View Full Version : Can't get any of the new progerams to load
04-06-2017, 05:11 PM
1. Loaded Couch Potato TV. Settings are correct, yet I still get Authentication MAC failed.
2. Tried to set up PVR Stalker Client... Settings are correct, yet I get Authentication failed
3. Installed Xtreme codes IPTV.... don't know how to configure the settings
4. Installed playlist loader, but don't know how to configure the new playlist url
5. IPTV Stalker Plus lite is now DEAD.
There has got to be some way to sign on?
04-06-2017, 07:19 PM
1. Loaded Couch Potato TV. Settings are correct, yet I still get Authentication MAC failed.
2. Tried to set up PVR Stalker Client... Settings are correct, yet I get Authentication failed
3. Installed Xtreme codes IPTV.... don't know how to configure the settings
4. Installed playlist loader, but don't know how to configure the new playlist url
5. IPTV Stalker Plus lite is now DEAD.
There has got to be some way to sign on?
I feel your pain with this; I've had a bugger of a time for a week to get on the server, too. Here's what I've 'deduced' from troubleshooting:
1-The new portal seems to have more stringent security, so IF you have the pvr enabled, you CANNOT also have other options for getting on to the server enabled at the same time on the same machine (or any other equipment that is currently on/active). If you do, you will get authentication errors. The pvr constantly sends authentication to the server so this is why you cannot have the others enabled.
2-I could not get onto the new server for a week and I found that I had set a static IP in my router. Once I changed that to dynamic I could finally get a handshake and the pvr loaded. On one machine (windows 7 with Jarvis) the pvr would load yet the channels did not play. I had to reboot the pc in order to get the channels to actually play.
3-Xtream Codes settings couldn't possibly be any easier to configure. In settings just put the new website and donation and that's all set to go. (Just remember to not have the pvr enabled)
4-Playlist Loader Should be self-explanatory, but first things first. If you want to use a playlist you CANNOT also have a MAC enabled. In settings you give your list a name and enter; Select Local List (File) and enter; browse to your playlist and select; Choose List Logo (select none unless you have a directory with logos); Select channels logos source (select none again). If you get this working and you like it then you can deal with logos later.
5-Potato TV Probably the same issue as #3. If you have prv enabled you cannot use this to load channels. One caveat here is that when I had the pvr enabled I was still able to load and watch VOD.
6. IPTV Stalker Plus Yes, it's dead. Don't attempt to use it.
Probably the most important takeaway is to NOT have more than one way of accessing the server enabled at one time. Clearing the cache in Kodi is probably a good idea to flush out any remaining old info. And as with many things pc-oriented (if you are on a pc), reboot can solve a multitude of issues. If on android then clearing cache in main system settings is advised. *You cannot have MAC based authentication and Donation based at the same time; Either ONE MAC based option or playlist ONLY.
The next important thing to note IMO is that IP matters as far as the server is concerned. When I couldn't connect (just like you with all the aforementioned ways) and I fired up my DID connect.
I hope this helped rather than further compounded your issues.
04-06-2017, 08:01 PM
1. For Xtreme codes... is the new website you mentioned Is the userid and password BOTH my Donation #?
2. I really want Couch Potato, but I have no other PVR's enabled, and I uninstalled Playlist loader, and Xtreme codes. I still get Authentication MAC. I have changed MAC's and IPTV Reset numerous times, but I get the same error.
3. For playlist loader.. In the setting ADD A LIST, what do I enter?
04-06-2017, 09:53 PM
1. For Xtreme codes... is the new website you mentioned Is the userid and password BOTH my Donation #?
2. I really want Couch Potato, but I have no other PVR's enabled, and I uninstalled Playlist loader, and Xtreme codes. I still get Authentication MAC. I have changed MAC's and IPTV Reset numerous times, but I get the same error.
3. For playlist loader.. In the setting ADD A LIST, what do I enter?
OK~I was also getting errors with Potato, yet it would still let me watch VODs. What finally solved all of my problems was:
Unlinked my MAC at papiao and got the playlist. Then I did another IPTV Reset.
Then I turned off Stalker Client pvr and turned on Simple Client pvr. I pointed Simple Client to the local m3u file and also to the epg.
I checked Potato TV and it worked in this setup after I selected Clear Cache and had it generate a new token. However, while Potato TV is a great addon, you are subjected to the entire NFPS lineup. I don't care to see all those channels. So I opened the playlist in vlc and edited it down to what I wanted. I have select UK and US channels and English VO"Ds. Then I rearranged the channels to be in the order I like and did a 'File, Save As' and gave it a name. That gives a pared down version of the playlist and still retains the original for any further tweaks I might feel like doing.
I have just the edited m3u in the Simple Client pvr so it loads FAST because it's a smaller amount of channels and epg data. It's finally the setup I wished for the past couple of years.
You don't have to uninstall addons you might want to use in the future, just disable them!
For Xtreme Codes the website should be (leave the rest off)
For Playlist Loader you can enter 2 ways: remote or local. If you have tweaked your playlist (the smarter way IMO) you would simply browse to where you have saved the M3U on your device and use that. For remote~IDK cuz I tried all variants of the p1 and nothing loaded for me, not that I would use that option anyway.
04-06-2017, 10:13 PM
There has been a migration for donation portal 5 assignments to server p2 now
04-07-2017, 12:00 AM
OK~I was also getting errors with Potato, yet it would still let me watch VODs. What finally solved all of my problems was:
Unlinked my MAC at papiao and got the playlist. Then I did another IPTV Reset.
Then I turned off Stalker Client pvr and turned on Simple Client pvr. I pointed Simple Client to the local m3u file and also to the epg.
I checked Potato TV and it worked in this setup after I selected Clear Cache and had it generate a new token. However, while Potato TV is a great addon, you are subjected to the entire NFPS lineup. I don't care to see all those channels. So I opened the playlist in vlc and edited it down to what I wanted. I have select UK and US channels and English VO"Ds. Then I rearranged the channels to be in the order I like and did a 'File, Save As' and gave it a name. That gives a pared down version of the playlist and still retains the original for any further tweaks I might feel like doing.
I have just the edited m3u in the Simple Client pvr so it loads FAST because it's a smaller amount of channels and epg data. It's finally the setup I wished for the past couple of years.
You don't have to uninstall addons you might want to use in the future, just disable them!
For Xtreme Codes the website should be (leave the rest off)
For Playlist Loader you can enter 2 ways: remote or local. If you have tweaked your playlist (the smarter way IMO) you would simply browse to where you have saved the M3U on your device and use that. For remote~IDK cuz I tried all variants of the p1 and nothing loaded for me, not that I would use that option anyway.
THANKS for your time Expatter! A few more questions..
1. I have unlinked the MAC, and need to enter the playlist into Papaio
2. I have removed all IPTV clients, and Livetv from my system. Don't intend to use this function.
3. Explain a little further on how and where to set up the playlist you descriped (with edited channels), and how to insert that playlist into Playlist Loader, or Xtreme-codes iptv.
I need to create a playlist to enter into Papaio, and then setup Potato TV.
4, I set up Xtreme codes as follows... and used my Donation # for userid and password. Got a Login failed with the probable cause being an incorrect setting.. Port should be set to 80?
04-07-2017, 12:51 AM
THANKS for your time Expatter! A few more questions..
1. I have unlinked the MAC, and need to enter the playlist into Papaio
2. I have removed all IPTV clients, and Livetv from my system. Don't intend to use this function.
3. Explain a little further on how and where to set up the playlist you descriped (with edited channels), and how to insert that playlist into Playlist Loader, or Xtreme-codes iptv.
I need to create a playlist to enter into Papaio, and then setup Potato TV.
4, I set up Xtreme codes as follows... and used my Donation # for userid and password. Got a Login failed with the probable cause being an incorrect setting.. Port should be set to 80?
Go back to papiao website and do a search on your donation. When it pops up~look down on the right and you will see in red, Playlist. Click on the drop down box and select Generic M3U with options. Highlight the entire thing and copy (control plus C). Open notepad or any text editor and paste that copied info into it (control plus V). Do a 'File, Save and give it a name. Now you have that text file with the playlist info so you don't have to go back to papiao and keep searching (since there's a limit to searches per day). Go back to papiao and search one more time and then do an IPTV Reset.
Open vlc. Press Control plus N and a box opens up. You should still have the playlist in memory that you copied from papiao, so click on the space in the box that just opened up and press Control plus V and paste in the info. Press enter and wait about 30 seconds and it will populate with the entire lineup from NFPS. You can play around now and highlight any channels you don't want and then right click and 'Remove Entry'. Tweak til your heart's content. Then do a 'File, Save As', select 'All Types' from the drop down box and name it 'anything.m3u' and you now have your edited playlist.
So, you DON'T enter a playlist into papiao, you GET the playlist FROM papiao.
You don't enter a playlist in Xtreme Codes, you enter a url: and your Donation
Playlist Loader Setup: Make a New List, Give is a short name, Select Local and then browse to where you saved your m3u (I keep a copy in the Home Folder for ease-C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\xxxx.m3u) I do this because it's a fast way to get to the file when working in Kodi. Just select None for the next 2 options when it asks for Logo Location. At this point, you've got enough on your plate than to deal with this.
So that's two ways you can access the playlist so far.
You can also use Simple Client pvr and point to the local m3u in settings and use the hxxp:// for EPG (This is the most Set Top Box kind of setup). Personally, my preference to a more cable-like experience!
You can opt for Potato. The settings should be self-explanatory: Select 'Custom Location' for M3u and point it to your local file as indicated above. Input your Donation and Select the 00:00:00:00:00:00 for the MAC. Save everything. Run the addon and Select Clear Cache and Generate a New Token. You can select to have it configure Simple Client pvr if you want to, but if you already did that in one of the previous steps, it's just redundant.
You should be good to go in several different ways now.
04-07-2017, 01:30 AM
Problem on the first step... in Papaio, when I selected the M3u with options, the screen is highlighted in blue, BUT I cannot do a Control C or a right click copy of that file. I get nothing
04-07-2017, 04:48 AM
Problem on the first step... in Papaio, when I selected the M3u with options, the screen is highlighted in blue, BUT I cannot do a Control C or a right click copy of that file. I get nothing
Again, I want to concentrate on getting Potato TV working. If that works, I won't need the other addons.
At papiao when still MAC assigned (at least for me) where it said Playlist Not Available for ... in red. In any event, You've gotten to the drop down and see Generic M3U with options. Cursor over the the beginning of the url shown and highlight the whole string hxxp:// and copy that (right click, copy or control plus C)
Then carry on as posted earlier.
04-07-2017, 04:37 PM
At papiao when still MAC assigned (at least for me) where it said Playlist Not Available for ... in red. In any event, You've gotten to the drop down and see Generic M3U with options. Cursor over the the beginning of the url shown and highlight the whole string hxxp:// and copy that (right click, copy or control plus C)
Then carry on as posted earlier.
Got Potato working.,.,. Thanks for everything
crazed 9.6
04-07-2017, 05:02 PM
put the file on your desktop.
Left click on it and then click Properties and then ensure it is of file type .m3u
If so, then open VLC player and simply drag and drop the .m3u file on to the VLC player.
Double click to open it.
Check the VLC forum section for some info about the VLC player functions
04-07-2017, 07:30 PM
Well... After inputting the data into VLC, and hitting enter, I got the following message:
Your input can't be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL.
Would mind trying to create the file, uploading the file to be copied by the other users in this Forum?? Might make it easier for ALL.
I was getting that same error in vlc and it was driving me nuts. I had all the very same problems you are having and it went on for a week. That's why I installed Kodi fresh on a usb to test so there wouldn't be any other old info compounding the problem and making it hard to troubleshoot.
All I can tell you is that for me, it turned out to be a problem with my IP address. I had to go into my router and make sure I didn't have a static IP. Then I disconnected from the internet by pulling my ethernet cable and disconnecting from my wifi on the other machine and rebooted all the machines.
Next, I had to go back to papiao and do the IPTV Reset again. Then it finally worked.
I can't upload my playlist as that wouldn't possibly help anyone on the forum. It's linked to my donation and we don't share those, obviously. Besides, my m3u has now been pared down to 180 channels.
While I COULD upload the original m3u and substitute xxxxxxxxxxxx where the donation is but I fail to see how that will help anyone. You would then have to remove all the x's and input your own donation and since you are struggling so much already, that seems like something that will only further compound the problem. Another user actually has already done this. He did it for just the English channels if I remember correctly. It's posted in the playlist subforum.
But that wouldn't help anyone in any event. The authentication issue has to be addressed and since what you are describing is exactly what happened to me, I'm passing along how I solved the problem. To test my theory out - if you have a vpn, fire it up and see if you can connect. That's what I did before I did anything in the router. And it connected! So that told me the problem was with my IP address.
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