View Full Version : Channels Working or Lost -- Channel Quality
crazed 9.6
04-17-2015, 01:05 AM
We are gonna try a thread like this :)
Posting and discussion open to topic.
-Channels not working, or lost.
-Channels with poor quality or great quality too can be discussed.
There will be some rules.
-Do not assume anything.
-Do not post comments derived from assumptions.
-Do not be rude.
Any of that happens and the post that will be deleted and any pertaining posts concerning that also deleted.
No questions, just deleted.
Tell us what the quality is like, or which channels that seem to have gone a-wall....but do not judge or assume or bring forth negative opinions on the matter. You can give opinions about displeasure and etc...but that can be done without being rude.
This will not be a 'channel request' thread.
If the channel has never been added, then asking for that channel is a request and not allowed in this thread.
We will be talking about a separate channel request thread once the server decides which way to go with things.
Thnx iptvTalk
we also have a new sticky thread now
Use it to post info pertaining to channel lost or freezing :)
04-17-2015, 02:05 AM
Discovery CH working Today with SD quality with very little buffering (Maybe once every 20min for 5 sec). Its the only channel I have running in my shop so its one of the only CH's. I care or will post about.
MAG254 seems to black screen and freeze every few hours until I power cycle.
Kodi 14.1 / Stalker works fine all day on Windows I7 12 Gigs Ram PC.
04-17-2015, 03:28 AM
comedy central is very good quality .... lets get this thing started !
04-17-2015, 03:37 AM
comedy central is 1280x720
04-17-2015, 04:26 AM
comedy central is 1280x720
Comedy cen is looking amazing, mlb is on standby with dtv logo and my stb emulator on Galaxy tab no glitches
While 254 is intermitted performance issues
Sports channel 2 looks amazing with hq college baseball stream
04-17-2015, 04:28 AM
Is any one getting the so cal local channels working ?
04-17-2015, 04:31 AM
Comedy cen is looking amazing, mlb is on standby with dtv logo and my stb emulator on Galaxy tab no glitches
While 254 is intermitted performance issues
Sports channel 2 looks amazing with hq college baseball stream
resolution also 1280x720... does look nice!
04-17-2015, 04:45 AM
Ya sometimes the mlb ch looks great and sometimes it seems kinda blurry in motion. Not sure if it's on this end or not.
04-17-2015, 06:01 AM
comedy central is very good quality .... lets get this thing started !
Comedy Central is excelento Thank you Server Admin!
04-17-2015, 09:54 AM
Did we lose Discovery Theather? Although it was in the Spanish section, it sometimes had great English content.
04-17-2015, 11:07 AM
208 not working and when it was video was not good and scrolling letters got jumbled up.
Saw many news channels with very good resolution and others also.
04-17-2015, 11:22 AM
CH205, Fox News, was freezing very bad yesterday. It has been rock solid the week prior. The channel time was lagging over a hour behind.
04-17-2015, 11:42 AM
TCM(132) has alot of freezing, wished it was more stable
04-17-2015, 01:10 PM
all the baseball channels freezing badly when the game is playing on channels MLB 152 Foxsports1 150 Foxsports 2
04-17-2015, 02:18 PM
On a regular i watch TruTv, great quality picture...IMO
04-18-2015, 12:30 AM
I haven't been on my laptop for a few days and when i goto pvr stalker most channels not working, did i miss an update or has it moved to payed service?
04-18-2015, 12:51 AM
Good quality no freezing on 200 CNN and 209 MSNBC, 300 HBO not coming up for me.
04-18-2015, 12:54 AM
208 CNBC wrong program showing.
04-18-2015, 04:54 AM
mlb network down.
04-18-2015, 07:46 PM
So Cal locals are gone, has anyone else noticed that ?
04-18-2015, 09:58 PM
So Cal locals are gone, has anyone else noticed that ?
Yep. See post #38
crazed 9.6
04-18-2015, 10:37 PM
all the baseball channels freezing badly when the game is playing on channels MLB 152 Foxsports1 150 Foxsports 2
working great today,
FS1 is carrying 3 games back to back, I think... maybe 2
04-18-2015, 11:05 PM
NOticed that mlb network has gone from 720p to sd resolution. :(
04-18-2015, 11:42 PM
Dont be sad we know there capable of 720p.
04-19-2015, 12:37 AM
CH205, Fox News, was freezing very bad yesterday. It has been rock solid the week prior. The channel time was lagging over a hour behind.
CH205 Back working great today
04-19-2015, 02:39 AM
Noticed that last night
04-19-2015, 03:42 AM
I noticed TSN 1-5 was showing the same feed, freezing or down often today on iptv. Same when I run them on Kodi, just wondering if anyone else noticed it ?
04-19-2015, 04:30 AM
I noticed TSN 1-5 was showing the same feed, freezing or down often today on iptv. Same when I run them on Kodi, just wondering if anyone else noticed it ?
Bell seems to have gone and protected the links, shutting out all the freeloaders :(
04-19-2015, 04:55 AM
Bell seems to have gone and protected the links, shutting out all the freeloaders :(
Doubt it. Just a testing glitch hopefully...:)
04-19-2015, 04:55 AM
heres where we see what this will be made of. how fast they can get that fixed.
04-19-2015, 05:19 AM
heres where we see what this will be made of. how fast they can get that fixed.
No idea. Soon I hope
04-19-2015, 05:38 AM
will be a good test
04-19-2015, 12:50 PM
Doubt it. Just a testing glitch hopefully...:)
definitely not a glitch, I can still watch TSN by logging into using a Bell account, using a link on Kodi freezes up after a few seconds.
04-19-2015, 01:17 PM
208 CNBC getting various programs including CNBC World Wide yesterday, video quality is good.
04-19-2015, 04:08 PM
i really think they are doing a hexx of job with what we have now and its only getting better like i said long time ago wait till they are done just look what they did sofar happy as a kid in a candy store thank you rocket and nfps
04-19-2015, 04:13 PM
New channels added looks amazing...Once all have the same quality, this project will be unstoppable.
Great job keep up the good work... Will donate if I can, no prob...
04-19-2015, 04:33 PM
What are the new channels?
crazed 9.6
04-19-2015, 04:34 PM
lol bubbs, everyday we get losses and gains. Where do you wanna start ?
04-19-2015, 06:11 PM
Well I'll start with fxx, history, nbatv, and ppvlive...
crazed 9.6
04-19-2015, 06:16 PM
Well I'll start with fxx, history, nbatv, and ppvlive...
lol, you kill me :)
okay, what's up with them channels ?
Are them new ones? I should prolly look at Asskick's reports but hey you started this.. oh wait, I started it. No wait, bubbs started it...
lmao, no wait, you did SMok3dOUT .. lol
too funny.
04-19-2015, 06:30 PM
Why not start something, lol... this is starting to be unbelievable!
Far as new channels u may wanna update/ reload ur channels, Wah La...
04-19-2015, 06:50 PM
Had some new channels since this was posted and created some excitement, how far we have come.
04-19-2015, 07:09 PM
Why not start something, lol... this is starting to be unbelievable!
04-19-2015, 07:13 PM
They are new, u may wanna update/ reload your channels... Wah Lah...
Funning is what I like, you still havent upgraded to crazed 5.0, LMAO
04-19-2015, 07:15 PM
Had some new channels since this was posted and created some excitement, how far we have come.
With out a doubt...
04-20-2015, 12:37 AM
usa network down, mlb down,
04-20-2015, 01:01 AM
I tried the TSN channels earlier and they werent coming in.....
04-20-2015, 02:42 AM
would love to see the 1080 ch of nbcsn thats out there in the wild .... its true 1080 and is gorgeous.
04-21-2015, 03:31 PM
Thanks to the powers that be for stabilizing TCM, it's been working great lately
04-22-2015, 03:14 AM
True movies 1 and 2 were working flawless, during a movie 20 minutes ago , video and audio , gone now :(
04-22-2015, 05:47 AM
Heres a list of currently down channels
[3] - NBC New York (N/A)
[145] - TSN 1 (R) (N/A)
[146] - TSN 2 (R) (N/A)
[147] - TSN 3 (R) (N/A)
[148] - TSN 4 (R) (N/A)
[149] - TSN 5 (R) (N/A)
[164] - CBS Action (N/A)
[191] - Quest (R) (N/A)
[216] - NHK World (R) (N/A)
[239] - Sport 14 (R) (N/A)
[247] - Sport 22 (R) (N/A)
[255] - Sport 30 (R) (N/A)
[275] - Music Videos 6 (R) (N/A)
[276] - Music Videos 7 (R) (N/A)
[277] - Music Videos 8 (R) (N/A)
[278] - Music Videos 9 (R) (N/A)
[279] - Music Videos 10 (R) (N/A)
[280] - Music Videos 11 (R) (N/A)
[281] - Music Videos 12 (R) (N/A)
[282] - Music Videos 13 (R) (N/A)
[285] - Music Videos 16 (R) (N/A)
[290] - Music Videos 21 (R) (N/A)
[302] - HBO Signature East (N/A)
[318] - Showtime East (N/A)
[359] - SKY Premiere (N/A)
[402] - Setanta Sports (N/A)
[404] - MUTV (N/A)
[440] - ASTRO SuperSport (N/A)
[441] - ASTRO SuperSport 2 (N/A)
[442] - ASTRO SuperSport 3 (N/A)
[455] - PPV Sports & Events (R) (N/A)
[464] - Adult 9 (R) (N/A)
[469] - Adult 14 (R) (N/A)
[472] - Adult 17 (R) (N/A)
[473] - Adult 18 (R) (N/A)
[479] - Adult 24 (R) (N/A)
[504] - Italy 4 (R) (N/A)
[506] - Italy 6 (R) (N/A)
[528] - Russia 8 (R) (N/A)
[531] - Arabic 1 (R) (N/A)
[554] - India 4 (R) (N/A)
[555] - India 5 (R) (N/A)
[558] - India 8 (R) (N/A)
[589] - Germany 9 (R) (N/A)
[596] - Austria 1 (R) (N/A)
[609] - Romania 9 (R) (N/A)
[611] - Pakistan 1 (R) (N/A)
[612] - Pakistan 2 (R) (N/A)
[613] - Pakistan 3 (R) (N/A)
[638] - Turkey 8 (R) (N/A)
[641] - Israel 1 (R) (N/A)
[657] - Ireland 1 (R) (N/A)
[658] - Ireland 2 (R) (N/A)
[659] - Denmark 1 (R) (N/A)
[660] - Denmark 2 (R) (N/A)
[661] - Hungary 1 (R) (N/A)
[666] - Bulgaria 1 (R) (N/A)
[672] - Brazil 2 (R) (N/A)
[673] - Brazil 3 (R) (N/A)
[677] - Brazil 7 (R) (N/A)
[679] - Brazil 9 (R) (N/A)
[701] - Guatemala 1 (N/A)
[702] - Guatemala 2 (N/A)
[704] - Guatemala 4 (N/A)
[707] - Nicaragua 2 (R) (N/A)
[777] - Chile 7 (R) (N/A)
[795] - Peru 5 (R) (N/A)
[821] - Panama 1 (R) (N/A)
[824] - Aruba 1 (R) (N/A)
[879] - Boomerang Latinoamerica (N/A)
04-22-2015, 11:58 PM
USA channel 105 is actually showing MSG! I'm missing the Canadians vs Ottawa game!
04-23-2015, 03:10 AM
Just updated the channel list... now we have 584 Channels available.
Added Channels:
104 Pick
113 Good Food
164 CBS Action
165 CBD Drama
166 CBS Reality
404 Racing UK
407 MUTV
410 SKY Sports 1
411 SKY Sports 2
412 SKY Sports 3
413 SKY Sports 4
414 SKY Sports 5
415 SKY Sports F1
419 BT Sport 1
420 BT Sport 2
440 ASTRO SuperSport
441 ASTRO SuperSport 2
442 ASTRO SuperSport 3
762 Venezuela 2
763 Venezuela 3
764 Venezuela 4
777 Chile 7
795 Peru 5
796 Peru 6
821 Panama 1
822 Panama 2
824 Aruba 1
Removed Channels:
101 RTE One
102 RTE 2
103 Pick
104 Movies4Men
166 Pentagon Channel
404 MUTV
823 Panama 1
Thanks for the Support!
04-25-2015, 05:58 AM
does anyone get sound on ny local channels?
04-25-2015, 06:05 AM
audio fine on 1 thru 4, thks..
04-27-2015, 02:26 AM
i have films but none of the tv stations are working.
04-27-2015, 04:42 AM
any up date on tsn1-5 still not working
04-27-2015, 04:59 AM
all info will be posted, nothing held back for any reason..thks
04-27-2015, 09:56 AM
hello please asskick and others refer to the new subforum for this channels report thread.
04-27-2015, 06:54 PM
I have noticed that all of the Sky Movie channels and most of the other British channels ie: Yesterday, Really and Shed are no longer working. Are they going away or just broke?
04-27-2015, 07:13 PM
I have noticed that all of the Sky Movie channels and most of the other British channels ie: Yesterday, Really and Shed are no longer working. Are they going away or just broke?
You can go here ... and list your channels not working or freezing .
04-27-2015, 10:12 PM
BT 1 Sports quit working .
04-28-2015, 02:35 AM
please help us point any problems... I don`t see if this is a problem, but I feel that channels from Puerto Rico are missing. is just a request.
04-28-2015, 04:43 PM
sadly all my channels are freezing on mag254 have no idea why .. internet connection speed according to is 13.78 Mbps down
I updated the firmware and it got worse lol
04-29-2015, 04:19 AM
thanks so much just learned about this today... this is awesome keep up the good work much appreciated
04-29-2015, 04:24 AM
Hope they add these channels The Fox Sports Network consist in 10 Channels each one from a different city. Yes Network and Nesn
04-29-2015, 01:50 PM
Hope they add these channels The Fox Sports Network consist in 10 Channels each one from a different city. Yes Network and Nesn
I hope so . The local channels would be nice .
04-29-2015, 08:15 PM
MLB Net 152 down for 2 days TSN down for 2 weeks hope they add Sportnets channels Ontario and ONe
04-29-2015, 11:52 PM
Did any one else notice that the quality on ABC Miami and BBC World News deteriorated or is it just me? After Sunday's "Authentication error", I lost some settings on my MAG 254, not sure if a setting reverted to default.
04-30-2015, 03:09 AM
request nbc sports net
sports net ontario
and will you be showing the mayweather fight this saturday ? great work again thanks
glad to see in the kodi world the same list
iptv stalker addon
great back up :)
04-30-2015, 07:10 AM
channels from CA and HGTV? please
04-30-2015, 10:11 AM
well was fun while it lasted all down even addon
04-30-2015, 12:50 PM
Thanks for keep adding channels... hopefully channels from PR gets added soon. Not at home right now but is not loading on my android stb emulator, so I guess they are making changes and/or improvements. Should be back soon.
04-30-2015, 01:31 PM
First thank to ipt tv thy are working hard .yeas it is down right now
04-30-2015, 02:30 PM
well was fun while it lasted all down even addon
Wow! What a pessimistic post by someone who just became a member!!
Server may be offline sometimes for maintenance. That's TEST MODE means!
big dady
04-30-2015, 03:36 PM
It's back up now enjoy
04-30-2015, 04:17 PM
sorry im new to this i was reading facebook grooups and they said it was down or gone to paid
04-30-2015, 04:19 PM
and you are right server back up
04-30-2015, 04:30 PM
"they said" or "some guy" means very little around here, we deal in facts, thks
04-30-2015, 09:53 PM
CNN USA stuck on same screen for 2 days
04-30-2015, 10:11 PM
"they said" or "some guy" means very little around here, we deal in facts, thks
People state facts about ch not working or something being down and some people get their panties in a bunch. If you're dealing with facts then no reason for that to happen. Thanks
04-30-2015, 10:46 PM
no, thank you, I stand by my post...perhaps you should re-read the post it was directed at, thks..
04-30-2015, 11:33 PM
Works well
05-01-2015, 07:41 AM
Cinemax west and actionmax not working - it goes to the directv logo
thanks so much for all channels!!!
05-01-2015, 02:59 PM
please put the info here for now on in Channel Issues thanks
05-01-2015, 11:46 PM
I have no other way to send a message but We will like the in house service to consider Puerto Rico channels for the line up. There are way so many countries already added it that maybe it could be the time to add them to the agenda. There are only 4 main channels WKAQ-TV, WAPA-TV, WIPR-TV and WLII-TV. These channels are located at 7781, 7782, 7783 and 7784. Personally I started to change all my boxes to Mag 254 and I owned 2 of them and in process to get 2 more for my daugthers. I know we are in the testing mode and no problems to keep waiting as long its in the adding list somewhere. Will like to thanks the team for all the hard work!! Keep up the good work!
05-07-2015, 11:17 AM
Did we lose Astro supersport 1,2,3 ? ( located at 241,242,243)
05-07-2015, 12:51 PM
Did we lose Astro supersport 1,2,3 ? ( located at 241,242,243)
They moved to 452-453-454
05-07-2015, 01:59 PM
astro supersport 1,2,3 seem to be down.
05-07-2015, 02:29 PM
As Asft stated in post #85, I believe these issues should be addressed in the channel issues forum, thks...don't forget to see Tinie's rules for posting..
05-08-2015, 12:42 AM
I don't see The SyFy channel or Spike anywhere in the channel list . I hope they are added at some point in time .
05-10-2015, 02:56 AM
sky 2 + sky 3 missing too + many channels are offline
05-10-2015, 03:09 AM
look if channel is not working go here and post Channel Issues if we dont have that channel give it time or look here NFPS IPTV Current Channel List - no disscussion please
crazed 9.6
05-10-2015, 03:16 AM
we could close this here thread asft.
I didn't really think about it till recently, but this thread was a tester as what we needed for this type of thread.
The newest forum sub-section from tinie is what we will be going with :)
Please follow guidelines when posting, thnx
05-10-2015, 03:21 AM
yup like that thanks
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