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08-31-2019, 07:34 PM
Its easy to copy a edited or unedited m3u to a usb drive and see it on the T3 under a folder named m3u.

I am so tired of entering Guide URL's by using the keyboard on the supplied remote.

Can anyone give directions on how to get these Guide URL Links onto a usb jump drive so we can find it the same way as we do the m3u?

08-31-2019, 08:02 PM
Its easy to copy a edited or unedited m3u to a usb drive and see it on the T3 under a folder named m3u.

I am so tired of entering Guide URL's by using the keyboard on the supplied remote.

Can anyone give directions on how to get these Guide URL Links onto a usb jump drive so we can find it the same way as we do the m3u?

Why Oh why are you using the DL program to watch an m3u?
Go to Playstore and Install Perfect Player.
Copy the m3u to the Downloads directory,
You can enter multiple guide sources as well as multiple m3u files.

If you really want to do it your way, enter the guide url into a text file and save to your STB.
with the DOL program open, click the Home button on remote.
go to the file with the epg url and open it (editing mode).
click and hold on the url text until it highlights and the copy / paste icons appear.
clock copy, then go back to DOL and paste.

crazed 9.6
08-31-2019, 11:15 PM
using m3u playlists thru the Dreamlink T3 m3u portal slots is actually pretty nice, especially with the MOL2 that the Dreamlink T3 now uses.
It also has 10 slots for m3u playlists, along with the epg URL in each slot as well.
Can use the Playlist URL or hardcopy of Playlist on USB drive.

Dreamlink has come along way with their m3u playback options and capabilities.

09-02-2019, 12:55 AM
Not only that, the remote control is set up to use that MOL2 program by customer EPG key, programable keys.
Perfect Player is way below MOL2 in my opinion.
Thanks Shooty for the copy Paste help.

09-03-2019, 12:46 PM
Negative on the Copy Paste Feature

Once you save the guide url to a text file and open MOL2 Dreamlink program, whatever you have copied in memory or clipboard reference is lost.

If you go to the guide url data entry line there is a folder link there to open but the link to that folder image is what is located under the m3u folder on the usb drive and your text file can not be seen. If you rename the text file extension as a xml saved file, the contents of the file are only a saved url txt and the guide will not work.

Since Dreamlink put a folder at the end of the guide url entry line, there has to be a way to link a guide url there during this daa entry process.
Need someone who has experience with doing this on the T3.

Anybody please respond, thank you

09-03-2019, 04:39 PM
Negative on the Copy Paste Feature

Once you save the guide url to a text file and open MOL2 Dreamlink program, whatever you have copied in memory or clipboard reference is lost.

If you go to the guide url data entry line there is a folder link there to open but the link to that folder image is what is located under the m3u folder on the usb drive and your text file can not be seen. If you rename the text file extension as a xml saved file, the contents of the file are only a saved url txt and the guide will not work.

Since Dreamlink put a folder at the end of the guide url entry line, there has to be a way to link a guide url there during this daa entry process.
Need someone who has experience with doing this on the T3.

Anybody please respond, thank you
Check this link.
Has setup Videos for many configurations.

Video shows exactly like you said, except for the EPG URL.
If you click the Folder, it will open the USB directory.
You have to click the Edit line instead, and enter EPG URL.

crazed 9.6
09-03-2019, 06:59 PM
Them videos are for the T2 or T1Plus with the DOL2 or the Formuler Z series boxes with the MOL1
The Dreamlink T3 and the Formuler Z8 both now have the MOL2, which is somewhat different.
The video shown below will show the MOL2 Playlist menus.

T3 Portals and Playlists

The setup is somewhat the same but with some differences.
The MOL2 needs all m3u files put into a folder and the folder named as m3u , as tvlarry also knows.
If not then the MOL2 will not recognize these files.
That EPG URL line does have the folder icon as well but so far with my testing I do not yet see a way that will work.
Creating a text file with EPG URL and then put that text file into the m3u folder does not work, because that folder icon is looking for a .m3u file in that Folder and not a .txt file.
I have also tried using an .m3u file with the URL text added to that but so far I do not see how I can do that either... every time I try accessing that folder icon I get an onscreen message that keeps telling me that the m3u folder is empty.
That folder icon is not working to grab the EPG URL from a local file.
I would go as far as saying that the Folder icon on that EPG URL line does not belong there and is a mistake in putting it there.

I have not yet finished in testing all this, but so far the outcome looks like it is not possible to use a copy of the URL in text form.

09-03-2019, 07:49 PM
I would go as far as saying that the Folder icon on that EPG URL line does not belong there and is a mistake in putting it there.
I have not yet finished in testing all this, but so far the outcome looks like it is not possible to use a copy of the URL in text form.

You click on the line and type the url.
*DO NOT click Folder!
See pic

09-03-2019, 08:50 PM
Shooty, we know that, typing the EPG URL is not the issue, we want a faster way to enter the data on this line just as the playlist line folder link works. When you have many boxes to update it takes too long to type in every single epg url on all the units. The developer added a folder at the end of the EPG URL line, but as I have said and Crazed, it does not work. I guess somebody has to reach out to Dreamlink to notify them.

crazed 9.6
09-03-2019, 11:30 PM
I will pass this along to Dreamlink team, but in meantime I did find a way to do this.
I am just refining it before I post the directions.

This shown below will work, once I figure out how to do what Shooty says.
Then we can use copy/paste functions in the T3/MOL2 Playlist setup.
I have done that, it is similar to what is outlined with the click and hold on text url.... I have a mouse attached to the T3 for this.
I also been messing around with ES File Manger and it's text editor, with the URL text showing in the editor (edit mode) but can't seem to get the copy function opened --> issue solved :)

enter the guide url into a text file and save to your STB.
with the DOL program open, click the Home button on remote.
go to the file with the epg url and open it (editing mode).
click and hold on the url text until it highlights and the copy / paste icons appear.
clock copy, then go back to DOL and paste.

crazed 9.6
09-05-2019, 07:12 AM
Here is what I did to copy and paste the EPG URL into the EPG URL slot, thru the MOL2 Playlist option.
I understand that you know most of these steps and my explaining may look overboard, but it is there as a complete step by step walk thru for all of us :)
I also understand that Shooty had it's basics on what is outlined below, figured earlier and that got me going in right direction... and as well I see the confusion was on how to get that PASTE function to appear on the EPG URL line (which was the wireless mouse that helped with that).
Thnx guys..... and here it is...

Install ES File Explorer .. it can be found in your Market under the 'ETC' category.
On your desktop create a text document (Notepad doc) and name it anything you want.
Open it and paste the EPG URL that you want added to the Playlist slot.
Transfer that text file onto USB drive and insert into T3.
Open the ES File Explorer on your T3.
You should see your USB storage device.
Look below at the table of options for the Note Editor and open it.
Up to this point I have been using the T3 remote, but these next steps work better with an attached mouse to your T3.

Once the Note Editor has been opened it will show any text file's content.
You should see your full EPG URL that you pasted earlier.
Up top in the Tool Bar is an Edit function, Click it.
Then highlight the URL line with your mouse function, and then double tab the line. Two edit balloon tools should appear... Expand the two balloons to capture the complete line.
Up in the toolbar again is a Copy option. Click it.

Exit ES Explorer and open MOL2 and open a new Playlist slot.
Highlight the EPG URL slot, and with the onscreen keyboard removed.....
This next step requires a wireless mouse attached. I have tried in many ways with the supplied remote but have found only the wireless mouse works for this (or a wireless keyboard would too I suppose).
Ok, with the EPG line highlighted with the blinking text cursor, right click (or was that left click) and hold the mouse button, while hovering over that line.
A balloon edit tool will appear and the PASTE option will also appear too.
Select PASTE and your previously copied URL will appear.

This same method can be used to add a Playlist URL, if that is the way you are connecting.

If anyone knows of a way to copy the URL to T3 clipboard or emulated storage and paste from there, please do tell ... that would eliminate the need for the ES File Explorer.

*added note.....
If you are doing this same process for the Server URL, then you must press the Connect option after that line has been entered. Pressing the Connect will save the server slot with that URL entered.
You need to do this because once you enter the Server URL and then open the ES File Explorer to do this process with the EPG URL, your server slot and info already entered will be lost because it was not first saved.

09-05-2019, 04:27 PM
If anyone knows of a way to copy the URL to T3 clipboard or emulated storage and paste from there, please do tell ... that would eliminate the need for the ES File Explorer.

Here is an example how to do this using kens guide url;
Open a text editor, then click "Save As".
For the File name, Paste in the EPG url, then change the illegal filename characters ( : and / ), to ( - ), or (leave them out).
Your Filename will be like this;
Save file and copy to your USB stick.
When you click the EPG Folder in the T3, select the file from the usb stick.
The resulting file location will be something like this;


Click the text and delete the "storage/emulated/0/external/", then change the " - " to " / "or to the omitted characters ( :// ).
Click save

crazed 9.6
09-06-2019, 12:40 AM
thats not gonna work Shooty :(

I see what you are outlining and I have tried that. But you cannot use a text file if you want it to open thru the Folder icon. It must be an .m3u file
Adding the URL as the name of the file is a good idea,but unfortunately the EPG line will read it as an .m3u file extension and even thou we can show the URL (after adding them illegal characters) it will not open the EPG URL as it is not text but is a file with the .m3u extension.
I tried it the other day and the EPG does not populate when doing it this way (with the .m3u file and it's name copied to the line).
TVLarry touched on this in an earlier post too.

Another stepping block is that you can not use the Folder icon on the EPG URL as it does not open to your files, weather or not they are .m3u or .txt files.
But you can use the Folder icon on the VODs URL line and then once that .m3u file name (the EPG URL) is shown on the line, you can copy that and paste onto the EPG URL line... But as tested, it does not work because it is still an .m3u file.
It has to be an .m3u file or the MOL2 will not recognize it at all., and will not be seen in that Folder unless it is an .m3u file extension. Text files are not recognized at all when dealing with these playlist URL and them folder icons.

That is the reason I used the ES File Explorer.
I was able to add the EPG URL to a txt document and then open that doc on ES Explorer and thus copy the txt URL (in full) from there and paste that onto the MOL's EPG URL line.

Sounds confusing with my explanation, sorry about that,,,, but in reality it is not too confusing :)

It seems to be a long process if you glance at my previous directions, but it is actually rather easy and simple.
But it would be simpler if we could somehow copy that txt URL to the T3 internal storage and then paste it onto EPG URL line from there.
Or simpler yet would be for that folder icon on the EPG URL line would open txt files :)

I am gonna ask my buddy to create a ytube video for this process and I will post the link here when it is completed :)

09-10-2019, 09:25 PM
Is the You Tube finished and up as of now??

crazed 9.6
09-11-2019, 01:08 AM
Is the You Tube finished and up as of now??

work in progress
But actually the progress stopped due to loss of the function to take screenshots of the T3 menus
Check the thread linked below for more on that

We will be trying other methods for a video thou, without having to use screenshots function.

But read post #11 again on this thread, it does explain the procedure, might be a bit confusing at the amount of info that is there to read, but the process is rather simple to do :)

09-12-2019, 04:16 PM
can you do a backup settings to a file?
(copy then edit file and use to restore)
just a thought!

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