View Full Version : Urgent News - Add-ons being taken down
This thread will be for news about add-ons being shut down due to "retirements". Please post only from 'reliable' sources, but no live links.
The complete list of current addons taken down is below. If you want to see for yourself, you can visit the repository of those addons and see that the directories are currently empty. If you try to install the addons in Kodi, you will likely find the same thing.
cCloud – Taken down ‘temporarily’ until further notice
SALTs – Development is moving on froom tknorris to k3l3vra and k3l3vra will be releasing his own repo soon. Straight from tknorris: For a while now the pace of development of SALTS has slowed as there hasn’t been much to add to it and it works well enough that I don’t have to stay on top of it. Due to that, I’ve kind of lost interest in it. In that time all of you have seen k3l3vra has really stepped up and in the forum and what most of you have not seen, also behind the scenes been helping as well. With someone reliable to take over development and my lack of interest, it’s a signal that it’s time for me to retire from SALTS development. I will continue to work on my other addons like the premiumize addon, urlresolver, and apple trailers and will advise k3l3vra when he asks for it.In a short while, I will push an update to my beta repo that removes all SALTS and 1CH related addons from it. In the coming days look for k3l3vra to release a repo that includes SALTS and 1CH.It’s been a fun ride and while I’m retiring from these addons, I’m not going far and will continue to monitor this ID and these forums.
One242415 – The addon is official being shut down forever. Straight from One242415 in his addon: I am removing my addon for good. It was a hell of a ride for me. First starting off with Navi-X, then with Mashup, then with Phoenix, and for two months with my own add-on. Thank you all for supporting One242415!! PS: I will not be back I’m closing down for good! This addon will be closed within a few days
Phoenix – The addon is being shut down forever. From Cosmix: In light of current events we have decided to close down phoenix. This is not something that was easy for us to do; we have all formed a bond that cannot be broken as a team and have a HUGE support base that we are thankful of. I can speak for myself when i say thank you to everybody that has ever been involved in phoenix and it will always be one of my fondest memories.
All of Echo Coder’s addons – Echo Documentaries, Echo Guide, Sportie, etc – Confirmed on Twitter by Echo.
Vortex – From Rockcrusher on Twitter – @DreamWeaver0101 and myself are very saddened to announce that Vortex is now offline and will not be returning. Thanks for your support 🙂
UK Turk – On Twitter, he said he wasn’t leaving, but his add-on has been removed from the repo. His message on Twitter: Guys im not going anywhere but sum of u mite have noticed the live stuff has been taken down for the time being until this blows over
June 4th: Unfortunately, the Zem Kodi addon has been taken offline. Per shani, the popularity of the addon made it hard to keep streams online. This news leaves a big gap in the Kodi live TV space, but we respect shani’s decision.
There is also a 'story' that the developer and tvaddons is being sued by D***
American satellite and broadcast provider Dish Network has filed a lawsuit against Kodi add-on ZemTV and, the largest add-on library. The complaint accuses ZemTV of direct copyright infringement of various TV channels. TVAddons is liable for distributing the addon in question, according to the complaint.
06-06-2017, 04:42 PM
Sorry to see Phoenix closing down........That addon was one of my favorites for a long time.......................too bad................
06-06-2017, 04:45 PM
A lot of good addons going the way of the do do :(
Curious though why dish is going after an addon when there are multiple companies profiting from there channels where are zem was only taking donations interesting
IsraelLive was changed to GlobeTV. They removed all their Israei TV Live links... due to the same general reason why the others were taken offline.
Podgod announced his repo will be closed... included Pro Sport and Hey Now (Howard Stern Show)
From Koditips (same link above)
All of Echo Coder’s addons – Echo Documentaries, Echo Guide, Sportie, etc – Confirmed on Twitter by Echo.
Updated post #2. Echo repo, Vortex down forever. UK Turks is temporarily down.
It appears most free addons that had live TV links are either being modified to remove, or just closing shop.
06-09-2017, 02:35 PM
I had noticed Origin Repo stopped working a while carried an addon I liked a lot ( Sanctuary) .......It has been rejuvenated by others and is now repository.sanctuary-1.0.0 ..................Great
06-09-2017, 03:04 PM
Santuary is one of my favorites too Floder and so is Bob video addon!!
06-09-2017, 03:17 PM
Santuary is one of my favorites too Floder and so is Bob video addon!!
Did you try the new Repo for Sanctuary ??
06-09-2017, 06:59 PM
Didn't Echo Repo have the addon "Planet MMA " which used to be "UFC Finest" ......So we lost them both I guess
06-09-2017, 08:02 PM
1. Planet MMA is only temporarily down while the DEV sets up in his new site.. I love that addon!
2. Install Sanctuary repo at
06-09-2017, 09:48 PM
Thanks 1sikguy.....................
06-10-2017, 04:06 PM
Install the NEW Planet MMA repo at
06-10-2017, 04:26 PM
thanks 1sikguy
uk Turk, SALTs, Vortex and Zen have been migrated to new repos. See koditips for more info.
Here are links:
For SALTs, now in the k3l3vra repo
For uk Turk, now in its own repo
For Vortex, now in Rockcrusher repo, via the stream addons repo
Zen is now Elisium, in the noobsandnerds repo
crazed 9.6
06-12-2017, 12:23 AM
thnx dara
I was missing my UK Turks :)
06-13-2017, 09:54 PM
seen a few more messages today stating that the repo will be gone: EVOLVE is one of them. Stream Army will soon be rebranded to Nemesis,silent hunter is closing the doors,saying "well it's been a great ride. i also remember seeing one that says,we're not going anywhere
06-13-2017, 10:31 PM
Also... Phoenix is gone, CCloud is removed from Podgod repo along with Pro Sport is in the defunct Podgod repo.
Also... Sportsdevil had its Unofficial Sportsdevil Removed. Planet MMa has a new repo, listed in an earlier post, along with Sanctuary.
Also Echo Coder repo is removed but may be moving the repo to a new site.
06-20-2017, 11:10 PM
Sportsdevil:( "Wow. I hope they bring it back. 1sikguy if you know any or new repo for Sportsdevil please let us know. . That one is the most watched.. Thanks andkaal.:(
06-22-2017, 03:02 AM
All repo and addon changes are being tracked and listed with the most current info at
06-22-2017, 03:51 AM
1sikguy..:)Thanks for all you do here. I will check in to see. ... andkaal
06-22-2017, 02:26 PM
Here is the latest info...
Fusion (central repository) – Offline – After the Dish Network news broke, fusion went offline. There is no news on its future.
Blazetamer (Velocity) – Offline
Bubbles[/URL] addon – Online
DandyMedia[/URL] (DandyMedia, 1080p Addons, Film Emporium, HEVC, etc) – Online
Echo (Documentaries, Sportie, Echo Guide, etc) – Offline
Evolve[/URL] – Offline forever – PerGoliath’s Twitter[/URL]: “So as of today i decided to pull Evolve and Reaper. This is to make way for a new addon that will be in goliath repo, will keep u updated”
Exodus[/URL] – Intermittent – Exodus moved into its own repository, then went offline a day later. Check back for status updates.
Made in Canada[/URL] – Online
Metalkettle[/URL] (Decado Documentaries, Sports Mix, TV Mix, Happy Movies, Gobble, etc) – Offline
Motor Replays[/URL] addon – Online
Mucky Duck[/URL] (M4U, FMovies, 123Movies, etc) – Online
Natko (Castaway) – Offline
NoobsAndNerds (Bob, Elysium) – Online.
One242415 – Offline forever – The addon is official being shut down forever. Straight from One242415 in his addon: I am removing my addon for good. It was a hell of a ride for me. First starting off with Navi-X, then with Mashup, then with Phoenix, and for two months with my own add-on. Thank you all for supporting One242415!! PS: I will not be back I’m closing down for good! This addon will be closed within a few days
Planet MMA[/URL] addon – Online
PodGod Repo (cCloud, Pro Sport) – Offline
Shani (Zem TV) – Offline
Sportsdevil – Offline. Future uncertain.
K3l3vra (SALTs, 1Channel) – Intermittent – The status of SALTs and 1Channel is tied to Exodus above.
SALTs –[/URL] Development of SALTs is moving on from tknorris to k3l3vra.
1Channel[/URL] – See above, 1Channel has also moved to k3l3vra’s repo.
Xbmchub (USTVNow, Velvet Hotdog, Phoenix) – Offline – Xbmchub is still in the fusion central repository, so its status is tied to the status of Fusion above.
Phoenix – Offline forever
UK Turk[/URL] – Online – New repository.
Ultimate (Ultimate IPTV) – Offline
Vortex[/URL] – Online – New repository.
XunityTalk (Easynews, iStream, Football Replays) – Online but moved. iStream has moved into Mucky Duck’s repo above and a few others like BBC, TV Player, UKTV Play, and Football Replays have moved into NoobsandNerds.
will always be the most up-to-date on this subject. If you need source links, go there.
07-27-2017, 09:16 PM
cazwall repo has sportsdevil, planet mma and covenant. I have used that as recently and all are working fine. Found cCloud TV in the super repo and that was working as well too.
I hope this is helpful to you guys
07-27-2017, 09:57 PM
cazwall repo has sportsdevil, planet mma and covenant. I have used that as recently and all are working fine. Found cCloud TV in the super repo and that was working as well too.
I hope this is helpful to you guys
i agree ....Plus it matters what version of Kodi your using i'm using kodi 16.1 and get Phoenix still but not on that dreaded 17.3......:) i don't know about other addons i do what bigalsmk says ...go to ...i never liked dealing with unofficial addons ////Fusion BS
07-28-2017, 02:34 AM
All addons you are using are unofficial addons ...... Phoenix...Exodus....ect ...all come from unofficial Repos like super repo and in the past Fusion .....Kodi 16.1 is outdated and will not support (HTTPS) ..........Phoenix is not supported anymore will die completely without support....................
07-28-2017, 11:40 PM
I don't think Simply Caz Repo respository works anymore it will not connect any ideas
07-29-2017, 01:09 AM
I don't think Simply Caz Repo respository works anymore it will not connect any ideas
the simply caz repo is working fine. I have been using it for weeks and just updated my father in laws yesterday and all worked fine. It was a good switch over after fusion went down.
tvaddons is back with a new domain
I don't think the old repo will automatically update to 3.0.0, so go to their website or use fusion>begin here to get it via Install by Zip. You can install Indigo after you install the repo. All "offending" add-ons have been removed from the repo and have moved to other places.
Here is the new URL for fusion, which you can add to your File Manager list of sources:
08-03-2017, 01:54 AM
is it safe to use tvaddon after all this fuzz
crazed 9.6
08-03-2017, 02:17 AM
is it safe to use tvaddon after all this fuzz
maybe or maybe not..
Was it ever safe ?
Better question is how safe are our rights ... just ask the owner of tvaddons.. his are being stepped on !
08-04-2017, 08:36 PM
maybe or maybe not..
Was it ever safe ?
Better question is how safe are our rights ... just ask the owner of tvaddons.. his are being stepped on !
clever answer thx
08-17-2017, 12:48 AM
Is sports devil working?
Is sports devil working?
It is, available via the Collossus repo, and others. Latest version is 2017.08.12
Your results may vary from others.
08-18-2017, 01:50 AM
What happened to the covenant addon? Its down on multiple boxes. Started a couple nights ago of acting up. I cant see anything on the web if it changed repo's or etc.
Works for me on Kodi 17.3, add-on version 1.1.8
08-18-2017, 04:07 AM
I am at version 1.17 and it ain't updating to 1.18. Did you take it from the collossus repo? Thats where mine is coming from. I tried uninstalling the repo and reinstalling but same issue. I can't see any shows/movie links under any headings like people watching, in theatres etc..
There might be something going on. Check at Koditips (in the first post of this topic).
06-14-2019, 07:26 AM
I just loaded up a live one today and its one of the best...hxxp:// it..." Redux"
06-19-2019, 10:17 PM
06/19... Adding to the list of Repo's shutting down are:
1. Supremacy
2. 13 Clowns
3. Maverick TV
4. Overeasy
06-20-2019, 12:21 AM
c/p from torrent freak
Kodi Add-On Developer Arrested On Same Day as Popular Repo Goes Down
Police in the UK say they have arrested a man in the north of England for developing and maintaining a Kodi add-on offering illegal streams. On the same day that the arrest took place, the popular Supremacy add-on went down in mysterious circumstances. Official sources have not linked the two events but there are some coincidences.
Larger numbers still augment Kodi with software add-ons which allow them to stream movies, TV shows, and sports events, often in a way that infringes copyright. As a result, entertainment companies and their agents are keen to reduce the use of such tools.
With little fanfare, the Covert Development and Disruption Team of the UK’s North West Regional Organised Crime Unit recently announced that there had been an arrest in connection with this kind of activity.
According to police, a 40-year-old man was detained in Winsford, Cheshire, following a joint investigation with anti-piracy outfit Federation Against Copyright Theft. The unit said that man was arrested in connection with creating and maintaining a Kodi add-on configured to supply illegal online streams.
“The scale of the offending was significant and affected broadcasters and rights owners in the UK and worldwide. Police searched an address, seized evidence, and interviewed the suspect has later been released on police bail pending investigation,” a statement reads.
Typically for this kind of announcement, details are scarce. Other than location and age, no further details were made available on the alleged offender, or the add-on that had triggered the referral from FACT. As a result, it’s not currently possible to positively identify the person or the add-on in question.
What we do know is that last Friday, on the very same day that the police say they carried out the arrest of the man in Cheshire, a very popular add-on and associated repository (repo) went down without warning or explanation.
Supremacy is a popular Kodi add-on that provides access to a wide range of content, from movies and TV shows to live sports. The add-on works by ‘scraping’ or aggregating content from existing online sources, presenting them inside the add-on for users to select.
While other repos have also offered the add-on, Supremacy was once available for download from the Supremacy repo, previously located at hxxx:// That domain was registered with Namecheap on March 25, 2019 and isn’t set to expire until March 25, 2021.
However, there is an additional note in the domain’s WHOIS which suggests something is wrong.
Other signs of changes on June 13, 2019 can be found on the repo itself.
While no longer accessible, cached versions of the site show that the repo did indeed disappear on the same day, with the /addon and /repo directories both modified at 08:01 am. An associated Facebook page and Telegram group also disappeared in a similar fashion.
TorrentFreak contacted several sources, none of which were able or willing to provide us with the precise location of the Supremacy developer or his exact age, so definitively connecting the dots isn’t possible. We were told that there are rumors of an arrest but that’s a common occurrence when established and thriving projects go down with no explanation.
Returning to the confirmed arrest last week, it’s unclear why FACT chose to refer the add-on developer, whoever he is, to the police. There is yet to be a successful criminal prosecution of an add-on developer in the UK or elsewhere. Several have been threatened privately, however.
TorrentFreak requested comment from the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit and FACT but at the time of publication neither had responded.
06-21-2019, 04:42 PM
yes times are a changing what did you think it be up forever the law are changing
06-21-2019, 07:29 PM
Well .......Numbers ... FEN .....Yoda .... DeathStar ......Magic Dragon ....Deceit........are good addons that as of now are still working
06-22-2019, 03:00 PM
very true one dies two go up but like i said the laws are changing
crazed 9.6
10-26-2019, 02:27 AM
Sites and social media accounts associated with TeaTV, a 'pirate' app that has gained a lot of traction in recent times, have disappeared from Internet. A few days ago, news outlet CNBC ran an article on the software, noting that it's in part funded by advertisers including Pandora, Hulu, and Yahoo Mail. Sources close to the app inform TorrentFreak that it will return but potentially in a different form.
While ‘pirate’ sites still exist as regular web-based streaming or torrent portals accessible through a browser, recent years have seen a shift.
Software applications, or apps as they’re more commonly known, are now seen as a more convenient option.
Installable on phones, tablets, and a multitude of set-top devices, they often provide access to huge libraries of instantly-streamable movie and TV shows, presented in a Netflix-style interface.
While Popcorn Time was the first to hit the mainstream, plenty of alternatives now exist. One of those is TeaTV, a popular app for Android, Windows and macOS. According to SimilarWeb stats, its download portal has been pulling in around 1.5 million visits per month a few days ago a considerable irritant presented itself.
News outlet CNBC – which is owned by media giant NBCUniversal – ran a piece claiming that TeaTV was being “bankrolled” by advertising, some of it being placed by Pandora, TikTok, Hulu, Yahoo Mail, and Amazon, among others.
There was no suggestion in the CNBC piece that any of the companies placed ads directly with Teat-TV. Instead, a network of hard-to-control resellers was handed the blame, some of which are no longer doing business with TeaTV due to the CNBC investigation. Other advertising companies approached declined to comment.
TeaTV for Android
Interestingly, the publication also revealed that during a “recent meeting of major industry players in New York” on the topic of ad-supported piracy, TeaTV came up as a discussion point.
Who those players are is open to debate but ad-supported piracy is a hot topic and there can be little doubt that familiar names, including those involved in the ACE anti-piracy coalition (CNBC owner NBCUniversal is an ACE member), would’ve been privy to the conversations.
Perhaps coincidentally but more likely not, in the hours following the publication of the CNBC piece, TeaTV began to purge itself from the web. Its main webpage, previously located at, no longer exists, meaning that downloads of the app from that portal have come to a halt.
Furthermore, TeaTV’s social media has been blacked out too. Both its Twitter and Facebook pages have been removed or deleted, leading some to speculate that the popular software has been consigned to history following the investigation.
After receiving unconfirmed information that TeaTV won’t ever be coming back, TorrentFreak spoke directly with a source very close to the app. That person declined to comment on the CNBC investigation specifically or whether TeaTV’s disappearance is directly connected to it.
However, we were assured that TeaTV will be returning sometime in the future. No timescale was given for the full resurrection but at least some changes are planned, including a potential rebranding of the app.
“Just a matter of time. We will get back to you when there is an update,” we were told.
With a full return (in some shape or form) penciled in for a future date, it appears that TeaTV as an application is still working for many of its users. Numerous reports online suggest that despite the app’s homepage and social media going dark, the software is still providing access to content.
10/23/2019 at TorrentFreak
10-26-2019, 02:57 AM
Only the "Shadow" Knows...! Thanks for posting this crazed 8.4...!
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