View Full Version : EPG is 5 hours off
11-15-2017, 06:37 AM
I'm in EST timezone and have my date and time set up correctly, but everything in the guide is 5 hours off. If I pull up the EPG at 11pm, the shows that are actually on now show up on the guide at 6pm instead. If I select a channel and pull up the info that's correct, but both the single and multi channel EPG are 5 hours ahead.
Catchup is still working... If I go back to 4pm on the guide and choose the show that was actually on at 9 I can watch it fine.
Have tried rebooting but no change. Anyone know a fix to get the EPG correct? If the above didn't make sense I can post some screenshots.
11-15-2017, 06:54 AM
I have not found a fix. My guide is off by 1 hour and even if I change my time/zone the guide is still off. I just can't fix it.
On top of that, the information in the guide is wacky. one show may be on from 10:00 to 11:00, and the next show is listed to be from 11:00 to 11:03 even though I know for a fact that show is a 30 minute show, then the next show which is an hour long show is from 11:03 to 11:35. If I change my time zone by an hour the shows in the guide are properly situated in their time slots although it is still off by an hour. If I switch back to my time zone the guide is back to being wacky and of course....still off by 1 hour.
11-15-2017, 07:51 AM
I have not found a fix. My guide is off by 1 hour and even if I change my time/zone the guide is still off. I just can't fix it.
On top of that, the information in the guide is wacky. one show may be on from 10:00 to 11:00, and the next show is listed to be from 11:00 to 11:03 even though I know for a fact that show is a 30 minute show, then the next show which is an hour long show is from 11:03 to 11:35. If I change my time zone by an hour the shows in the guide are properly situated in their time slots although it is still off by an hour. If I switch back to my time zone the guide is back to being wacky and of course....still off by 1 hour.
Yes same exactly is with my box:(
11-15-2017, 08:13 PM
Same here. But when I'm one the channel it shows the correct show or shows it as the next show
11-15-2017, 10:06 PM
Either way whether it's a box issue or a server issue, how come some have the problem and some don't? If it's a server issue then everyone on the server should have the same issue. In turn if it's a box issue everyone with a Buzz should have the same problem. Again, I can't figure it out. I have done a factory reset on my box and am getting everything back up so I'll see if that did the trick.
You may have to go into your Android Settings/ Date and Time
Turn off Automatic network Time then change your timezone by 1hr.
Depending on the Author of the Firmware, Daylight Savings time adjustments may be a foreign thing!!!
crazy carl
12-04-2017, 12:48 AM
You may have to go into your Android Settings/ Date and Time
Turn off Automatic network Time then change your timezone by 1hr.
Depending on the Author of the Firmware, Daylight Savings time adjustments may be a foreign thing!!!
I am also getting this error and well that would change the systems whole time clock by one hour would it not also have an effective other apps within the system?
12-04-2017, 01:24 AM
wow i must be only one that its working great on west
12-04-2017, 01:29 AM
have you click menu box comes up and go epg and it has setting in that box to
12-04-2017, 01:30 AM
at bottom the version is 1.6 (99)
12-04-2017, 01:40 AM
ok try this click menu then epg yellow button has _ blue+ click on them change setting then go back to where it should be go out try it now
12-04-2017, 01:41 AM
[make sure your time is set right first ] to do the above post
12-04-2017, 04:21 AM
I don't have any special menus under the EPG option. I click menu, go to EPG and select it and all I get is the guide. The yellow button and the blue button (while on the guide) only advances the guide by one day or goes back by one day. This changes no settings. I am still off by one hour and yes I have changed the auto time settings to off in the Android section. Still a no go. and the guide still shows messed up time slots as explained in one of my previous posts. As a note (if it matters), I'm in the central time zone.
12-04-2017, 03:16 PM
Ok, I sit corrected. I believe I figured out what you're talking about. When in the guide if I hit the yellow button to move the guide back by one day (which it only goes back by one hour if your sitting at current time) and then go forward by a day (blue button) then back again (yellow button) it seems to straighten out the guide. Haven't had time to see if this is permanent or if I have to do this each time I bring up live TV. It seems to stay straight for the entire session live TV is on but don't know if it sticks once I exit and go back in. Will check tonight.
12-04-2017, 03:50 PM
wow i must be only one that its working great on west
working great here with network time off and los angeles time zone for west coast
crazy carl
12-04-2017, 06:00 PM
Ok, I sit corrected. I believe I figured out what you're talking about. When in the guide if I hit the yellow button to move the guide back by one day (which it only goes back by one hour if your sitting at current time) and then go forward by a day (blue button) then back again (yellow button) it seems to straighten out the guide. Haven't had time to see if this is permanent or if I have to do this each time I bring up live TV. It seems to stay straight for the entire session live TV is on but don't know if it sticks once I exit and go back in. Will check tonight.
Will try this
12-05-2017, 12:57 AM
This is a known problem. Buzztv needs to fix this.
12-05-2017, 02:01 AM
This is a known problem. Buzztv needs to fix this.
The problem is I can't confirm if it's a Buzz issue or a server/guide issue. The only other box I have is an AVOV TV Online + and it doesn't have a grided guide so I have no way to compare. What we need is someone with other boxes that have gridded guides to post if they have any issues.
Some Buzz owners aren't having any issues while some of us are. If no other box at all is having guide issues then I would say it's a Buzz problem, but if other boxes are having this same issue then it's a server/guide problem.
It's a buzz problem.
set your Android time/Date settings to manual time , change timezone then change your time to actual time.
crazy carl
12-05-2017, 05:08 PM
It's a buzz problem.
set your Android time/Date settings to manual time , change timezone then change your time to actual time.
This has worked for me as well as the other epg trick.. the epg trick however wares off
12-05-2017, 06:28 PM
This has worked for me as well as the other epg trick.. the epg trick however wares off
Yeah, the EPG trick of advancing and retracting by 1 day isn't working anymore. I'm still an hour off. Even when it did work, the titles where correct in the grid but the info for the titles where the info for titles an hour from now so that was still off by an hour.
I have tried setting the time in Android and it's still a no go for me.
12-05-2017, 06:32 PM
It's a buzz problem.
set your Android time/Date settings to manual time , change timezone then change your time to actual time.
I have the android setting to manual, but what should I set the time zone to? I have it set to my time zone. Should I change it to Eastern then change my time to correct time?
12-05-2017, 06:47 PM
you will just have to go to the time zones setting and play with it until it matches with your epg to correct spot,then set your time to the correct time of where you live
12-05-2017, 08:30 PM
Ok, I believe I found the sweet spot. I'm in the central time zone so I changed my setting to mountain time zone using Denver. Phoenix is in the same time zone but put the guide way off. Denver seems to be the one. Then set the time to my time and the guide seems to be correct. Hope this lasts.
12-05-2017, 09:12 PM
Well, that was short lived. The guide is correct until the next show comes on then it's completely out of wack again. If I completely exit live TV then go back in the guide will be correct...until the next show starts then it's off again. It's exasperating.
12-05-2017, 09:15 PM
yea many ways to get it but truth is wont stay put i dont know if its box or server thats problem now im hr off was good then i played with it dumb chit me when working dont touch tell all that and i dont listen to what i said
12-05-2017, 09:39 PM
funny i click epg and its right when on movie says a hr back i can live with that for sometime hope they get it right think it day light saving time that doing this
12-06-2017, 03:10 AM
I believe it is the change from daylight savings that caused this. I bought this box before the time change and the guide seemed to work fine then. Now it's just exhausting.
crazy carl
12-06-2017, 12:55 PM
I believe it is the change from daylight savings that caused this. I bought this box before the time change and the guide seemed to work fine then. Now it's just exhausting.
The funny thing is the epg is correct on most Canadian channels otherwise it’s off
12-06-2017, 01:11 PM
I have other boxes with the same service and the epg is fine. This is definitely a buzztv problem. They need to address this as well as other catch up /timeshift issues.
12-06-2017, 06:24 PM
if it is the box problem i sure they are working on it they read whats going on a yes it has few glitch but what box dont im sure support knows whats going on
12-07-2017, 04:22 AM
It's a great box and I know they're aware of the problems but they really need to address the epg, it's really annoying.
12-07-2017, 04:30 AM
I'm using Perfect Player app, and its working fine here "east coast". Stbemu app is all messed up. wrong time on the guide.
12-07-2017, 09:51 PM
my dl t1 is off by five to 6 hours, so it's not only a buzztv problem
12-17-2017, 09:05 PM
I have other boxes with the same service and the epg is fine. This is definitely a buzztv problem. They need to address this as well as other catch up /timeshift issues.
if it's a box problem why is mine fine?
12-21-2017, 06:02 PM
I have a t1, minix and mag 254,the only one that's off by 6 hours is the buzztv. As I've said before everything else on the buzztv is superior except the catch up/timeshift.
12-21-2017, 11:44 PM
I have a t1, minix and mag 254,the only one that's off by 6 hours is the buzztv. As I've said before everything else on the buzztv is superior except the catch up/timeshift.
again there is nothing wrong with epg on my 3000
I have date/time set to auto
12-22-2017, 04:04 PM
I have seen reports of other boxes complaining about the same thing. I'm not quite convinced it's the Buzz box....but it could be.
I think a great future update for the Buzz app would be the ability to select an external guide source. Right now (while in the BuzzTV app) if you hit menu button and select "guide" from the menu options the guide opens. We don't need this as we can simply hit the guide button on the remote to bring up the guide. What we need is when you hit the menu button and then select the guide option in the menu list a window comes up offering selections such as "default guide" which would come from the server, and another option "external guide". If you select external guide a URL box pops up and you can enter the URL to a third party guide like Viper's guide or iVue or whatever. If you want to go back to the server's guide then select default guide and you're back to the guide we use now. This would give the end user more options and possibly help with the time issues if it is a guide/server problem.
12-23-2017, 09:45 PM
I know my buzz is off on epg timeas well with rocket,but i think its a provider issue, dishuser has posted twice now that his time is right, i bet he is using another provider that is not supported here
12-23-2017, 11:45 PM
I know my buzz is off on epg timeas well with rocket,but i think its a provider issue, dishuser has posted twice now that his time is right, i bet he is using another provider that is not supported here
and you would be correct
01-05-2018, 03:07 AM
Hi everyone!
Has anybody been able to figure this one out? Does it seem to be server side or is it an issue with our STB (XPL3000)?
I tried playing with the auto time zone on and off and manual adjustments and there doesn't seem to be any effect with the provider that's experiencing problems.
To be honest I subscribe to 3 different providers and so far one is fine and one isn't on automatic time settings, haven't tried the 3rd.
Looking forward to what you guys have to say.
EDIT: 2 of my 3 providers have accurate time in the EPG and one doesn't. This pretty much confirms that the issue is server/provider side and not related to our box itself.
The XPL3000 kicks ass!
01-05-2018, 05:18 AM
I only have this service so I can't confirm if it's the server or the box, but I'm pretty sure it's the server based on reports such as yours and others posting the same. I can't use the "auto time turned off" trick and changing my time zone as the guide is off by an hour and a half. There is no half hour time zone anywhere near my region. I can advance or decrease by one hour, not an hour and a half so the guide is pretty much useless to me. It has become beyond annoying. The channel line up is worthless without a working guide. Going channel by channel just to see what's on now takes to long and forget about knowing what's on later. The only reason I have stayed with this service all these years is because they are the only ones who offered IKS. Now that IKS has ended and it is exclusively IPTV there would be nothing keeping me here except good service; unfortunately I'm not getting that. It shouldn't take this long to fix this issue and I doubt it will be fixed before my sub runs out.
01-30-2018, 06:19 AM
I don't believe this trouble with the epg timezone to be the fault of the box. I have timezone issues on both the dreamlink and formuler Z7+ boxes. The guide is always 2 hours off... :(
I'm using the NFPS server and I'm on the westcoast. Sure would be nice to have an epg that displays the show for the given time.
I have also tried changing timezones and setting the EPG Mode to UTC on the formuler which only makes the matter worse.
01-30-2018, 01:10 PM
I have two servers.
the server supported here is inaccurate for epg
my other server has an accurate epg . Don't blame the box for poor service.
enough said:
01-31-2018, 02:09 AM
I have two servers.
the server supported here is inaccurate for epg
my other server has an accurate epg . Don't blame the box for poor service.
enough said:
No one is blaming the box; we've gone past that. It is the server. This pretty much started after the end of daylight savings time which was almost 3 months ago, and still no fix has been made to the guide.
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