View Full Version : IPTV66 NO FIX I Want a refund
01-19-2018, 06:13 AM
I'm not going to be force to use a app I don't like (prog tv ) I have a $300 Nvidia shield and I want to use stbmu app and/or TVirL app if NOT I want my money back so I can purchase a NFPS donation ...... That one is working great ..! thank god all my customers are on NFPS I don't know what is the deal with IPTV66 but I will watch out .!!!! Everyone can start doing ... chargebacks ..!!!
crazed 9.6
01-19-2018, 06:23 AM
why if all you people is on nfps you worried about the 66 ?
We gots enough to deal with without side remarks .. hot damn :eek:
01-19-2018, 11:40 AM
Well if not why do you banned him all I was reading is somebody that is very frustrated ...a human nature to complaint if you don't like something or something isn't working the way it's supposed to
I understand that also. The problem lies with the user and their attempts to use what is recommended for this service... (Any service for that matter..).. The point is the system is working.... Maybe not with one setup or another... But with the recommended setup it is working. Always has with a few exceptions that were ratified in short order. I have been here since the beginning.... I remember a whopping guide filling 4 channels! Anyway I read all bout the service. Saw what they recommended. Then I went with an app because I wanted to set up differently so as to be a little more convenient for me. Guess what? I experienced the same old shii.... Stuff that everyone complains about! Duh! I bought a mag and have no problem. End of sentence, chapter, and book! Maybe I did not want to do that, but you do what you have to in life or you die. But when people are given an answer, (Like the get a mag option,) all this site sees posted is... "I don't want to...... Blah bl;ah blah.) Well I don't want to cook... but I have to to eat. I don't want to pump my own gas.... But I do or I will run out.... Get my point here people? I feel so sorry for these mods sometimes that are ignored on an answer when people just give the "I don't want to do that" in return!!! There is no one to blame but themselves! There is plenty of info out there. Has been for years. So anyone out there is thinking about subbing to any IPTV service, DO Your Homework and read all about the service then get the stuff needed accordingly. Nobody will interfere with your right to choose what you want. However Your an adult now so choose how you set up wisely. Do what is recommended! As far as a paticular box goes??? Take your pick! But read about them then choose what you want don't try and save a buck as you could get burned. Sometimes you get a locked box that is locked to one service. All in an effort to save a buck. Well been my experience that one always winds up spending more when one tries to save a dollar. Give these people a break!
Sorry friends.... Had to rant... Have a great day!
01-19-2018, 04:43 PM
OMG this is ridiculous I have some customers with problems with there magbox and I have done everything and no work even I have change to difrents devices and my magbox service was fine and now this morning I don't have no channels please can somebody say what's happening if it going to be fix because my customer service just started in December and (NO IST NOT UP, they should try it with magbox)
01-19-2018, 04:56 PM
OMG this is ridiculous I have some customers with problems with there magbox and I have done everything and no work even I have change to difrents devices and my magbox service was fine and now this morning I don't have no channels please can somebody say what's happening if it going to be fix because my customer service just started in December and (NO IST NOT UP, they should try it with magbox)
i understand where you coming from ...
i have over 200 people on this server ..
all not working .. nothing we can do but email iptv66 support..
this forum is for help only .
the admins don't know anything about the service being restored..
if they did we would see a post for sure ..
tell them to give it some time ... thats all you can say
01-19-2018, 05:22 PM
I already contacted them and no answer
Thanks anyway
01-19-2018, 07:22 PM
I contacted them also and they told me to go back and talk to iptv talk...a vicious circle.. I have 3 donations down cannot side load an apk so.. i'm not sure what the answer is.
01-19-2018, 09:09 PM
You know what...? It looks to me like they trying to change the video format.... A weird format or video Extinction ... that the mag boxes or stbmu app can't support or play ... I think that they were purposely to force you to use a different player/app ..(prog tv) that crap apk even has ads . Don't know what's the deal but I am fed up with all the drama ! They've been doing this for years and they never made their own app in house... They're always rely to third-party developers like the mag boxes and the stbmu emulator dreamlink ..... And so on ..... Which is fine everybody has a my box or using the stb emulator but if that's not working now and everyone has to change their equipment then we have a problem..! Thank God I only have 2 personal donations under this server that I just purchased a month ago ....
theres no drama. they gave you so many choices and different ways. use your brain and figured it out buddy:rolleyes: kof
01-20-2018, 01:45 AM
Okay it smarty pants besides (shit prog tv app ) what other choices do I have....!!?? My mag boxes are not working, dreamlink t1 plus not WORKING ,Nvidia shield not working , STB EMULATOR not working
Okay it smarty pants besides (shit prog tv app ) what other choices do I have....!!?? My mag boxes are not working, dreamlink t1 plus not WORKING ,Nvidia shield not working , STB EMULATOR not working
its working fine for most people out there. some of them having some issues with freezing channels and you have nothing working for you. what that tells you? you tried 3 different boxes and emulator as well and could not make it work then unfortunately no one can make it work for you. im sorry to say that:mad:. kof
01-20-2018, 01:58 AM
its working fine for most people out there. some of them having some issues with freezing channels and you have nothing working for you. what that tells you? you tried 3 different boxes and emulator as well and could not make it work then unfortunately no one can make it work for you. im sorry to say that:mad:. kofwow you're a huge help
01-20-2018, 02:01 AM
Shit prog tv is working but I don't like it to me as a piece of shit and I cannot install the APK on my mag boxes or my Samsung TV that's where the stb emulator supposed to be working
wow you're a huge help
you can help him anytime.:cool:
01-20-2018, 02:02 AM
01-20-2018, 02:04 AM
you can help him anytime.:cool:
and when you don't know you don't need to reply
time to go into panel and fix something :)
and when you don't know you don't need to reply
time to go into panel and fix something :)
I said you can help him anytime:cool: kof
01-20-2018, 02:09 AM
This message is hidden because kingoffighter is on your ignore list. (
so much
This message is hidden because kingoffighter is on your ignore list. (
so much
finally you added me in your ignore list. I was very nice with you and all you have been troll. you abused every my post and all I asked you that you can help him anytime. I will never change my positive behavior because of bad egg but you are free to help him again and anytime:cool: this time kof loving it:p
01-20-2018, 02:34 AM
you know the weird part is that I'm over here on the stb emulator write with all the channels and I'm clicking every single one and just black screen right I tried to change the different players and so but if I click on the Pac-12 they come right up beautiful Krispy high definition also channel 203 is working 207, 210,211,212,213,214,215,219,222,224,225,.....227,2 31,231 all of this channels are working perfectly so it have to be something we the other channels that just black
01-20-2018, 03:14 AM
I think I know the problem the trying to switch the format video format Extinction of the video of each Channel but by doing that the players there are built-in to the stb emulator don't support that Extinction I went to settings and I change the player to an external player and I try every single player I could that I have install in the only one that plays the channels externally it's the damn PROG TV piece of s***app
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