View Full Version : TVonline 4 ISSUE
06-04-2016, 04:41 PM
One day old TVonline4, set-up last night and left it running using NFPS iptv (TV is off only while box is ON). Wake up this morning box is ON but NO display on TV, turn off/on the box display appear shows AVOV logo and went to main menu press the remote then TV turn Black (tv says to signal from the box). Box shutting down, it turn ON main menu then start pressing any on remote is turns blank (box red light still ON)
1.Try different HDMI cable still the same- Not cable
2.Try different TV same – Not TV
3.Try pressing small pin hole on the bottom box, during booth, and while booting , and while on, and hold it for 30 sec. still same (not sure what is the correct way ?????)
4.I manage to make it on factory reset on MENU, box say shutting down never comes back ON. I turn on/off same problem
Any HELP before call avov !
06-04-2016, 08:43 PM
I try to open ticket on AVOV site!!
Says cannot process my request!!!!
Lucky Me!!!!
crazed 9.6
06-04-2016, 08:52 PM
I try to open ticket on AVOV site!!
Says cannot process my request!!!!
Lucky Me!!!!
maybe site glitch.
Try again soon
06-06-2016, 03:58 PM
Well, I would suggest ....power off the box.....leave it powered off with power cord disconnected for 15 minutes.
.................................meanwhile check your tv/monitor and how it is controlled by connected devices as some tv's can be controlled by the device they are connected to. I set mine so nothing controls my tv especially powering off / sleep or standby modes.
Once you have done that, connect your power and turn your box on making sure the right input is selected on your tv. Depending on what you see, what you get and if you get things back in order, try going into your settings on your box and see how things are configured there as it may have something set by default that may not be to your liking. I don't know if this suggestion will work or not but more often than not, it does. You may want to clear cache, memory or other presets so go through each menu and take a look see at the default settings.
just talk to someone at avov and they said there web site is having a problems be back up in a hour are so just try to order new tvonline 4
06-06-2016, 11:51 PM
just talk to someone at avov and they said there web site is having a problems be back up in a hour are so just try to order new tvonline 4
They no longer accept telephone calls so that is not an option. As for tickets, the website isn't up but I wouldn't really advise ordering a new one without getting it replaced via an RMA number to exchange it. The time for returning, exchanging or getting a refund is limited by their 30 day policy which may or may not include the time it took to send it.
06-07-2016, 05:53 PM
I've open ticket Saturday afternoon, but avov HAVE not response to it??
I hope AVOV company is Not Sinking and run away with my money? I hope they know they made ONE BAD Tvonline 4.
I'm still waiting !!!
give them time they are really busy
06-07-2016, 06:28 PM
I've open ticket Saturday afternoon, but avov HAVE not response to it??
I hope AVOV company is Not Sinking and run away with my money? I hope they know they made ONE BAD Tvonline 4.
I'm still waiting !!!
They do state they take up to 72 hours to respond to tickets although I wouldn't carve it in stone as I have had a previous experience which took longer and one no response at all. Not to bang a drum but this isn't right and support isn't getting any better.
06-07-2016, 07:09 PM
ok this is why
Found out the issue
so the website is taking too much traffic
these days
we are upgrading
but our host is taking their sweet time to process
the order
We follow up
and its been paid
but no changes yet
so the server keeps crashing
and causes an error for tickets as
so please give them a little time please they are trying hard to fix it they know what the problem is just waiting now so many are buying this box and i can see why
06-07-2016, 07:34 PM
ok this is why
Found out the issue
so the website is taking too much traffic
these days
we are upgrading
but our host is taking their sweet time to process
the order
We follow up
and its been paid
but no changes yet
so the server keeps crashing
and causes an error for tickets as
so please give them a little time please they are trying hard to fix it they know what the problem is just waiting now so many are buying this box and i can see why
Not to rain on your view but support has been lacking for a very long time and finding reasons doesn't provide support. If one has problems with a server (s), they replace them. If they have problems with a host, you find a new host much the same as I did with internet service providers. I didn't get upset, I didn't ask for reasons, I just changed providers and moved on with a better service provider.
06-08-2016, 06:03 PM
good for you!!!
06-08-2016, 06:58 PM
if you read
We follow up
and its been paid
but no changes yet
and like i said hold on and support is the best i know that better then any out there and i talk to them every day what all of us say what is good and bad was just told there going to tone the sound down on boot up on 4 box
06-09-2016, 06:26 PM
I was contacted by avov support team via e-mail, now starting to move and trying !!!!
Thanks everyone
06-13-2016, 05:59 PM
Its been more than I week now still my TV-Online 4 still Shutting Down.
I'm running out of patient with the progress of Avov company, does 72 hrs for ticket means what???they email me to try changing tv! which I already did.
This company don't know what they are doing.
How LONG should I wait???? What I'm waiting for??? Do they know what is the problem?? Do they have solution for the problem???
I did not BUY $169 Can box to do nothing. If they cant fix it refund me my money!!!!
06-13-2016, 06:16 PM
I will try and send them this and see what they say pm me your ticket number too so i can show them
06-13-2016, 06:23 PM
I was contacted by avov support team via e-mail, now starting to move and trying !!!!
Thanks everyone
I sent in 2 tickets with two requests, one for to exchange the box, ( found out they don't do exchanges ), the other for a refund. Anyone have any suggestions on how to contact support or get an RMA number from support ? I purchased the TVonline4 box in May so I'm hoping to return this box BEFORE the 30 day time period is exhausted. So far, I'm not impressed with the time it takes for support to send an RMA number given the time it takes to do it. The tickets were sent a week ago today.
06-13-2016, 06:32 PM
I will try and send them this and see what they say pm me your ticket number too so i can show them
This is not the way for support issues to be handled, if they don't want to support their products in a reasonable and timely fashion, they should say so as it will help deal with the frustration. It doesn't take more than 15 minutes to send an RMA number and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to read a ticket. Good support isn't done in this way or by somebody else who tries to send them tickets or ticket numbers.
06-13-2016, 06:35 PM
This is not the way for support issues to be handled, if they don't want to support their products in a reasonable and timely fashion, they should say so as it will help deal with the frustration. It doesn't take more than 15 minutes to send an RMA number and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to read a ticket. Good support isn't done in this way or by somebody else who tries to send them tickets or ticket numbers.
Look, where not Avov Tech support here, if you don't like their products then don't buy any. I am tired of you whining about everything. You have been warned already and your driving my patients.
06-13-2016, 06:36 PM
Thanks ASFT, hope you can help me.
PM sent
06-13-2016, 06:38 PM
thanks cia4satellit i did send all now lets see if they contact you and they are very busy at this time so please give it a little time
06-13-2016, 08:57 PM
Look, where not Avov Tech support here, if you don't like their products then don't buy any. I am tired of you whining about everything. You have been warned already and your driving my patients.
Amen brother.....;)
06-18-2016, 10:29 PM
Still Random Shutdown on TV-Online4 even the latest update.
I hope they are doing something on my ticket, I don't mine Return/Repair or Refund.
I heard that they are VERY busy people, but that's has nothing to do with me (or customer)
yes getting Random Shutdown problem here all so on TVonline4
07-04-2016, 03:25 PM
Shutdown problem is still issue on 1.0.7.
Does AVOV know this issue?????
Ticket does not resolve yet!!!
07-04-2016, 04:06 PM
i didnt know it had that problem Random Shutdown problem will send it in
07-04-2016, 05:15 PM
This problem was last month on the 1st day I used the box. The Avov responded to the ticket twice only.
I'm also having no response from open ticket on 6/25/16. They asked me for my Mac and Serial number the next day but silence since then. They have us dangling on what they are going to do. So many problems people are posting. Not all the same, very strange indeed.
07-10-2016, 12:39 PM
Random shutdown STILL !!! Black screen STILL !!!
Cannot open ticket on there new site????
Its been 40 days for the un-usable box. Is it hardware ????? or Firmware ???? Does AVOV knows???
I hope it won't reach when my warranty run out!!!
07-10-2016, 03:43 PM
no you have a yr but try opening a ticket monday and see and chat with them asking them what gives let us know what happen rumors are all over the place that there gone or hacked see what they say to you and post please
07-10-2016, 08:26 PM
I have no shutdown only thing on the 4 is no audio on us channel other avov working fine
07-10-2016, 09:58 PM
all of us on 4 have that problem they said working on it
07-15-2016, 02:17 AM
Its been 45 days, of unusable box without clear solution for avov!!!
I dont want to curse or say bad things for a company!!!!
Avov is NOT doing anything, they even have time to close ticket without solving the problem.
07-15-2016, 02:24 AM
look sound is fixed and vod is too what is you problem again oh and need to make new ticket all was lost just to let you know the website is post and how to talk to them is too give them a buzz there off on sat and sun to pm
07-15-2016, 03:16 AM
My vod is still not working on the 4 with iks66
07-15-2016, 03:51 AM
it should unplug it and back on should update and your good to go mine had two update and there not box updates only tvonline ones
07-16-2016, 02:35 AM
look sound is fixed and vod is too what is you problem again oh and need to make new ticket all was lost just to let you know the website is post and how to talk to them is too give them a buzz there off on sat and sun to pm
Problem: Random shutdown (turns black screen)
Ticket: Cannot open ticket on website
Email : I emailed them, hoping to get response maybe after 2weeks if im lucky
07-16-2016, 02:39 AM
give them time they are really busy
Is 45 day enough time for them , to fix my Online 4
07-16-2016, 03:34 AM
no all you tickets are gone like i said they had start over they where hack like i said before i have thread you can talk to them do that and get your problem fixed here is post talk to them what more can i do all your tickets are gone need to make new one why not do this first and if you had psu problem i put thread out for that this is all i can do im bake and done
07-24-2016, 12:24 PM
Finally Avov replaced my Bad TV-online 4 that randomly shutdown (turns black) after 50 days.
Thanks ASFT for your help for members and IPTV talk site and staff
07-24-2016, 03:45 PM
good to hear hope for most part all is good and really avov is a good company and the guys i do know there really care about us and thats no lie
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