View Full Version : Channels crashing
03-11-2017, 11:44 AM
I finally got IPTV66 working on Xtream-Codes, but the channels play for 2 to 3 minutes before it shuts itself down. Did it 10 times yesterday just trying to watch the local news. I just gave up and turned the thing off. Anybody have this issue? Anyway to fix this? Please help if you have a solution. Thanks.
03-11-2017, 03:02 PM
everyone is having this issue
03-11-2017, 04:24 PM
Oh, thought it was just me. I never had this issue back on Stalker Plus.
03-11-2017, 07:01 PM
any idea why the xtream codes method was created in the first place?
I tried it but stalker is still a far superior way to connect IMO.
03-11-2017, 07:38 PM
Not sure why the original version was created by the author. But it's a method to use in place of IPTV Stalker & IPTV Stalker Plus, they are no longer being supported.
03-11-2017, 08:30 PM
If it continues to keep crashing, what other IPTV services are there besides IPTV66, Rocket and that NFPS? Need something stable.
03-11-2017, 09:12 PM
If it continues to keep crashing, what other IPTV services are there besides IPTV66, Rocket and that NFPS? Need something stable.
We don't discuss other services here unless you want to get banned...
03-11-2017, 11:08 PM
Sorry Crazed 2.0, didn't know. But right now, I haven't been able to watch anything for longer than 5 minutes before it crashes and shows my Kodi desktop. And with the snowstorm expected here in NYC in a few days, I would be snowed in so IPTV would come in handy.
And hey, seriously? Probation?
crazed 9.6
03-11-2017, 11:13 PM
Sorry Crazed 2.0, didn't know. But right now, I haven't been able to watch anything for longer than 5 minutes before it crashes and shows my Kodi desktop. And with the snowstorm expected here in NYC in a few days, I would be snowed in so IPTV would come in handy.
And hey, seriously? Probation?
lol, that Probation thing is an automated thing.
If you want something special to show there, just send me a message and I will get it changed for you.
Whatever you want to show there as a title , just let me know.
Everyone on site here can have that same offer... I can change that for you, just send me a message about it :)
sorry I can't help with the crashing....
Have you tried the m3u Playlist method ?
or the Playlist Loader method ?
This M3U Playlist here seems to be doing okay
03-13-2017, 12:22 AM
Any ETA on when the channel issues are going to be fixed? It's getting ridiculous now. :-(
03-13-2017, 03:38 AM
what channels?Good here....for wiw.
03-14-2017, 12:41 PM
Yeah, the channels don't stay on for more than 2 minutes at a time and I'm trying to watch the morning news about the snowstorm here in New York. Will it be like this forever or is there going to be an eventual fix to the crashing?
03-14-2017, 04:01 PM
Same problem here for second day now... No one seem to answer the crashing issue ??
03-14-2017, 04:16 PM
Hi.... SO i read this Trump Diversion post for complaints....
If you can swing the ban hammer so easily, cant you remove the irrelevant content as to not have people feel they cant ask for assistance or when the service comes back up?
I have had 2 years of subscription and on a day where we are all snowed in (Not to be confused with Snowden) .... it would be nice to not have to keep clicking the ok button to watch one cycle of the news.
Using the xtream codes method no mac.
Does mac method with stalker client work better?
Can there be an admin who is knowledgeable in the product enough to test ALL methods and not just tell us the preferred?
Not all of us run android and we don't all want to use VLC when we come from Kodi Land.
03-14-2017, 04:58 PM
Dam Karny a bit off topic don't you think ???
03-15-2017, 03:02 AM
I'm not sure if he is off topic or not but he does make some valid points...
I don't see what the need was to add the xtream codes platform. The stalker platform was working just fine. In fact it gives a better "STB" experience with channel numbers. I am telling you now that if this platform is dropped I will not be happy at all. It's a shitty and time-consuming experience trying to browse channels in xtream codes!
Now back to the issue at hand, I can barely watch a channel for a few minutes before it crashes and gets stuck for a few second before I am able to play it again. How long will this kind of frustration continue for? Please, I plead for someone to at least give us information as to what is going on...
Waiting in anticipation...
crazed 9.6
03-15-2017, 03:22 AM
Has anyone tried the Playlist Loader or Simple TV , just for something to compare with this crash issue ?
PlayList Loader app from Kodi superrepo or IsrealKodi repo (I think).
O you migfht already bhave it. Do a search in your current addons and it might be there. I found it already onboard here, with a search.
I have it but seldom use it, as it is pretty basic Player with littel functionlity, it does change the channel thou . :rolleyes:
But it would tell you something, depending on results.
Or do you guys alraedy know that is isloated to the xstreams_codes ?
03-15-2017, 10:29 AM
I have tried all methods Crazed 2.0, they work great. Playlist Loader ( is fine if you use the M3U URL ( (I use iptv66). Simple PVR ( also works very well, I just don't like the EPG loading each time. I use an external EPG for programs. Now most of my viewing is early in the morning before work, so the server load is likely pretty low.
I tried xtream-codes, but didn't find the need to continue as I prefer the M3U method over the MAC type method. But it works, I just never stayed with it very long. I do remember my MAC had to be erased. If I get time later today/tonight I can load it up again.
I've customized my M3U channels using VLC and loaded these into Playlist Loader.
Folks may have issues with is going through VPN. At one time the IPTV services were locked to an IP address, which must be used consistently. So each change of an IP address meant going into the portal and doing a reset.
I usually have a channel up (CNN or MSNBC) without issue for 2hrs or so, never resets for me. Using Kodi 16.1 on a W10 machine. No need to move to Kodi 17 until they get all the issues resolved.
03-16-2017, 08:18 AM
I have tried xtream-codes and VLC using M3U URL. I have also tried my old method of using Stalker with MAC. Unfortunately with all of these methods I am still not able to watch most channels without crashing after some seconds to minutes.
Very frustrating :-(
03-16-2017, 03:23 PM
same here...channels are crushing, a lot of buffering....since new server is on
03-16-2017, 03:37 PM
Im using m3u Simple TV Player (yes mine finally started working) but like everyone else, 2 min...crash...5 min...crash...etc etc. Any reason or resolution?
03-16-2017, 05:50 PM
Hey guys, I'm new at this, but i got 2 MAG250 at home, 1 of them its working fine, but the other one, it's only loading the channels list or the (EPG), but it's not showming any channels.
can anyone help me on that, thanks.
03-17-2017, 11:20 AM
This sucks. Crashes at least 10 times during a 30 minute local news.... I've noticed This past week my TV is off more than it was on just so I don't have to deal with all the crashes. I used to just turn it on and let the TV run in the background.
And people on here were talking about PVR Simple Client. I just went thru my PVR Client list and there's only 2 things there. Does anyone know the link to the repo so I can add it to my File Manager list?
03-19-2017, 03:39 AM
The problem is not the method, the problem is definitely with the streams themselves. Most likely the problem is on the server side and the sad thing is that not only is not being fixed but nobody is bothering to give us any sign of hope.
I and my clients have decided that we are temporarily giving up any hope on the service and will not renew our accounts for now. I'll keep my eye on the progress of this issue and keep checking here. I'll renew once things have been fixed...
03-19-2017, 05:37 PM
yep...thats frustrating ...over a week now channels still crushing and a lot of buffering...nothing better...and there is no answer when that will be fixed...
Another day and still crashing constantly on most (all?) channels.
03-21-2017, 05:18 AM
I swear I spend more time on this forum and less time enjoying TV.... This whole "update" has been problems since day 1. Not here to share jokes. Any mods have any real news as to why the newly upgraded service has so many problems? I was under the impression that improvments were underway. Whoever manages the servers architecture should be shot. What are you guys running Windows NT? Please fix the crashing every 2 minutes!!!!
03-21-2017, 02:00 PM
I am getting good service with my free ones until 66 gets it working decent again.
Had to watch Fox News - Hannity, on my cell phone last night, crashing every 1-2 minutes.
And I have three donations.
I'm sure they are working on it.
It seems good right now.
03-24-2017, 11:38 AM
I'm still having the crashing issues. Sometimes it gets better that I can watch a full TV episode and crash only 3 times, then there are times like right now that it crashes every 1 to 2 minutes trying to hear the news give updates about the healthcare bill when it cuts off constantly. Does anybody have a time line on how long it will take before it goes back to normal like the Stalker Pro days?
03-24-2017, 07:02 PM
Mine is working fine on Kodi 16.1, Android box. Is it specific to some channels?
I like to watch UFC Network LatinoAmerica but it's not working. Any status on this channel?
03-24-2017, 08:24 PM
no one here can tell you Any status on any channel sorry
03-26-2017, 12:45 PM
Well, almost a month later and mine still crashes every minute or two, and I'm running Kodi 16.1 on a Nexbox
A95X. Every other app is fine except this Xrream-Codes IPTV. Used to work fine under Stalker Pro.
03-27-2017, 05:02 PM
I have a same problem 2 weeks now....I started to look for another IPTV provider....thats ridiculous that for more then 2 weeks of people complaining nothing is done about that
03-28-2017, 12:48 AM
I have emulator on Android box and Avov Box in too box i have same issue. Channels runs for 10 seconds and frezz for 3 second on all channels.
03-28-2017, 10:40 AM
Strange, I can watch most for hours without freezing or playback issues. I use an M3U list, with Kodi 16 and playlist loader on iks66. I have tried other methods, PVR Stalker, xtreme codes, they all work fine.
Now I'm usually watching just news channels and a couple movie channels. They time out after a couple hours, but I can live with that. For me, this has been the best the service has been for over a yr. I even export my M3U list to my phone and playback channels over cellular, works fine.
And believe me, I've been critical of the service for some time.
03-29-2017, 11:08 AM
Well, I can't even load the list this morning. Can't even get to the channels.
03-29-2017, 11:10 AM
Seems the service is down right now.
03-29-2017, 12:45 PM
Yeah... I see that is down too. Thought I would hit "reset" to fix it. This is the end of the world.....
03-29-2017, 03:30 PM
Using couch potatoe here and have tried most others. Channels keep crashing very frequently. Donation next time, will have to be when I see people happy again. Stick with free until that time
03-29-2017, 04:13 PM
Then been in the iptv business now over 4 years if they haven't sorted it out by now they never will they can't even get vod working
03-29-2017, 04:17 PM
Then been in the iptv business now over 4 years if they haven't sorted it out by now they never will they can't even get vod working
VOD is working through couch potatoe
03-29-2017, 04:31 PM
I pay to have my vod working with my stb not some other way
03-29-2017, 04:34 PM
I pay to have my vod working with my stb not some other way
Sorry! Didn't know you were using an stb>> Just trying to help
03-29-2017, 04:36 PM
No problem styles help is appreciated
I pay to have my vod working with my stb not some other way
No one here ever said VOD would always be available via any particular method. As the technology evolves, the methods change. VOD is available via other methods. If you want to stick with that STB, it is your choice, but it is futile to continuously whine about it.
03-29-2017, 04:56 PM
Well for one they should not include it in their package and they should not promote vod
crazed 9.6
03-29-2017, 06:11 PM
VOD is working thru all methods.
And this thread was not about VOD originally... You have hyjacked this thread Thebest77 :eek:
crazed 9.6
03-29-2017, 06:16 PM
Original poster on this thread had a valid concern, even though the issue at hand seemes isolated and may be to do with other things which the server can not control... but seems this thread went to hell soon after anyway.
IPTV servers will have bumps and tweaks and that is a given.
You guys start posting on how other services are in greener pastures and how you think this service is in the chitter and etc, etc, etc...
We did not open this support forum so yous could trash this service.
Thread closed .... grrrrrr
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