View Full Version : How to keep access on KODI with Stalker once server goes paid?
05-24-2015, 08:14 AM
First and foremost you folks are amazing. Hellavu job!
I have looked around the forum for a simple answer to the question.
I like many other KODI users, I'm sure, want to make sure we know exactly what to do to not lose our access.
I understand NFPS is not associated with KODI. I just would like to know if we will be able to pay for access
like those with MAG boxes. Thanks from a grateful user :)
05-24-2015, 09:06 AM
I'm in the same shoe with you bigbeatpro.
I am also interested in knowing how to go about continuous access on kodi.
Thanks for raising this question.
05-24-2015, 11:27 AM
Me three, got a cheap FireStick as a backup. Think it all depends on DVBKen and his coding skills.
05-24-2015, 01:12 PM
New member here, and me 4
05-24-2015, 01:23 PM
New member making 5
05-24-2015, 01:27 PM
Me 6 Lost In Space
To help out you new guys, we aren't completely sure that Kodi access to NFPS or Rocket IPTV will work until they release what they intend to do for validation of your 'donation' number as well as your MAC. Once that is figured out, and if those servers will allow those connections, we should be able to use Kodi from there. The only guys who know that are the server people and maybe Admin, and even the moderators don't know for sure.
05-24-2015, 04:03 PM
To help out you new guys, we aren't completely sure that Kodi access to NFPS or Rocket IPTV will work until they release what they intend to do for validation of your 'donation' number as well as your MAC. Once that is figured out, and if those servers will allow those connections, we should be able to use Kodi from there. The only guys who know that are the server people and maybe Admin, and even the moderators don't know for sure.
I am using an M8 android With Kodi 14.1 i have everything working i think, on NFPS, this is all new to me as of the last few days
05-24-2015, 04:32 PM
really i think they would but you never know time will tell on this one
05-30-2015, 08:35 PM
I am using an M8 android With Kodi 14.1 i have everything working i think, on NFPS, this is all new to me as of the last few days
Everything's working great on my mxq box too but I'll be waiting until the test phase is over and it's a paid service before I'll make a donation and only then after it's been confirmed that kodi users using iptv stalker will be able to have access.
06-01-2015, 02:58 AM
using kodi iptv stalker on android works great !
i sure hope to continue using this addon with nfps :cool:
06-01-2015, 04:33 AM
I hope it works out for all the stalker users also. It all still remains to be seen but the best of luck to you all...
crazy carl
06-01-2015, 12:17 PM
I hope it works out for all the stalker users also. It all still remains to be seen but the best of luck to you all...
I have a strong feeling it will, if they want to make an abundant amount of surplus funds then enabling all Kodi users to use would be a sure fire way to not only hit reciver box's users but potentially the world.. Evil pink and the brain moment
06-01-2015, 03:31 PM
Let's just keep our fingers cross.
06-03-2015, 02:20 AM
I assume its still not clear what the paid subscription costs will be? Is there any info regarding when the transition will happen?
06-03-2015, 03:33 AM
well all i hear is soon so soon waiting just like you and know just as much as you
06-03-2015, 04:33 AM
agree with Asft and the costs have been posted for some time now...
06-03-2015, 12:06 PM
agree with Asft and the costs have been posted for some time now...
Sorry I may have missed that - could you point me to it? I assume based on this discussion that I need a magtv box?
If validation requires a Mag 25x mac address then wouldn't it be impossible to ensure that an emulator was using a mac address that wasn't a duplicate of some real Mag STB?
06-06-2015, 04:12 AM
I'm sure there will be another validator to use when we go live in addition to don.# and mac, such as serial #....
06-06-2015, 02:17 PM
I'm sure there will be another validator to use when we go live in addition to don.# and mac, such as serial #....
so it hasn't gone paid yet as im seeing a lot of posts saying it has already gone paid and that's why a load of channels aren't working,sorry ive been away for a few days and haven't been keeping up with whats going on just want to know if it is paid or not as of now,thanks
06-06-2015, 02:28 PM
Is currently free but you still are required to tie your NFPS/Rocket donation via your MAC address.
06-06-2015, 02:54 PM
Is currently free but you still are required to tie your NFPS/Rocket donation via your MAC address.
hi,so via the link you posted I just link my mac address from my fire tv and enter the verification number is that correct,as you can see I don't know my way round these services as yet
ps which service would I subscribe to for a fire tv,thanks
06-06-2015, 03:10 PM
If you have already bought NFPS/Rocket for IKS you will use the donation # and the MAC address if you haven't then you do not need to do this at this time.
06-06-2015, 03:25 PM
If you have already bought NFPS/Rocket for IKS you will use the donation # and the MAC address if you haven't then you do not need to do this at this time.
I have IKS66 will they be getting into this also?
06-09-2015, 04:09 PM
Hello; New here well; sorted not many posts :) can someone please explain this to me, I'm new to all this XBMC/KODI addon stuff I don't even understand how to download and install IPTV Stalker please help a newbie. What Lazer915 is talking about above.
admin7 aka: William
Hello; New here well; sorted not many posts :) can someone please explain this to me, I'm new to all this XBMC/KODI addon stuff I don't even understand how to download and install IPTV Stalker please help a newbie. What Lazer915 is talking about above.
admin7 aka: William
Look at the stickies in the Kodi Files section. The information is there. If you need to learn about Kodi, the best place to start is, then search for youtube videos on how to set up kodi, and installing various addons. Once you get used to setting up sources/repo, installing addons, configuring them and then running them, it does begin to make sense, but like fishing, its more than just putting bait on a hook into the water and waiting.
06-10-2015, 04:01 AM
I am using an M8 android With Kodi 14.1 i have everything working i think, on NFPS, this is all new to me as of the last few days
yes newbie here also, and I'm using a M8 Pure Lenox and everything is working also....dill
06-12-2015, 07:20 PM
Im using kodi at windows and iptv stalker. All works fine for now, i have to do something that will work for future?
06-12-2015, 07:39 PM
see the scrolling marquee at the zeta site, pls:
06-12-2015, 08:34 PM
06-12-2015, 08:37 PM
and we will make a announcement
06-15-2015, 12:23 PM
Everybody is talking about the day the service will be with payment
what about the ones who uses only computer to watch this channels , how will they pay for the service?
how much will it cost? will it be available to all countries?
06-15-2015, 01:20 PM
06-15-2015, 01:31 PM
im pretty new to all this , so i dont understand all this rockets stuff 1,2,3 ,etc
can you explain to newbies what does it mean for windows users ?
06-15-2015, 01:44 PM
when we go live all users will have to have a donation
06-15-2015, 07:00 PM
it may help to take it into account that stalker middleware is given away for free to operators which, IMHO, is only done to help drive hardware sales of the MAG STB's and establish market share along with a healthy revenue stream. that being said informir and operators will want to protect 'unauthorized' access from user spoofing subscribed MACs or users looking to clone a MAG stb's. just look over at the thread of users asking about cloning stb boxes; no one is even responding. i understand why users who purchase 1 subscription would want access from multiple devices( ala Hulu Netflix etc) but we need to be prepared if that is not the case once the service launches
only time will tell how operators implement protection against mac spoofing from stb emulators and similar attacks. i for one am OK with a 1 subscription per device pricing model. a discount would be nice on 1+n devices and hopefully nfps/rocket will hear us out.
Why would NFPS and Rocket care that someone is 'spoofing' a MAC address? They want users, and will require a paid donation per MAC address, and may prevent concurrent use of a donation/mac like they do that in IKS with donation ids. Informir may care about spoofing macs, but since they put out their specs and middleware for free, it probably means very little to them...kind of like closing the barn door after all the animals have escaped.
06-15-2015, 11:19 PM
Im sure they can be kicked out of the server if that happens.
06-18-2015, 01:04 AM
Is it $105 or $70 for a year? Seem's to be conflicting information. The link K00lKatT shared say's $105. But when you visit the link to the website, it say's $70. Anyone care to clarify or atleast fix the conflicting info.
06-18-2015, 04:22 AM
Is it $105 or $70 for a year? Seem's to be conflicting information. The link K00lKatT shared say's $105. But when you visit the link to the website, it say's $70. Anyone care to clarify or atleast fix the conflicting info.
70 is only for iks... it will be 105 for iptv + free iks
06-18-2015, 04:25 AM
thats when they start iptv for now 70 only iks
06-18-2015, 04:26 AM
yes... iptv is not for sale yet... so it only shows 70 for iks.... it will show both when the time comes...
06-18-2015, 11:37 AM
(Your Rockets are sent activated for IPTV + Free IKS)
Then right under that it says $70. How is this not confusing the userbase? Maybe change up the terminoligy a bit to be more clear. Sounds like you should be getting IPTV and free IKS for $70 like it says. If it's $105, then say that and be clear about it.
Edit: OK, maybe it's fine the way it is now, but im sure in the near future the wording will change a bit. Atleast I hope so.
06-18-2015, 05:32 PM
Excuse my ignorance but what is iks
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