View Full Version : Another option to pay?
02-16-2019, 04:47 PM
I need know if any other option to make payments, the actual method require too much personal information including upload a personal ID or passport, if no another way I will think to buy from another provider.
sure there is. do it on your own risk
go to and create your account without real info. second purchase bitcoins via direct deposit cash (most don't require any id) or gift card (most don't require any id). once you get bitcoins then go ahead and purchase your service. hope this will help.:)
02-16-2019, 05:44 PM
02-16-2019, 06:32 PM
I just paid today for the first time using a bitcoin atm which i found in my area. It was really simple took me 1min to do it. First it asked for my mobile# to send verification code once you get it just type it in atm then it asked for qr code (for wallet in this case server’s nfps, rocket or iptv66 qr code is provided) scan qr code on atm then insert the amount of cash of your order. Providers have discounts included in my case i used atm so they pay atm fees which i read could be high percentage depends. After inserting cash just hit “im done” button and thats it. Did not asked for identity verification best part of all since i was not comfortable with it. Hope this help everyone for those like me who are new to the bitcoin world and does not like the proof of id or other documents.👍🏼 Thanks timieBlax for his post💪🏼
02-17-2019, 12:34 AM
etc gift card cant we pay with that gift card . for me is 2 horas for bitcoin atm in puerto rico
03-01-2019, 02:04 AM
I just paid today for the first time using a bitcoin atm which i found in my area. It was really simple took me 1min to do it. First it asked for my mobile# to send verification code once you get it just type it in atm then it asked for qr code (for wallet in this case server’s nfps, rocket or iptv66 qr code is provided) scan qr code on atm then insert the amount of cash of your order. Providers have discounts included in my case i used atm so they pay atm fees which i read could be high percentage depends. After inserting cash just hit “im done” button and thats it. Did not asked for identity verification best part of all since i was not comfortable with it. Hope this help everyone for those like me who are new to the bitcoin world and does not like the proof of id or other documents. Thanks timieBlax for his post
pls explain how does the provider know who is making the payment. ATM does not ask for email or order #, so provider will get BTC, but they don't know who sent it..
This is a real question, I am not trying to be negative.
Thanks a lot.
03-01-2019, 11:51 AM
pls explain how does the provider know who is making the payment. ATM does not ask for email or order #, so provider will get BTC, but they don't know who sent it..
This is a real question, I am not trying to be negative.
Thanks a lot.
Once you arrive at the ordering site, and get an order number and QR Code, your email address is gonna be linked to that wallet, once that wallet receives the payment, your donations/routes are sent.
KEEP IN MIND: You don't need a BTC Wallet, you only need our wallet, wich is gonna be displayed in the ordering websites... Check the video below.
03-02-2019, 02:12 PM
I just paid today for the first time using a bitcoin atm which i found in my area. It was really simple took me 1min to do it. First it asked for my mobile# to send verification code once you get it just type it in atm then it asked for qr code (for wallet in this case server’s nfps, rocket or iptv66 qr code is provided) scan qr code on atm then insert the amount of cash of your order. Providers have discounts included in my case i used atm so they pay atm fees which i read could be high percentage depends. After inserting cash just hit “im done” button and thats it. Did not asked for identity verification best part of all since i was not comfortable with it. Hope this help everyone for those like me who are new to the bitcoin world and does not like the proof of id or other documents. Thanks timieBlax for his post
how do you put the QR image on your device? did you do the order from the phone? or somehow download the image on a PC and then upload to the device?
how do you put the QR image on your device? did you do the order from the phone? or somehow download the image on a PC and then upload to the device?
yes, you can go to iptv provider site on your phone and place order from your phone. it will show you QR image in the end on your phone. take a screen shot or put your phone front of the bitcoin ATM to scan QR or you can take picture with your phone from your pc and scan that picture as well. :)
03-03-2019, 12:43 AM
Don't like dad
03-03-2019, 12:45 AM
For me is going to be a issue. To bye. Dont like the new way to pay.
03-03-2019, 02:01 AM
For me is going to be a issue. To bye. Dont like the new way to pay.
ya who likes safe and secure?
03-03-2019, 02:11 AM
I hate to leave this service but its going to be an issue to buy Bit coin and renew my dealer panel. And the service is getting much better but I'm not going thru all the commotion with bit coin
03-03-2019, 04:16 PM
Well its cheaper than there old way.
03-05-2019, 03:29 AM
I also dont like the fact about paying with credit cards due to it asks too much identity information like coinbase yes similar to going to the bank but its not the same you dont feel comfortable thats why i kept reading posts and doing research and liked the bitcoin atm way its easy and simple just order your donations either take a screen shot of qr code and go to atm later or just order in front of atm and scan qr code right away like i did,. It did not asked me for id supposely it asks for id when its a big amount not sure how much, only asked for mobile# to send you a code for confirmation thats it and i paid with cash took me 2-3mins to do and got my routes in about 20-30mins. Lucky for me theres an atm in my town🙂
03-06-2019, 12:09 PM
For me in puerto Rico is 2 hours for that bitcoin atm. Don't like that's. For me is done
03-06-2019, 03:28 PM
For me in puerto Rico is 2 hours for that bitcoin atm. Don't like that's. For me is done
Shame You can't find something else to do around that Same Time and Place 2 Hours Away...!
03-06-2019, 04:49 PM
Nope. I am done
03-09-2019, 03:27 AM
Nope. I am done
Yeah, I am done too!
03-09-2019, 03:46 AM
I don't believe it....paying with bitcoin is not rocket science....its more secure and less expensive
03-09-2019, 01:19 PM
This Method Sucks. Coinbase Wants All Your Personal Information Plus Your Social Security Number Which You Gotta Be A Knuckle Head If You Do. You Guys Are Going To Loose A Lot Of Customers If This Issue Is Not Resolved. Plus What Happened With The Lifetime Rockets ? Now You Could Only Purchase 4 Years
03-09-2019, 04:11 PM
Many institutions and companies already have all your all personal info and your social security number ............. such as any bank you deal with ...all tax related software has all that info too (turbotax)
Coinbase is regulated by the SEC ....the dollar wallet in coinbase is insured up to 250,000 dollars by FDIC can put money in coinbase bitcoin .....send the bitcoin to an anonymous wallet outside of coinbase (many to choose from)...then close your Coinbase account...................
03-09-2019, 05:34 PM
I don't believe it....paying with bitcoin is not rocket science....its more secure and less expensive
floder2, none of the hundreds(perhaps thousands!) of disgruntled users of the service is claiming that this is a "rocket science" occasion. They are simply saying that the bitcoin method, for one reason or another, does not work for them and are asking for another payment method! Claims of this not being rocket science are not helpful in their predicament nor do such claims solve their problems. I have spent the last several hours trying to renew my donations (usually a simple matter!) but have had all my credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) fail/rejected. However I will still try again another day (hope lives eternally!), but many users of the service are less patient.
03-09-2019, 09:02 PM
Sorry but I have been inundated WITH pm'S BECAUSE people just simply don't understand..........There are many "how to" posts that explain in many ways how one can pay with bitcoin...yet I am flooded with questions about "HOW"...or "I don't understand" ....................So I do stick by my (it's not rocket science)
03-09-2019, 09:52 PM
I don't believe it....paying with bitcoin is not rocket science....its more secure and less expensive
Less expensive than What? I use to just pay with Wal-Mart card, with no problems. I do not see Routes any cheaper than a Year ago.
Here in my area, there is a Bitcoin Atm, but many complaints about getting ripped off.
03-09-2019, 10:23 PM
floder 2 I did not mean to be critical of you personally as I have seen from your posts that you are very helpful. Believe me, I "understand" (smile) your position and your frustration with endless inquiries about matters you have made as clear as possible. However, even for MANY like myself who understand the procedure for payment by the bitcoin method, there are insurmountable difficulties with this method such as bank blacklisting of bitcoin transactions, no bitcoin ATM available or within normal reach, can't handle picture taking and scanning, etc., etc. We want to continue here, but what can we do if the options of renewal payment offered do not work for us? This will not only force many to go elsewhere despite their preference to remain here, but it will also discourage new customers who will find easier payment methods - or payment methods they can manage - elsewhere. I understand the providers' need for caution and safety in payment options offered, but the provider has to take into consideration the ability of the users to access and utilize these options.
03-10-2019, 12:02 AM
[QUOTE=vtaylor1229;252322]floder 2 I did not mean to be critical of you personally as I have seen from your posts that you are very helpful. Believe me, I "understand" (smile) your position and your frustration with endless inquiries about matters you have made as clear as possible. However, even for MANY like myself who understand the procedure for payment by the bitcoin method, there are insurmountable difficulties with this method such as bank blacklisting of bitcoin transactions, no bitcoin ATM available or within normal reach, can't handle picture taking and scanning, etc., etc. We want to continue here, but what can we do if the options of renewal payment offered do not work for us? This will not only force many to go elsewhere despite their preference to remain here, but it will also discourage new customers who will find easier payment methods - or payment methods they can manage - elsewhere. I understand the providers' need for caution and safety in payment options offered,] but the provider has to take into consideration the ability of the users to access and utilize these options.
agree with you but the provider has to take into consideration the ability of the users .for me i am done.moving on with another provider becuase the issue with Bitcoin
03-10-2019, 12:42 AM
antonio606, sorry to see you go over the bitcoin problem. At the beginning of the bitcoin changeover it was said that the earlier credit card payment method was being updated at the same time but no timeline was given. I wonder what the position is now with this "option". If it materializes, might this not work out for you? I sure hope it does work out for me!
03-10-2019, 12:00 PM
This is why it is a bad move to continue with any cryptocurrency. just take a bull horn in this day and age and say, "We are doing something not right here!"..... That is the way the authorities look at it today because of the terrorism threat. So you want watched, use bitcoin and tell the world you do. The authorities will now start watching. And for the record, Nothing is safe. Man makes it man breaks it. And if the authorities want info they will get it. Nothing will stop it. They will just accuse terrorism and take the files from whoever they accuse. Bitcoin is not infallible and to think it is or any company is immune is foolish.
As far as worrying about being "Safe", well safe from what????? All court action was taken a long time ago and all were tossed out. Nobody could prove that the streaming was stolen and not legit so judges tossed every single case. So until Congress rewrites the law, there is nothing to be worried about. Stream away.
Just my humble opinion formed by researching the subject at hand and knowing how government works.
03-10-2019, 02:44 PM
This is why it is a bad move to continue with any cryptocurrency. just take a bull horn in this day and age and say, "We are doing something not right here!"..... That is the way the authorities look at it today because of the terrorism threat. So you want watched, use bitcoin and tell the world you do. The authorities will now start watching. And for the record, Nothing is safe. Man makes it man breaks it. And if the authorities want info they will get it. Nothing will stop it. They will just accuse terrorism and take the files from whoever they accuse. Bitcoin is not infallible and to think it is or any company is immune is foolish.
As far as worrying about being "Safe", well safe from what????? All court action was taken a long time ago and all were tossed out. Nobody could prove that the streaming was stolen and not legit so judges tossed every single case. So until Congress rewrites the law, there is nothing to be worried about. Stream away.
Just my humble opinion formed by researching the subject at hand and knowing how government works.Yes streaming is so legal Infomir is blocking boxes for fun.
carry on.....
03-10-2019, 03:36 PM
03-10-2019, 04:35 PM
Thanks Lowtec. I've Been Having The Same Issue With Coinbase/Simplex. They Keep Canceling My Payment
03-11-2019, 07:24 PM
Them's Fightin Words................................!!!
03-11-2019, 09:15 PM
Yes streaming is so legal Infomir is blocking boxes for fun.
carry on.....
They are a business. They need to keep up appearances if they want to keep selling boxes at the rate they do and sell more. If big companies threaten to stop buying, then there is the reason. It's like drug testing, The courts couldn't force it so the insurance companies step in and make it a condition of employment. just play the game. Mag isn't the only box or app that works. Maybe we shouldn't buy their product and see what happens. Everyone knows why these boxes are sold period. The entire world. They block enough then sales will get hit. Actually infomir between rock and hard place. And streaming will live on here, in kodi, and on, and on. just enjoy while we can. This can go on for years before they do something in Congress. After all, They all get along sooo well! Have a good one my friend. :)
03-21-2019, 10:00 PM
The old method was so easy. I tried today sent foto id, selfie and my payment was declined and they will not
tell you why. I have been with IKS66 since FTA and now no IPTV
03-21-2019, 10:23 PM
They're Asking For Too Much Personal Information. Who Knows What They Do With It
03-21-2019, 10:39 PM
They're Asking For Too Much Personal Information. Who Knows What They Do With It
and Who Else can Get It...!?!
03-22-2019, 12:12 AM
They're Asking For Too Much Personal Information. Who Knows What They Do With It
And your payment is still declined without a reason after giving the required information!!! What does one do after that? What is the next step? What is the alternative? What does one do when you reach there - that is, payment "declined"? YOU WANT TO MAKE A PAYMENT BUT YOU CANNOT WITH THE OPTIONS PROVIDED!
04-12-2019, 12:33 PM
and Who Else can Get It...!?!
Anyone that gets the info can get it. The guy that enters the info you give gets it. Whoever he gives or sells it to can get it. In this day and age nobody can be really trusted. I just recently had to change cards because someone charged 75 bucks in Jersey. I am in Indiana. There was only one thing I did differently in the last few months. It involved a gift card. Now that all said I am not trying to upset anyone. But I speak from personal experience. In the end I received a credit back, But was broke and couldn't get anything for 10 days while they ran it down. Giving that much info to anyone is in my humble opinion stupid. The person that gets the info can simply use it themselves or more likely sell it to another party. That is done all the time. In a day and age where Equifax of all places can get hacked,Bit-coin being "Anonymous", only keeps the person reading your info more protected. I hear that "People do it all the time". And people are having their accounts broke into all the time.
04-12-2019, 12:44 PM
Anyone that gets the info can get it. The guy that enters the info you give gets it. Whoever he gives or sells it to can get it. In this day and age nobody can be really trusted. I just recently had to change cards because someone charged 75 bucks in Jersey. I am in Indiana. There was only one thing I did differently in the last few months. It involved a gift card. Now that all said I am not trying to upset anyone. But I speak from personal experience. In the end I received a credit back, But was broke and couldn't get anything for 10 days while they ran it down. Giving that much info to anyone is in my humble opinion stupid. The person that gets the info can simply use it themselves or more likely sell it to another party. That is done all the time. In a day and age where Equifax of all places can get hacked,Bit-coin being "Anonymous", only keeps the person reading your info more protected. I hear that "People do it all the time". And people are having their accounts broke into all the time.
I Hear You, it happened to 4me also....! and Recently I checked My Credit Scores and there was someone using My Name to get a Equity Loan, they messed up by making My Name into a Spanish Name by changing the 1st letter...! There are Tricky and Sneaky Bastords out there that don't care if You are Wealthy(which I would go after) or if You are just getting by...! Bee Careful, use Common Sense : If it Feels to good to bee True it probably is...! I'm Not Implying or saying anything against the Suppliers here, I'm just saying "Bee Careful...!"
What ever happened to using those Special Visa Cards(Vanilla) for International Transactions...?!? :confused:
the setup they have now canada post visa card dont work any more keeps telling me to use a different card
04-12-2019, 02:50 PM
the setup they have now canada post visa card dont work any more keeps telling me to use a different card
From Canada please try and let us know how your feedback.
canada post visa should work any where in the world it has work for that last 5 years not problem
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