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In IPTV Reset & Donation Checker page what goes in top box and bottom box [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


View Full Version : In IPTV Reset & Donation Checker page what goes in top box and bottom box

04-11-2017, 08:06 PM
Hi, When checking my donation to see what if anything has changed. What should go in the top box . I don't have an email to use and don't know what they mean by donation client or order Id Is that a number ,and if so how many digits should it be also what should go in the box below it thanks.

big dady
04-11-2017, 08:22 PM
how did you get your donation? It sounds like you got it from a reseller and you have to ask him for the info

04-12-2017, 05:45 PM
Hi, Sorry for the late reply,I,m just getting back in, I got it from a reseller. I have all the information ,but don't know what number or mac address goes in the top box or what number or mac number goes in the bottom box below it. I just need to know an example of each number how many digits it should be for the top and bottom boxes ,so I know for sure . I keep getting an error message .Thanks

big dady
04-12-2017, 06:30 PM
The 16 digits number is your order number that goes on top and the 12 digits is the one you put in the bottom

04-12-2017, 07:01 PM
Thanks for your help,after verifying how long each number was and where to put it,I am in and able to check my information now. I will write this info down for future reference. Enjoy you day

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