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01-26-2017, 01:53 AM

Ok, it's great that we have 900+ channels and all, but I really only want about 50 of them.

So I go ahead and create my own favourites list in the channel manager and that works great, for about a day or so and then I have to reset the whole thing and lose that list. I guess channels get added or removed on the server and it messes it up?

I'm using KODI on AFTV box, and I think it's starting to get a bit choked by the massive amount of data downloaded for the guide, and the HUGE channel list.

Is there anything I can do to truncate the list and have it only grab the guide for what channels I want?

01-26-2017, 05:59 PM
did I ask this in the wrong place? Or is it something that's already documented, I haven't been able to find much on the subject other than a modded version of stalker client..

01-26-2017, 06:28 PM
you just didn't know where it look. look for EPG guide.

You might try making your own guide it sounds a little confusing but if you check it out and understand a little bit of it you can find more about it on youtube.

02-09-2017, 12:17 PM
This what I did. when on the channels screen click the options button down to manage, then groups. here over to the right click add group. I called it my channels. now you can scroll through the all channels list and select the channels you want when done scroll to right and select ok. when in iptv stalker go to the left side bar screen and select your list. now you have a list of just the channels you want to see.

02-09-2017, 03:40 PM
This works in some versions of Kodi, but will not survive a Kodi restart unless you back up and overwrite the db file each time. I'd suggest people try it on a limited scale first before committing too much time to it.

There is a Kodi TV Channel Manager out there that might be worth a try...

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