View Full Version : m3u list on Buzz 3000 ?
07-05-2019, 06:14 AM
hey guys,
How's everyone doing?
I was wondering if its possible to use the m3u list on Buzz 3000?
if yes, how please?
crazed 9.6
07-05-2019, 10:43 AM
You can install any Player that is m3u friendly, like Perfect Player or ProgTV Player
Or better yet, Buzz added an m3u playlist portal onto the BuzzTV app..... Try that :)
07-05-2019, 12:17 PM
don't need an m3u list
just use credentials in server slot
07-05-2019, 06:25 PM
don't need an m3u list
just use credentials in server slot
Thanks du, you mean just plug in username and pw there? how about the MAC address? doeen't that matter? cause I tried it like that and did not work ( I mean just by using Credentials in server slot) ?!
07-05-2019, 08:25 PM
Thanks du, you mean just plug in username and pw there? how about the MAC address? doeen't that matter? cause I tried it like that and did not work ( I mean just by using Credentials in server slot) ?!
I've tried it and mac addy didn't matter
I tested this using my Android 6.0.1 version of the XPL 3000.... doesn't work with a credential only (no mac) setting, even after setting the boxes MAC address to all zeros. Getting "Subscription Expired or Not Activated".
07-06-2019, 04:49 AM
I tested this using my Android 6.0.1 version of the XPL 3000.... doesn't work with a credential only (no mac) setting, even after setting the boxes MAC address to all zeros. Getting "Subscription Expired or Not Activated".
Same here dara :(
07-06-2019, 05:29 AM
You can install any Player that is m3u friendly, like Perfect Player or ProgTV Player
Or better yet, Buzz added an m3u playlist portal onto the BuzzTV app..... Try that :)
Thanks crazed, but I looked under Market and Aptoide and did not find anything like that?! would you please tell me whereabouts I need to look? thanks so much bud.
crazed 9.6
07-06-2019, 06:17 AM
Perfect Player can be installed thru USB loading the .apk
Download the apk from link below.
Put it on a USB drive and install thru what ever installer your Buzz may have onboard
Look here for info...
setup directions
setup directions with video
crazed 9.6
07-06-2019, 07:03 AM
I just used the m3u Playlist portal on the xpl3000
There are three M3U Playlist slots and they are at the bottom of the list, scroll the list of server slots down past #10 and there they will be.
I have a edited m3u file on USB drive and inserted it but using Playlist slot #2 and the 'Open File' option and finding the stored m3u playlist, I get a message stating that the URL is incorrect (the file doe not have a URL). So then I thought maybe the 'Open File' is just to open a text file that has the full address URL of the Playlist and that saves on typing out the full URL manually, just load the file and the address would be inserted... But that did not work either. So I manually typed in the full m3u Playlist address and then it accepted that and connected to the server thru the m3u Playlist URL
Do not confuse the server URL with the m3u Playlist URL
The Playlist URL is the long one that ends with 'ts' and can be found at the service website when you choose a Playlist from the list.
So yea this does work that way but seems the playlist slots need some work or tweeking. And just by chance at this particular time , I do not have the BuzzTV MAC attached to the code I used for the Playlist URL... So I did this without an attached MAC
And unless I messed up somewhere, I do not see how to load a stored m3u file thru USB
Nor is there a slot for the EPG URL
My buzztv version doesn't have the m3u list option. I guess the 6.0.1 version owners are orphaned, unless you use a different app to connect to the server of your choice.
07-06-2019, 01:41 PM
it's because the m3u option isn't public yet
as for using credentials also select streaming line box
then there is no mac addy
07-06-2019, 01:56 PM
I dont own a buzz or any other box i know they have Kodi as an option dont they?
Can you not use the playlist loader addon for Kodi take your m3u playlist to pastebin
create a new paste and use it with the playlist loader addon?
07-06-2019, 02:34 PM
I dont own a buzz or any other box i know they have Kodi as an option dont they?
Can you not use the playlist loader addon for Kodi take your m3u playlist to pastebin
create a new paste and use it with the playlist loader addon?
why use kodi or any other app when buzz has it's own app?
it's because the m3u option isn't public yet
as for using credentials also select streaming line box
then there is no mac addy
Version 2.0 doesn't have that "streaming line" box. Is there an APK that can be loaded from Buzz?
07-06-2019, 04:04 PM
With a MAC# linked to your account, the Server will not log you in, so you will not get a Playlist m3u file.
I believe the playlist slots available in the Buzz Portal settings, can be used to load remote playlists, so as to use LiveTV as a player only.(No EPG, media info, etc.)
If you want to use a playlist, as well as have your MAC# linked to your account so you can use the built-in LiveTV/VOD program, then make a local Playlist from a Template, and use Perfect Player.
*At least then you can have an EPG.
Theoretically, there should be no reason, to not allow both Access methods, on an Account.
*As long as only one is using the Service, at a time.
(Maybe something the Services should consider opening up!)
07-06-2019, 05:38 PM
With a MAC# linked to your account, the Server will not log you in, so you will not get a Playlist m3u file.
I believe the playlist slots available in the Buzz Portal settings, can be used to load remote playlists, so as to use LiveTV as a player only.(No EPG, media info, etc.)
If you want to use a playlist, as well as have your MAC# linked to your account so you can use the built-in LiveTV/VOD program, then make a local Playlist from a Template, and use Perfect Player.
*At least then you can have an EPG.
Theoretically, there should be no reason, to not allow both Access methods, on an Account.
*As long as only one is using the Service, at a time.
(Maybe something the Services should consider opening up!)
Shooty have you tried a raw pastebin remote playlist will this work i dont care about epg and icons
i just want to know if i can get my remote pastebin playlist or even the aznkodi addon creator that has
an xml option originally used for youtube but has been tweeked for loading epg`s on to that preloaded
kodi on the buzz?I`m curious about this and other factors like does Kodi on the buzz allow you to load
addons like the old sportsdevil addon or the shani`s f4m tester addon?These addons are important in running
my addon which is the largest hands down has ok2 ok3 beast pk land and any other i want to put on it.It also
does flash sites which is where the sportsdevil addon is need like arconai streamlive ustvgo firstone filmon and youtube.
i might have to buy a buzz my curiosity has gotten to me lol!
Sorry to the op my Italian brother Montell for getting a bit off topic.
link to aznkodi
07-06-2019, 07:38 PM
yes you can use kodi normally.
dont use pastebin, but it may require a confirm download action, ... like mediafire.
07-06-2019, 08:26 PM
yes you can use kodi normally.
dont use pastebin, but it may require a confirm download action, ... like mediafire.
Yeah i was mostly wondering about the addon, pastebin pastes and the buzz.
The aznkodi addon has an m3u and a xml option that can be used either remotely
or locally not sure if either one would work especially locally being a htpc user i just store
the local files on my hd no nothing about the buzz in that respect?
Ill get with Montell see if he wants to try to load my addon see if it works for him
see if the buzz will do a handshake with pastebin be nice to update the playlist remotely
on the buzz.
07-09-2019, 03:43 PM
Yeah i was mostly wondering about the addon, pastebin pastes and the buzz.
The aznkodi addon has an m3u and a xml option that can be used either remotely
or locally not sure if either one would work especially locally being a htpc user i just store
the local files on my hd no nothing about the buzz in that respect?
Ill get with Montell see if he wants to try to load my addon see if it works for him
see if the buzz will do a handshake with pastebin be nice to update the playlist remotely
on the buzz.
PVR IPTV Simple client will play a remote m3u playlist, or a local m3u file.
an EPG guide .xml file can also be loaded from a URL or local file.
* to see if pastebin will download automatically, just upload to pastebin, get the URL link to the file, then enter it in a browser.
If you get a screen with a download button, then it won't work.
If you get a text file of your m3u, then you are "good-to-go".
*FYI - Older Kodi addons most likely will not load on Kodi 18.
(Kodi no longer supports addons written with Python 2 code. Most addons had to be re-written approx. 18 months ago.)
addon you mentioned was from 2016 approx.!:(
07-10-2019, 06:21 AM
PVR IPTV Simple client will play a remote m3u playlist, or a local m3u file.
an EPG guide .xml file can also be loaded from a URL or local file.
* to see if pastebin will download automatically, just upload to pastebin, get the URL link to the file, then enter it in a browser.
If you get a screen with a download button, then it won't work.
If you get a text file of your m3u, then you are "good-to-go".
*FYI - Older Kodi addons most likely will not load on Kodi 18.
(Kodi no longer supports addons written with Python 2 code. Most addons had to be re-written approx. 18 months ago.)
addon you mentioned was from 2016 approx.!:(
Ok I am a htpc user i have no andriod or emulators i`m using Kodi`s windows versions 17.6 Krypton and 18.3 leia. The aznkodi addon works fine
on both with the 18.3 leia theres bigger icons slowing down Kodi but looks nicer.
The difference between the simple client and the aznaddon or shani`s playlist loader addon is the simple client
wont play Kodi`s plugin addresses these plugin addresses like from the old sportdevil addon are still very useful
in getting iptv from flashsites without their annoying adds there are good sites out there Arconai tv, photocall,123stream,firstone,
ustvgo,PLUTO and streamlive and many sport sites, theres plugin addresses for youtube,filmon,dailymotion,plex and acestreams.
These all update on their own!
Also the the f4m tester addon and its plugin address that will get you free shared m3u`s without cutting out on you better if you find your own
than the ones hundreds are watchin which opens a little secret about how many connections you can have on an iptv service!
here are a couple of examples of some of the Kodi plugin addresses all you do is find a site add the url address of the video to the plugin address
#EXTINF:-1 test tvg-logo="" ,pugilism-tv
#EXTINF:-1 test tvg-logo="" ,fighting-athletes-network
#EXTINF:-1 test tvg-logo="" ,live-boxing
#EXTINF:-1 test tvg-logo="" ,armed-forces-boxing
plugin:// 4Ziaet5xX66oqunyw_MgJ
the above are filmons the last one is a youtube playlist it has all the episodes.
heres is an non working example of the f4m tester addon
you can do an entire m3u with one click in notepad++ when adding the plugin address.
And yeah pastebins do work on the azn and playlist loader remotely so content can be added anytime
if your a pro user at pastebin you can do a 10mb m3u you can still get a pretty big list as a guest
about 50,000 links.
For the playlist loader to work you must have the sportsdevil addon any version working or not f4m tester youtube and filmon etc loaded on Kodi.
The reason for the playlist is not only what it can do but its a playlist it keeps all your content together use the search feature find you media fast.
The playlist is your own you can share it with friends and family but risky if you release it to the public!!
The big question is will this work on a buzz?!
07-12-2019, 04:25 PM
Buzz is like any Android STB.
Have the new public version 2.0 now on the Android 6.0.1 box. Was able to load up my customized m3 list, but still can't get the 'credentials only' to work for me.
08-01-2019, 11:20 PM
Have the new public version 2.0 now on the Android 6.0.1 box. Was able to load up my customized m3 list, but still can't get the 'credentials only' to work for me.
worx fine for me
08-01-2019, 11:34 PM
are you selecting streaming line box?
are you selecting streaming line box?
yes. It seems like it doesn't want to connect. I'll try adding :80 to the end of the url.
08-02-2019, 12:20 AM
check pm :cool:
Got the new version to work 'credentials only' for the supported servers. (thanks dishuser). Make sure the 'checker' has all zeros for the MAC.
To set up:
Server URL: add /c/ to the end of the url, for example
Select "Streaming line" to remove the MAC line
Select "User Credentials" and enter the credential for username and password.
08-03-2019, 12:00 AM
good to hear
10-03-2019, 11:44 PM
Nor is there a slot for the EPG URL
Any ideas to get an epg then?
10-03-2019, 11:46 PM
Any ideas to get an epg then?
read post #28
10-08-2019, 01:10 AM
read post #28
I can log in that way but it doesn't provide me with the epg.
10-08-2019, 01:57 AM
I can log in that way but it doesn't provide me with the epg.
I get same epg as when I use mac addy
10-11-2019, 03:59 AM
Have the new public version 2.0 now on the Android 6.0.1 box. Was able to load up my customized m3 list, but still can't get the 'credentials only' to work for me.
So is the m3u option available to the public? I have version 2.0 on my 6.0.1 box but I do not have any options for m3u; I only have the 10 servers and cannot scroll down any further. There is no way to load a customized m3u list.
So is the m3u option available to the public? I have version 2.0 on my 6.0.1 box but I do not have any options for m3u; I only have the 10 servers and cannot scroll down any further. There is no way to load a customized m3u list.
You should have 3 M3U playlist options. I have version 2.0 (317).
10-11-2019, 04:10 AM
That's the version I have; 2.0 (317) Updated 8/01/2019.
I simply do not have the m3u options, it stops at server 10 and there's no scrolling down any further.
10-11-2019, 04:38 AM
That's the version I have; 2.0 (317) Updated 8/01/2019.
I simply do not have the m3u options, it stops at server 10 and there's no scrolling down any further.
When your at that point use the green button to reset.........the m3u may reappear
10-11-2019, 03:02 PM
I'll try it, but the green button only resets the server that's highlighted. I will have to reset server 1 (where rout 66 is) to clear everything out and see if that works.
10-11-2019, 03:29 PM
I'll try it, but the green button only resets the server that's highlighted. I will have to reset server 1 (where rout 66 is) to clear everything out and see if that works.
buzz app
clear data
it was the only way I could fix it
10-11-2019, 03:30 PM
Well, the green button didn't work; it wouldn't clear the server data at all. So I went into the Android settings and went to apps and pulled up the BuzzTV 2 app. I forced stopped the app, cleared the cache and cleared the data. Exited and went back to the servers and now the 3 m3u option are available.
10-11-2019, 03:31 PM
buzz app
clear data
it was the only way I could fix it
You beat me me by 1 minute...:)
10-11-2019, 03:33 PM
You beat me me by 1 minute...:)
don't tell my ol'
10-11-2019, 04:25 PM
Still can't get it to work though. I have the m3u options now but when I select " open file" I am able to select my m3u file and the Buzz puts the file path in the server URL field. Then I get the message "incorrect server URL". I shouldn't have to enter a server URL because it's all in the m3u file. I've selected the streaming line option which has to be selected on one of the servers 1 through 10 selections by the way in order for it to even show up as an option on the m3u selection, and I still get the incorrect server URL message. I select use credentials and enter my user name and password (which again I shouldn't have to do because it's in the m3u file), but still get incorrect server URL. I erase the m3u file path from the server URL field and enter the server address; it now at least tries to connect but still doesn't and even if it did there is no m3u file entered to pull channel data from. Buzz needs to do a better job with this app.
crazed 9.6
10-11-2019, 04:40 PM
Still can't get it to work though. I have the m3u options now but when I select " open file" I am able to select my m3u file and the Buzz puts the file path in the server URL field. Then I get the message "incorrect server URL". I shouldn't have to enter a server URL because it's all in the m3u file. I've selected the streaming line option which has to be selected on one of the servers 1 through 10 selections by the way in order for it to even show up as an option on the m3u selection, and I still get the incorrect server URL message. I select use credentials and enter my user name and password (which again I shouldn't have to do because it's in the m3u file), but still get incorrect server URL. I erase the m3u file path from the server URL field and enter the server address; it now at least tries to connect but still doesn't and even if it did there is no m3u file entered to pull channel data from. Buzz needs to do a better job with this app.
select hardcopy of m3u file won\t work. The function is always looking for a http path and that path to your file on storage just does not jive.
Enter the m3u playlist http path and it will work.
The playlist url path is not same as server path.
The path to the Playlist is the http address that shows up when requesting a m3u file at the website
It ends with .ts
10-11-2019, 05:17 PM
Well that kind of defeats the purpose of having a m3u playlist. If I enter the URL to the address of the playlist then the entire playlist loads which is really no different from using the the server options. The purpose of BuzzTv users using a playlist is so we can edit the list and customize our channel options. If we can't use a custom playlist we might as well just use server 1 through 10. Again, Buzz needs to do a better job with this app.
10-11-2019, 05:30 PM
Just Install Perfect Player, and stop banging your head!
With PP you can have a full EPG (even an EPG from 2 sources), multiple playlists, separate VOD playlist function, access your local media etc.
*PP is also a smaller, less resource heavy, application, which gives you faster user performance.
*This is Just IMO, from experience.
For my personal m3u lists, I use dropbox to serve the list, using a direct download link.
10-11-2019, 06:53 PM
I have Perfect Player and other apps for playlists, but I was hoping that using the BuzzTV app with a playlist I could personalize my playlist and still have the recording/timer record features we have with the BuzzTV app using the server settings. as far as I know there is no third party app that can record or set timers/reminders.
10-11-2019, 06:55 PM
For my personal m3u lists, I use dropbox to serve the list, using a direct download link.
I might try that. I already tried serving my playlist from my Google drive account but that was a no go.
I might try that. I already tried serving my playlist from my Google drive account but that was a no go.
When you get that set up in dropbox, just change the dl=0 to dl=1.... for example
10-13-2019, 09:52 PM
I get same epg as when I use mac addy
I tried everything to get the epg, checked that box, unchecked the other one, changed the mac, etc. As I said, I can log in this way but all I get is the epg "loading". I know the provider's epg works as it works on another box.
I am not sure why the Buzz app isn't like MTOL which allows you to enter a url for the epg???
crazed 9.6
10-29-2019, 01:34 AM
Still can't get it to work though. I have the m3u options now but when I select " open file" I am able to select my m3u file and the Buzz puts the file path in the server URL field. Then I get the message "incorrect server URL". I shouldn't have to enter a server URL because it's all in the m3u file. I've selected the streaming line option which has to be selected on one of the servers 1 through 10 selections by the way in order for it to even show up as an option on the m3u selection, and I still get the incorrect server URL message. I select use credentials and enter my user name and password (which again I shouldn't have to do because it's in the m3u file), but still get incorrect server URL. I erase the m3u file path from the server URL field and enter the server address; it now at least tries to connect but still doesn't and even if it did there is no m3u file entered to pull channel data from. Buzz needs to do a better job with this app.
select hardcopy of m3u file won\t work. The function is always looking for a http path and that path to your file on storage just does not jive.
This is now working correctly as intended on the XR4000 models and the xpl3000 models. Not sure when it was fixed but is working correctly now.
If still not working correctly for anyone using the XR4000, then you may need to wait for the next Official Update Release.
10-30-2019, 03:20 AM
I got an update to the BuzzTV 2 app last night. I'll give it another try in a day or two and see how it works.
crazed 9.6
10-30-2019, 06:02 AM
I got an update to the BuzzTV 2 app last night. I'll give it another try in a day or two and see how it works.
It is working :)
When you first posted about this awhile ago and I had also noticed it about that same time, is when the team was on it and got it fixed for us.
Your 'reporting' helped in that... cool beans :)
This is now working correctly as intended on the XR4000 models and the xpl3000 models. Not sure when it was fixed but is working correctly now.
If still not working correctly for anyone using the XR4000, then you may need to wait for the next Official Update Release.
yes it will only work on yours
11-13-2019, 03:04 PM
I guess I need to wait for the official update. I tried again, and the playlist option still doesn't work; at least not the way I feel it should. If I serve it from a cloud site with a URL I suppose it'll work, but that is more trouble than it's worth. If I try to load the M3U from a memory stick I still get the message it's an invalid URL. I got an update a little while back but I guess my update didn't include the playlist update. I'll just have to stick with the MAC method for now.
11-13-2019, 11:33 PM
I guess I need to wait for the official update. I tried again, and the playlist option still doesn't work; at least not the way I feel it should. If I serve it from a cloud site with a URL I suppose it'll work, but that is more trouble than it's worth. If I try to load the M3U from a memory stick I still get the message it's an invalid URL. I got an update a little while back but I guess my update didn't include the playlist update. I'll just have to stick with the MAC method for now.
I just use user/pass with streaming line box checked off and I get full epg
not sure why people are so hung up on using m3u url?
crazed 9.6
11-14-2019, 12:03 AM
I just use user/pass with streaming line box checked off and I get full epg
not sure why people are so hung up on using m3u url?
there are a few reason why... I could go into it but I will leave it at that :)
11-14-2019, 01:22 AM
I just use user/pass with streaming line box checked off and I get full epg
not sure why people are so hung up on using m3u url?
I tried it both ways and all I get is "loading" for the epg. The only difference between you and I is our providers are different; can't imagine that has anything to do with it.
11-14-2019, 02:19 AM
I tried it both ways and all I get is "loading" for the epg. The only difference between you and I is our providers are different; can't imagine that has anything to do with it.
what boxes are you checking off?
cause I got it to work for dara and they're probably using same provider as you
12-28-2019, 12:46 AM
I just use user/pass with streaming line box checked off and I get full epg
not sure why people are so hung up on using m3u url?
I am now able to log in that way and get an epg but now I have another issue. This issue happens with two different providers. So it can't be the provider!
When I am logged in using user/pass I will change channels and then get "stream not available". I try a bunch of channels and still get this error message. I go to server and I see the password box is now unchecked. It was checked before as I logged in that way. In trying to troubleshoot, I then go to GSE and try to log in and it says "empty server".
I initially thought this was an internet issue so I tested GSE not using wireless and it still didn't work using the phone service provider. I then went back to the Buzz box and checked the "password" box again and "user" box as well and try to log in and get "can't get response from server". Everything is filled out right and I still get "can't get response from server".
Every time I can't log into the Buzz app I also can't log in using GSE. For whatever reason, I have to wait 10-20 minutes and then it will let me log back in using user/pass. Once I am back in on the Buzz box, GSE also works. Weirdest thing.
If I am logged in using the Buzz box and stay on one channel I don't have an issue. The problem becomes when I change channels and then when I get "stream not available" I go to the server setting and see that the password box is unchecked. I have no idea what is causing this? It is like I am getting kicked out of the Buzz app but at the same time I can't log in to GSE.
I have tried rebooting the box but that doesn't do anything. I am now watching using the m3u option on one of the three bottom slots with no issues. Except I don't get a guide.
I am at a lost with this issue.
crazed 9.6
12-28-2019, 01:41 AM
I am now watching using the m3u option on one of the three bottom slots with no issues. Except I don't get a guide.
I am at a lost with this issue.
On the Buzz box use Playlist #2 slot.
In that slot, type in or paste in the Playlist URL in the correct line.
There will also be a line to add an EPG url
Here are a couple EPG urls you could try...
12-28-2019, 09:45 PM
On the Buzz box use Playlist #2 slot.
In that slot, type in or paste in the Playlist URL in the correct line.
There will also be a line to add an EPG url
Playlist slot #2 is like slot 1 and 3, there are only two lines. One line is server name and the second line is server url. There are no other lines?
I have cleared cache, rebooted, etc. and have the latest update (November) and still can't get the epg line to appear.
This is for both of my boxes.
crazed 9.6
12-28-2019, 10:27 PM
Playlist slot #2 is like slot 1 and 3, there are only two lines. One line is server name and the second line is server url. There are no other lines?
I have cleared cache, rebooted, etc. and have the latest update (November) and still can't get the epg line to appear.
This is for both of my boxes.
Strange, there is the EPG line in slot 2 with this xpl3000
Maybe the version makes a difference.
Have you tried attaching your MAC at the service website and then uncheck the User credentials box (user/password leave empty).
It should connect without them credentials, long as the MAC is attached.
Try it if not already.
post what version of app you have
12-28-2019, 11:16 PM
Strange, there is the EPG line in slot 2 with this xpl3000
Maybe the version makes a difference.
Have you tried attaching your MAC at the service website and then uncheck the User credentials box (user/password leave empty).
It should connect without them credentials, long as the MAC is attached.
Try it if not already.
I can't do that with the service provider I have; plus my sub is a m3u.
12-28-2019, 11:17 PM
post what version of app you have
Version 2.0 (333) 11/6/19
03-15-2020, 06:12 AM
Any idea, Perfect player works OK - but not in LiveTV in Buzz - stream not available
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