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01-17-2017, 03:45 PM
I just purchased a sub for IPTV66, connected last night and no TV. Loaded up fine, channels and guide up...but no channels actually worked.

Did I buy lemon service or was yesterday just a one off bad day ?

01-17-2017, 03:55 PM
Just do some reading my friend.....the answers all all around you

01-17-2017, 04:11 PM
Joesimm I've been a week without service is the same behavior you see with yours.

Sadly there is no answer. The most certain thing is that we are many that we are thus

01-17-2017, 04:27 PM
I just purchased a sub for IPTV66, connected last night and no TV. Loaded up fine, channels and guide up...but no channels actually worked.

Did I buy lemon service or was yesterday just a one off bad day ?

Pretty hard to help since you haven't given any particulars, like your device, app/add-on you are using. Without knowing more, do an IPTV Reset at your Donation Checker to see if that helps.

01-17-2017, 05:41 PM

Ilan I leave this link there explain everything about the problem of the service and what I have done to enjoy

01-17-2017, 06:14 PM
Pretty hard to help since you haven't given any particulars, like your device, app/add-on you are using. Without knowing more, do an IPTV Reset at your Donation Checker to see if that helps.

Im not new to IPTV... using android emulator (PRO). connected last night, channels load fine, but no picture. No issues other than the simple fact that there is no video...

crazed 9.6
01-17-2017, 06:15 PM
antvar, I have told you what to do, have tld you numerous times. If you had of done what I told you to do days ago, you may have some answers by now.

Joesimm, you can do the same thing too.
Which is to email iptv66 thru their website email and explain what is happening and ask them to exchange the code.

Just do some reading my friend.....the answers all all around you

I am just wondering what answers you may be referring to.
Your sarcasm is not lost on me satmam !

crazed 9.6
01-17-2017, 06:19 PM
send them an email Joesimm
Explain the situation and ask if they would exchange the code.
If no response in a day or so, send me the particulars and I will forward it along directly.

antvar has been given that same offer

01-17-2017, 06:24 PM

Ilan I leave this link there explain everything about the problem of the service and what I have done to enjoy

did you even bother reading what ilan wrote he asked what device / addon your using you refered to a thread of bitching then wonder why your not getting help

01-17-2017, 06:26 PM
send them an email Joesimm
Explain the situation and ask if they would exchange the code.
If no response in a day or so, send me the particulars and I will forward it along directly.

antvar has been given that same offer

Crazed 2.0....what do you mean exchange the code ?
Is the IPTV66 service up or down ? I was assuming yesterday was just a down day ?

01-17-2017, 06:26 PM
Sometimes reading comprehension goes along way. This service is fantastic you just need to do the most dreaded thing of all read all of what is written not assume you know and skip parts

99% of my channels are working buffer-free why ? because I read thoroughly don't skip steps

Crazed ilan Dara ( many other mods / admin ) work very hard so to see the constant bashing is a damn piss off If I were a mod here Id a quit a long time ago Much respect to all

01-17-2017, 06:27 PM
I dont read spanish bud

01-17-2017, 06:33 PM
did you even bother reading what ilan wrote he asked what device / addon your using you refered to a thread of bitching then wonder why your not getting help

I dont read Spanish bud. What kind of direction is that.... Im connecting using the emulator thats not the issue.

crazed 9.6
01-17-2017, 06:35 PM
service is up Joesimm. It was up yesterday too, and day before and day before and day before... I see a trend here :)
If you figure you have everything correct but still not working. Even after following stoner420 advice, then maybe the code needs looked at. The service administration is only people who can do that.

and thnx stoner420 :)

I will not quit :)
That is exactly what them guys that wear them Ice Cream suits would want me to do :eek:

01-17-2017, 06:47 PM
service is up Joesimm. It was up yesterday too, and day before and day before and day before... I see a trend here :)
If you figure you have everything correct but still not working. Even after following stoner420 advice, then maybe the code needs looked at. The service administration is only people who can do that.

and thnx stoner420 :)

I will not quit :)
That is exactly what them guys that wear them Ice Cream suits would want me to do :eek:

got it... Thanks Crazed2.0. I'll take another look when I get home from work.

01-17-2017, 07:15 PM
Crazed 2.0 ya envie un correo a la gente de soporte, ellos me enviaron una ruta nueva y tampoco funciono. Me dijeron que me acercara al foro a buscar ayuda. Como he dicho en todas las explicaciones de lo sucedido el servicio se veia normal con sus fallas como es de costumbre. Pero ya nada se ve la configuración del stb emulator es la misma todo es igual entonces no deber*a haber dejado de trabajar el servicio. Tu crees Crazed 2.0 que si la gente del soporte técnico me hubiera resuelto el problema estuviera acá buscando una solución. Stoner420 que bueno que se ven todos los canales, en mi caso no es as*. NADA FUNCIONA

crazed 9.6
01-17-2017, 07:25 PM
oh so they did send you a new code.
The new code is not working either ?

Well this is looking more like some kinda setup problem or ISP or something along them lines.
I think that you know how to setup that Emulator correctly. So if that is correct, then is this an ISP issue ?

01-17-2017, 07:40 PM
Im not new to IPTV... using android emulator (PRO). connected last night, channels load fine, but no picture. No issues other than the simple fact that there is no video...

It wasn't down. Some channels were having issues, but the service was up.

You might want to take a look in the emulator subforum farther down the page. If the channel is loading except for the video component (which was not related in your initial thread), you might need to change players. Again, take a look around the emu subforum and see what you glean. I don't use one, so it is not in my wheelhouse as far as fixes.

01-17-2017, 08:10 PM
El detalle acá es que todo estaba funcionando bien y se cayo asi sin mas, despues de eso no se ha restablecido. El servicio lo probe con el STB Emulator que ofrecen aca en el forum y tambien dentro de KODI a través de Stalker y aun asi no funciona.

Entiendan algo yo no quiero o vengo hablar mal del servicio solo quiero una solucion eso es todo. he buscado por los diferentes temas y sobre todo en la parte de la configuración del STB Emulator pero nada

01-17-2017, 09:06 PM
Yes I even have to admit the service has been basically freeze free the last 2 days according to my sister. ..and as for the emulator I don't know anyone that uses it because it's a crap shoot to get it working. ...and not just with this service but every service I tried....the mag or an android box with the stalker software is the way to go.....and far less headaches

01-17-2017, 11:38 PM
Crazed 2.0 podrias decirme que es el ISP o enviarme algun enlace dentro del foro

01-18-2017, 12:17 AM
Looks like I spoke to soon....everything is freezing and unwatchable. ...again. ...just got off the phone with my sister and got her to reboot everything. ...not on her end because I got her to download a 2 gig movie and it only took a minute

crazed 9.6
01-18-2017, 12:20 AM
satmam, did you see the message from Administrator that was posted a few hours ago ?

crazed 9.6
01-18-2017, 12:25 AM
Crazed 2.0 podrias decirme que es el ISP o enviarme algun enlace dentro del foro

Internet Service Provider

You can also try using a Public DNS
Google search (in spanish) :)

01-18-2017, 01:59 AM
nobody reads thats to hard to do

01-18-2017, 02:57 AM
Ok Crazed 2.0 entendido dejame checar. Marley copia lo que escribo y traduce al inglés

01-18-2017, 05:35 AM
Ok Crazed 2.0 entendido dejame checar. Marley copia lo que escribo y traduce al inglés

01-18-2017, 06:24 AM
Yes I did read it. ..about 2hr after I bad

crazed 9.6
01-18-2017, 06:29 AM
Yes I did read it. ..about 2hr after I bad

48 hours bud... you can not comment on service for 48 hours, neither can your sister :)

01-18-2017, 05:06 PM
Whenever the big boys announce that they are doing work or making changes I expect about 48 hrs or so for things to settle back down so no I wouldn't make any comments on the service because I do realize that any new implementation of new features take time and complications almost always arise when it comes to any computer related work....I believe that one of the biggest problems is lack of information from the big dogs running the servers to us little folks on the user least that's what I get from reading people's posts

01-19-2017, 05:27 PM
Ok Crazed 2.0 Quisiera hacer público que el problema todo el tiempo fue la configuración del Firewall por parte del ISP lo hab*a modificado en una configuración de manera remota y lo colocaron en SEGURIDAD MÁXIMA. El d*a de hoy después de tanto probar ayer con configuraciones de la caja. Verifique las configuraciones del modem y cambie esa parte a partir de all* TODO OK. Asi que quisiera dejar en claro que el PROBLEMA NO ERA EL SERVICIO, SI NO LA CONFIGURACIÓN QUE HABÍAN HECHO LOS TÉCNICOS DE LA EMPRESA QUE ME OTORGA MI SERVICIO DE INTERNET

01-19-2017, 10:45 PM
Whenever the big boys announce that they are doing work or making changes I expect about 48 hrs or so for things to settle back down so no I wouldn't make any comments on the service because I do realize that any new implementation of new features take time and complications almost always arise when it comes to any computer related work....I believe that one of the biggest problems is lack of information from the big dogs running the servers to us little folks on the user least that's what I get from reading people's posts

Poppycock!! It doesn't take much to implement anything with today's advancement in network technology and virtualization. I sand box many large projects for work using Virtualization to ensure the highest quality/performance prior to deploying it on multiple servers. Just look at all the larger streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu, HBOGO, etc... Many providers are no switching to streaming services as it's becoming increasingly popular... At some point you must ask yourself; how are all these organizations able to keep their streaming service operational? To me as a professional IT it's clear that a great deal of planing goes into implementing server changes. Piss poor planing provides erratic results in most cases. The stability of this service baffles me, even after the "big boys" go to work trying to improve things here. I recently ordered another IPTV service provider that I use whenever channels begin to fall of here, or when the freezing and glitching becomes unbearable which is about 75-80% of the time. I've been comparing the two services and so far my alternate service has never failed me... I've only tested it of a short time, but so far so good. Last night I was able to watch a movie channel on iptvrocket for more than 8 hours with only minor interruptions... Every now and then the channel would lock up and I would have to select a different channel then go back to the one I was watching. It was actually the best experience I've had since using the service... Hopefully things will continue to improve, and if not oh well.

01-19-2017, 11:08 PM
come on guys new hd and more coming heck i was here when we had 480p that was it and lower look where they are now and price is cheaper

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