View Full Version : Page Loading Error - Cannot Figure Out What to Do
02-25-2018, 05:27 PM
Using a MAG 254 and getting a "Page Loading Error: Please Check the Connection and the page URL". Screen says the Internet is Enabled and Wi-Fi is enabled but I can't get off the page loading error screen no matter how many times I make sure the network, server and portal pages are correct and have the same info I have always used. I have rebooted many times to no avail. I am still using the Portal URL I was told to use when ordering the subscription: Portal 1 URL = I have tried the website but, unfortunately, I do not have my order number. I do know my route number. I did renew a one year subscription about 5 months ago so that's not the problem. Any help for this novice is greatly appreciated. I assume it is something simple that changed and I am just not figuring out what to do on my end. Thank you.
im not sure about this but I think ur url is not correct. try this or
I see that you dont have your order number. I guess you tried to reset. try to pm crazed 2.0 he can help you from this point.:cool:kof
@debbie: That is an old URL you are trying to use. It dates back to precambrian times. You need to use one of the ones listed above, so you really need to be able to log into the Donation Checker to confirm which one. You might get things working by trying both, but an IPTV Reset might be in order as well to get things going, and that would require logging into the Donation Checker. Check to see if you can come up with some of the credentials required for the Donation Checker.
02-25-2018, 07:57 PM
Thank you King and Ilan for the excellent advice. I changed the portal url to what you posted and everything was back within seconds. You are the best!
Thank you King and Ilan for the excellent advice. I changed the portal url to what you posted and everything was back within seconds. You are the best!
im very glad that it worked for you:D. thank you Ilan:cool:kof
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