View Full Version : MAG 256 issues
I have bought this box about a week ago and while it is not perfect or completely stable, I am quite enjoying the experience overall!
However I have found some issues and would like to describe them here to see if someone else is experiencing the same.
- The most annoying is when an iptv subscription expires and I'm in Stalker, there is no way to exit Stalker other than unplug power. The menu that would allow you to exit/reboot within Stalker doesn't show up and I'm presented with a black screen!
- There is a second issue when an iptv subscription expires. When running Stalker with a new subscription, the volume is reset to 40~50% every time! That's very annoying when I have already configured the MAG remote control volume buttons to control the TV volume...
- Auto-framerate when enabled, is fine when watching channel fullscreen however when going back to channel list, it shows the list in just half-screen!
BTW, when this option is disabled, what kind of problems are supposed to show when watching a 24Hz channel?
Will update this thread if I find other issues.
04-11-2017, 02:40 AM
Hey I'm not sure if you've seen this thread, but it discusses auto framerate aka refresh rate switching.
I'm not sure if it works on all TVs but mine seems to work. Only thing I notice sometimes is when coming back to the EPG, there is a pause and some flickering, and sometimes 1-2 seconds of black screen, before the EPG comes back up. Maybe I'm lucky.
You're sure your TV supports true 24p? (some do not). Also, make sure you have it set 24p/60p and don't include 50p (Unless that's what your region needs, in which case you would likely disable 60p instead of 50p). Also, by any chance... Do you have BOTH the video resolution and the graphic resolution set to 1080p? If so, change the graphic resolution one to 1280x720. This is only the EPG and not the video stream so no worries. Try that if you can.
Edit: There is a volume setting in the inner portal system settings , but it only seems to affect the volume in the "IPTV Channels" are in the inner portal. When you go into stalker portal, that setting is ignored it seems. Weird thing is, I just checked 2 servers and my volume seems to default to 100%. EDIT2: Tried on a third server and it defaults to 50% so I think it's configured on the server side from the provider.
Hey I'm not sure if you've seen this thread, but it discusses auto framerate aka refresh rate switching.
I'm not sure if it works on all TVs but mine seems to work. Only thing I notice sometimes is when coming back to the EPG, there is a pause and some flickering, and sometimes 1-2 seconds of black screen, before the EPG comes back up. Maybe I'm lucky.
You're sure your TV supports true 24p? (some do not). Also, make sure you have it set 24p/60p and don't include 50p (Unless that's what your region needs, in which case you would likely disable 60p instead of 50p). Also, by any chance... Do you have BOTH the video resolution and the graphic resolution set to 1080p? If so, change the graphic resolution one to 1280x720. This is only the EPG and not the video stream so no worries. Try that if you can.
Edit: There is a volume setting in the inner portal system settings , but it only seems to affect the volume in the "IPTV Channels" are in the inner portal. When you go into stalker portal, that setting is ignored it seems. Weird thing is, I just checked 2 servers and my volume seems to default to 100%. EDIT2: Tried on a third server and it defaults to 50% so I think it's configured on the server side from the provider.
I have read your thread before, thanks. The problem here is that simply doesn't work for everybody and if you still see some oddities with auto framerate it means it is not completely solved. Nevertheless, like you said, for the true function of the option, it works!
My TV supports true 24p, Panasonic GT60 (good "old" Plasma :)). I'm from Europe, so here is 50p and is also configured for 1280x720 as it keeps switching from 1280x1080 anyway. Regarding the option "HDMI event reaction" what is it supposed to do? I have configured to "immediately" however I have changed to "Ignore" and haven't seen any difference...
Oh another problem is HDMI CEC, still very buggy at this stage! When enabled, can't change the TV input other than the HDMI1 where the MAG is connected too! If I change the TV input, it keeps going back to HDMI1 immediately after a second.
Regarding Stalker, you may be right. Makes sense that most or all the options within Stalker are configured on the server side, strangely enough I have tried almost 10 server and all with same volume configuration, anyway I can leave with it!
04-11-2017, 11:05 AM
I dunno if it's possible but will your TV accept a 60hz signal? Maybe try 60/24 if it will display and test that. Its really the only advise I can give at this point. Perhaps your TV firmware isn't fully supported by the MAg firmware. But I'm sure things can only get better. If you think this is bad, you should have seen it pre latest update. It was brutal. Even the beta firmwares sucked. Haha
I just set HDMI event reaction to disable. I think it responds to your TV turning off/on but I always thought that's what CEC was for. I have no use for and dont care to use either so I just disabled them, so I can't help ya there.
An update would be nice.
Wow just changed to 60p and guess what... the TV supports all 3 framerates 24/50/60! After a short test can't see any difference but cool anyway... :p
04-11-2017, 05:38 PM
Haha that's good to hear. Did you try 24/50/60 and 24/60? Only reason I'm asking is because I got lucky on my TV so I was hoping it might just be a setting that will fix it.
Thanks for trying tho. I'm sorry I couldn't help you any further.
I've tried all combinations and managed to make it work without the issue I mentioned above, however after a few times going back and forth between channel fullscreen and the channel list, the issue raised again! The truth is I can't even see any difference with the auto framerate enabled and disabled so will leave it disabled for the time being! Probably the only situation where we may see image issues with the auto framerate disable should be when you have a 24p channel and as far as I am aware, I haven't found one until now...
04-13-2017, 07:31 PM
You are certainly correct about most channels not being 24p. I've tried at least 25 different servers/services and what I've discovered is 99% of the providers broadcast live TV @60p. Lots of the providers broadcast 24p VOD content (as expected), but I've only found two providers that provide 24p tv streams. And they only have maybe 1/10 of all channels using 24p.
So keeping it disabled, if you're having issues, is the smart way to go. The only other advise I can give is maybe try doing a full reset (two options in the inner portal, then also one option in the BIOS screen which can be accessed by pressing and holding the "menu" button on the remote while the device is powering up. I don't remember if you can simply reboot it to access the menu, or whether you need to pull the power cord and start it that way. Start pressing the button BEFORE you plug it in). Do a full reset, upgrade the firmware again to the same/latest version and do the reset again.
Other than that, I think your only hope is a firmware upgrade. :(
Today I changed the framerate to 60Hz and I actually could see the difference on the European channels, like the image was not as smooth as with 50, however makes sense as in Europe we use 50 anyway. Haven't checked with US channels but I assume will be the same situation as 60 is used for TV broadcast in the US!
Regarding the full reset, I have actually tried to do a full reset through the inner portal (Reset settings and Clear user data) and also through the BIOS but not sure if it really worked as the Portal urls were still there even after the reset! I have erased both NANDs (NAND1 and 2) however not sure if it really reset or not...
BTW by default the box came with NAND2 as boot, I have changed to NAND1 and currently using it but what is really the difference between both?
04-14-2017, 11:46 PM
In regards to the reset not erasing the portals, I noticed that too and was pretty confused by it.
I'm not positive on this, but I think you can possibly set different settings / portals on each nand slice. Which I suppose would enable 16 portals (if this is true).
Glad to know it is not just me... :P
Regarding the nands, I have changed back to NAND 2, enabled framerate 50/60 and now it is working :), as soon as I change to a US channel it goes to 60 and it goes back to 50 when going back to Stalker main menu (Home), haven't checked yet with 24. It looks like the NANDs have different compatibility issues and other thing I have noticed is that in the inner portal there are 2 or 3 apps missing on the NAND 2, not sure which ones though as I don't use any of them but quite strange nonetheless...
Update: Changed to 24/50/60 and confirmed it is switching between the 3 framerates without any issue!
Also I have made a firmware update to the same current version and after the reboot it automatically changed to NAND 1! Weird behaviour...
04-15-2017, 07:19 PM
Awesome, that's great to hear. I agree with you about it being very touchy. I too was having some issues, and a mix between factory resets, reflashing, and changing Nand slice fixed my issues too. I know it sounds like the worst/most lame fix you've ever heard of... But from an IT/computer standpoint, it really doesn't make any sense.
I will try out some of these 50p streams if I can find some and see how it works on a 60hz TV. I have never enabled 50p so that will be interesting to test.
But once again, glad to hear you got her working! :)
04-16-2017, 08:05 PM
Glad to know it is not just me... :P
Regarding the nands, I have changed back to NAND 2, enabled framerate 50/60 and now it is working :), as soon as I change to a US channel it goes to 60 and it goes back to 50 when going back to Stalker main menu (Home), haven't checked yet with 24. It looks like the NANDs have different compatibility issues and other thing I have noticed is that in the inner portal there are 2 or 3 apps missing on the NAND 2, not sure which ones though as I don't use any of them but quite strange nonetheless...
Update: Changed to 24/50/60 and confirmed it is switching between the 3 framerates without any issue!
Also I have made a firmware update to the same current version and after the reboot it automatically changed to NAND 1! Weird behaviour...
I looked into your NAND slice issue and I think I might know why the icons are missing. On older firmware versions, there was less icons. Anytime you upgrade the firmware, it changes the slice. So I would upgrade the firmware twice in a row, in order to assure both slices are updated. I see no difference in the inner portal icons between both slices.
I already updated the firmware 3 or 4 times just to make sure :P however this time on both NANDs I only have 8 apps in the inner portal so looks like now the games are missing for whatever reason!
I have emailed Infomir and the only thing they told me was to make sure to press "ok" twice after "Clear user data"... :rolleyes:
crazed 9.6
04-17-2017, 08:09 PM
Games missing with new firmware is normal.
They removed them with the new firmware.
04-17-2017, 09:54 PM
Yeah I think Crazed is correct on this. If you see the the "recording" icon in the inner portal, and if the weather is working, then you should be good to go.
Not sure if you can download games through the Infomir extra apps portal? Doubtful tho.
Games missing with new firmware is normal.
They removed them with the new firmware.
Oh ok, then I'm good now! For whatever reason then the firmware update didn't work first time as the weather wasn't working and the games were there indeed...
Yeah I think Crazed is correct on this. If you see the the "recording" icon in the inner portal, and if the weather is working, then you should be good to go.
Not sure if you can download games through the Infomir extra apps portal? Doubtful tho.
Don't really care about the games, was just pointing that on one nand I had the games and on the other I hadn't...
So probably my issues with the framerate was due to being using the NAND with the old firmware even though was showing me the latest 2.20 from 27 Feb was installed!
Hum... now will be a good time to also test the HDMI CEC :), really like the function when working properly!
04-18-2017, 12:11 AM
"Hum..." Is absolutely correct! Hahhaa. I really don't understand it either to be honest. But I'm really glad it works for you now. There is no good reason why you should have to do all that to get it working. As someone who is very involved in various IT fields, I feel like a goofball giving the advise I do regarding this box because there's no good explanation I can give for why it helps haha.
Ehehe you're not alone!
I've tried the HDMI CEC but still doesn't work properly, after enabling can't change the TV input as it keeps going back to the input where the box is connected (HDMI 1)! I'm afraid will need to wait for Infomir to fix it...
BTW are you using any buffer or do you have it disabled? I have tried with "500ms" in the inner portal settings and "5s" in Stalker however can't really say if it made any difference...
04-19-2017, 06:59 AM
I can confirm that the buffer works when in the inner portal playing channels from an M3U. I believe the buffer setting in the inner portal only affects this, and not the Stalker portals.
In regards to the Stalker portal, I usually never use any buffer, but I have used it once when it was flaky. It seemed a bit better, but not much. Could've been placebo lol.
The thing is, it might have actually been okay on your end but slow on the IPTV provider end, or the ISP we use, or any of the hundreds of servers between our ISP and the IPTV server.
I keep a close eye on the bandwidth on my network and have noticed that almost every time it buffers, I still have 95% bandwidth left , so I'm inclined to say it isn't on my end.
06-30-2017, 07:31 PM
I have Mag 256 W1 with Iptv provider NO, when my portal load i cant see channel list but when i manually press channel number from remote i can see channel is working but no channel list when i press home button, only way to watch by pressing channel number manually by remote. I used other provider portal and there is no issue like that but when i contact my service provider NO he said he have no issue on his side coz other user with Mag 256 / 254 have no issue like that, any solution.
I try to Reset Box by BIOS , by Inner port , Cleaner cache dada. please let me know if any solution.
Dude you're gonna get banned. Double posting is frowned upon. And naming other providers is NOT ALLOWED.
crazed 9.6
07-01-2017, 10:33 PM
Dude you're gonna get banned. Double posting is frowned upon. And naming other providers is NOT ALLOWED.
post deleted for couple reasons.
Hyjacking and also disscussing other iptv providers.
thnx veronicas
07-16-2017, 09:09 AM
I did not mention any provider name, i just mention the problem.
08-01-2017, 04:16 PM
I have brand new mag256, and it is not updating the firmware, so I like to know what is the exact name of the firmware to download on usb then install on mag256 via usb.
please let me know the name of the file with extension, and the procedure to load on mag256,
I already make a folder on usb mag256, but which file I have to put, let me know...
crazed 9.6
08-01-2017, 04:25 PM
first link leads to second link, which leads to third link :)
The third link will have the current and older releases available for that 256 model (the dates will show you which is newest).
There will be a readme txt included with each version release (click on the version you want to open for viewing)
08-01-2017, 05:03 PM
I used the third link but Which file do I use to update my mag256? When I select the different date releases, there are more files to choose from, which one do I use to update?
I tried every file possible but when Updating, the update status says undefined, can you explain me the step by step procedure?
Also when I do auto update, it doesn't work and freezes at 0%
How do I fix this?
My connection is hundred percent working, but I don't know the reason for why auto update is not working?
That is the reason why I tried updating by USB
crazed 9.6
08-01-2017, 05:34 PM
2.20.03/19-Jul-2017 ... is the newest
Check the second link and there is a redirect there that will lead you to a how to for USB loading.
It is the imageupdate file that you want.
08-01-2017, 06:19 PM
hi there, Thanks a lot for your help, it is loading on my Box, is fine,
crazed 9.6
08-01-2017, 06:40 PM
hi there, Thanks a lot for your help, it is loading on my Box, is fine,
good to hear :cool:
thnx :)
09-27-2017, 10:23 PM
I am in need of help. I set my mag 256 box up and as soon as I click restart portal the screen goes black and the set turns off. Can someone help with this?
10-19-2017, 09:58 AM
With reference to the 2 nands and various issues I have read on here , is there any preference as to which I should be using. I have flashed the latest firmware either 2 or 3 times but not sure if I am on the correct nand or whether its even an issue now.
10-25-2017, 08:57 PM
Hi all,
Not sure if this is related, but I'm newbie, and it's definitely a mag 256 issue. Just set up new mag256 out of the box, and I am experiencing tv channels freezing, please, any help or suggestion is much appreciated. Thank you.
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