View Full Version : Cannot Connect For Over Two Weeks Now
01-21-2018, 05:15 PM
Six avov boxes of mine cannot connect back to the iks66 service. This started when they started displaying the new links on the screen. Now when all boxes that are in different states are turned on, it simply does not connect. It just keeps trying to connect and never connects to the server.
I have tried to change portal from s2 to s1. I have also generated new route. I have done an iptv reset. Tried using the longer url. None of these worked. Nothing has changed in my settings. The MAC address is correct. Did the server url change? If it did, can i please have the new one?
Please if there is anybody out there that can help. PLEASE HELP! My phone keeps going off because of this.
01-21-2018, 05:33 PM
same happend to my avov.did a factory reset ad re-entered my info and came back to life and connected.hope this helps.
01-22-2018, 05:24 AM
I am not sure if this idea will help you. I do not have an avov box, but I do have a firetv box. Both boxes are android machines. Now that IPTV66 is not working in Simple Client, or your box. This is what I did. I login to my Iptv66 to stop using the mac#, changed from s1 to s2 and got the m3u link. I used the one that is m3u_plus to get the channel logos. I also installed the app progtv. I used the free one. You will need to place your full m3u starting with "http" and ending with "m3u_plus.....=ts" and the EPG string link. I hope this works for you and follow the instructions below.
here is the copied info from
by crazed 2.0; Today at 12:47 PM as to how to install the Progtv program.
Players - ProgTV
ProgTV - the simple but convenient and universal software for watching TV and listening to radio channels over Internet or local network.
credit goes to mameyo1 for bringing this to us
Developer: Andrey Borodin (Prog)
Support for various types of data sources:
- IPTV over HTTP/TS or over UDP-proxy. Multicast only if your device support that. Blind search.
- Support of one or more M3U(M3U8),XSPF channel lists. Channel logos, guide, autoupdating.
- Guide (EPG) in XMLTV and JTV formats support (include zip, gzip)
- Internet TV and Radio. ITV format of lists (from ProgDVB)
- Support of Kartina TV, Xtream-Codes IPTV panel, ..
- Torrent TV links in M3U or other links format.
- DVB over IP.
- Client of ProgDVB for receive channels from DVB device.
Main functions:
- TimeShift
- Record.
- Scheduler.
- Subtitles.
- Information about channel format.
- Interface is optimized for phone, a pad and TV (include remote control using).
- Support of more one channel list in same time.
- Favorites list.
- Per channel zoom and ratio settings.
- Equalizer,AGC, Spectrum.
- Folder for user logo of channels.
here's the .apk version of this Player...
and googlestore
ytubes updated and working now
for firestick
A wireless mouse or air mouse will really help with this setup procedure.
Install progtv and then open it on your device.
Find the TV Sources option and open that. It may initially open on the Main Menu screen and there you would see the menu selections. TV Sources will be shown there. Or it may open onto the TV Source screen . Either case the very top left side of screen the menu page you are currently viewing will be shown there in Bold type with a back icon button beside it.
The first choice is ITPV Client and then another IPTV Client.
Click on one of these and that's where you enter your playlist URL
example :************&password=*********** *&type=m3u_plus&output=ts
*in the example you would add (http://) at the prefix and replace the (************) with your donation number.
-Use the M3U generic list with options for progtv
You can also enter the EPG URL here too. That's the line that is labeled as GUIDE.
Then scroll down to bottom of screen page and use the OK option.
Then click the big back button seen at the top of the screen page (found beside the TV Sources heading).
You should be taken back to Main Menu with the choices on the left side of the screen.
Click on Update and that will update the URLs you just added.
After it has updated successfully, click on the Guide to check that out or the Channel List option and that will now open your channels.
You can also copy the URLs on a text document and put that on a USB device and insert that device into iptv receiver. then you can simply paste them URLs instead of typing them.
This is explained further in post #2 on this tutorial thread.
You can get into your USB device from here too. The path would be usb/sda/sda1
Using a mouse helps alot here.
I almost see how to play a Playlist from the USB drive.
On Main menu ProgTV screen, enter the Channel List function. Then enter the Open URL function.
Should now see a screen with Please Enter URL message.
Press OK on your remote or use the mouse and click them 3 dots seen at the right.
Select File.
Then the 3 dots (which are a menu icon).
USB drive should now show in the selections. Open it.
Then open ' sda '
Then open ' sda1 ' (if applicable).
Now your content on that USB drive will appear.
-At this point I come to a bump. The file will not open for me. Reads as an Unknown Error 0 0x0
file path = /mnt/usb_2/sda/sda1/tv.channels_******************.m3u
*A couple helpful points from dandrade2...
-Use the M3U generic list with options for progtv
-Set the options as 5000 buffer with 1hr interval for auto-updates.
You can change menu screen sizes and the text onscreen sizes.
Select how to see the channels,weather by name, numbers, or some other chooses here.
Many more functions with this application that you can mess around with.
Last edited by crazed 2.0; Today at 12:47 PM.
crazed 9.6
01-22-2018, 06:50 AM
I don't think progtv can be installed on the avov citadel, unless they can get it from playstore.
Otherwise I don't think an apk file can be side loaded onto the avov, but I am hoping someone will prove me wrong on that thou :)
For the Avov receivers, try this...
WEB application for Avov (Stalker Emulator)
Quote Originally Posted by sat4us View Post
Ok, this is what I did. In your Avov, go to the market, download the WEB app, then do the set set up , do a reset in your donation, enjoy
End Quote
The process is rather easy.
The first screen that shows when you open the WEB app is where you see the Clock and also you will see the MAC shows there too.
Copy that MAC and check it is same MAc used before and ensure it is set like that at the website.
Then on same screen is an Add a new Server option.
Name your server (any name will do)
Then the server URL is your iptv server URL .. (it would be the same URL you used before when connecting to iptv66 or rocket or nfps server).
Once loaded and that loading bar completes, you may have to change the channel a few times to get the channels to pop in.
Found in your Avov's Market....
WEB (TVonWEB Emulator)
Version: 1.0.11
Stalker Emulator
01-22-2018, 07:21 PM
Curious as to why IKS66 seem to only connect channels via ProgTV whereas previously there was NO problem connecting channels via IPTV Simple Client in KODI or using the playlist in VLC, and similar other apps. This problem cropped up about 10 days ago and looks like it is here to stay (unless someone knows otherwise).
What is unique about ProgTV that whatever changes were made behind the scenes only allows ProgTV to currently support these changes???
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