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View Full Version : Problem when moving mag to manother internet location

miguel soto
03-30-2017, 03:39 PM
In more than one time when I move the box to my other home or friend hose tho box do not load the yellow server bar
they suggested in a procedure and don't work or it take to long to do
It happened to me last knight and did not work, I left the router power off all knight and in next morning work ok
Mi concern is that that is a NONO ,one of the good selling point of IPTV is the mobility for some people that is very important I don't know if any body agrees with me
The people that support this should make note an fix that problem

Note: in the past when you move a device all you have to do was the WIFI & user and password and work ok
I think this is very important issue



Protein P
03-30-2017, 03:43 PM
That happens to me every now and then, I believe it has more to do with the internet provider, because that's when it happens (at least to me) but not always. Are you switching to another internet service provider or is it the same provider when you move the box? Just my experience and hypothesis.

03-30-2017, 04:47 PM
IP addresses and donations are locked together, unless you do an IPTV Reset.

Protein P
03-30-2017, 06:11 PM
IP addresses and donations are locked together, unless you do an IPTV Reset.

That's what i thought, so if he or she is changing ip addresses when they take the box to a friend house they would need to do a reset correct? I know it didnt use to require that every time.

03-30-2017, 06:17 PM
That's what i thought, so if he or she is changing ip addresses when they take the box to a friend house they would need to do a reset correct? I know it didnt use to require that every time.

Yeah, that was a fairly recent change for server security. In any case, if someone has an issue with connecting, and are sure that their settings are correct, the first step beyond checking the settings (and internet connection) is to do an IPTV Reset. Do not get into the trap of thinking that the settings are correct even if you didn't do anything, just check to be sure.

03-30-2017, 09:16 PM
I am using stalker client in kodi android box and laptop with 16.1 and 17 and i move my box and laptop a lot
i never had to do a reset hotels/ cottage/ friends houses away right now no problem plug in or wireless
maybe the mag's or emulator is giving you the problem

miguel soto
03-30-2017, 10:13 PM
Thank you to all that comment on my issue
The problem is that I do a iptv reset and all the suggested step and do not work
It happened in the same ISP different location

miguel soto
03-30-2017, 10:25 PM
HI :
IS this new URL suppose to work on mag or that's only for kodi

I ask because when I put that I get page load error

crazed 9.6
03-30-2017, 10:33 PM
HI :
IS this new URL suppose to work on mag or that's only for kodi

I ask because when I put that I get page load error

the Mag receiver does not neccassarly need to switch to new address. The old rocket address will still redirect.
The main and only reason at present, to switch to the new address with the Mag, is if you are having troubles with the VOD selections. Then yes, I would try the new addy, otehrwise not needed at present.

-Ensure you reboot your router while your Mag receiver is disconected.
-Wait a fulll minute before powering router back on.
-Reset IPTV at website.
-Connect Mag

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