View Full Version : blocked box at server
09-27-2017, 12:28 AM
four weeks back paid for sub. worked for 3 days getting box blocked at server on the screen changed password and Mac still getting the message
can some one help getting this resolved [Avov tvonline] stevane
Did you do as Crazed directed a couple of days ago?!!!&p=205871&viewfull=1#post205871
10-04-2017, 07:41 PM
staff deleted
crazed 9.6
10-04-2017, 07:48 PM
what the heck are you posting that private informatio0n !!!
is good thing I saw before others did and take for their own
crazed 9.6
10-04-2017, 07:49 PM
I am on remote phone right now, I can not help.. but I will.
Stevane, did you get a mac attached ?
10-04-2017, 09:42 PM
still have the same mac as before it does not change even after mac it will go back to the old one let me know how to send you the mac num: still shows the
box saying that the box is blocked at the server [ls advise stevane
Yo can not request a new mac. Do areset
10-05-2017, 02:40 PM
Catz did a reset on avov and on my router same result come back with your box blocked at the server site only been 2 months now with no service pls advice stevane
10-05-2017, 07:21 PM
Anybody home? looked like my mac is still blocked going for two months now stevane
Catz did a reset on avov and on my router same result come back with your box blocked at the server site only been 2 months now with no service pls advice stevane
He means go to the Donation Checker and do an IPTV Reset.
10-05-2017, 10:27 PM
I did do a IPTV reset more than once does not help blocked message comes up reboothed the router, and the stb unit no results stevane
crazed 9.6
10-06-2017, 02:18 AM
Your code was checked again.
The MAC is attached and another reset done.
I did see that the Route number has changed. I do not know if you did that our the service did, but check your messages for the new number and correct server URL
10-06-2017, 06:17 PM
Ok lets get to the bottom of this paid for a subscription 2 months back worked for 3 days never came back up with changes on the password get blocked at server site
it is straight foreward with a server protocol that if you paid your Mac will be allowed to enter and retrieve the data you whant and paid for you must have software
to look at your servers pass protection and what can go true or not that is procedure in any organization you are telling me to request a iptv reset that does not change the Mac
just the password did that 3-4 times did not work, Do you think it is time to go just one step further and check why the Mac is blocked on a full paid subscription,
The iptv66 Web page promise a lot it does get the money time for some service thank you stevane
10-06-2017, 06:45 PM
four weeks back paid for sub. worked for 3 days getting box blocked at server on the screen changed password and Mac still getting the message
can some one help getting this resolved [Avov tvonline] stevane
You said you changed the password and Mac address .......... There is no way to change the Mac address in an Avov tvonline box what are you doing....?
10-06-2017, 10:45 PM
I changed the password the MAC is not changed still getting blocked message did this 3-4 time with the same results stevane
crazed 9.6
10-07-2017, 12:50 AM
What exactly are you using as the server URL ?
Your MAC is not the issue.
If the MAC was blocked due to a repeat MAC or something like that, then you would not be able to attach that MAC to your Route Donation number, which you have attached successfully, so the MAC is not the issue here.
Either you are entering the server URL incorrectly onto the avov, or entering your password incorrectly onto the avov, or your ISP is blocking the connection.
With the later case, the service administration can not do anything about.
With the server URL and the avov, I do believe it works better with the http prefix attached.
So show us exactly how you have entered that server URL onto your avov.
ANd do not post your password, but do you see that there are alphabetical letters at the begining and at the ending of your password ? .... (one in the middle too I think).
I ask this because some misunderstand a Capital letter O for a 0 (for a zero).
10-07-2017, 07:51 PM
Crazed2 I have reset my box to factory setting starting all over, put in my pass word and used the following url this will give a blocked sgnl. at server site I changed it to s2url and that will give a yellow bar but not the blue, before it did fill in the epg with stations now it does not fill the epg no blue signal for my information can I use
the same Macon a 254 unit or does that unit comes with the Mac already installed, looking at the 254w stevane
You have to use the portal (url) that is designated for you in the Donation Checker.
10-07-2017, 09:43 PM
Crazed2 I have reset my box to factory setting starting all over, put in my pass word and used the following url this will give a blocked sgnl. at server site I changed it to s2url and that will give a yellow bar but not the blue, before it did fill in the epg with stations now it does not fill the epg no blue signal for my information can I use
the same Macon a 254 unit or does that unit comes with the Mac already installed, looking at the 254w stevane
use this for your URL ........... ........... or........
10-07-2017, 11:04 PM
To:floder2, Pls read the message I did use the URL that that you posted get blocked server with that with the c/index.html and /c/ and and they all give me the blocked message and by the way on my order it stevane
crazed 9.6
10-07-2017, 11:58 PM
the service specifies that your URL is
Stick with that one, and you may get somewhere bud.
The other gives you a blocked message as you have told us, while the s2 does not give that blocked message.
Not loading thou may be to do with password.
Triple check that and also use the http prefix as floder shows (but with the 2 and not the 1)
-like this...
Disconnect the receiver from the internet.
Ensure the server menu is setup correctly. Then power off the receiver.
Now power off your router and wait about one full minute and power back on.
Then visit the service website and ensure the MAC is linked correctly and perform a reset at the website.
Then wait about 6 or 10 minutes and connect the receiver to router again and power on.
Check for results.
ANd yes, all Mag receivers come with their own unique MAC address. You must use the MAC that the receiver shows.
10-08-2017, 06:12 AM
Crazed2 Thank you for the response, will follow your instructions and let you know the outcome appreciate your help and patience on this matter. stevane
10-12-2017, 11:10 PM
Crazed2 I got a new MAG254w1/w2 unit and did a iptv reset and changed the MAC num that came with the unit my network is up get the time and weather what I like to know is where do you put the password in the unit don't see it in the settings is there a setting for that pls advise stevane
crazed 9.6
10-13-2017, 12:58 AM
you should be able to follow the Mag 254 setup guide.
Click on the thread which is linked below...
10-13-2017, 03:31 AM
Crazed2 Is there anyway possible to connect my Mac Addr. to s1 instead of s2 Iget connected with s1 but get the message your box is blocked it get to the server on s1
on s2 there is no connection with the server pls advise did a iptv reset and the correct Mac is posted with the password stevane
10-15-2017, 09:59 PM
I was just watching tv and the screen came on saying "Your STB is blocked Call the provider" I checked my status and it is good and has the right MAC address
10-16-2017, 03:30 PM
Is there any response on the 10-12 message, it only been 2and a half month with out service, got a new unit with the same results I do expect a little service
for the money I paid or a response a professional response thank you, stevane
10-16-2017, 04:23 PM
Crazed2 Is there anyway possible to connect my Mac Addr. to s1 instead of s2 Iget connected with s1 but get the message your box is blocked it get to the server on s1
on s2 there is no connection with the server pls advise did a iptv reset and the correct Mac is posted with the password stevane
I believe when you go to iptv66 reset can change the port ...........
10-16-2017, 10:30 PM
Well guess what happened change to s1 and is up after 2months stevane
crazed 9.6
10-16-2017, 10:36 PM
Well guess what happened change to s1 and is up after 2months stevane
well damn eh :(
I thought you had tried s1 as well thou...
Glad you have it working now anyway... it been awhile bud :eek:
10-18-2017, 12:18 PM
Thank you crazed2 what ever happened did try all lost one month and then it came up by itself must be the SERVER genie I have a feeling that genie will not give me
a refund? stevane
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