View Full Version : Is stalker working ??
03-14-2017, 02:53 AM
I was wondering if anyone got the iptv stalker working yet. I am using xtreme code. Stalker is much better because it had the guide working plus the channel line up was great
IPTV Staker (and variants) no longer work with IPTV66 or Rocket, and may not work for Kodi 17. Time to read the announcements and the stickies for the add-ons. Do not expect an update.
Try using Xtreams-code IPTV or a m3u player, like Playlist Loader.
03-14-2017, 03:38 PM
Hi Dara, I noticed you mentioned we should move to Xtreams, and to "weed" off of Stalker Client. But I still see moderators assisting some on instructions how to get Stalker Client working. So not exactly sure on that. Also, once we move to Xtreams, what should we expect. Do we just get a platform for streams to play, should we expect a guide. Because the built in guide is pretty useless. Also, the Super Repo is pretty well known to keep many add ons out of date, and generally a poor maintained repo. And I noticed through all the comments, many area having trouble with the M3U's. Not trying to be difficult or knocking the service, cause I truly enjoy it. Just wondering if this is pretty much what the service will be for the near future. No guide provided, we will need to use Xtream Codes, or hope to make M3U file work some where. Thanks Again.
Stalker PVR client should be fine, but if someone is a beginner, they shouldn't mess with it as their first player. For me, I don't surf channels, so I tend not to use the PVR functions for Kodi, and really don't care about an integrated guide. If you need an on-screen guide, I suggest iVue, particularly for UK channels, and using an external guide for US channels, such as Titan TV. Maybe in the future the server guys might roll out their own Kodi video add-on, with a simple epg, but don't wait for dreamware.
Someone posted a copy of the Xtreams-codes addon, accessible through mediafire. I had a working repo, KodiIsrael, that did have it. As far as m3u's, it may be user error, or server issues with iptv66. My hope is that others that have success will share their successes, but on the other hand, I get it that some will never be completely satisfied.
03-14-2017, 06:39 PM
IPTV Staker (and variants) no longer work with IPTV66 or Rocket, and may not work for Kodi 17. Time to read the announcements and the stickies for the add-ons. Do not expect an update.
Try using Xtreams-code IPTV or a m3u player, like Playlist Loader.
Stalker PVR client should be fine, but if someone is a beginner, they shouldn't mess with it as their first player. For me, I don't surf channels, so I tend not to use the PVR functions for Kodi, and really don't care about an integrated guide. If you need an on-screen guide, I suggest iVue, particularly for UK channels, and using an external guide for US channels, such as Titan TV. Maybe in the future the server guys might roll out their own Kodi video add-on, with a simple epg, but don't wait for dreamware.
Someone posted a copy of the Xtreams-codes addon, accessible through mediafire. I had a working repo, KodiIsrael, that did have it. As far as m3u's, it may be user error, or server issues with iptv66. My hope is that others that have success will share their successes, but on the other hand, I get it that some will never be completely satisfied.
Dara so what you're saying is that Stalker Addons of any sorts are "No Go" but builtin PVR Stalker Client that comes with Kodi should work? is that correct?
03-14-2017, 07:03 PM
My built in stalker client works fine. Kodi 16.1, Iptv66, nvidia shield
03-14-2017, 07:07 PM
My built in stalker client works fine. Kodi 16.1, Iptv66, nvidia shield
Thank you Freed, then if it works on the Shield then theoretically it also should work on AFTV. It works on my other AFTV but I got a new route for a friend of mine who uses AFTV and for fok sakes I can't get it to work for some reason.
03-14-2017, 07:37 PM
I don't know what an AFTV box is. If it's Android based then should be OK. I only have android devices and works no problem.
Good luck
03-14-2017, 07:58 PM
I don't know what an AFTV box is. If it's Android based then should be OK. I only have android devices and works no problem.
Good luck
AFTV=Amazon Fire TV which is running Amazon's version of Android TV.
Dara so what you're saying is that Stalker Addons of any sorts are "No Go" but builtin PVR Stalker Client that comes with Kodi should work? is that correct?
Essentially correct. The IPTV Stalker video add-on creates a portal url that gets sent to the server, and because the server redirects that url, it returns garbage back to the add-on. It could be fixed, in theory, but there are too many places where the code change has to be made, and at the same time, NFPS still uses undirected urls. As far as the PVR client, there have been reports that people have got it going and there is no reason to doubt that.
03-15-2017, 12:44 AM
Essentially correct. The IPTV Stalker video add-on creates a portal url that gets sent to the server, and because the server redirects that url, it returns garbage back to the add-on. It could be fixed, in theory, but there are too many places where the code change has to be made, and at the same time, NFPS still uses undirected urls. As far as the PVR client, there have been reports that people have got it going and there is no reason to doubt that.
Thank you Dara for explaining, got the PVR Stalker Client working by changing the MAC to all 00. Seems like it's working now.
03-15-2017, 02:12 AM
IPTV Staker (and variants) no longer work with IPTV66
I miss Couch Potato
03-15-2017, 03:14 AM
Thank you Dara for explaining, got the PVR Stalker Client working by changing the MAC to all 00. Seems like it's working now.
WOW!! Just tried changing my mac to all 00 and BAM all the sudden Its working. Thanks aCIDjEsUs. been working for days trying to get stalker client to work with the new server. that is so simple. not sure were to post it but I'm sure it would be nice to place this fix so others can see this and get it working too.
looks like all you need is the new server url and the mac all "00"
Like to add using AFTV stick with kodi 17.0 and built in pvr stalker client
crazed 9.6
03-15-2017, 03:43 AM
WOW!! Just tried changing my mac to all 00 and BAM all the sudden Its working. Thanks aCIDjEsUs. been working for days trying to get stalker client to work with the new server. that is so simple. not sure were to post it but I'm sure it would be nice to place this fix so others can see this and get it working too.
looks like all you need is the new server url and the mac all "00"
I been reading this thread too and you are corrct junk2me ... We will get this as a Discussion Sticky Thread right now :)
03-15-2017, 02:59 PM
Thank you Dara for explaining, got the PVR Stalker Client working by changing the MAC to all 00. Seems like it's working now.
can you provide more details?
I still can't get it to work on PVR stalker
03-15-2017, 07:36 PM
can you provide more details?
I still can't get it to work on PVR stalker
First Disable PVR Stalker Client and Live TV
Set your NEW Serial to 13 digits and your Device ID to 6 digits you can leave the DEVICE ID2 and Signature blank or you can put in 6 digits for Device ID2 and Signature. <---- My Addons - PVR Clients - Stalker Client - Portal 1 - at the bottom you'll see "Serial Number, Device ID, Device ID2 and Signature"
Then go to look up your route and delete the MAC address, don't put anything in the box just leave it blank and press "Submit" Look up your route again and do the "IPTV Reset" Wait about 15 minutes after you do the reset and then you can Enable the PVR Stalker Client and then Enable Live TV under system and you should see your channels load.
03-15-2017, 07:42 PM
WOW!! Just tried changing my mac to all 00 and BAM all the sudden Its working. Thanks aCIDjEsUs. been working for days trying to get stalker client to work with the new server. that is so simple. not sure were to post it but I'm sure it would be nice to place this fix so others can see this and get it working too.
looks like all you need is the new server url and the mac all "00"
Like to add using AFTV stick with kodi 17.0 and built in pvr stalker client
junk2me buddy I'm not taking any credit for this user "karel" and ModMike got this going.
First Disable PVR Stalker Client and Live TV
Set your NEW Serial to 13 digits and your Device ID to 6 digits you can leave the DEVICE ID2 and Signature blank or you can put in 6 digits for Device ID2 and Signature.
Thank you, aCiDjEsUs!! Do we just make up the Serial and Device ID? I am running Kodi 17 on Win10 and can't figure out where to get those values...
03-15-2017, 11:41 PM
Thank you, aCiDjEsUs!! Do we just make up the Serial and Device ID? I am running Kodi 17 on Win10 and can't figure out where to get those values...
yes just make them up. A random number That's what I did
03-16-2017, 01:05 AM
I have a subscription to IPTV 66 that I have not been able to access ever since the stalker apps went down.
I installed Kodi 17 after installing Nemmysys that did not seem to work and corrupted my box.
What must I do to get my live channels back through IPTV 66 with the latest Kodi, is this possible?, and if not what other services could I use to install channels through a PVR like the one I had for a month was usa iptv, yet the channels went down a lot, so I preferred the one that used Stalker because it seemed easier to work with.
I have had 66 since Sept 16 except for one month when their payment buttons did not work to renew, so they still owe me some time until April 8th on the script.
Perhaps the owners of the servers should refund the clients because I have been reading that the servers were overloading Stalker which caused them to go down.
Can anyone give me a link to a tutorial to restore live channels preferably with 66 where I have the script, or with a pvr client which is better than usa IPTV?
Have you read the potential workarounds in the messages just above yours?
03-16-2017, 01:54 AM
What do you use in Server Address - http://s1.iptv66/c/ or ?
03-16-2017, 11:38 AM
Here is my set up hope this helps. I had it working for a day with mac at all zeros but had to switch back to original mac today
Using firetv stick newest generation
Kodi 17.0 with fusion/tvaddons
Pvr stalker client built in
Used setup sticky PVR Stalker (Kodi Built-in) Set up tutorial (
Received donation number from
Config as follows
Active port 1
Connection time out 120
Portal 1 settings
Mac address 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (did work briefly with all zeros)as received from iks66
Server address was now
time zone America /Eastern should effect anything??
Login 13 digit route number from iptv66
Password 13 digit route number from iptv66
Preference Prefer XMLTV
Cache guide data on
Cache time 24
Scope Remote URL
Remote URL (
Token Blank
Serial number XXXXXXXXXXXXA 12digits and 1 cap letter can be anything
Device id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16 digits can be anything
Device id2 blank or optional I used 16 digit randum number
Signature blank or optional I used a 8 digit randum number
I have a subscription to IPTV 66 that I have not been able to access ever since the stalker apps went down.
I installed Kodi 17 after installing Nemmysys that did not seem to work and corrupted my box.
What must I do to get my live channels back through IPTV 66 with the latest Kodi, is this possible?, and if not what other services could I use to install channels through a PVR like the one I had for a month was usa iptv, yet the channels went down a lot, so I preferred the one that used Stalker because it seemed easier to work with.
I have had 66 since Sept 16 except for one month when their payment buttons did not work to renew, so they still owe me some time until April 8th on the script.
Perhaps the owners of the servers should refund the clients because I have been reading that the servers were overloading Stalker which caused them to go down.
Can anyone give me a link to a tutorial to restore live channels preferably with 66 where I have the script, or with a pvr client which is better than usa IPTV?
What's working for me is to use the M3U link from 66. You get the link from the same place you reset and change mac. I've only tried the generic with options one but it works. It does seem timeout and I need to disable and enable the app but, for now, that's easy to do. You put the link into IPTV Simple Client, a built in add-on, and that's it. Channels are back. Haven't figured out the Guide yet...
If you figure more out, please share.
Here is my set up hope this helps. I had it working for a day with mac at all zeros but had to switch back to original mac today
Using firetv stick newest generation
Kodi 17.0 with fusion/tvaddons
Pvr stalker client built in
Used setup sticky PVR Stalker (Kodi Built-in) Set up tutorial (
Received donation number from
Config as follows
Active port 1
Connection time out 120
Portal 1 settings
Mac address 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (did work briefly with all zeros)as received from iks66
Server address was now
time zone America /Eastern should effect anything??
Login 13 digit route number from iptv66
Password 13 digit route number from iptv66
Preference Prefer XMLTV
Cache guide data on
Cache time 24
Scope Remote URL
Remote URL (
Token Blank
Serial number XXXXXXXXXXXXA 12digits and 1 cap letter can be anything
Device id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16 digits can be anything
Device id2 blank or optional I used 16 digit randum number
Signature blank or optional I used a 8 digit randum number
Will try this tonight.
03-17-2017, 02:36 PM
I have pretty much the same setup as junk2me running on Kodi 16.1 - I didn't know about the changes until my subscription stopped working and came here to find out about the new server address - I simply updated that in Stalker Client and I was up and running again (I had to change my hardware acceleration settings as well since the video was choppy and out of sync but other than that, the only thing I've noticed different is the adult channels are no longer there).
I didn't read about Stalker no longer being supported until afterwards - will this setup keep working for me or are my days numbered? We really like the guide we currently have and it sounds like we would lose that with one of the currently supported options. I'd love to see screenshots of what the interface looks like for the STB emulators and XTreams code options to see exactly what they look like.
03-19-2017, 04:27 AM
Im on the PVR Stalker Client in Kodi 16.1 on a Minix box. Im still have my MAC from months ago.
My channels wouldn't load after I upgraded my Kodi from 15.2. All I did was change the server
address to the new one, and disable the 3 acceleration settings under system/video/acceleration
and it is all working.
The EPG from yahyabell acts up sometimes…it may load or not depending on your luck. And some channels
go off then come back on. That's about it.
03-24-2017, 02:41 AM
Here is my set up hope this helps. I had it working for a day with mac at all zeros but had to switch back to original mac today
Using firetv stick newest generation
Kodi 17.0 with fusion/tvaddons
Pvr stalker client built in
Used setup sticky PVR Stalker (Kodi Built-in) Set up tutorial (
Received donation number from
Config as follows
Active port 1
Connection time out 120
Portal 1 settings
Mac address 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (did work briefly with all zeros)as received from iks66
Server address was now
time zone America /Eastern should effect anything??
Login 13 digit route number from iptv66
Password 13 digit route number from iptv66
Preference Prefer XMLTV
Cache guide data on
Cache time 24
Scope Remote URL
Remote URL (
Token Blank
Serial number XXXXXXXXXXXXA 12digits and 1 cap letter can be anything
Device id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16 digits can be anything
Device id2 blank or optional I used 16 digit randum number
Signature blank or optional I used a 8 digit randum number
Thanks junk2me ( after weeks trying to make the pvr stalker work, following your set-up, make it work flawlessly!
03-27-2017, 01:30 AM
I am still not able to make it work. by zeros do you mean?00:1A:78:00:00:00 or ALL ZEROS?
03-29-2017, 12:49 PM
today its down 3/29/17 8:30 am
03-29-2017, 12:51 PM
thanks for the confirmation
06-25-2017, 11:53 PM
Hi Again Friends:
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. I looked at the first and last several pages (on this thread and others).
I was wondering if anyone also has the issue of most Stalker ( channels not working? When I select
one to watch, the "Working" circle appears momentarily, then disappears; but nothing starts. Only a few channels
appear to be working.
The URL I use (which is the one I've been successfully using for a long while now) is: <--- I currently use this variant; but the following two also work to connect to the service.
This is on:
-- Kodi v17.3
-- Stalker PVR Client v2.8.6
It's been a few months since I used the service (no time for TV), so maybe something has changed that I'm unaware of?
Any ideas?
Thank you! :)
06-29-2017, 12:13 PM
I was wondering if anyone also has the issue of most Stalker ( channels not working? When I select
one to watch, the "Working" circle appears momentarily, then disappears; but nothing starts. Only a few channels
appear to be working.
It's been a few months since I used the service (no time for TV), so maybe something has changed that I'm unaware of?
Any ideas?
Are you using a VPN? If so, they are now blocking VPN connections. When my VPN is connected my stalker acts exactly as you described.
07-04-2017, 09:00 PM
Is anyone having any problems with Xtream-Codes IPTV addon? When I start Kodi, I get an error message: "Xtream-Codes Error" check log for more information. When I try to open the actual addon, I get the same error. I checked AND reset my route and still NOTHING. Anyone having same issue or is any able to figure out what could be causing this? Thank you everyone and "HAPPY 4th OF JULY"!!!!!!!!!!
Is anyone having any problems with Xtream-Codes IPTV addon? When I start Kodi, I get an error message: "Xtream-Codes Error" check log for more information. When I try to open the actual addon, I get the same error. I checked AND reset my route and still NOTHING. Anyone having same issue or is any able to figure out what could be causing this? Thank you everyone and "HAPPY 4th OF JULY"!!!!!!!!!!
Check your PM. xtream-codes and the service works fine.
07-04-2017, 10:43 PM
Dara, I responded to the PM you sent to me and am now waiting for your reply. THANK YOU AGAIN!
Check your PM. xtream-codes and the service works fine.
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