View Full Version : How does the re-seller program work?
05-22-2017, 02:33 PM
Hi I've been bringing a few of my friends on-board with the IPTV service. Regular subscriptions limits me to 4 routes and a capped saving so i'll like to explore use of the re-seller option. From what I gather the re-seller option affords you credits each of which is equivalent to a month's service.
My questions are:
Would I need to apply the credit to each route on a monthly basis or can I recharge the route with 12 credits all at once?
Is there a special interface from which I can monitor the credits?
Would I have an account so that if I buy more credits that it'll all go to one account?
I'm not completely sure on the flexibility of multiple credits on a route, but yes, you do get a panel (via the site) to monitor your assignments and can make changes to those routes (e.g. stop or start). You aren't going to get help on how you deal with your "clients", but the expectation is that you deal with the problems that might come up with those clients.
05-22-2017, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the reply, most of the crew are IT inclined so support shouldn't be an issue.
I'm trying to minimize on the administrative (hence the question of charging 12months or more).
05-22-2017, 03:10 PM
Hi I've been bringing a few of my friends on-board with the IPTV service. Regular subscriptions limits me to 4 routes and a capped saving so i'll like to explore use of the re-seller option. From what I gather the re-seller option affords you credits each of which is equivalent to a month's service.
My questions are:
Would I need to apply the credit to each route on a monthly basis or can I recharge the route with 12 credits all at once?
Is there a special interface from which I can monitor the credits?
Would I have an account so that if I buy more credits that it'll all go to one account?
Yes you can apply more than 1 credit I believe max you can apply at one time is 12 however you are able to extend each "line" 12mths
Yes you get your own panel almost like a interactive excel spreadsheet ( resellers panel ) you are able to see if there connected or not and there IP address ( not sure of all panels but some you are even able to see what they are watching )
When you first register you are assigned your reseller panel...Everytime you add credits it goes to that panel
Also if you are gonna sell more than a month at a time make sure the end user understands its iptv and sh@t happens a reseller panel can be a great way to make a bit of money each mth with the right customer base. The wrong ones and your phone never stops ringing :) best of luck
05-22-2017, 03:16 PM
Thank you. Sounds like the right option.
06-05-2017, 11:16 PM
Hello , Question Im new with the reseller account . when you buy the 60 credits how many boxes can you set up?
06-30-2017, 10:34 PM
Hello , Question Im new with the reseller account . when you buy the 60 credits how many boxes can you set up?
I believe the dashboard tells you that you can activate 1-220 routes at 1 month to 12 months per route. So 60 credits could be used as 10 routes at 6 months per route, or 5 routes at 12 months per route, as well as anything in between so long as you don't go over the 60 credits... You can add more credits at any time using your reseller info.
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