View Full Version : Using the Ethernet Connection
05-19-2015, 04:25 PM
I have been unable to find any info on how to set up the AVOV 2 using the Ethernet ?
I did an advanced search - -took me to this forum .. so hope I'm asking this in the correct section.
I tried to get my AVOV 2 working using the Ethernet -- I had it hooked up using wifi -- but I also have an avov 1 --
I hooked the avov 2 up to another tv -- and couldn't get the correct IP address to roll up ?
Spent couple hours, then thought well, maybe because the AVOV 1 is hooked up - -so, attempted to get it going via hard wire ..
NADA -- it did show the green speaker lite, ver=1.5 and the date and time came in just fine -- but - could not download any of the apps ..
tried setting it on "static" and manually inputting the correct ip data --then switched back to DHCH -- to see . .nada.
if there's some instructions out there anywhere on hooking up the Ethernet -- pls point me in the right direction if you can..
thanks much !!!
05-19-2015, 04:48 PM
did you turn the wifi off when you went to hardwire??
05-19-2015, 05:35 PM
I find my VIXO1 sometimes disconnects from the Ethernet when I shut it off.
It also disconnects the wireless automatically if it see's a network cable connection, even if that connection is limited and can't see the Internet.
If everything is running normally all I have to do is plug in the network cable to go to Ethernet and unplug the cable again to go back to Wireless.
BUT ... Everything is not always that simple!!! So this is what usually fixes a disconnect from the Internet for me:-
1) If you switch from Ethernet to wireless remove the network cable disconnect the box from the power then boot back up. If you already have a saved wireless login you should be good to go. If not go to settings/WiFi and login to your wireless, it will save and remember this as long as you don't do a factory reset (Not sure how many it will remember).
2) If you switch back to Ethernet just plugin in the network cable. If it doesn't work right off the bat (make sure your Settings/Ethernet is on DHCP) unplug from the power, then boot back up.
I plug my unit into a small power bar so I can easily reboot the box and not wear out the small power plugin on the back of the unit.
I have also tried using the reboot option from the remote (hold down the power off for a second or two) but it didn't always work. Sometime neither the wireless nor the Network indicated a connection at the top left of main menu.
I'm not sure if the TVOnline or VIXO2's are the same but I haven't seen anything in the menus to turn Ethernet or Wireless on/off, it appears to sense the connections automatically. (Most times!)
But I still love my box (AVOV) ... Switch.
05-19-2015, 09:32 PM
I never have both plugged in its Ethernet or wireless not both
05-19-2015, 09:55 PM
All 3 AVOV devices have 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi built in so once you setup your WiFi login it's active whenever your Ethernet is not plugged in (at least it's that way on my VIXO1). It's great cause once set up all I need to run it different places around the house is the power supply, box and a HDMI or CvBS AV cable.
05-19-2015, 10:04 PM
yup run wireless on all my avov boxes
05-19-2015, 10:43 PM
Put a cat5 line on my wifes avov just because of her, in settings-wifi will not show any networks with cat5 connected.
05-19-2015, 11:04 PM
That's how it works, should show network in WiFi settings but say "Not in range" if you have previously set up the WiFi.
In the Main screen top left corner the WiFi symbol will be greyed out and the Ethernet (squarish) will be green.
If everything is running normally all you have to do is unplug the network cable to go back to Wireless.
The WiFi symbol should then turn green and the Ethernet symbol disappears.
05-19-2015, 11:09 PM
i get the with both plugged in unplug the Ethernet
05-21-2015, 04:14 PM
Thanks everyone !!
Will give all your suggestions a try ..
One last question ..
Do I have to go thru a router ?
Changing internet services, so for now, I have two suppliers - -wondered if I couldn't just hook up the one straight to the AVOV and not use a router?
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