View Full Version : am i only guy freezing
03-04-2018, 04:34 AM
is anyone else freezing tonight on multiple chanells
03-04-2018, 04:45 AM
is anyone else freezing tonight on multiple chanells
what was wrong with your other thread?:p
others posted same thing
03-04-2018, 06:17 AM
maybe the end result
03-04-2018, 12:25 PM
Freezing always occurs during peak hours, server cannot keep up with demand, certain channels are worse than others. I must say, in the last month there has been a drastic improvement, hopefully they keep investing and improving this service.
03-06-2018, 04:17 AM
Freezing is the only thing I had since got the donation.....too bad that I paid the whole year already for freezing channels.
lost my confidence the service will be improve....
Looking for a better service. Do you know any other that actually works?
crazed 9.6
03-06-2018, 04:51 AM
funny but for years now with these freezing reports, somehow the freezing experience is not seen here.
Sure there is freezing but very rarely compared to whats reported.
How does that happen ??
03-06-2018, 08:43 AM
really really really wish i new the answer to that one,i can assure you everytime i have reported freezing it has been freezing all i can do is give you correct info totaly up to you to accept the truth,or not,trying to watch 192 bump me off channel right now on mag 254 and it is freezing tenant has dreamlink and tells me it freezes alot. Reminds of the time i went to a diner with really bad service and food ,i tried to mention it in the nicest way as i didnt want to offend the waitress ,she says (that really bugs me everybody says that)my thought was if everybody says it maybe listen a bit to what there saying but i kept my thoughts to myself i dont think i could help her.
crazed 9.6
03-06-2018, 09:19 AM
really really really wish i new the answer to that one,i can assure you everytime i have reported freezing it has been freezing all i can do is give you correct info totaly up to you to accept the truth,or not,trying to watch 192 bump me off channel right now on mag 254 and it is freezing tenant has dreamlink and tells me it freezes alot. Reminds of the time i went to a diner with really bad service and food ,i tried to mention it in the nicest way as i didnt want to offend the waitress ,she says (that really bugs me everybody says that)my thought was if everybody says it maybe listen a bit to what there saying but i kept my thoughts to myself i dont think i could help her.
understood and apologizes for my ignorance. True apologies.
I have had not had this freezing experience, but only thru others reports.
I do not never mean to diminish a problem. My objectives always are in solution :)
But I know I offend and partly why sometimes is my own ignorance.
Is why the appology :)
03-06-2018, 01:33 PM
It's freezing terribly for many of us. There are many posts over the last few days. This is always the way it works. After weeks of complaints they'll finally do something, but not until things are in crisis mode. Nothing else buffers, just this impossible to watch service.
03-06-2018, 01:40 PM
Just a thought here.... Maybe I'm crazy..... But if I am, insanity has it's advantages. Nobody has a direct line to the servers. Everyone has a router, Modem, and who knows how many "Hops" through different networks or servers just to get to the service. To pinpoint blame on the service alone is outright insane since nobody really knows. I have had freezing at times. When it gets too bad, I have rebooted the Mag and have had success in correcting the problem. If that did not do it, then I have reset my router. That would solve it sometimes. Sometimes I have had to reboot my modem to solve the problem. Other times I have just got so frustrated that I shut it down and fire up Kodi and go to the Dark Side to watch something only to find out that it too is freezing. That tells me it is the network somewhere between me and the server. Friends that have "Other" IPTV services also are acting up during those times. My point is there are too many variables involved to blame any one thing. So blaming the service alone might make one feel better, but isn't actually the problem. Just something to think about. If anyone knows for sure and can show me how they rule out anything else causing the problem, Then I wish they would share the next WINNING Powerball numbers before they are drawn. No offence meant to anyone, Just stating what I have been through in order to form my opinion about all these complaints. I hope that those having the problems can get them figured out. Have a great day!
03-06-2018, 02:17 PM
It's freezing terribly for many of us. There are many posts over the last few days. This is always the way it works. After weeks of complaints they'll finally do something, but not until things are in crisis mode. Nothing else buffers, just this impossible to watch service.
Whenever you post, its best to include specifics like make, model of the device you're using and if there is a sub category for that make and model, post the issue you're having. Whenever you see a change, it usually indicates somebody is working on the software, the hardware or the service to try and make things better. I have noticed that there is a new epg or channel listing which may or may not have something to do with the freezing. I have only noticed some freezing on 9209 which was quite annoying. I decided to try Kodi and an addon to get to world wide tv which has the same channel in HD and there was no freezing. This "suggests" the freezing does have something to do with the server or the service and perhaps your box. I have noticed the more ram, the more rom, the more cores and the more or better gpu a box has, the less freezing. I have had some devices with 1gb of ram, 2 gb of ram and they tend to be a whole lot worse than the boxes I'm using now which have 3gb or ram but then they also have more of the other things I mentioned. I use a 25mb internet service with no user or bandwidth limits and found this to be quite acceptable for the service even when there are several devices using the service. I do use a docsis 3.0 modem and an AC router which also helps keep everything online without bottle necking or adding to the freezing issues. Best to do whatever you can to limit these issues from starting at your end but posting details on your box does help others to respond with their experiences with the same box.
03-06-2018, 04:02 PM
I was hoping this silliness would end. That used to be the strategy: "Tell them it's at their end. It'll buy some time." Since there are no real certainties in life, you have taken the easiest path. But
I'm using the system on a native app with one box, with Kodi on another box and with Kodi on a computer. Every single one of them is buffering like crazy. They all started buffering a few days ago at the same time. The same time, in fact, that others started reporting the exact same issue. Every other streaming resource is operating perfectly. There are no issues with HD movies from Netflix or Amazon. Youtube is streaming without event. There are no issues with other IPTV services/apps. It is just THIS service. There is always the chance that a rogue node on the internet has gone bad and no one realizes it and many of us routed through that same node...but I doubt it.
03-06-2018, 07:49 PM
Personally I doubt nothing when it comes to the internet.... All I have is a whopping 6 meg down. But if person one says he is freezing.... then person two shows he isn't... Pretty much rules out the service and puts the blame on someplace between you and them. (Or memory or any other possibilities as mentioned in a post above). Not saying they don't have trouble. Just saying if they were actually down like described all the time around here, this site would crash from all the people getting on to find out whats up. (And that has happened before if I remember correctly). Last fall I had major problems. I got so ticked off I called my ISP. They informed me that they were laying new lines in my area, (Fiber optic) and surrounding states. Speed wasn't affected. However packet quality was. Work was completed first of this year. (About a month behind...) Anyway service here has been great since. So like I said. Too many variables. Finally when they have had trouble, they usually get something posted in the announcements section in time.
03-06-2018, 11:41 PM
Did any1 get to watch, in it's entirety, Monday Night Raw last night without any Freezing...?!?
03-07-2018, 02:03 AM
see i have friend that tells me all time he gets freezing but it his internet that dose that not box too test that i gave him my box and guess what he got freezing really it what internet you have that gave him problems that what i found out please it not the box or server it what your on sometimes and guess what he changed providers and no more freezing there are days yes but not 5 times a week or more then its you for most part sorry to say that but it true
03-07-2018, 03:38 PM
look try change dns to and do that in the router if you can read up on it in google and we had post about it here reboot router to and see if that help and try a ip address not auto one
Service. Google Public DNS operates recursive name servers for public use at the two following IP addresses: and for IPv4 service, as well as 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844, for IPv6 access. The addresses are mapped to the nearest operational server by anycast routing.
Same thing here, NFPS started freezing/buffering badly last Friday and was unusable over the weekend. It was still bad but noticeably better Monday morning but reverted to unusable by midday & it's been the same since - better in the morning, bad by midday.
My analysis:
The variable nature of it suggests that it might be traffic based. However, I have another service on the same machine - NFPS on Stalker, the other through a video addon - and it remains solid while NFPS is freezing. This does not prove that the problem is with NFPS since the programming is most likely taking different route to get here but it does prove that there is nothing wrong with my equipment or internet connection.
The most common excuse for freezing heard here is that the problem is not with the source but with the route taken to get to us. Note that while nearly every NFPS channel is freezing the so-called "free" channels (Arirang, C-Span, France 24, & The Weather Channel, for example) work perfectly without buffering. I'm pretty sure that those signals travel the same route. Once again, this suggests a problem with the source.
When there is a problem of this type the first thing I try is another portal. I was on p5 and it changed me to p4 which showed no improvement so I changed portals again and it gave me p5.. again. I just tried four times while writing this and it is still toggling me between p4 and p5 as mentioned earlier in this thread. Several people on this forum have recently mentioned portals 1 and 2 so I assume that I am restricted to 4 and 5 for some reason. Perhaps the reason we haven't had more people reporting the freezing is that it's not happening on portals 1-3.
So in summary, I have no problem with my equipment, evidence suggests it's a source problem, I cannot try another portal and I cannot try another route since for some unfathomable reason NFPS won't let us use a VPN. I'm stuck with no service and no recourse.
It would be nice if an NFPS rep would weigh in here but they don't seem to check this forum. We are treated like mushrooms.
03-09-2018, 01:03 AM
Today 03/08/2018 portal s1 and s2 are freezing for more than 8 days we reset the server, change portal nothing work still freezing all the time every three minutes, please tell us if are something someone can do to solve this problem, it is very sad what happening with this services. I have Mag 254 speed 57mg.
03-09-2018, 01:18 AM
There is nothing you can do. It has happened to many people over the last week. Until something is done at the server end, we'll be going through this. It is exactly the way things played out the last time. At one point, when enough people were complaining, they did work on the servers and got things back in line. Hopefully, it won't take very long before maintenance is undertaken again.
The service is much improved today - about 25% of the channels freeze/buffer but the rest are perfect. The fact that some freeze and some do not proves that it's not the route taken to us, it's the servers. BTW, I changed nothing (well, I did get a new donation number in the hopes that it might allow me to get a different portal. It did not, I'm still stuck on p4 or p5 and everything still froze).
Kudos to the techs, this is progress. it looks like they are working on things after all.
03-12-2018, 09:54 AM
my suggestion install fastest cable or fiber service available, direct Ethernet connection no wifi. or move to south korea were 80 % installs are min 200mb per sec
03-12-2018, 12:50 PM
So your illogical reasoning is
A bunch of unrelated internet providers all started having traffic issues at the same time. Chances are near zero.
A bunch of unrelated internet providers all started having traffic issues, but it ONLY screws up streaming from here, not HD streaming from Netflix, Youtube, Amazon, etc. Chances are near zero.
The common denominator is the service here, not some mythical internet provider issue.
The thought that there is a node somewhere on the internet that is screwing things up is another fantasy. If it was screwing up the streaming from here, it would screw up other streaming and would have been fixed.
03-13-2018, 03:41 AM
I do have a 150mb fiber cable service at home and is also freezing badly.
Pretty much like Laslo mentioned the only issues I do have is with this service, all other like Netflix is flawless.
Can someone in the control knows how to control the issue?
03-13-2018, 10:57 AM
So your illogical reasoning is
A bunch of unrelated internet providers all started having traffic issues at the same time. Chances are near zero.
A bunch of unrelated internet providers all started having traffic issues, but it ONLY screws up streaming from here, not HD streaming from Netflix, Youtube, Amazon, etc. Chances are near zero.
The common denominator is the service here, not some mythical internet provider issue.
The thought that there is a node somewhere on the internet that is screwing things up is another fantasy. If it was screwing up the streaming from here, it would screw up other streaming and would have been fixed.
Then please explain to me why I have the service working just fine when others don't??? Hello???? McFly????? If it was the servers, then everyone would be down... DUH! I have yet to see that. I read here a lot. I see a complaint the service is down.... I change to the channels being complained about.... They work. Sure some channels might go down. For me the last two days Discovery Turbo has been looping with screwed up sound. That is far from the service being down. C'mon people use some common sense here if ya have any. Also I only have 6 meg service because I live in the sticks. So speed of service is not the issue unless your below 3 meg.
If ONE server or node messes up between you and the service that is a problem. So the statement about "Unrelated internet providers" having problems at the same time is B.S. and here is why...... We pass through several different "Providers" on our way to the servers. Your provider only gives access. They do not control the route. Look at it like the Interstate system. The provider is the entrance ramp. (Indiana we will call the ramp. That is the provider for sake of illustration) However on your way to wherever it is your going you pass through a provider called Illinois and they have construction. Guess what? You fooked. That is what seems to be going on. Now you could try another route. That is what I do. Simply unplug the box and let it power down completely. Then plug it back in and let it reboot. If it works great. If not then find something else to do for a bit. I for one do not allow my life to revolve around TV. If I miss something I stream it later.
I respectfully suggest you rethink your so called "Logical thinking" my friend and not accuse others of not being logical. Like I said.... Only takes one provider along the way. Not the many that you assume. Remember.... when you assume, you make an A$$ out of U and ME. Good thought to live by. Never assume anything. Rant over! Have a great day!
03-13-2018, 01:19 PM
Then WHY is it One Channel will play for hours without a hic-cup and other channels freeze constantly and others do the Loop playback...?!?
03-13-2018, 01:24 PM
Let's start by saying this exact same thing happened twice before in the last two years. Many people (when many people came to this site) complained they were having problems with buffering and freezing. People like you said it is not happening to me therefore it is not happening. Some of the moderators were saying the same thing. The service then fessed up and said there were problems. The service went into maintenance mode, but it took way longer than they expected, and they added an extra week to most people's service. Things got back to normal and the moderators apologized for doubting people and said it won't happen again.
Guess what!? It happened again. Once again, people like you said it is not happening to me therefore it isn't happening. Once again, some of the moderators said the same thing. The service again fessed up and said they were going into maintenance mode. Once again, the service went into maintenance mode, but it took way longer than they expected, and they said they would add an extra week to most people's service, but they eventually said it would be too hard to do that. (Many people flipped out, but I didn't care, as long as things were fixed.) Things did get back to normal and the moderators apologized for doubting people and said it won't happen again. Guess what!? It is happening again!
One portal can go down, but others don't, even on the same service. Strange but true. People used to say it is impossible. Now we know it is not. Some people wake up and a service that had been working fine gets the message "STB Blocked" while others with the same set up don't have the problem. Strange but true. Because some things happen to some people and not to others doesn't mean it is not happening or that it is a rogue node on the internet.
This is happening to many people at the same time with different internet providers. Coincidence? No! This is going in the exact same direction as before.
There isn't a blip in my streaming for any other service, as is the case for others reporting. My download speed doesn't vary. We all started encountering the buffering/freezing at the same time. Coincidence? No!
Do you think if there was this "plug" in the internet that no one would notice? It would affect all kinds of streaming, not just this one, and it would be corrected. The internet isn't held together by duct tape. It is constantly tested. If there are bottlenecks, they are fixed, usually in a matter of hours. This rogue node notion is a diversion. It is not the explanation. If the internet were as rickety as you suggest, we would all be having issues all of the time. Of course I have tried the simple things like rebooting the modem/router and doing IPTV Resets. It has no effect. In fact, my account buffers and freezes at a friend's house that uses a different internet provider.
Because you are not having the issue, count yourself lucky. I can guarantee you that the complaints will mount. Eventually, the service will address the issue, just like before. The question is how long it will take.
crazed 9.6
03-13-2018, 01:40 PM
Site moderators never diminished anything.
Fact is that not everyone experiences the same thing.
What you are saying is that the moderators and who ever else that say that they are not seeing freezing, then I guess you are saying they (we) are lying, which simply is not true.
Okay, just had to comment on that :)
03-13-2018, 01:58 PM
Could it be as Simple as this : Traffic Load...?!? While Digitaldan says "No Problem in the Sticks", means less Traffic and Others are saying "Constant Freezing and Playback" could They be in Large Metropolitan Areas with Much More Traffic...?!?
I took out a swear word or two, though they weren't "very bad" ones, to maintain proper decorum :)
03-13-2018, 02:37 PM
Kinda Curious as to why CBS Action channel 130 is showing a 5-7-second loop for almost 1/2 Half an Hour now while other channels are Freezing[WWE 160] and another is Freeze and Loop FREE...!
They come from different sources.
03-13-2018, 11:11 PM
They need to increase the servers they keep adding more and more people that's why the freezing occurs I wish I still had i k s
03-14-2018, 01:13 AM
This has happened before. They can get things working again when they do maintenance, but they hold off until the complaints are deafening.
crazed 9.6
03-14-2018, 01:24 AM
This has happened before. They can get things working again when they do maintenance, but they hold off until the complaints are deafening.
and you are certain about that ?
They do not wait till the complaints get deafening. That would be buisness suicide. Rocket is not in the buisness to commit suicide :eek:
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 02:18 AM
well guys I have heard back from administration and answer was that there is not anything wrong at server end and none of the admins are seeing any freezing as is same with me and others.
I have seen that the freezing stops when one uses a VPN , but in using a VPN one takes a chance that their code will get banned at the server.
But anyway, as suspected all along that this is in fact ISP related.
This can argued all day long but that will not change the fact.
Check out what has been and is happening with the world wide web these days and you may see a connection :eek:
VODs and LiveTV are delivered differently and is why some reports say VODs are working great but not LiveTV
Now what the administration has asked me is to get the ISPs services that you guys are using that are having these freezing issues.
Send me a PM with the ISP and the iptv service with port included.
Thnx guys.
03-15-2018, 03:20 AM
ISP sounds like a good excuse for a bad service.
So you are just a middle man carrying the message and believing all in the other side is just fine?
What you will do with the ISP information? To call the company and find out why they are screwing up our TV service with you.
That sounds like BS, since moderators are the only claiming service is OK.
Bad for me that I will have to wait several months until my donation expire.... but I'm not coming back
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 03:22 AM
I will not be accepting any dissing or otherwise.
You can leave now Arabe
Added note...
I have received 6 messages so far and all 6 have one thing in common.
They all use At&T
I expect to see a few other ISPs involved in this but so far AT&T is the only one.
Crazed.2 my isp is att uverse on
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 04:57 PM
Crazed.2 my isp is att uverse on
Got it bud, thnx
03-15-2018, 05:18 PM
Crazed.2 my isp is att uverse on
Is that the way You have it listed in the Settings...?!?
03-15-2018, 08:42 PM
well guys I have heard back from administration and answer was that there is not anything wrong at server end and none of the admins are seeing any freezing as is same with me and others.
I have seen that the freezing stops when one uses a VPN , but in using a VPN one takes a chance that their code will get banned at the server.
But anyway, as suspected all along that this is in fact ISP related.
This can argued all day long but that will not change the fact.
Check out what has been and is happening with the world wide web these days and you may see a connection :eek:
VODs and LiveTV are delivered differently and is why some reports say VODs are working great but not LiveTV
Now what the administration has asked me is to get the ISPs services that you guys are using that are having these freezing issues.
Send me a PM with the ISP and the iptv service with port included.
Thnx guys.
Anymore News from the Administration on this Mess...?!?
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 09:03 PM
Anymore News from the Administration on this Mess...?!?
The 'mess' has to do with the web and not the service.
Administration will do what they can, but still waiting on the reports I asked for to come my way. Only have a handful so far.
And all are from same ISPs (2 ISPs so far) .. as we already knew that in fact it is related.
A few members showed that to me long before this recent findings came about.
Bwcbob had an ingenious way to work around which also proved it to be ISP related. And there is the MAC change thru the router, but AT%T routers can not do that, they are locked.
I have said most of this before, but unfortunatly some do not believe , only that it is server issue.
03-15-2018, 09:14 PM
Another day of not watching TV because of freezing and stumbling
03-15-2018, 09:16 PM
Are all the IPTV providers have the same problems or is it just rocket
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 09:16 PM
Another day of not watching TV because of freezing and stumbling
I have not received a message from you as asked for.
Without that, the service can not help
crazed 9.6
03-15-2018, 09:18 PM
Are all the IPTV providers have the same problems or is it just rocket
It's not just seen thru rocket, but it is seen just thru the two ISP that have been reported.
Simple math.
Send me the info I asked for, or don't :eek:
03-15-2018, 09:53 PM
The 'mess' has to do with the web and not the service.
Administration will do what they can, but still waiting on the reports I asked for to come my way. Only have a handful so far.
And all are from same ISPs (2 ISPs so far) .. as we already knew that in fact it is related.
A few members showed that to me long before this recent findings came about.
Bwcbob had an ingenious way to work around which also proved it to be ISP related. And there is the MAC change thru the router, but AT%T routers can not do that, they are locked.
I have said most of this before, but unfortunatly some do not believe , only that it is server issue.
Me Friend has the Modem by AT&T, but the Internet Service is from another Company, through the Cable and into the AT&T Modem so AT&T is doing the Throttling...! I have Her information and have been in contact with Her Internet Provider to see if We can't get Her a Wireless Router so AT&T will be by-passed...! As It is a Thursday nothing will probably happen til the Monday of Next Week...!
03-15-2018, 11:23 PM
Just because the modem is says AT&T don't mean anything. They only control their own IP service. I've used Frontier modem/router with my Centurylink Service. Now I have a Netgear from WalMart for 35 bucks. Centurylink controled the connection not Frontier when I used that modem. Most modems are made by westell from what I have seen with just the providers name slapped on them. So save the effort there and use the modem ya have. Maybe find out if work is going on.
Correct, AT&T can't control the service unless it is their own. The modem name is only a branding issue (i.e., carries the AT&T name). AT&T has no control over the service, however.
03-16-2018, 02:23 AM
She said that an AT&T Tech ran the cable from the pole to her Apartment, then went inside with the Modem and connected it and made sure it was working before He left...! Why would a AT&T Tech install an AT&T Modem for a Rival ISP...?!? Just Asking...?!?
03-16-2018, 09:22 AM
Then she is confused on the service or the guy that installed the thing was an independent worker and works for more than one provider. (Just going on what you posted and you said it wasn't AT&T). One repair guy that fixed my line last fall was one of the independent contractors. He had several stickers on his truck from different services. However that day he worked for Centurylink. Look at her bill. Whoever she is paying is who the provider is. Maybe she has AT&T and don't realise it.
03-16-2018, 10:34 AM
Then she is confused on the service or the guy that installed the thing was an independent worker and works for more than one provider. (Just going on what you posted and you said it wasn't AT&T). One repair guy that fixed my line last fall was one of the independent contractors. He had several stickers on his truck from different services. However that day he worked for Centurylink. Look at her bill. Whoever she is paying is who the provider is. Maybe she has AT&T and don't realise it.
perhaps they resell at&t
I know in eastern canada eastlink gets their internet from bell
03-16-2018, 02:26 PM
Copy/Paste from Bing :
"No Name is an internet-only service provider, meaning they offer solely internet packages at affordable rates — without the bundle. For a few locations in California, they also offer a service called Fusion, and Fusion is a broadband internet and home phone bundle. Featuring a 20Mb per second download speed and unlimited nationwide calling (international costs come with a minimal extra fee), it’s not something to scoff at.
Here’s the main thing, there are no data caps on any of their services. That’s the big thing for cord cutters, especially in light of the recent news about Comcast’s plan to roll out data caps in several markets. No data cap means you can stream all you want without worrying about getting charged extra by your ISP (Comcast is charging customers an additional $10 for every 50GB they exceed their data cap) or having your speeds throttled. Finally, a company that understands that!"
Just because the modem is says AT&T don't mean anything. They only control their own IP service. I've used Frontier modem/router with my Centurylink Service. Now I have a Netgear from WalMart for 35 bucks. Centurylink controled the connection not Frontier when I used that modem. Most modems are made by westell from what I have seen with just the providers name slapped on them. So save the effort there and use the modem ya have. Maybe find out if work is going on.
There is Always Work Going On...!
03-16-2018, 04:50 PM
Maybe Dishuser is right then and they resell. Don't know what to say my friend.
If the provider has an agreement with AT&T, some of their traffic could pass through AT&T's network. In that case, AT&T might throttle certain streams.
03-16-2018, 11:12 PM
Here's a Kicker for Ya...! Says She has been watching a Certain Channel most of the day without a Hitch...! Says She switches over to [130] CBS Action, a UK Channel and it is Freezing so She goes back to Her 1st choice and No Problem...! She watches awhile then Switches over to [134] FOX HD,which I believe is another UK Channel and gets Freezing, goes back to choice #1 and all is Good...! Tries [160] WWE and it is Freezing...! Goes back to 1st Choice and says She will stay there as it is Clear as a Bell and Very Interesting...!
03-16-2018, 11:55 PM
the internet provider has nothing to do with the freezing, I have two different services with the same internet provider and the one I can not see is from home (iks66)
you must not understand isp throttling then
the internet provider has nothing to do with the freezing, I have two different services with the same internet provider and the one I can not see is from home (iks66)
may be that ISP targeting iks66 only not the second service?:rolleyes:kof
the internet provider has nothing to do with the freezing, I have two different services with the same internet provider and the one I can not see is from home (iks66)
The provider has everything to with the freezing. Because one service is ok just means it isn't currently being targeted by the provider.
03-17-2018, 12:31 AM
Maybee They Need to Change Their Names...?!?
03-17-2018, 01:28 AM
Maybee They Need to Change Their Names...?!?
more like url
03-17-2018, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the "Translation" as I am Almost Certain that the Moderators, Admins and All Other Members on this Site were Totally Baffled with what I posted above...! Thanks for Making Things Easier for Them...!
you're welcome
03-17-2018, 07:52 PM
what I have noticed all super fast internet connections appear to be working better than slow connects......
OK guys, I proved it's the ISP.. AT&T specifically.
I've run behind a VPN for years after finding a data center IP address that NFPS would accept. About six weeks or so ago they took that VPN server offline for maintenance, shifting traffic to another and it would no longer work. Running naked was scary but picture quality was fine for a week or two and then the freezing/buffering began. It was only later that I connected the two occurrences.
This last week I found another data center acceptable to NFPS and *bingo* the freezing disappeared. Switching off the VPN brought the freezing right back, turning it back on cleared up the problem again. Yes the routes are different but they share the downlink from the backbone to AT&T's data center and then on to me. It's only in that data center that they can monkey with the data stream.
Remember that during the runup to the end of Net Neutrality both AT&T and Comcast talked openly about throttling streaming from content providers other than their own and I strongly suspect that they have started doing it already. I can think of no other explanation other than enemy action.
I owe a bit of an apology to NFPS (and by reflection to the moderators who said that the server streams were fine.) The few channels that are freeze-fee without the VPN (Arirang, C-Span, Frence24, The Weather Channel, and a few others) apparently come from a different server and are not targeted by AT&T. That made it confusing since those streams come down the same pipe as all the other channels.
I suspect that the throttling will spread to all the major carriers rather quickly. This means that unless NFPS relaxes their policy forbidding VPN's they will lose a large number of customers. All of the other IPTV services that I have checked allow VPN's and most recommend the use of one.
03-17-2018, 10:01 PM
OK guys, I proved it's the ISP.. AT&T specifically.
I've run behind a VPN for years after finding a data center IP address that NFPS would accept. About six weeks or so ago they took that VPN server offline for maintenance, shifting traffic to another and it would no longer work. Running naked was scary but picture quality was fine for a week or two and then the freezing/buffering began. It was only later that I connected the two occurrences.
This last week I found another data center acceptable to NFPS and *bingo* the freezing disappeared. Switching off the VPN brought the freezing right back, turning it back on cleared up the problem again. Yes the routes are different but they share the downlink from the backbone to AT&T's data center and then on to me. It's only in that data center that they can monkey with the data stream.
Remember that during the runup to the end of Net Neutrality both AT&T and Comcast talked openly about throttling streaming from content providers other than their own and I strongly suspect that they have started doing it already. I can think of no other explanation other than enemy action.
I owe a bit of an apology to NFPS (and by reflection to the moderators who said that the server streams were fine.) The few channels that are freeze-fee without the VPN (Arirang, C-Span, Frence24, The Weather Channel, and a few others) apparently come from a different server and are not targeted by AT&T. That made it confusing since those streams come down the same pipe as all the other channels.
I suspect that the throttling will spread to all the major carriers rather quickly. This means that unless NFPS relaxes their policy forbidding VPN's they will lose a large number of customers. All of the other IPTV services that I have checked allow VPN's and most recommend the use of one.
I use other servers and when it freezes I switch to vpn myself and no freezing
it's only a matter of time where vpn will need to be used with most servers/users
03-17-2018, 10:29 PM
what I have noticed all super fast internet connections appear to be working better than slow connects......
I only have 6 meg service.... No problems. That said, my area has all new lines including my home hookup. They also installed new equipment at the local switching station. Before they did that I had plenty of problems. The speed is not the issue. The quality of the connection and the age of the equipment the ISP uses is usually the problem. If it was speed then only having 6 meg down I would be nonfunctional.
03-17-2018, 11:58 PM
I only have 6 meg service.... No problems. That said, my area has all new lines including my home hookup. They also installed new equipment at the local switching station. Before they did that I had plenty of problems. The speed is not the issue. The quality of the connection and the age of the equipment the ISP uses is usually the problem. If it was speed then only having 6 meg down I would be nonfunctional.
I have streamed at 3mbps with no buffering
03-18-2018, 12:47 AM
since we are getting to the conclusion that ATT May be the problem with the freezing..and we need to send the info to craze 2.0.
what about the people who has your service thru a reseller?
I have ATT uverse and iptv66 can I still send my info to you?
by the way I can't send PM to crazy 2.0.
can I send it to somebody else?
You can send it to me and I'll pass it along.
03-18-2018, 01:37 AM
since we are getting to the conclusion that ATT May be the problem with the freezing..and we need to send the info to craze 2.0.
what about the people who has your service thru a reseller?
I have ATT uverse and iptv66 can I still send my info to you?
by the way I can't send PM to crazy 2.0.
can I send it to somebody else?
why can't you pm him?
I pm'd him when I wasn't registered
Could be because he's trying to PM Crazy 2.0. Rather than jump down a logistics rabbit hole, I decided to provide a conduit instead, although I haven't received any information yet.
03-18-2018, 02:21 AM
jajaja I am so sorry Ilan it's because I am posting from work (texas time) as soon as I get home I'll send the info to you..
so you can please forward it to them.
03-18-2018, 03:40 AM
Could be because he's trying to PM Crazy 2.0. Rather than jump down a logistics rabbit hole, I decided to provide a conduit instead, although I haven't received any information yet.
he said he couldn't pm him
yet I did when I wasn't registered
03-18-2018, 03:58 AM
So i need VPN to resolve this freezing right? Where to get VPN cheaply?
03-18-2018, 07:09 PM
well guys I have heard back from administration and answer was that there is not anything wrong at server end and none of the admins are seeing any freezing as is same with me and others.
I have seen that the freezing stops when one uses a VPN , but in using a VPN one takes a chance that their code will get banned at the server.
But anyway, as suspected all along that this is in fact ISP related.
This can argued all day long but that will not change the fact.
Check out what has been and is happening with the world wide web these days and you may see a connection :eek:
VODs and LiveTV are delivered differently and is why some reports say VODs are working great but not LiveTV
Now what the administration has asked me is to get the ISPs services that you guys are using that are having these freezing issues.
Send me a PM with the ISP and the iptv service with port included.
Thnx guys.
I have to admit this, at least this last buffering/freezing crisis is ISP related for sure, I could tested it, carried the tv box to another different ISP source( even slower than mine), no freezing, provider has reason this time, they are fine.
So i need VPN to resolve this freezing right? Where to get VPN cheaply?
Welllll.. now we are getting into a dark gray area. NFPS/IKS66 specifically forbids the use of a VPN so we are skirting the rules. If they detect any form of "shared service" you will be able to log on (authenticate) and the channels will load but none will play. We have to find a VPN service and server that does not so identify to be able to use it.
If the current problem with AT&T-based carriers is, in fact, "throttling" NFPS will have no choice but to allow VPN use or lose a lot of customers. They are still investigating the situation so we'll have to wait.
03-18-2018, 07:54 PM
Hi i thought i would let u know my internet provider is lightspeed they provide both cable internet which is shaw and phone internet which is through telus i have used both i am now using cable they had a deal 31 dollars a month for 30 down and five up ive had freezing with both providers on both boxes i have mag 254 and dreamlink t1 i did have freezing last night i unplugged and did iptv reset is working at present.
03-19-2018, 02:34 AM
well hate to say that yes I do have A te te, and the service before this was awesome n till a month after I switched to this ISP, so if we see this is the problem what can we do other than switch providers again? I already Pm crazed2.0 with the info
03-19-2018, 03:48 AM
my message is that i dont use that provider and have freezing it was working earlier today when i posted at 1300 .im almost afraid to mention when it works it seems a couple hours after it doesnt.
Some of your data may go through the AT&T network if your provider has an agreement with AT&T. (There are loads of these data sharing agreements out there.) It is during that portion of data transit that throttling occurs.
03-20-2018, 09:23 PM
ok so I sent the info to crazed 2.0 as informed in the other post. I thought this info was to fix it or do something about it but nobody knows if this will be resolved or if is worked on, most of us don't know how this works as far as different channels and different servers, ISP blockages and all that, if some users confirmed that this works using a VPN and then it freezes without, then maybe they are working on something for a solution in that direction?
if other people is experiencing freezing also with different providers and people report freezing at pick times meaning that this is the time people have time to come back home try to watch something but they can't, defeats the purpose of paying for a service, we know is a hobby but the fact is that is not working for whatever the reason is and mine worked with Att without problems for a month after that is unwatchable, I have a resal portal but is monthly credits so people is not renewing and can't get new people, stuck with the credits and wont buy more till these are out, people ask to be noted if system works again but in the mean time they go to other providers, people that is in different ISPs also have frizzing problems at pick hrs too, so if it is true or not loosing customers and not renewing is real, and helpless for me have nothing else but to wait for a solution and find options, thanks for the help and the information provided here by everyone.
03-20-2018, 10:32 PM
i notice the american channels i use go off at 5oclock pm i do not when they come back on as i just switch to british channels
i notice the american channels i use go off at 5oclock pm i do not when they come back on as i just switch to british channels
I think they come back between 5-15 minutes. kof
03-21-2018, 01:10 PM
I think they come back between 5-15 minutes. kof
thank you that is not to bad over a 24 hour period
thank you that is not to bad over a 24 hour period
yup, no worries buddy:cool:
03-21-2018, 04:28 PM
At me Friend's Crib last evening We tried watching Smackdown on usa network and Needless to say it was Un-Watchable, it would play about 2 sec's and freeze for a few minutes, come back and start all over again...! I had Me lappy with Me and Streamed it over wifi with only buffering one time at the end where 2 ganged up on the gen mgr...! Others will have dif results...! Choose Wisely...!
03-21-2018, 08:02 PM
thanks for your response ilan i live in canada dont think its an option here
03-22-2018, 12:59 AM
Today no freezing at all and I did not do anything. Hopefully today service stays that way for long time.
03-26-2018, 05:49 AM
having freezing on mag 254 and dreamlink t1 have rebooted modem and router have done iptv reset have powered off and on twice have done internet speed test which is good and have freezeing on any live channel vod works fine.i live in canada dont use at and t am able to watch mobdro youtube or any other streamfeeds on Earth except what i bought to use for a year.
If you have a friend/neighbor/relative nearby who has a different IP, you could test the service there. It would help narrow down the potential variables. You'd want to do an IPTV Reset before hooking up at the test site and an IPTV Reset before you hook up again at your place.
03-27-2018, 01:32 AM
thanks for the tip. i am using cable internet now and was using internet through phone company up to a couple of months ago have had freezing from both providers that being said i watched 192 bump me off channel today no freezing.The fact that it happens with 2 different internet providers makes me think trying a 3rd probably wont make much difference but i will give it a try thanks again
It has hard to nail down in many instances. In addition to the prior recommendation, when you're having an issue, you can try reporting the specific channel and issue in this server area. Others on the same server can check and report their observations.
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