View Full Version : Plain, simple television
06-14-2017, 12:44 PM
I know this question has been asked before but I do not see any mods answering the question. We have not been able to watch any reliable television for a long time now. If you are watching one channel and decide to turn to
another channel, nothing works no matter how long you wait. All channels go blank. This has been going on now for very extended period. Many members have expressed their concern but no informative answer is given.
We need the mods to tell us if the rockets will not work any more. This way we can move on and seek a more reliable service. Just give us some kind of information as they cannot handle the server loads or whatever the problem
may be. We paid for service and if they cannot provide it, then we need to look elsewhere. But just to leave us in the dark is not fair to all subscribers.
We need to be updated about the issues and if there is any resolution to this. We just want to watch television and have not been able to do so.
Is it time for us to move on?
Protein P
06-14-2017, 01:30 PM
The latter...
06-14-2017, 10:21 PM
Something to "THINK" about... On this site there are 54,910 Members... Let's give the Servers a break and say only 54,000 are using... At approximately $80. per year what does that give Them...?!? and They can't even keep the WWE Network Up...! Channel 215 the Weather Nation has been out for weeks and the Posts are being Neglected...! UK Channels that used to work great are worse than ever...! As the OP states, You watch a Channel and go to another and Bam, Blank Screen, go back to what You were watching and Bam, Blank Screen...! No matter what "Trick" You attempt to do it won't work unless You Unplug, wait and Re-plug... and Maybe that won't even work after while...! Tis A Damn Shame and the People running the Servers should be Ashamed of themselves...! After reading posts on here I can't believe so many are still going this route and making these people rich and You still can't see TV... I don't go and visit My Friend as She has one of these services and can hardly watch anything at all... I told Her to not call Me anymore as I don't have this service and don't really need it as I get over 60 channels and can only watch one at a time... If Your box can get KODI then just use that, You will be Surprised as to what You can get streaming thru KODI...! ;)
06-15-2017, 01:30 AM
Hey 4me whatsup? The servers cover at least hundreds of thousands of subs, it is not just the fact that there is a lot of change in the streaming and most peoples internet access does not have the needed speed to run a lot of the SHD streams now, it is also a product of opening and connecting to the particular channel stream. each time you open a new channel it is not like a OTA tv or a sat TV you must connect to the stream. some streams are like going to a movie on netflicks or some other service a new movie may have all of the assigned bandwidth locked in and there is no open bandwidth to stream or make a connection. IF you do not have sat, cable or fiber optic you wont be able to watch the shd soon from any source. NEXT in the problems to stream IPTV is if you run hi def for a long period of time you will use your allotted data from your provider pretty quickly, and most of them slow your stream some a lot when you get over. ANYWAY this is just like the STB wars from BUD to the blackbox that didn't go into production.
06-16-2017, 12:28 AM
Hey Friend, Sorry I Missed You... Hope You and the Family are doing OK and Staying Dry...!
Was doing some reading Yesterday as I found out I can increase My Download Speed from 6Mbps to 12Mbps for only $5. more with the company I am using...! When I found this :! ... Part 3 it says Please get a Service with 20Mbps to get good quality streaming...! Wooooo...! 20Mbps...! Not sure if Up-Grading to the 12Mbps is such a good idea but seeing a it will only cost Me $5. more a Month I'm a gonna do it anyway just to see what happens with other sites like PCH Games etc...! I really feel sorry for these Members here who aren't getting any answers or updates as to what is going on with their service...! What You posted has more answers than I have seen in a long time here...! Glad I stopped by and that You did also...! Be chatting with You soon, til then, Take Care, Stay Safe, Have A Great Weekend and May GOD Bless You and Yours...!
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