View Full Version : Cloned Dreamlink T6...
04-10-2017, 05:35 PM
Just purchased a fake T6 from a guy of of ebay swearing this was an authentic receiver. I followed crazed's tutorial on spotting a fake but still ended up with this worthless piece of shit. Mine has the off - on switch displayed on the back, and a UPC code on the bottom however it doesn't say anything about made in Korea on the box, the manual also looks a bit different for mine compared to what was posted by Crazed. What can I do to be certain this is a clone other than bricking the device with a original T6 bin file? I've already reported my finding to the seller so I'm eager to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
crazed 9.6
04-10-2017, 06:58 PM
Just purchased a fake T6 from a guy of of ebay swearing this was an authentic receiver. I followed crazed's tutorial on spotting a fake but still ended up with this worthless piece of shit. Mine has the off - on switch displayed on the back, and a UPC code on the bottom however it doesn't say anything about made in Korea on the box, the manual also looks a bit different for mine compared to what was posted by Crazed. What can I do to be certain this is a clone other than bricking the device with a original T6 bin file? I've already reported my finding to the seller so I'm eager to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
check the firmware onboard.
what does it show ?
The original firmware is not same as what the clones use.
The extensions are different and the names will be too.
04-11-2017, 05:30 AM
Where do I check the firmware? Is it in the android or Mbox settings?
crazed 9.6
04-11-2017, 05:39 AM
you can check it in a couple places. The MBox is one and in the android menus too , someplace in there.
C/P from one of the tutorials...
You can find this information two different ways thru the T6 menus , but we will just show one way for now.
In the Kodi bar and under System, open the Android option.
In the next menu, open the MBox Settings option and then open the tab referred to as 'Other'
Here we will see the Model number, the Android version, the Build number and the Kernal number (which is a Linux kernal).
The Build number is where you'll see what file is onboard.
04-11-2017, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the info Crazed... Here's what I got for you:
Version 20140428 (Build:344) Thur, 22 Oct 2015
Kernal Version:
did I get robbed lol?
04-11-2017, 07:50 PM
looked into the t6 after reading the op's post and see there are tons of t6 clones in the market and although there are great guidelines on how to spot a clone the manufacturer will adapt and try to get it as close to an original with each revision made, with that said it looks like the build:344 is the latest clone patch which fixes bug with Tvheadend.(Connection lost error) but i do not own a t6 so can not say for certain you have a clone, the dreamlink experts will have to answer that, there are not too many people happy with their t6 original or clone, more complaints than good reviews from what I've read and the cost of an original or clone for that matter seems overpriced for what you are getting especially adding in all the issues people are reporting from the android side to the satellite side of things, just my opinion, dreamlink dropped the ball with the t6 unit
04-11-2017, 10:57 PM
looked into the t6 after reading the op's post and see there are tons of t6 clones in the market and although there are great guidelines on how to spot a clone the manufacturer will adapt and try to get it as close to an original with each revision made, with that said it looks like the build:344 is the latest clone patch which fixes bug with Tvheadend.(Connection lost error) but i do not own a t6 so can not say for certain you have a clone, the dreamlink experts will have to answer that, there are not too many people happy with their t6 original or clone, more complaints than good reviews from what I've read and the cost of an original or clone for that matter seems overpriced for what you are getting especially adding in all the issues people are reporting from the android side to the satellite side of things, just my opinion, dreamlink dropped the ball with the t6 unit
Yeah... I think I want my money back, unless it's not a clone. The seller from Ebay acted like he was selling it for someone else.. I purchased it through PayPal so hopefully it will be a simple return process.
crazed 9.6
04-11-2017, 11:38 PM
dells is correct.
The build version would be 343 for the original.
and with the 363 as their latest and last for an original bin release.
Saving a data file with software (an ALL type data file), then looking at that saved file may show the file extension.
That 344 build showing should be proof enough, but if need more then.....
If that T6 can save an All type data file... then maybe the file extension will show if you look at the file with an editor of some kind (Hex editor maybe)
The original file extension is .bin
The clone file extension is not .bin .. I do not recall what it is, but not .bin
04-14-2017, 08:39 PM
dells is correct.
The build version would be 343 for the original.
and with the 363 as their latest and last for an original bin release.
Saving a data file with software (an ALL type data file), then looking at that saved file may show the file extension.
That 344 build showing should be proof enough, but if need more then.....
If that T6 can save an All type data file... then maybe the file extension will show if you look at the file with an editor of some kind (Hex editor maybe)
The original file extension is .bin
The clone file extension is not .bin .. I do not recall what it is, but not .bin
Thanks for confirming this Crazed! Just got my refund today and plan on just getting a T5. Anything I should know before buying one? Have any suggestions on what type of reciever I should get? I mainly want it for IKS but if I can use IPTV as well all the better. Money isn't really an issue, I just want something that works well and will give me HD.
crazed 9.6
04-14-2017, 11:04 PM
The T5 for IKS only is about the best supported receiver that works with Rocket that you will find.
(by supported I mean ease of setup and working software without extra programs to help it along)
08-13-2017, 06:19 AM
Hello, I have exactly a same model, when I connect the wire internet cable I have a trouble, impossible to connect, I have a flash picture...
Is it possible to insert a clone patch and what can I do for Kodi, I'm a new...
Thank you.
the file extension for a clone is .by2
11-13-2017, 05:04 AM
I wouldn't mind selling my T6 as i don't use it ,it's definitely an original not a clone.
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