View Full Version : issues with iptv stalker sice i moved to a T95 2gb android box
06-20-2016, 06:18 PM
I had stalker setup on kodi using stalker pvr with the epg guide on my pc and did not have many streaming issues but I have just moved to a T95 box with the same setup that was on my pc salts seems to work fine but iptv stalker seems to freeze for a second or so every now and again. Some times ones in a blue moon and others is once every few seconds. Is there something I need to do different to what I did on a pc?
06-21-2016, 03:14 PM
Ok so after playing with things for 24 hours ish it looks like its the UK channels that seem to be the ones with the buffering issues. Is there an issue with the uk channels?
06-21-2016, 04:43 PM
I may of fixed the issue. I had noticed people had been saying to use the google dns servers I've just changed it after watching part of the football on bbc and so far adding the google dns seems to of fixed the issue but ill let everyone know if it resolves the issue or not over the next few days.
06-23-2016, 06:19 PM
Ok been a few days now and it has not seemed to of fixed the issue changing the DNS. It looks like its the UK channels that have the issue with the buffering. Anyone else have this issue?
06-23-2016, 07:42 PM
Ok been a few days now and it has not seemed to of fixed the issue changing the DNS. It looks like its the UK channels that have the issue with the buffering. Anyone else have this issue?
if some channels consistently work great while others consistently buffer it would be logical to say it's on the server end not yours.
06-24-2016, 01:44 PM
The reason why I was asking was because I moved from a pc to an android box. I understand the server side but I was wondering if other people have the issue and if they do is there a fix or are the iptb stalker team aware and working on the issues? Or is it an Android box issue?
That's why I posted it.
Others are having the issue and it has been addressed in an announcement "Freezing Issue" in the IPTV Talk News & Announcements thread at the top of the home page.
06-25-2016, 12:11 AM
ilan massive thanks for the update. I did have a look in the issues section before I posted something but I could not fine anything. Great to see this and glad that are looking into the issue.
Again thanks for the reply it was just what I was looking for as sometimes its hard to find the answer but someone else has seen it and spreads the word.
Lets hope its resolved soon.
06-28-2016, 12:06 PM
Dose anyone know what's going on. Looks like lots of people are reporting issues with the IPTV service but no one has put an update since the updates 3 days ago. We have no seemed to of lost alot of the sports channels sky sports bt sports tsn as well as BBC and ITV. I hope they can come up with a status page that we can log onto that shows network status ect rather than all post to report an issue and nothing is said.
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