM
Let us hope 4500 series enable mac changing function.
02-04-2020, 06:49 AM
I was told from Buzz no enable Mac changes last time I talked to them.. I ask when I had problems with my xr 4000
crazed 9.6
02-04-2020, 02:23 PM
here is the thing with generating new MACs ... and I get this sent to me often enough to get fixed.
Okay, lets say a person changes the MAC on their Buzz box (or any box that allows it).
So now they have a new MAC that was randomly generated, but is it a 'new' MAC ?
In fact there could be another IPTV device out there some place that already has that MAC. Maybe that device has not yet been sold to a customer. And then when that box does sell and the new owner tries registering their MAC with a certain IPTV service (same service as the Buzz owner is using), but the registration fails because that MAC is being used by some other device (the buzz box that had it's MAC changed now has that MAC and has already been registered with service).
So now this new owner of this 'other' box now has to contact the service administration and prove by a picture that the MAC in question is in fact theirs and then the service would release that MAC and the new owner can now use and register his rightful MAC addy, he has to do this because his new box does not have the option to change the given MAC
So that fixes that, but what about that Buzz owner that change his MAC in the first place?
That box will no longer connect to the service because the MAC has been reset back to rightful owner.
So what happens next ?
Logically he would then generate another 'new' MAC .... and the process continues :eek:
I receive approx one message per month with this problem and I then ask for that picture and send in to service administration and wait till it gets released. All this usually takes 24 hours or less but that is 24 hours lost to the new owner.And more hassle for the Buzz owner because he now has to generate a new MAC and register it and etc... as long as that Buzz owner figures out that his MAC was disallowed for his box. Maybe he does not figure this out till days later and has now also lost time on his code because of all this :eek:
That is just something that I see over the years at helping people behind the scenes :)
It may not even be that much of an issue but there it is... and I for one am glad that the MAC generation option is not included on the new boxes.
Sorry guys :)
The last person with this issue happen to him was floder2
floder2 just recently had to wait to have his MAC released on a new XR4000 box because of this very reason.
I need to also say that this is not a new issue that started with the buzz xpl3000 boxes that allowed the MAC change.
This issue has been happening since this service first started many years ago. Prolly because of the Stalker STB EMU MACs that were generated randomly. Which incidentally are now using a different MAC prefix which is maybe to help combat this 'MAC already in use' issue.
02-26-2020, 04:56 AM
any news when xrs 4500 will be available for sale in western Canada?
Launch is friday afternoon
02-26-2020, 11:29 PM
Thanks NBS :) Thanks to Team Buzztv for the Great work :)
02-27-2020, 01:59 AM
I usually hold off on purchasing a new Box ....They usually need 2 or 3 updates to get them working right ...... ( Love the Buzz Boxes anyhow) ..........I'll wait until the dust settles
02-29-2020, 12:36 AM
will box have arc input
03-01-2020, 12:51 AM
Hi fellows,
Once again, thanks to Team Buzz tv for the latest Superb box :) can hardly wait to get one.
I just checked both ftatronix and workdwidesatellites and nothing comes up?!
any idea when the xr 4500 be available please?
crazed 9.6
03-01-2020, 02:00 AM
XR4500 IPTVTALK Raffle
03-01-2020, 02:16 AM
Thanks crazed :) that sure is one way to get to my nice xrs 4500 :) lets pray and hope I picked the right song :)
crazed 9.6
03-01-2020, 02:20 AM
Thanks crazed :) that sure is one way to get to my nice xrs 4500 :) lets pray and hope I picked the right song :)
cool :)
That raffle is actually for the XR 4500 model
The XRS model I think will be available next week sometime, but not as a raffle here at Talk (well not yet anyway) :)
Tha Joker
03-01-2020, 02:35 AM
worldwidesatellites does have them for sale? Sure you went to the right site?
Hi fellows,
Once again, thanks to Team Buzz tv for the latest Superb box :) can hardly wait to get one.
I just checked both ftatronix and workdwidesatellites and nothing comes up?!
any idea when the xr 4500 be available please?
03-01-2020, 03:12 AM
my bad Tha Joker, you are right mate, thanks for making my old glasses focus more :)
worldwidesatellites does have them for sale? Sure you went to the right site?
03-01-2020, 03:15 AM
but I am not needing to go to that site as I am hopefully winning the raffle :) I am keeping my cold Canadian fingers crossed with severe arthritis :(
03-01-2020, 04:34 AM
will it do Dolby Atmos
03-02-2020, 01:00 AM
I was just told by a friend here that Buzz team told him that they are not making any more boxes with Mac account changing enabled? :(
why would they do that? :(
very sad :(
03-02-2020, 04:02 AM
I was just told by a friend here that Buzz team told him that they are not making any more boxes with Mac account changing enabled? :(
why would they do that? :(
very sad :(
Quote from Crazed
here is the thing with generating new MACs ... and I get this sent to me often enough to get fixed.
Okay, lets say a person changes the MAC on their Buzz box (or any box that allows it).
So now they have a new MAC that was randomly generated, but is it a 'new' MAC ?
In fact there could be another IPTV device out there some place that already has that MAC. Maybe that device has not yet been sold to a customer. And then when that box does sell and the new owner tries registering their MAC with a certain IPTV service (same service as the Buzz owner is using), but the registration fails because that MAC is being used by some other device (the buzz box that had it's MAC changed now has that MAC and has already been registered with service).
So now this new owner of this 'other' box now has to contact the service administration and prove by a picture that the MAC in question is in fact theirs and then the service would release that MAC and the new owner can now use and register his rightful MAC addy, he has to do this because his new box does not have the option to change the given MAC
So that fixes that, but what about that Buzz owner that change his MAC in the first place?
That box will no longer connect to the service because the MAC has been reset back to rightful owner.
So what happens next ?
Logically he would then generate another 'new' MAC .... and the process continues
I receive approx one message per month with this problem and I then ask for that picture and send in to service administration and wait till it gets released. All this usually takes 24 hours or less but that is 24 hours lost to the new owner.And more hassle for the Buzz owner because he now has to generate a new MAC and register it and etc... as long as that Buzz owner figures out that his MAC was disallowed for his box. Maybe he does not figure this out till days later and has now also lost time on his code because of all this
That is just something that I see over the years at helping people behind the scenes
It may not even be that much of an issue but there it is... and I for one am glad that the MAC generation option is not included on the new boxes.
Sorry guys
The last person with this issue happen to him was floder2
floder2 just recently had to wait to have his MAC released on a new XR4000 box because of this very reason.
I need to also say that this is not a new issue that started with the buzz xpl3000 boxes that allowed the MAC change.
This issue has been happening since this service first started many years ago. Prolly because of the Stalker STB EMU MACs that were generated randomly. Which incidentally are now using a different MAC prefix which is maybe to help combat this 'MAC already in use' issue.
03-03-2020, 05:09 PM
with this box and kodi will it play Dolby Atmos truly need know this
crazed 9.6
03-03-2020, 06:23 PM
with this box and kodi will it play Dolby Atmos truly need know this
they show Dolby Digital Surround @ 5.1 and 7.1
but does not mention Dolby Atmos
Audio Decoder: Supports MP3, AAC, WMA, RM, FLAC, Ogg and programmable with 7.1/5.1 down-mixing
03-03-2020, 07:44 PM
they show Dolby Digital Surround @ 5.1 and 7.1
but does not mention Dolby Atmos
Audio Decoder: Supports MP3, AAC, WMA, RM, FLAC, Ogg and programmable with 7.1/5.1 down-mixing
Sounds like My Neighbor in the Next Cave and on the other side is Grog...! :cool:
crazed 9.6
03-03-2020, 07:54 PM
Sounds like My Neighbor in the Next Cave and on the other side is Grog...! :cool:
lol.. and the other neighbor named "Squish"
Here is some info on where the name "Ogg" originated from....
It is sometimes assumed that the name "Ogg" comes from the character of Nanny Ogg in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, but the Ogg developers say that is not true.
Ogg is derived from "ogging", jargon from the computer game Netrek, which came to mean doing something forcefully, possibly without consideration of the drain on future resources. At its inception, the Ogg project was thought to be somewhat ambitious given the limited power of the PC hardware of the time.
Still, to quote the same reference: "Vorbis, on the other hand is named after the Terry Pratchett character from the book Small Gods".
The Ogg Vorbis project started in 1993. It was originally named "Squish" but that name was already trademarked, so the project underwent a name change. The new name, "OggSquish", was used until 2001 when it was changed again to "Ogg"
Ogg has since come to refer to the container format, which is now part of the larger multimedia project.
Today, "Squish" (now known as "Vorbis") refers to a particular audio coding format typically used with the Ogg container format.
03-03-2020, 09:05 PM
"Squish" is the sound made when a T-rex Squashes smaller creatures and they slip out between the toes...!
03-03-2020, 09:40 PM
why i ask kodi puts it out on 4k movies was wandering would it work from that box i know my sound bar im getting has hdmi for android thats why im asking if some has that kind set up i know not cheap getting it in few week see i know this You'll need a shield or minix device... Most boxes don't support dts or true hd. but will this box ? here is how to setup for 7.1 asking someone with great system do they get 7.1 or dts with this box if testing it
crazed 9.6
03-03-2020, 09:55 PM
you may have to tell us that answer when you win the newest iptvtalk raffle Marley :)
03-03-2020, 09:56 PM
man im trying hard lol would luv test it
Tha Joker
03-05-2020, 04:15 AM
why i ask kodi puts it out on 4k movies was wandering would it work from that box i know my sound bar im getting has hdmi for android thats why im asking if some has that kind set up i know not cheap getting it in few week see i know this You'll need a shield or minix device... Most boxes don't support dts or true hd. but will this box ? here is how to setup for 7.1 asking someone with great system do they get 7.1 or dts with this box if testing it
The shield does pull in dolby atmos, only seen it once, and forget what movie it was. I know I using the crew addon tho.
03-05-2020, 04:02 PM
yup it works need to be right movie and server thats for sure crew is ok and need pay for it too truly to get dts will let all know what works when my system comes about 2 more weeks to go should have sound like movies or sending it back i know not many can play it because of cost
audio decoding
Supports MP3, AAC, WMA, RM, FLAC, Ogg and programmable with 7.1/5.1 down-mixing
03-07-2020, 01:41 AM
the Nvidia shield does atmos, xbox one will also i believe and a 4k fire stick.Their is not many movies that are in atmos.
03-07-2020, 03:39 AM
like days no 4k movies now look at it
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