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Sky sp news , sky sp 1, BT 1, BT 2 & BT 3 ...... [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


View Full Version : Sky sp news , sky sp 1, BT 1, BT 2 & BT 3 ......

10-03-2016, 11:30 AM
These channels have been down for ages now, is there any news on when they'll be working properly? Surely sports should be considered a category that needs to be kept working or at least some sort notification that there is an issue and it's being looked into. Everytime its the same, no feedback when there's issues, i think most ppl can understand that if it's just for a few hours/a day but weeks and months is taking the ****!

10-03-2016, 02:13 PM
Why would you report this in the Kodi > PVR Clients subforum? It belongs in the Channel Issues subforum, or you can send a message to the business end. It's going to get nowhere im this subforum.

10-04-2016, 03:01 PM
Okay thanks for that.

10-05-2016, 10:43 AM
Hey yeah they are mess up for me too i hope the more people reports it the quicker something will be done sky and bt sports are an important part of the package and its carp that they have been down for so long. cheers bud

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