View Full Version : IPTV Stalker Plus IPTV66 DOWN "I AM BEGGING FOR HELP"......, "PLEASE"?????
03-09-2017, 09:56 PM
Rock 99 or anyone else, PLEASE HELP ME, I am literally begging for help at this point. Since you mentioned the new Rocket URL portal above, maybe that will help me? I just don't know anymore. I am very new at all of this so if you are able to help, please make it as simple to understand as possible. Here is my situation. I am using a M8S Pro Android Box with Kodi (Jarvis 16.1). I have been using IPTV66 for a while now. I have never received an error like this. When I open "IPTV Stalker Plus" (addon used for IPTV66 in Kodi), and click on "Live TV", I get this weird type of a long "Log File" (looks like a log file), along the right side of my screen. I sent an email to the support dept. from the main website and they advised me that they performed a "reset" for me and I just needed to restart my box and then try again, STILL THE SAME PROBLEM. I was also "trying" to understand some of the forum discussions and find them hard to understand. One of the administrators stated to use the new "Rocket URL Portal", but I have no idea where or how to use it in "IPTV Stalker Plus" (Stalker). I see on the top there are different Portal tabs. I am currently using Portal #1 for IPTV66. Portal #1: Next to Name: I have "Live TV", Server: set to IPTV66, MAC (Last 3 pairs) are listed correctly, Login: My route number, Password: My same route number, Send Device Info: IS Checked with a "Blue dot", Custom Info: NOT checked and VoD Pages: set to 10.
Now I noticed there are two (2) more unused Portal tabs on top. If I were to try to use this new "Rocket URL Portal", how do I set that up exactly? Where do I input the actual URL in Stalker, next to "Name"? Also, there is a selection of different Servers, such as: NFPS4, NFPS5, Rocket11, Rocket22, IPTV66 (using now), None, NFPS1, NFPS2 and lastly NFPS3. Which Server do I choose since there are two (2) different "Rocket" Servers, Rocket11 and Rocket22?
Well, I think you understand my problem and I am HOPING AND PRAYING that someone will find it in their heart to finally help me. I am a single father with 3 children, and my kids are actually extremely mad at me because they ONLY watch The Disney Channel East HD so as you can imagine it is causing a ton of stress in my house. Plus my only car was just totaled in a "hit and run" accident. So now we are stuck in the house and NO LIVE TV. All I can say is "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME"......., whoever helps me, I will be SOOOOOOOOOO APPRECIATIVE and if I can ever help you, I am here for you anytime! Thank you ALL for taking your valuable time to read this, I really truly appreciate any help I can get. Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
crazed 9.6
03-09-2017, 10:05 PM
I moved your post into it's own thread kjerome
I can offer some help.
If you are using iptv66 then do not switch anything over to a Rocket or NFPS setting.
That will never work. Keep everthing set for iptv66 with your iptv66 route number and etc...
There is a new server URL address for iptv66 as well
03-09-2017, 10:25 PM
Crezed this url work for stb emu too?
crazed 9.6
03-09-2017, 11:07 PM
I am not sure what is working with these Stalker Clients or Emulators guys.
Sorry :(
03-09-2017, 11:24 PM
Crazed, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH, but how exactly "step by step" do I setup this new URL in "IPTV Stalker Plus" and is that all I need to do?
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazed 9.6
03-09-2017, 11:43 PM
unfortunsatly guys I am far from an expert with these Stalker Applications or the STB Emulater from mvas
here are a few quotes i have collected the last couple days thou..
With stalker applications, just change the device ID and reset the IPTV at papaio.
Was able to get Stalker Client to work by changing last four characters of MAC address and submitting and then immediately switching it back to the real MAC at the Papio site. I also did an IPTV reset. Audio seems a little off like others have mentioned. I am running Kodi 15.1 on fire stick. Also, using new URL.
Just to add to this, I had to reload the portal after doing these steps. Once I did these steps and reloaded the portal from the actual mag box all was well
All I did was disable live tv.....clear live tv data .....clear guide data.....change to the new url.....reboot device..clear live tv data .....clear guide live tv
Using Kodi 16.1
Win 7
Stalker Client PVR
Did the same with my mx3 both working swimmingly
Crazed, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH, but how exactly "step by step" do I setup this new URL in "IPTV Stalker Plus" and is that all I need to do?
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IPTV Stalker Plus is obsolete for Rocket and IPTV66, due to hard coding causing issues at the servers for the new portal URL.
crazed 9.6
03-10-2017, 12:08 AM
thnx dara...:)
I thought I had read that before.
I did just now find the quote below.
Make sure your MAC address (on the Stalker client) and site starts with 00:1A:78 the next 3 numbers can be anything. Make sure they have the : in between each set. 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX
Go to TV => General => TV-Settings => Disable first.
On the Stalker client, make sure the following tabs
General = Active Portal = whatever one has the new URL, Lets use 1 for this sample.
Connection Timeout (seconds) = 90
Portal 1
MAC Address = 00:1A:78: then the new sub set of 3 HEX numbers. Anything between 00-FF , make sure it matches the IPTV66 numbers.
Server Address = (
Time Zone = America/Atikokan
Auth Credentials
Login = Your Donation Number
Password = Your Donation Number
Preferences = Prefer Provider - although at this point not sure it matters.
Token = I leave blank
Serial Number = Something unique
Device ID = Something unique
Enable the Stalker Client and exit Kodi.
Open Kodi and make sure the Stalker Client is Enabled, if not do it again.
Go to TV=>Clear Data - do this twice
Go to Guide => Clear Date - do this twice.
Got to TV=>TV => General => TV-Settings => Enable
If all works, you should see the Guide start to download at the top.
03-10-2017, 02:46 AM
I am SO SORRY, but what do you mean by the "Stalker Client"? Are you referring to "IPTV Stalker Plus" in Kodi? Put it this way, I have no idea at all, how to access everything above except for how to disable TV in the general tab, which I already did that. But that is all I was able to do. You see what I mean by me being brand new at this and not understanding? I am so embarrassed and feel horrible now. I still can't fix my problem. In the IPTV Stalker Plus addon, there is nowhere to input a "service address", or Time Zone, etc. Just so you know even when I have TV enabled, it does NOT show up on my main menu of Kodi for some reason. All I need to know is exactly "where" I need to go "step by step" to input what you mentioned above in your last post.
What should I do now?
See this sticky thread for working video add-on alternatives to IPTV Stalker Plus
03-10-2017, 03:45 AM
Dara, I am sorry, but I have Kodi Jarvis 16.1 and have no idea at all what is in the video you referred me to. Isn't anyone able to help me just do the most easy and simple thing to get IPTV66 working in my M8S Pro Android Box with Kodi Jarvis 16.1 and USING "IPTV Stalker Plus"??????????? I am truly becoming very depressed now because I just don't understand "ALL OF THIS" stuff. Can ANYONE HELP ME?
03-10-2017, 03:58 AM
Dara, I am sorry, but I have Kodi Jarvis 16.1 and have no idea at all what is in the video you referred me to. Isn't anyone able to help me just do the most easy and simple thing to get IPTV66 working in my M8S Pro Android Box with Kodi Jarvis 16.1 and USING "IPTV Stalker Plus"??????????? I am truly becoming very depressed now because I just don't understand "ALL OF THIS" stuff. Can ANYONE HELP ME?
IPTV stalker Plus doesn't work anymore
Go to system then addons then pvr addons then you will see "stalker" you need to configure it first, which crazed posted the instructions in his last post here and then it should work.
Even though the version shown is Kodi 17, the principles are the same. Find the File Manager under the System tab , and add as a source, then install the Jarvis Kodi repo. Once you have the repo installed, find the Xstreams-codes IPTV add-on in the Video Add-ons in repo list, and install.
As I said earlier, and the PM to you, IPTV Stalker Plus does not work for IPTV66. You can also do google searches or a youtube video search on how to install repos and add-ons from those repos.
03-10-2017, 07:31 AM
Did you manage to sort it out moose7237?
03-10-2017, 03:59 PM
Even though the version shown is Kodi 17, the principles are the same. Find the File Manager under the System tab , and add as a source, then install the Jarvis Kodi repo. Once you have the repo installed, find the Xstreams-codes IPTV add-on in the Video Add-ons in repo list, and install.
As I said earlier, and the PM to you, IPTV Stalker Plus does not work for IPTV66. You can also do google searches or a youtube video search on how to install repos and add-ons from those repos.
I have Kodi 17.1 like the video, Do you still install "Jarvis" or “Krypton” I installed both but I can not do anything with the Video add-on. Zeroed out my mac - using
So then I "disabled" XTream Codes"
and enabled "Stalker Client" and "Stalker Simple Client"
"Stalker Simple Client" loaded 27? channels but the TV tab does not appear and there is no "enable" in the PVR & Live general settings.
I am using "Confluence" skin.
I would uninstall Kodi 17.1 if I could find 16
Make sure you have no leading or following blank spaces in your route number. If you still aren't working, you can PM me or any other moderator to check.
03-10-2017, 04:21 PM
Make sure you have no leading or following blank spaces in your route number. If you still aren't working, you can PM me or any other moderator to check.
Thanks -- Its the same route number I used with Stalker Light.
Thanks -- Its the same route number I used with Stalker Light.
Then it should work. You might have a corrupted Kodi setup.
03-11-2017, 01:55 AM
Dara, I did "exactly" what you recommended me to do. I went to "System" the "Addons" and located "Stalker Client" it was disabled and I enabled it. Now I need to configure it correctly and the video that you mention is no longer in this thread. Do you know where I can find that video? Also, under "PVR Clients" is there anything else I need to install or enable other than ONLY "Stalker Client"? Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH!!
Sorry, I can't give you complete directions on how to use the Stalker PVR client with IPTV66, using the new portal url. My guess is that all you use is the new portal url, and do IPTV Reset to clear info at the server. I no longer test it, and I don't have a test account for that server.
I did not recommend you to enable the Stalker Client, by the way.
03-11-2017, 02:45 AM
Dara, I got to the "configuration" portion of the Stalker Client, but the person I purchased my box from already has a bunch of entries in there. I just don't want to mess anything up. Also, when I try to enable my "PVR IPTV Simple Client", it is not loading and I have to keep disabling it. I also installed Xtreams-Code into my Video Addons. Believe me Dara, I AM trying my very best to get this fixed, but since I am so new to this, it is very challenging. Based on where I am right now, please advise me what I need to do? THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
Start with Xtream-Codes first, using just your route number and the website ( Make sure your route number is exact in both userid and password fields, then let me know if you have a connection. If not, PM me your route number, and I'll test it. If those don't work, we may have an issue at the server.
03-11-2017, 03:28 AM
I'm sorry, it was someone else that said to install Stalker Client. Please just tell me what I "should" be using to use IPTV66 Live TV services. This should be very simple but it is not because I am totally new to all of this. knowing that I am using a M8S Pro Android set top box with Kodi (Jarvis 16.1), please just tell me ONE time as simple and easy to understand as possible "step by step" instructions of exactly what I need to do without using IPTV Stalker Plus anymore. I just want you to know that when I say "I am sorry", I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It is because of people like yourself that teach new people like me to become like YOU someday (hopefully) :-). I have the utmost respect for you and the admins here helping everyone, you have no idea. I also HATE that I have to keep asking for help, that is why this time, if you would be kind enough and just provide me just this ONE TIME a simple step by step "tutorial", on exactly what I need to do, including ALL of the steps involved, then I will be able to move on and finally have IPTV66 Live TV working again and owe you my life! :-)
03-11-2017, 03:30 AM
Please also know that I am getting different advice from you and others and I think that is why there is so much miscommunication on MY part, and I apologize for that. This is why I would like to just stick with YOU on this (only if you are willing to still help me).
crazed 9.6
03-11-2017, 04:22 AM
the confussion is not about mis-communication. It is about the fact that your Stalker version will not work.
And now you have to decide weather you want to continue with these Stalker applications or move on to the Xstream Playlists methods as dara was explaining.
If you want to continue with this Stalker method then you must use the version that works.
Which is not what I would do.
I would start researching this Xstream Playlist method. In the end it will be much better for you and your children :)
Just forget about that Stalker stuff, do not even worry about it never again. Leave it closed.
But you will still need the Kodi platform and that is where you would get and run the Xstream addon from.
You would get the addon thru a repository. Them repsoitories are like a library, with each holding addons, some hold different addons.
You would be wanting the xstream_codes addon
Check the tutorials on how to do all that.
Really is fairly easy, just seems difficult looking at all the info.
Start at the begining and follow the steps.
That Video can be found in the ANnouncment threads or I think dara has it linked here in this thread for you already.
I think we have some success. :)
03-11-2017, 04:53 AM
Just install Xtream-Codes video addon and configure with your normal IPTV66 settings, but be sure to use the new service URL "website" ( along with your donation number as your username and password and leave ALL OTHER SETTINGS ALONE, and YOU WILL "ALL" BE BACK UP AND RUNNING IN MINUTES!!!!!! :-)
This was the only thing that helped me and believe me, I have "literally" been working on this for "DAYS" now. Also, LET'S ALL PRAISE "DARA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dara is a TRUE ANGEL SENT FROM HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazed 9.6
03-11-2017, 04:55 AM
I think we have some success. :)
I do not know how you did it dara, but I think you are correct :)
Nice work dara :)
03-11-2017, 05:00 AM
We also need to PRAISE "CRAZED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazed 9.6
03-11-2017, 05:13 AM
We also need to PRAISE "CRAZED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not true, not on this one.
It was dara's patience and skill at this stuff. that helped here :)
Nice work bro...
it was that stalker that had you hung up kjerome. Once you eventually saw that there was another completely different and in fact an easier way, then things fall together nicely :)
03-11-2017, 05:34 AM
Thank you VERY MUCH, from the VERY BOTTOM of my heart. You are very special. Any suggestions regarding The Disney Channel East HD problems? Once again, "my kids". Literally every 2 seconds it stops. Crazed, I completely understand and am well aware of other IPTV Live TV, BUT, my issue is that my kids ONLY watch The Disney Channel East and that is it, literally. You are the ONLY service that has this feed and now that I have it at least back up and running, I can't figure out why only this one channel has this problem. Is anyone able to check it on their setup and see if they are getting the same problem? At least then I know it is the server and it will be fixed, if not, I will have to continue to screw around with my "working" system and I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO MESS ANYTHING ELSE UP, LOL!!! :-)
crazed 9.6
03-11-2017, 07:00 AM
next we will get into script 101 and if you go there, then there is no turning back... you must know this going in :)
Your children will be asking where you are at, after about 3 days.. They will be asking where breakfast is... You will be at the PC writing script :eek:
There has been discussion on what you are asking about with that 2 second stop thing.
I was reading it awhile ago here on site. somewhere :)
03-11-2017, 07:38 AM
I got the live Tv channels to work, but no EPG.
Hello Kjermone,
The Stalker Plus and any kind of Stalker is not going to work anymore. You got to install the Xtreme IPTV. Here is the complete instructions to make it simple to setup on route IKS66.
At Least the channels work but no EPG. I am just like you, having the same problems with the new URL. I tried everything but now I got it to work again.
My system is on my computer using windows 10 running Kodi on the Jarvis 16.1 with the ilks iptv 66 server. Below are the steps
to get your TV working again. This may help all servers installments using the "Xtreme IPTV and the Simple Client PVR.
Step 1.
In your running Kodi TV program or whatever you are using, go to Systems >settings> TV or Live TV>General>
Turn live TV "Enabled" to OFF and select "Clear Data". Next select Guide and select "Clear Data". Answer Yes to clear.
Step 2.
Back out of Settings completely and select "File Manager" under the "SYSTEM" Tab.
Scroll down to "Add source" in the File Manager screen. Click "Add source" twice to activate.
Type in the link to replace the <None>. select done. Now enter a name for the media source as per the
video instructions type ".rep.iptvtalk.jarvis" and select done. Now back out completely to home screen.
Step 3.
No"Settings" under the "SYSTEM" tap. Select Add-ons>Install from zip file. Look for your file named ".rep.iptvtalk.jarvis">
jarvis(or whatever system verse of Kodi)>categories>video> and select the only file there
"" wait for it process.
Step 4.
Select "Install from repository" now scroll down to find your file listed as "SuperRepo Category Video [Jarvis][v7] and select it.
Scroll down to "Video add-ons" and select it. Now scroll all the way down to "Xtream-Codes IPTV" and select it.
Step 5.
Click the "Install" and wait for the downloading to finish and become "Enabled". Now you must right click on it for a new dialog box to appear.
Now select "Configure" in the small dialog box.
Step 6.
select the Website line to enter new information. This is where your new server link will be place here. Now back the old link listed and type
your server address: ( and select done.
next enter your Username which should be your donation number.
Next select your Password and PLEASE take your time to enter it because it is hidden with *****
and select done. Leave the Port settings at "80" now select the OK button.
Step 7.
Scroll back up to the top and back out of listing until you arrive back at the "Video add-ons" screen.
Back out again to the Add-ons screen and select "My add-0ns" which is the first listing.
"PVR IPTV Simple Client" and select. Go to "Configure" and select. Under the heading "General" select the "Location" arrow for "Remote Path"
Next select the "M3U Play List URL" and remove the current link information. Now type the link to your new server as follows and select done.
Step 8.
Go to "EPG Settings" and select the "Location" arrow for "Remote Path". Now select the XMLTV URL and type in the link ( and select done. You should adjust your EPG Time Shift to fit your hours. Remember UTC is 0 and east coast is UTC-4.
Select OK button.
Now close the Simple Client and back out until you arrive at the "SYSTEM" screen labelled "Change Your Settings"
Step 9.
Select TV or LIVE TV and in "General" select "Clear data"
Go to "Guide" and select "Clear data" and Yes to clear. scroll up to "General" and select "Enabled" to "on"
Restart your Kodi again. Step 10 is on you.....Enjoy your LIVE TV channels!
03-11-2017, 03:16 PM
awesome post Citadel.... just what I was looking for....
ok, I followed all of your instructions and got the channels to load in the pvr but I get no guide as you mentioned but all the channels say "unknown"... about 250 or so channels...
None of the channels play either... what did i miss ? Did I do something wrong ?
Also I'm running Kodi 17.1 krypton and can't figure out how to turn off or toggle live tv in system and settings and live tv....
there is no enable or toggle that I can find...
03-11-2017, 03:28 PM
I went to set up the "iptv stalker rip" ...the built in stalker for krypton in the video addon section and it keeps saying I have an invalid serial number.... I tried disabling that feature and end up with a "404" error...
It never complains about the "device I'd"....
Is the serial number supposed to be a certain range or in a certain order ?
03-11-2017, 03:33 PM
@citidel, why configure both xtream-codes IPTV and Simple IPTV?
I understand Simple-IPTV will give one a user guide, if yahyabell is working.
I have now successfully configured:
xtream-codes IPTV - only about 10 channels work.
Playlist Loader - same as above only a small selection of channels work. using 4 different M3U lists.
PVR IPTV Simple client - using M3U, same, most channels do not work. (3770 Channels load)
Stalker Client - yesterday, I had all channels working. I need to re-assign a MAC and try again today.
Update-Re-Assigned a MAC and tried Stalker all load, it worked, but the channels are the same as the M3U lists. Only a hand full actually work.
So, some success for sure.
03-11-2017, 07:24 PM
@citidel, why configure both xtream-codes IPTV and Simple IPTV?
I cant figure this out too….when i read his post i thought Xtream-Codes IPTV was to stream the channels and IPTV Simple Client was to access the EPG.
But that doesn't seem right.
Would love to know ho to get a EPG with Xtream Codes IPTV.
03-11-2017, 07:36 PM
You can use this EPG set up is a bit tricky and the thread requires some reading, but it's a very nice solution and will work with xtream-code IPTV. For me the easiest is make the channels you want to view as favorites, then configure the EPG.
03-12-2017, 05:01 PM
After waiting for a iptv reset, I find that the Stalker Client still gives me - authorization failed - and no channels...
PVR iptv simple client gives me about 200 channels all saying - unknown - and none of them play...
xtream-codes IPTV works but fewer channels than yesterday work now.....
I was hoping to see the PVR IPTV simple client at least working with no EPG but even that hope didn't pan out...
xtream-codes IPTV would be nice if all the same channels worked all the time making my subscription worth-while like things were before the change....
any ideas ?
03-12-2017, 05:48 PM
After waiting for a iptv reset, I find that the Stalker Client still gives me - authorization failed - and no channels...
PVR iptv simple client gives me about 200 channels all saying - unknown - and none of them play...
xtream-codes IPTV works but fewer channels than yesterday work now.....
I was hoping to see the PVR IPTV simple client at least working with no EPG but even that hope didn't pan out...
xtream-codes IPTV would be nice if all the same channels worked all the time making my subscription worth-while like things were before the change....
any ideas ?
I've been shopping for a replacement as it has taken too long to upgrade and have noticed with some free trials that a few of them have the same channels out at the same time which tells me that iptv66 is buying restreams that are badly serviced and go down a lot so I don't believe that is xstream-codes' fault.
crazed 9.6
03-12-2017, 08:53 PM
I've been shopping for a replacement as it has taken too long to upgrade and have noticed with some free trials that a few of them have the same channels out at the same time which tells me that iptv66 is buying restreams that are badly serviced and go down a lot so I don't believe that is xstream-codes' fault.
wow, and here you are boosting up other services !
You are shopping ?
So what is gonna happen when you get your shopping done ?
Are you gonnacome back and start advertisng them others here on our boards?
Or maybe you will be doing that thru private messages ? You know, sneaky like :eeK:
wow, really ?
I have seen this before and I am not gonna even allow you to even have that opportinity.
Only choice you are leaving me is a ban from our site !
03-12-2017, 10:47 PM
mfdoff, I also have a subscription with ***, they are GREAT, but, I NEED to have the "Disney Channel East" for my 3 children, that is why IPTV66 is so important to me and my kids. It's about $12 bucks per month, but well worth it. They also have an EPG (TV Guide) and they both work GREAT! Most of the other "paid" IPTV providers offer the Disney Channel but most of the time they are off air, or it is from the UK only, which is a totally different channel lineup than the US. My kids almost killed me :-)..., when I "cut the cord" on their totally reliable Disney Channel East, but now all is great with Xtream-Codes IPTV addon with IPTV66. Let me know how you make out. Hope this help you and anyone else looking for another premium IPTV service. BUT, always remember that IPTV66/IKS66 is your #1 priority and stay loyal to them, they deserve it!!!!! THE BEST SUPPORT SYSTEM BY FAR!!!!!!!!!! Dara and Crazed took so much of their extremely valuable time to be patient with me until I was back up and working while other providers could literally "care less"!! Have a great day!!
03-13-2017, 03:55 PM
Dang, "unable to connect"
03-13-2017, 10:12 PM
pelermon, what is your setup exactly and which addon are you trying to use?
crazed 9.6
03-14-2017, 12:10 AM
SuperRepo may still be acting up, but dara has the fix :)
Superrepo is acting up. I used KodiIsrael to get the xstream-codes addon.
03-14-2017, 10:58 AM
Is there another repository to get "Xtream-Codes IPTV" ? SuperRepo is down.
03-14-2017, 11:04 AM
pelermon, what is your setup exactly and which addon are you trying to use?
Kodi 17.1 IPTV66 Trying to use Xtream. on both Widows 7 and Fire Stick.
ANYTHING that will work, I can't get Simple Client to work for me either.
03-14-2017, 11:07 AM
SuperRepo may still be acting up, but dara has the fix :)
Hey DARA. May I PLEASE have the fix ?????
03-14-2017, 12:20 PM
WONDERFULNESS !!!!!!!!!! I got the xTream Codes zip file though Kodi Tutorials "
Download Xtream-Codes iptv addon (for new portals)"
Works for me now !!
MAN I wasted many beautiful warm, clear blue sky, Florida days, beating myself up, to get back up and running.
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