View Full Version : Terrible service
03-28-2017, 12:20 AM
One would think after over 3 years in business they have the bugs worked out but guess not...not able to watch with all the freezing that's going on and with the vod not working I have my doubts that I will be renewing my sub
03-30-2017, 01:28 AM
One would think after over 3 years in business they have the bugs worked out but guess not...not able to watch with all the freezing that's going on and with the vod not working I have my doubts that I will be renewing my sub
This isn't cable TV and for what we pay a year 1 month of cable TV is more than this cost a year! Every iptv service has its up and downs no matter what provider period! If you want 100% zero issue then this might not be for you. You should think about paying for cable TV and then every VOD you watch for at least $5 a movie you might change your tune... Do you honestly think for what this cost a year your not going to have issues? Did you bother to do any research before jumping right into iptv? Even legit iptv providers that cost 3x this have issues as I have a relative that has one and even they have things that go up and down! There is no 800 number for customer service and if you are looking for that then your not going to find it in iptv. Google some other providers and you can read it for yourself. This is over the Internet and many factors effect it and it can actually be other things besides the provider servers.
Over the past 3 years it has gotten better and better but hey if you have your doubts pay $100+ a month and be happy!
03-30-2017, 01:44 AM
just like to know the name of your provider better and better?
crazed 9.6
03-30-2017, 01:49 AM
raoe59, your STB Blocked issue needs to be overcome at your end bud
I see these issues everyday and in private mesages. Most all can overcome this.
I told you before that you may have to factory reset the mag so all data is earsed and you can then re-enter your server info without getting that STB Blocked message that stopps you from entering the info.
And yes, we do get better and better, contray as what some may report or say :eek:
03-30-2017, 01:49 AM
just like to know the name of your provider better and better?
Are you asking me? I never said anything about any provider being better. I said everyone has there issues... Also we don't talk about any other proveders other than the 3 supported here.
The providers here that are supported have gotten better and better in the past 3 years...
crazed 9.6
03-30-2017, 01:52 AM
Are you asking me? I never said anything about any provider being better. I said everyone has there issues... Also we don't talk about any other proveders other than the 3 supported here.
The providers here have gotten better and better in the past 3 years...
It's okay pod.. raoe59 is a iptv66 member and has been over the years.
He currently has a Mag receiver with an STB Blocked issue and can not overcome it ... this has been ongoing for raoe59 awhile now and he is frustrated.
But I offered my best advice and that is to reset that mag and start fresh .... which I offered awhile ago too :)
03-30-2017, 02:00 AM
just don't say service come better and better you know that is not true
03-30-2017, 02:08 AM
thanks crazed
03-30-2017, 02:09 AM
just don't say service come better and better you know that is not true
Sorry I'm my opinion it has.. They went from a few channels to a lot a variety... Also are adding HD channels as well. Sorry you don't thinks it's gotten better but for what it costs and the selection it's a great value. Yes it has its ups and downs like any of them. Sorry it's not working for you and you feel that way but there are literally 1000's of people using it and if it wasn't getting better and better it would be dead in the water which isn't the case.
crazed 9.6
03-30-2017, 02:09 AM
but it is better and better :)
They have been adding a much more user freindly system in place.
They have been deligent with customer support. Yes there are some delays but they have been on it.
The VOD are working and include 1000s of movies and more added daily.
The iptv channels work and no freezing seen here and many have been fixed that were not working before.
Why have you not set that MAG receiver up with a PLaylist ?
That will take care of that Blocked issue is a second... but I have mentioned that before as well bud :eek:
Our poster Thebest77, is trying that right now, or will be trying it tonight.
03-31-2017, 06:55 PM
in all forumns i visit is guys like pod 77 everithing is fine all times if you dont like the service go pay legal service wow nice solution
03-31-2017, 09:49 PM
I agree 100% and you also get 0 help and cant even contact these people and my main problem with this system is after 3 try of doing reset and changing MAC's you have to wait 24 hrs to get back into the system and they give you no refund for all this down time I am 100% sure my problems are on their end
crazed 9.6
03-31-2017, 09:57 PM
contact who ?
I am right here buddy, I am here 24/7
Anyone can contact me anytime, it has always been like that.
03-31-2017, 10:06 PM
contact who ?
I am right here buddy, I am here 24/7
Anyone can contact me anytime, it has always been like that.
Crazed..I think they mean be able to call up on the phone and have a nice chit chat about their problems and grievances................... No big deal .........easy as pie...... By the way guys here is the phone number 1-888-555-5555
03-31-2017, 11:35 PM
crazed my comments is not about you ok just dont like people say everithink is ok problens is in all providers i understant that
03-31-2017, 11:37 PM
and comments say it if you dont like it pay cable or something like that is not good ki never see you say that
03-31-2017, 11:40 PM
harris i fix my problen follow crazed solution
crazed 9.6
04-01-2017, 12:57 AM
We are gonna close this thread now and pretend it never excisted.
Thnx raoe59 for your patience bud.
Thnx pod for your patience too :)
Thanx to our original poster Thebest77, not letting too much frustration show in your posts and all the while still trying to get things going .... I know you only have limited stuff right now thou thru your VLC playlist.. and hopefully you can get that new stuff I sent you all flanged up :)
Thanx floder2 for the chits and giggles :)
And even thnx to harris , I guess for instagating the chits and giggles :eek:
thread closed
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