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03-29-2015, 10:37 PM
"Conquer" is a strong title for a season-ending episode. Thumbs up. That’s what’s ahead in The Walking Dead Season 5Season 5, Episode 16, which airs this Sunday, March 29 at 9 p.m. ET and will last an extra 30 minutes. Hopefully at least 10 of those minutes contains actual footage, not comercials. All of the Alexandria-set episode titles appear to be tied to Dale’s Faulkner quote about time from back in Season 1. But they chose "Conquer" for the finale, so who will conquer what?
AMC shared its usual promo and two sneak peeks, then shared an extra brief but juicy preview when promoting the weekend marathon. Since this finale episode is supersized, and they have never teased Morgan even once this season, there’s a lot the promos won’t be telling us about what happens next. But here are some things we learn from the promos, along with a few filming and comic book spoilers that could help out with the context.
We need to talk about Rick
We could talk about Rick all day long and consider it a day well spent. The people of Alexandria? Maybe not. AMC's promo starts with a close-up of Rick's bandaged face (looking close to the comic) then shows Deanna leading a group meeting, apparently at night in front of a fire. She says, "We're going to talk about Rick Grimes." Curious to see if this goes as well as Dale's let's talk about Randall meeting in Season 2, where it was basically Dale vs. Shane (again) with Andrea jumping in on Dale's side at the end while everyone else basically looked at their feet, waiting for someone else to make the tough decision. No one wants to take blame so they stay silent.
Alexandrians in fear
Is that let's talk about Rick, bay-bee scene also where Jessie and a group of Alexandrians look scared? That shot is in the newer, shorter promo. (See below) They all look afraid, and they seem to be facing a fire, so it could be in the same scene.
Maggie defends Rick
AMC's first sneak peek shows Maggie — who has been working with Deanna on the political side — talking to Deanna and Reg. Deanna asks what Maggie needs to talk about. Maggie says the meeting tonight. Deanna says she wants to talk to everyone about what happened and what we need to do about it. (Why not just do nothing, as usual? She's used to turning a blind eye to problem people like Pete, Nicholas and her own son.) Maggie says, "If it includes turning Rick away, it's not gonna work." Deanna says to tell her what that means. Maggie says she let all of them in. She talked to them and decided. Now she wants to put that decision on frightened people who might not have the whole story. That's not leadership. Reg says tonight is just a forum for people to speak their minds. Deanna says she'll make the decision as she has done since the beginning. Maggie says Rick was frustrated, the things he's seen, the things they've all lost. Deanna notes that Rick took a gun and pointed it at people. Maggie says he didn't pull the trigger. Reg points out that Michonne stopped him. Michonne, a member of his own group. Deanna says she's going to do what she has to do. What will that be? She seems smart enough to be able to see through guys like Nicholas, even if she hasn't done anything about it, so would she really exile Rick, knowing that it means they would be losing all of his team?
Rick - perp walk?
In the promo, we see Rick walk down the sidewalk in between a group of guys. Is he headed to some kind of trial? Going to whatever passes for Alexandria's jail? And for heaven's sake, why is Nicholas not locked up? If anyone deserves to be locked up, it's Nicholas. And Pete. Rick just needed a time out. Later in the promo, Rick appears to walk past Deanna's house, or wherever she is looking down from. It does seem like he's about to face his judgment. Maybe she’s made her decision and she’s going to share it. In the comic, Douglas Monroe and Rick had a heart-to-heart; Douglas shared the story of Alexandria’s founder and how he had to be exiled. Rick shared the story of Shane and Lori and how he never wanted to be leader to begin with. Maybe they’ll do a version of that here, with Deanna explaining why she felt the need to exile those people she mentioned back in Episode 12.
Glenn checks in
We see Glenn asking Rick, "Did you want this?" Is this in Rick's room, like a quarantine place? Rick answers, "No. I hit my limit."
Knife out
Who is that breaking out the knife in the dark? It looks like it might be Rick’s bandaged face.
Father Gabriel, what are you doing?
Super curious about Gabriel. He is seen appearing to return to Alexandria in the main promo. He's wearing a white shirt and even his demeanor is different. The shorter newer promo shows a guy in a white shirt, seems to be the same one, stabbing a walker in the road. So not something Gabriel would do so are we seeing this wrong or what?
Daryl and Aaron on the move
Only a couple of shots of Daryl and Aaron in the finale promo. The first shows them walking through a field during the day, possibly trying to chase that light they saw in the distance in Episode 15. Brave of them, if that's the case, but they want the story behind the upswing in walkers. Or maybe they just want to see if whoever is at the light wants to be recruited. Maybe it's Morgan! Later in the promo, Daryl and Aaron run past a trailer. According to The Spoiling Dead Fans filming spoilers from the set, the writing on the trailer is "how the harvest gets home." Their source said we will see some of The Wolves this week, so get ready.
Hand over the gun
As someone pointed out for us, this gun hand-off appears to be from Rick (bandaged hand) to Michonne (tie). In the comic, after she knocked him out, she said to get his gun. Maybe he got another weapon and he's trying to give it back; her hand suggests she's saying to keep it.
Sasha aims
Sasha appears to be inside some house and she's aiming her sniper rifle. What is she aiming at? Is she in the same house that Rick is in, in the mini promo?
Glenn seems to sob
There are a couple of shots of Glenn in the promo, beyond asking Rick if he wanted this. We see Glenn pass a walker in the woods, so we know he goes outside the gate. Later, we see Glenn at night, almost looking like he's crying. The Spoiling Dead Fans tackled this one, and their source said this is tied to Nicholas (who dug up the gun he stole from Rick's blender). The said Nicholas shoots Glenn in the shoulder and, in this particular shot, Glenn is actually pointing a gun to Nicholas' head. He doesn't seem to shoot, though. He spares his life and carries Nicholas away. All life is precious to Glenn.
Walkers in Alexandria?
The Spoiling Dead Fans said walkers don't overrun Alexandria, but the shorter promo seems to show a walker either in Alexandria or outside a house that seems to be in the area. Rick is there, with his coat on, like he's outside. Where is that, though?
Rick's weapon
Toward the end of the promo, Rick takes a serrated weapon out of a sleeve. Is that his red machete? If so, did Carol give it to him, or Glenn or Michonne?
Carol vs. Pete
In the Talking Dead sneak peek, Carol knocks on the door, then barges into Pete's house (with another casserole?) and tells him to check on Tara. He tells her to get out. She breaks out her knife. "I could kill you right now. I could. I will. And then, who would believe I did it because I didn't like you? No one. They'd believe you tried to hurt me. They'd definitely believe that." Pete looks terrified. Is he really in any state to be helping Tara, though? Not saying Tara dies. Apparently no one in Rick's group dies, which is good news.
There are some big answers on what happens, but still many more questions and surprises ahead!
03-29-2015, 10:48 PM
M Wife! loves this show :) everything stops at 9pm Sunday night and then I hear the oohs and ahhhs..
03-29-2015, 10:51 PM
You have a cool wife Jetta, but I would sleep with one eye open just in case..:D
03-29-2015, 11:32 PM
;) haha lmao!
03-30-2015, 06:24 PM
Excellent season finale,
10-28-2015, 07:29 PM
6 Reasons Why Glenn Isn't Dead. #6 is Rock Solid Proof.
#1. He's Filmed More Episodes
Glenn has been spotted filming episodes with characters that have not yet been introduced this season, namely "Jesus"
#2: IMDB Credits
He is also listed as appearing in all 83 episodes on IMDB.
#3: He's Part of a Major Plot Twist
Glenn is part of a major plot twist that happens in The Walking Dead comics. Though the TV show does veer off from the comics to a certain extent, it is highly unlikely that they would omit Glenn from this major plot point.
#4: Executive Producer David Alpert pretty much admitted it.
In an interview with MTV, Walking Dead Executive Producer David Alpert had this to say, "He's the guy who's never killed anybody in cold blood. He’s always been that guy. So the moment last night — regardless of what’s happened to Glenn — the Glenn as good angel, I believe, is dead."
So basically he is saying that the old Glenn is dead, meaning he is still alive just a different person after this ordeal.
#5: Talking Dead
Glenn was not shown as deceased at the end of the Talking Dead during the "those we lost segment", and also did not appear on the Talking Dead afterwards. Usually when characters die they appear on the show to talk about it.
#6: Nicholas is on Top of Glenn
As we can see from the fall, Nicholas is on top of Glenn in mid fall. Glenn lands first, so only sense would tell us that Glenn is on the bottom
11-02-2015, 12:10 AM
Finally tonight, soon we will find out if Glenn is dead!!!!
11-02-2015, 07:49 PM
The Walking Dead is known for some serious cliffhangers and last week’s show was no different. It appeared that a major character had fallen victim to a pack of zombies, but it couldn’t possibly be true …could it?
Stop reading now if you aren’t caught up on this season of The Walking Dead and/or don’t like spoilers.
Last week’s show ended with delivery-boy-turned-badass Glenn Rhee at the bottom of a zombie pig pile, but there was a lot of doubt about whether he was actually dead. It looked like Nicholas (Michael Traynor) could have protected Glenn from the Walker attack, meaning that the best character on the show could have escaped a gruesome fate. That hope may have ended this week, though. Sunday’s show gave fans a major hint that Glenn is no longer among the living—actor Steven Yeun’s name was removed from both the opening and end credits. For many, that is confirmation that the fan favorite is really and truly gone.
However, last week The Walking Dead’s showrunner Scott Gimple offered a different take as he addressed the uproar on the after-show series, The Talking Dead. “In some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story,” Gimple said. He didn’t go into details, but the phrase “parts of Glenn” is intriguing for fans eager to keep the character on the show, even as a zombie. So there may be hope–or there may just be a bunch of flashbacks to remind the audience of how great it was when Glenn was still on the show.
11-02-2015, 08:39 PM
hes dead ............
11-02-2015, 09:45 PM
my wife is crying like he is a real person, and pissed off because she watched a full hour and a half and still she does have the definite answer....LOL
11-04-2015, 06:57 AM
Saw this on FB and thought y'all would get a kick out of it like I did...:) g?oh=b168d7884365ae4e8e7a1ce26d849fc9&oe=56C8F41B
11-05-2015, 01:33 AM
Why ‘The Walking Dead' zombies shouldn't look the same season after season
Okay, so Science has a thing or two to say about The Walking Dead.
At this point, TWD is known for its gore, its decomposing bodies, and yes, it’s zombie-fied action. But, just how realistic are the show’s reanimated corpses? MTV News had this same exact question, so they spoke to forensic archaeologist Kimberlee Moran, who gave us all the knowledge we could ever want about dead bodies.
First of all, there should be maggots – and lots of them. There should be so many maggots on TWD that they’d have to give them their own spot in the show’s credits. “Honestly, how come the walking dead aren’t completely covered in maggots?” Moran wonders. “Within 24 hours of death every fly in the neighborhood would sense that there’s a free meal walking around, and they would be covered in fly eggs — and in Georgia, where it’s hot, they would hatch very quickly, and be covered in maggots.” While this would be quite graphic, at least it’d be realistic!
Even though TWD is lacking in the insect department, they are doing a pretty good job with their, um, skin slippage. After being dead for a few weeks, the body begins to undergo internal decomposition. In other words: everything becomes soft and squishy, including your bones. Then, well… the skin begins to slip off of the body. You may recall the scene where Tara had to wrestle with a zombie and she began to peel of its skin. Yeah, so, TWD has that covered.
The popular TV series also has the whole “exploding zombies” thing down pat. As the inside of the body begins to liquefy, the bacteria that’s helping this process along is consistently producing gas. Since you’re dead, you can’t release this gas and it builds up inside the body. When your corpse can’t hold any more of this gas, it then explodes. So, when a car hits one of the walkers and they explode, that’s science in action, my friends.
It turns out that TWD could make one small improvement when it comes to believability. “The first thing that happens is the eyes go dull, and they decompose quite quickly,” states Moran. “After nine months, depending on the environment, there wouldn’t be eyes anymore. They’re basically big sacs of fluid, so they’re the first things to go. And within 24 hours, decomposition begins. It starts with a discoloration in the lower abdomen, and within three days the entire body is showing signs of decay. The initial stages happen quite quickly.” Now, all TWD has to do is get rid of all their cloudy zombie eyes and they are (almost – ok, not really) good to go.
Oh yeah, and how are these zombies able to move like right after they, ya know, die? “Another thing that’s unrealistic about zombies is that our bodies are subject to rigor mortis,” explains the forensic archeologist. “Within three to six hours of death, all the muscles in your body release lactic acid. You go completely rigid, it’s like a full-body cramp. It dissipates within a few days, so then your zombie could move around again, but immediately after death you wouldn’t be able to move at all.” All right, so this may slightly slow down the action sequences on TWD.
And, once again, the show’s location has betrayed their zombie timeline. Since they are filming in hot, humid Georgia, all the zombies should be fully decomposed within nine months. To put this in perspective, Moran says, “Basically, the walking dead would have all kinds of parts of their body dropping off of them all the time, until they become a skeleton. The ligaments and tendons take longer, because they’re more cartilagenous, but your bones are the only part of your body that’s going to last. And depending on environmental factors, it might be between one and three years before your body is totally skeletonize.”
Lastly, we have some good/bad news. Good news for those who hate gore and bad news for those who love it: the zombies should not be biting people. While we are talking about walking dead people here, let’s just pretend that this is actually a real thing. On TWD, there is reanimation occurring in the brain stem, which allows the corpses to move. But, biting people would require a greater amount of power from the nervous system, which means that the brain stem wouldn’t cut it. If the zombies are walking around and eating people, this means that they shouldn’t be zombies in the first place. *puts down chalk and walks away from blackboard*
To conclude, we’d like to thank you all for participating in Zombie 101. Be sure to grab your I love rigor mortis pencils on the way out!
11-09-2015, 03:04 PM
Like we already guessed, Rick was the one yelling to open the gate in last Sunday's episode, "Here's Not Here." After he barely makes it back to Alexandria in front of a herd of walkers, Season 6, Episode 5, "Now," explores the aftermath of the attack from the Wolves and seems to confirm that one thing we've been dreading.
In the episode, Alexandria is now completely surrounded by walkers, Carl and Ron get into one of the most pathetic fights ever, Rick and Jessie decide it's a great time to make out and Maggie and Aaron attempt to go out looking for Glenn. They don't get too far. The biggest moment comes when Maggie reveals something we've all suspected: She's pregnant.
"Walking Dead" already hinted at Maggie's pregnancy in the Season 6 premiere when Glenn didn't want her going out with the group. It seems like great news, but it actually reveals a sobering fact:
Glenn is so dead.
The pregnancy storyline as well as the walkers swarming Alexandria put the show on track with creator Robert Kirkman's original stories. Unfortunately, shortly after learning about Maggie's pregnancy in the comics, Glenn dies. In the comic, he ends up getting his head bashed in with a baseball bat at the hands of the villain Negan, not getting his guts ripped out near a dumpster, but same difference, right?
In addition to the pregnancy and the show leaving Glenn actor Steven Yeun's name out of the titles again, at the beginning of Sunday's episode, Michonne tells Maggie that Glenn was supposed to send a sign if he was okay, and he has that flare gun, yet nothing. Norman Reedus also seemed to spoil Yeun's death before the season in an interview with MTV, saying Glenn was a dead character he'd like to bring back to the show. Reedus was then corrected by his shocked cast mates.
It's already been a couple weeks since Glenn apparently died in "Thank You." The wait is reminiscent of another time "Walking Dead" had us wondering about a character's fate. That was Carol's daughter Sophia in Season 2, and we all know how that turned out.
In a recent interview, "Walking Dead" producer Greg Nicotero said, "It's probably not the last time we'll visit that dumpster scene." So it appears we should find out soon if Glenn somehow makes it out of there or not, but, despite evidence he could've survived, it seems pretty ominous.
Even if Glenn does somehow make it out alive, his comic book killer Negan is rumored to have just been cast, so his return probably wouldn't be that long anyway.
11-10-2015, 10:40 PM
most likely scenerio:
Glenn should be "saved" by a new group of characters to the show that the audience hasn't seen yet. They should show Glenn interacting with these new characters throughout the season as they start to develop some form of a trust (and to stay true to the producers word that Glenn's fate would be revealed soon). Glenn, out of gratitude for saving his life, let's them come back with him to Alexandria. They make it back and the person at the gate (a Alexandria citizen) let's them in after Glenn says it is okay. The person alerts everyone and yells that Glenn is back. As Glenn walks through the gates, he sees Maggie running towards him, as well as Rick and Co.
A look of happiness and relief is on Glenn's face when suddenly, Glenn is knocked to the ground by a vicious blow to the head from a barbed-wire bat. As Maggie, Rick, and Co. look on in horror, the camera shows Glenn on the ground in a pool of blood, looking up at his attacker. He asks, "Why?" to the attacker, who then says to Glenn, "Thanks for getting us in," and readies himself for another swing. Glenn yells out, "Maggie!" and gets his head bashed in (much like in the comics).
The attacker steps over Glenn's body and introduces himself to the Alexandria group. The audience then learns of their true identity - Negan and the "Saviors."
Season 6 ends with heartache as everyone thinks Glenn lives on, but dies in ruthless fashion in front of Maggie and everyone that cares about him. It will also set up the storyline and villains of Season 7.
11-16-2015, 06:58 PM
Good episode last night!!!Daryl was fooled twice but survive and now it looks like hopefully soon they let everyone know that Glenn is dead!!!
11-25-2015, 01:42 PM
Glenn is alive. how...well is a TV show so the imagination on the way he survive was classic TWD!!!I still expect hi to die soon based on the comic books, next Sunday is the mid season stay tuned!!!
11-30-2015, 12:43 AM
The Walking Dead's midseason finale is upon us. Most of the characters we've come to know up to this point have survived through a chaotic season six, leaving Nicholas, a handful of Alexandrians, and a bunch of Wolves behind.
However, the stakes are high in this "Start to Finish" midseason finale. Ron has a gun. The walls have fallen. Walkers are flooding the streets. And let's not forget, Dwight and the Saviors are out there somewhere after having been introduced in episode 6x06.
Who is going to meet their demise in season six? We can make a few educated guesses, having read The Walking Dead's comics which the series has been following pretty tightly in recent months. The ones you would have to keep your eyes on if this were a direct adaptation are Tobin, Jessie, Ron, Morgan, Deanna, and Carl.
Does that mean they're in danger in the show's midseason finale, though? Not necessarily. In fact, it's probably safe to say Morgan doesn't belong on the list. His character will be fleshed out a bit more and not in a eaten by zombies way.
Let's take a look at our characters and evaluate the risks.
Rick - Safe. It's Rick. He's going to lead.
Carl - Danger. Likely won't be killed, but Ron is going to cause him some serious harm.
Glenn - Safe. He has to reunite with Maggie. And then Lucille.
Maggie - Safe. She has to reunite with Glenn.
Daryl - Safe. He'll probably show up late with Abraham and Sasha and save somebody's day.
Carol - Safe. She's well prepared for some zombie warfare.
Morgan - Danger. His comic book counter part doesn't make it past the Alexandria walls falling, but a similar death was given to Tyreese on TV. Morgan will likely survive the herd's invasion but we can't say for sure.
Michonne - Safe. She's fully equipped with the skills and tool to defend herself from the herd. It would be cool to see a comic parallel for her here, because as Morgan dies in the comics, she opens up for the first time and shows some true emotion.
Abraham - Safe. He'll rush in, one-liner-spewing hero-style to kick some zombie ass and save somebody.
Rosita - Danger. Though her comic book character makes it past this point, she saw a lot of lines last week, which is usually the kiss of death, and on top of that, Abraham may have a new interest: Sasha. Move over, Rosita.
Sasha - Danger. She's unpredictable and it may cost her despite finally appearing stable in 6x06 when talking to Abraham.
Eugene - Safe. Eugene will go on and see the larger world beyond this herd invasion.
Judith - Safe. She's made it this far (somehow) so it's hard to imagine her getting suddenly devoured by zombies.
Aaron - Safe. He's adaptable and an essential part of the new community being built.
Eric - Danger. His ankle is injured and the group is going to have to move fast to avoid the herd. He will only slow people down.
Deanna - Serious Danger. Her comic book counter part goes down in a blaze of gun shots as he is devoured by walkers. Deanna left her legacy with Rick when she handed him the plans for the Alexandria expansion.
Spencer - Danger. After his boneheaded decision in 6x07, it's safe to assume he is not safe when a massive herd of hungry walkers is running around.
Jessie - Serious Danger. Her comic book counter part gets cut off, literally, by Rick as she is devoured by zombies. Shortly after the two hook up on the pages, the walker herd comes in and gets a hold of Jessie and Rick severed her hand as she tried to hold on to Carl.
Ron - Danger. He may think he's in control, but in reality, he's never shot the gun he's carrying and he's likely to make a bad decision while holding it.
Sam - Danger. He's scared of the zombies and can't defend himself. One little sound and he'll attract them all to the Sam Buffet.
Enid - Safe. She and Glenn will likely search for a way inside and help fight off the herd.
Tobin - Dead.
Father Gabriel - Danger. His character survives quite a bit longer in the comics, but Gabriel seems to have run his course on the show. Though his death might be one which would make the audience say, "Yes! Finally!" and the writers never really provide us with those moments, Gabriel shouldn't be ruled as safe. We all know what happens to people who don't see eye to eye with Rick Grimes.
Tara - Danger. She risked her life last week to save Spencer and on top of that, has a new potential love interest with Denise, who in the comics dates Heath. She's one bad decision away from allowing the show to course correct in that direction while breaking the hearts of all the Tara/Denise shippers.
Denise - Safe. She's the only doctor left in the world. She can't clock out yet.
Heath - Safe. We've hardly even gotten to know Heath but him and his hair game will continue to grow in the second half of season six.
02-14-2016, 04:30 PM
It comes back tonight IPTV Talk Zombie is some spoilers and rumors:
The Walking Dead is back on Valentine’s Day with the highly-anticipated mid-season premiere titled “No Way Out.” Earlier in the week, AMC posted a trailer for the first four minutes of the season 6, episode 9 return to Sunday nights. There has been a lot of speculation about how the group might survive the walker horde that threatened them at the end of the TWD finale before what feels like much too long of a break. Now, on The Walking Dead mid-season premiere eve, a complete recap of the episode due to air tomorrow has been leaked, completely spoiling the mid-season premiere. Keep reading if you want to know everything before AMC airs “Now Way Out on Sunday, February 14 at 9 p.m.
Unreality TV was quick to disclaim that nothing in their recap turned spoilers can really be confirmed until the episode actually airs. Until then, here is the scoop. Be warned, this is the ultimate spoiler for season 6, episode 9. Don’t read any further unless you want to know all the news for the upcoming episode.
When TWD went on break in the middle of season 6, Rick’s group was about to use one of their oldest tricks to survive a mob of walkers. Rick, Carl, Michonne, Judith, Sam, Jessie, and Ron were covered in walker guts and blood. The group planned to walk through the horde using their disguise but that would be too easy since it had been done as long ago as season 1. While wading through a sea of walkers, Sam freaked out and started calling for his mom.
Now everybody knows that walkers are attracted to noise and as the horde of walkers starts turning toward Rick’s crew they all cling to each other and follow right behind Rick. After Sam’s screaming, he ends up getting bit and his mother, Jessie, gets bit on the shoulder too. Here’s where the action really starts and we find out the details of the spoiler about what happened to Carl’s eye.
When Jessie gets bit, Rick instinctively reaches for an ax and cuts off Jessie’s arm to save Carl. That’s when Ron picks up his mom’s gun and shoots at Rick. Not before Carl jumps in the way, though, sending the bullet right through his eye. This is the explanation behind the Fox Russia leak of Carl pictured with a bandage over his eye so we can only assume that he survives. Michonne avenges the shot and without hesitation, sinks her katana into Ron’s chest, thus ending that whole family within seconds. Father Gabriel finally makes himself useful (or does he?) when he offers to take Judith and keep her safe so Rick can get some medical attention for Carl.
Let’s jump back to that first four minutes that everyone has already seen. Sasha, Abraham, and Daryl are in dire need of a miracle, or so we thought. The super trailer makes it look like someone from the good side is going to die after the group is forced to hand over their weapons. We already know Negan is a really bad dude and these are obviously guys who run his errands. Shame on us for losing our faith of Daryl Dixon though because, as usual, the fan favorite who has been highly favored to die by spoiler fanatics, ends up being the one to save the day.
Daryl gets his chance to save his group when the leader of the bikers escorts him around to the back of the truck to check for more weapons. Thank goodness for that spare rocket launcher Daryl had ready to go because he was able to take out the whole biker gang in one big boom. Just like that Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham hop back in the truck and head back toward the others.
Glenn and Enid are able to get back into the safe zone. They were shown at the mid-season finale trying to make their way back and in the most un-incredible part of the TWD return, Glenn, Enid, and Maggie are all safe. There were a lot of rumors that Glenn might die while trying to save Maggie because he’ll never just leave her stranded. It turns out that Glenn prevailed again and did not die in season 6, episode 9. That does not mean that Glenn won’t die soon though because Steven Yeun certainly has been talking up a storm about life after Glenn’s death.
There was a whole lot of talk about who might die in the mid-season premiere, “No Way Out.” It was really starting to sound like there would be some major deaths in Rick’s camp, with some speculating that Daryl and Glenn might make their exit. Imagine our relief to learn that the only deaths in Rick’s group are those of Sam, Jessie, and Ron. That story line wasn’t going to work anyway because no one likes seeing Rick as the wife stealer. That would make him just as bad as Shane, who romanced his wife when they weren’t sure if he was alive or dead.
There is no team better than Michonne and Rick. Big props to them for spending some time killing walkers in the most incredible ways. Wouldn’t it be neat if Rick and Michonne could connect in more ways than just friendship? She surely has more in common with Rick than Jessie ever could. What do you think of the season 6, episode 9 mid-season return of The Walking Dead? Was there just enough action or should TWD have done things differently?
Android Man
02-15-2016, 05:21 PM
I really enjoyed the new walking dead show last night...watched it 2 times lol
02-24-2016, 10:56 PM
Sorry, 'Walking Dead' Fans — Beloved Daryl Dixon Will Probably Die This Season
The Walking Dead is no stranger to killing off members of the cast. Aside from Game of Thrones, no other show on television can compete with its annual brutality and gore. Yet in recent seasons, The Walking Dead has diverted from killing the biggest characters on its cast, instead opting for lesser developed characters to die in their places.
Thankfully, the series is gearing up to raise the stakes. Negan (to be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan), arguably the most sadistic villain in the comics that the show is based on, will make an appearance this season. In all likelihood, he will be appearing in the season finale, akin to his game-changing introduction in the comics. (Plus, he's only penned to show up in the finale on IMDb, though that's far from concrete evidence.)
To the uninitiated, Negan will bring a darker element and a tangible threat to Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the group — one not felt since we saw the Governor (David Morrissey) in season three. The turning point will likely start with a brutal death of a beloved character. However, there are legitimate reasons to believe that this character will be Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) — much to the dismay of his adoring, intense fanbase.
In the comics, Negan makes an example out of Glenn (Steven Yeun) — picked from random out of Rick's group — and brutally clubs him to death with his barbed wire-laced baseball bat, "Lucille." It's a chilling scene that has a lasting impact on the group. For one, it drastically affects Maggie's (Lauren Cohan) storyline, as she recovers from the death of her husband.
However, the show has already laid out compelling reasons for Negan to instead target this rage at Daryl. After a brief encounter with Negan's lackeys alongside Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), Daryl blows up the group with a rocket launcher from the back of their truck, calling them "a bunch of a$$holes."
There appears to be a car in the background of the shot where Daryl blows up the crew, though it could just as easily be attributed to a minor production gaffe. However, if someone else were to witness the event, or if the member of the crew Daryl took out at the back of the truck somehow survived, Negan would know who's responsible for killing his men. (Killing some of his lackeys is why he goes to Rick for a public execution of a group member, Glenn, in the comics).
Furthermore, the show has repeatedly teased Glenn's death without actually following through with it. In the first half of season six, he was seemingly eaten alive by horde of zombies — though it's later revealed to be a clever camera trick.
Even in the midseason premiere, the show again tosses up Glenn as potential zombie bait before Daryl, Sasha and Abraham come in to rescue him and the rest of the gang in Alexandria with their newly acquired stash of weapons. Glenn's mortality has become a frequently repeated — and frustrating — trope. Killing him would actually be expected at this point.
The latest episode also introduces someone who could be the newest member of the group: Jesus. He takes a similar persona to that of Michonne and Daryl, a loner who is very capable of holding his own in the zombified world. However, he adds another "lone wolf" character to a show that now has several, as Morgan (Lennie James) certainly qualifies as one too.
In seasons past, characters with similar characteristics were soon killed off (think Dale dying shortly after Hershel showed up, taking over the "old man with strong moral compass" role). It would make little sense for Jesus to be introduced only to die shortly after, especially since his character is still alive in the comics.
Tracing characters back to their comic origins is another reason Daryl's life span on the show is an ongoing concern. He isn't based on a comic book character — rather he and his brother, Merle (Michael Rooker), were created specifically for the show. As such, there are no inherent callbacks to the source with his actions. The showrunners can do whatever they want.
The show has also already made subtle, artistic hints that a Daryl death could be at the hands of a biker (like Negan), when Daryl crashes next to a zombified biker in the sixth episode of season six. It's not out-of-reach for AMC to do such a thing — they did just that with drug kingpin Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) on Breaking Bad with the use of a pink teddy bear, foreshadowing the way in which he would die later in the series.
It might not be what Daryl's fans are hoping for. The phrase, "If Daryl dies, we riot," has become so popular that it's available on merchandise.
If nothing else, the season six finale — and Negan's potential entrance — should prove to be a very disturbing end. According to the actors, it'll be a lot, even by the show's incredibly gruesome standards.
"I felt sick to my stomach when I read the [finale] script," Andrew Lincoln told Entertainment Weekly. "It was the first day in the whole six years of working on The Walking Dead that I was late for work because I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get back to sleep. I was so angry and frustrated and I felt sick. And that was just after reading it."
The Walking Dead's comic book creator and TV series executive producer Robert Kirkman has already said that Negan's appearance will be an "atomic bomb" that's dropped on the show. The best way to demonstrate this may be killing off its most beloved character.
02-24-2016, 11:16 PM
Nice he will get away again using a knife he tucked away in his butt checks! Honestly though I would like to see some character changes its time RIP Darryl but I think Glenn would be the better choice to off!
02-25-2016, 12:07 AM
there all dead anyway
crazed 9.6
02-25-2016, 12:09 AM
Darryl has to make to the end.... damn it !!!
02-25-2016, 01:18 AM
I have heard from a lot of sources that Daryl will me Lucille (bat), thats were the new character comes is Jesus!!I know a lot of people will miss Daryl!!!
crazed 9.6
02-25-2016, 01:19 AM
I have heard from a lot of sources that Daryl will me Lucille (bat), thats were the new character comes is Jesus!!I know a lot of people will miss Daryl!!!
shut up !!!
Darryl will off jesus !
and that will be that .
sorry about the offing jesus thing, but this is the walking dead :(
02-25-2016, 01:25 AM
LOL....I hope nobody dies but this the Walking Dead someone needs to be sacrfice :(
crazed 9.6
02-25-2016, 01:35 AM
LOL....I hope nobody dies but this the Walking Dead someone needs to be sacrfice :(
damn, you know... everytime you think that person is gonna make it... bammmm ...
it frigging sux man. I wannna see a good guy not get dead !
If darryl do not make it, i gonna complain to somebody !
02-25-2016, 05:34 PM
thats funny who you going to call GhostBuster
Android Man
02-27-2016, 03:43 PM
lol maybe one day the walking dead crew will bump into the Znation crew and the doc from znation will get them all stoned on Zweed lol
02-27-2016, 04:04 PM
or Zhash!!!:cool:
03-16-2016, 04:51 PM
So who you think is going to be Sacrificed to the Ratings Gods(killed on the Season Finale):
If you watched last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, you know it was centered almost exclusively on Carol as she began questioning her brutal philosophy of killing anyone who needed killing. Perhaps inspired by Morgan, she doesn’t want to have to kill anyone anymore—which is unfortunate for her for two reasons. The first is that showing mercy in The Walking Dead is a pretty surefire way of getting killed, and the second is that Carol has had an extremely satisfying character arc, one that has essentially wrapped up. And man, would it be crushing to see Carol embrace her humanity again only to be immediately murdered by a villain who has none.
“If Daryl dies, we riot,” cries the Walking Dead fandom, and they cry it a lot. Which is exactly why there’s such a good chance that Daryl will be the one to go come season finale time. It’s a character so beloved that it would hurt the audience incredibly while cementing Negan as totally evil. Plus, Daryl’s character is in kind of a weird limbo on the show, helping Rick, but not really having any stories of his own. What better use for him than to give viewers the most upsetting TWD episode ever?
Despite promising that “hard-left turn” from this specific character death, the showrunners have been trolling fans mercilessly by incorporating allusion after allusion to Glenn, Negan and baseball bats, beginning with his near death by a different baseball bat at Terminus. Could TWD’s “hard left-turn” by a total lie and we’re going to watch Glenn die anyways? It’s entirely possible. Also, remember that Maggie is pregnant, and having a kid is often its own mark of death for characters in these types of shows. I would also like to state that it would be entirely within The Walking Dead’s purview to kill Glenn… and then also kill someone else.
In the comics, Abraham is Rick’s right-hand man. In the show, he’s a bit more aimless, although he’s always good in a fight (or for finding rocket launchers). If Daryl dies, this will likely mean that Abraham might finally get his due, but we can’t ignore the possibility that the show will keep Daryl and kill Abraham in his stead. It would be giving the fans what they want, which TWD is certainly not above doing at least once in a while, and again, Abe really doesn’t have much going on other than pining for Sasha. Purely from a storytelling perspective, he could be removed without fundamentally altering the show. But it seems like TWD wants to fundamentally alter the show with Negan’s arrival, so his lack of purpose might actually be what saves him.
I don’t believe The Walking Dead is quite willing to kill a pregnant woman and her unborn baby... at least I hope not. (Sure, it killed Lori, but she still managed to give birth just before she died.) Maggie’s death would unequivocally turn TWD into “misery porn,” and I think a lot of viewers would revolt—and I think the show knows this, too. On the other hand, can the show actually handle two babies from a storytelling perspective? Trying to incorporate Rick’s young daughter Judith has occasionally been a chore for the writers. Another might be too much
03-16-2016, 05:24 PM
I think when she got hit in the stomach the baby is dead an now there is a "zombaby" in her belly slowly eating its way through her stomach! Ok I could be wrong on this one LOL...
Seriously I think it will be Abraham he would be a loss and would be shocking or maybe we are looking at this all wrong maybe it will be multiple people like Abraham and Morgan..
03-16-2016, 07:31 PM
My money is on Daryl, he just is not in the comic books. With my second guess being Carol!!Glenn dies in the comic books to Negan but I think he will be spared!!has of right now anyone except Rick and Michone!!
03-16-2016, 08:17 PM
Don't forget they said they wanted the TV series to take a different direction than the book at some point could that be now?
03-21-2016, 03:57 PM
WOW just WoW looks like Abraham was spared and they off'd Denis (Merritt Weave) I dont know how I feel about this I loved her in Nurse Jackie but hated her in TWD. What do you all think was this a good KILL or should Abraham been the one off'd like the book.
BTW the D*** Biting scene was epic!
03-22-2016, 01:01 AM
Still one more death before the season end......I;m worried!!
04-03-2016, 08:07 PM
The Walking Dead” Season 6 final episode spoilers reveal that although the season 6 finale will be supersized at 90 minutes, we won’t see big bad Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) until the last 10 minutes of the episode. The gang will be tormented by the Saviors throughout the show but Negan won’t be there until the bitter end.
TWD spoilers reveal that Negan shows up at the end of the episode and starts with a speech about Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) wiping out too many Saviors. He explains that Alexandria will get the same deal the other communities get – 50% of their output goes to the Saviors and no one else dies.
But Negan’s policy when setting up new business is that he always kills one of the people from that community to make sure they know he’s serious. Spoilers also reveal that Negan will line up the whole group – looks like there’s about 10 of them – on their knees while he chooses a victim.
Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) looks to NOT be in the lineup because he’s a kid. However, Negan will threaten to pluck out Carl’s eye and force Rick to eat it if anyone tries to stop him from killing the person of his choosing. That’s pretty awful. Might as well be dead as blind in the apocalypse!
When Maggie Greene’s (Lauren Cohan) pregnancy pains cause her to scream, Negan will offer to put her out of her misery, but it’s doubtful Negan would kill a woman if he won’t kill a kid – particularly not a pregnant woman – even one who may be miscarrying or giving birth to a monster.
What’s interesting in all of this – and that we heard a couple of episodes ago – is that Negan’s Saviors truly believe that Rick and his Alexandrians are the bad guys. Yes, the Saviors are taking from the communities, but they offer protection. They see the Alexandrians as total black hats.
Rick and his bunch admittedly have taken life after life. The Savior body count is pretty high. They killed six or seven on the road with a rocket launcher – Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) took out a whole truckload of them herself plus the ones she and Maggie knifed and burned alive.
Plus, several more died at the railroad tracks before Dwight (Austin Amelio) called them off and they ran. They have to be at least 30 down from Rick and company. That’s about as many people as live in the whole of Alexandria. To the Saviors, Rick’s group looks like homicidal maniacs.
The bottom line is, Negan lines up the gang, has them on their knees and chooses one seemingly at random for slaughter. We’ll see the bat come down from the perspective of his chosen victim and Negan will strike several times before that person dies and the scene cuts to black.
But we will NOT KNOW who died until the beginning of season 7. Looks like “The Walking Dead” showrunners are going to leave us hanging to see who dies for many long months. Josh McDermitt (aka Eugene) commented on the finale recently saying “You’re screwed. There is no preparing for it.”
So fans of TWD, now you know to brace yourself for 80 minutes of build-up then 10 minutes of Negan’s pre-murder monologue then a brutal bat beating. Plus, TWD showrunners have indicated nothing will be said by or about the victim to give us any clue as to who dies.
The leaked audio of the final seconds of the season finale has people reporting that is Daryl!!!
Going to be a long haul waiting until October for the start of season 7. But have done it many times before, so it is doable. :)
Android Man
04-04-2016, 01:24 PM
Makes you think who is the good guys and who isnt. That one woman that was holding carol and maggies said to her...your not the good guys.
Dont know who got the ax last night. Might be Carl or might be Daryl.
Reason i think Daryl is because usually on the show the talking dead...the actor that gets the ax from the show is usually on the talking dead.
Although the doctor that got the arrow in the eye wasn't on the talking dead show.
And they have to love everyone speculating and waiting for the next season. It's the way to keep an audience in the fold. They've done a great job all the way.
04-05-2016, 12:54 PM
Hate the ending of this episode and overall the entire episode. Rick acted like a little girl in the entire episode, crying and looking so scare i didn't even know who he was. Also the cliffhanger was so 80's and truly this is a one of a kind Tv series did not need copying such cheap method as a season ending cliffhanger is disappointing. Oh Well just have to wait until October!!
Android Man
04-09-2016, 01:29 AM
Well there was a lot of commercials ..1 1/2 hour show...1/2 hours for commercials.
I didn't think the show was all that bad.
What i found funny was Rick always acting like a tough guy but in that last show he acted like a a scared little
04-09-2016, 12:54 PM
I agree :-)
Well there was a lot of commercials ..1 1/2 hour show...1/2 hours for commercials.
I didn't think the show was all that bad.
What i found funny was Rick always acting like a tough guy but in that last show he acted like a a scared little
Android Man
04-09-2016, 01:03 PM
Anyone else see a flash of a plaid shirt near the end?
Only one wearing a plaid shirt was Carl.
Boy, you guys are sure hard on poor ol' Rick.
I have a feeling whoever was being cranked on by Negan almost certainly would be dead. No one's noggin could take that kind of abuse without caving in. But if it was Carl, I bet he'll survive.
09-20-2016, 01:16 PM
From "spoiling dead fan website"
Episode Breakdown – 7A
We got you a present today, buttercups! We gathered up the most pertinent information from the filming of the first part of the season. We thought we would package them up nicely for you in an easy to follow episode breakdown. This is just the first half of the season. We will post what we have for the second half of the season at a later time. Keep in mind that this information is not confirmed. It’s based on thorough tracking and investigation.
Episode 7.1
Characters: Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Abe, Eugene, Rosita, Aaron, Sasha, Negan, Dwight, Simon (Steven Ogg), other Saviors.
Location: Mostly in the clearing where we last left off. There was also filming with Negan and Rick in the RV over where the burning logs from 6.16 were. One day of filming at Alexandria for a supposed dream sequence.
• We believe Abe and Glenn will both fall victim to Lucille
• Daryl gets taken prisoner by the Saviors
• Negan takes Rick on a mindfuck adventure in the RV
• There’s a rumored dream sequence which will feature the main characters including the Lucille victims. There’s also supposed to be a Gleggie baby in this scene
Episode 7.2
Characters: Daryl, Negan, Dwight, Sherry, Saviors
Location: The majority of the episode takes place at the Sanctuary. There was also filming in different areas around Griffin for a car chase scene
• Seems to focus on the inner-workings of the Sanctuary
• Daryl is tortured as a prisoner. Might make a failed escape attempt.
• Dwight is involved in a chase scene where he and a few other Saviors chase down a rogue savior who has escaped the Sanctuary.
Episode 7.3
Characters: Carol, Morgan, Ezekiel, “Rogers” (Richard), other Kingdom people
Location: The majority of the episode takes place at the Kingdom. There was also some outside filming at an abandoned carwash and apartment complex. They also filmed at the creeptastic house for this episode.
• We meet Ezekiel and Shiva!
• The Kingdom people and Morgan take part in some sort of piggy roundup (pigs can be seen eating walkers in trailer)
• We learn about the Kingdom and check in with Morgan and Carol
• Carol seems to separate from Morgan and the Kingdom and end up at the creeptastic house with the graveyard.
Episode 7.4
Characters: Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Rosita, Aaron, Enid, Father G, Eugene, Negan, Dwight, Spencer, Olivia, Tobin, Judith(?)
Location: Alexandria. There was also some filming outside the walls at a farm location.
• Negan and his crew come knocking at Alexandria for Team Family’s first “offering”
• Negan totes around a captured Daryl, who is wearing a ridiculous prison suit
• Rick is forced to carry around Lucille while Negan and the Saviors take half their shit
• Rosita and Spencer seem to pair off and go outside the walls together. Michonne also goes off on her own for some unknown mission.
Episode 7.5
Characters: Rick, Michonne, Carl, Enid, Maggie, Sasha, Aaron, Jesus, Gregory, Simon (Steven Ogg)
Location: Alexandria and Hilltop. Also some filming with Carl and Enid outside the walls.
• Carl and Enid appear to journey to the Hilltop. Carl was seen driving a car over walkers.
• Maggie and Sasha are shown living at the Hilltop. We assume Maggie recovers.
• Judging by the trailer there is a fire and several walkers infiltrate the Hilltop gate.
• Simon and the Saviors visit the Hilltop for their offering. Carl and Jesus sneak into one of Negan’s trucks.
Episode 7.6
Characters: Tara, Heath, “Jennie” (Sydney Park), “Naomi” (Deborah May)
Location: Woods/River/ Old giftshop/ Jekyll Island?
• This appears to be a bottle episode showing what happened on Tara and Heath’s supply run that started last season
• Tara and Heath appear to get separated when they run into walkers on a bridge
• Tara encounters a small group of women and children who we think have been mostly wiped out by the Saviors
• Tara makes it back to Alexandria. However, Heath does not. This doesn’t necessarily mean he is dead. We just don’t know at this point.
Episode 7.7
Characters: Negan, Carl, Dwight, Sherry, Jesus, Daryl, Rick, Michonne, Eugene, Rosita, Aaron, Father G, Olivia, Judith
Location: Sanctuary, Alexandria, couple of locations outside of the walls
• Since Carl appeared to be filming inside of one of the Saviors’ trucks we feel confident that Carl will get his comic arc with Negan. We believe we’ll see several scenes from issues 104/105 in the comics. We will most likely meet Negan’s wives including Amber and her old boyfriend Mark, who will probably have an unfortunate encounter with an iron.
• Aaron and Rick seem to be on a supply run while Carl sneaks off to the Sanctuary
• Michonne also appears to be on a mission and encounters a mystery woman who we believe is a Savior
• Rosita and Eugene make bullets
• Negan takes Carl back home to Alexandria. Judith was also filming on the day they come back. We speculate that Negan will encounter Judith.
Episode 7.8
Characters: Rick, Carl, Michonne, Tara, Rosita, Eugene, Spencer, Father G, Aaron, Eric, Olivia, Negan, Daryl, Maggie, Sasha, Jesus, Gregory, Enid, Carol, Morgan
Location: Alexandria, Hilltop, the Sanctuary, Creeptastic House, the road
• Suspicious activity and a possible death dinner leads us to believe Spencer dies in this episode. We think he will get his famous guts scene from the comics
• There’s some whispers that Olivia might be a goner in this episode too
• Michonne was filming in a car with the unknown woman from episode 7.7
• Judging by photos that came out during episode 7.9, it looks like Aaron’s face got roughed up. We speculate he gets into some kind of altercation in this episode.
• Looks like we will briefly check in with Carol and Morgan at the creeptastic house
• Rick, Michonne, Carl, Tara,and Rosita go to the Hilltop
• Eugene might get captured or leave ASZ in this episode. He is at the Sanctuary by episode 11.
• We think this will be the episode where Daryl finally escapes the Sanctuary. He might receive assistance from Jesus as well as somebody from inside the Sanctuary. We think he will reunite with Rick and Co at the Hilltop.
Sounds like we have a badass season to look forward to this year. Get here faster, October!
10-24-2016, 01:54 PM
I guess the above is true, very Grim episode!!
Agreed! I didn't get to watch until last night. There wasn't a light moment in the entire 48 minutes.
10-28-2016, 09:02 PM
I will be hard to watch for sure from now on!!
10-30-2016, 04:00 PM
I hope I can see TWD tonight. Because the last sunday, channel fox1 East (957) had the same programming fox1 West (958), the last chapter everyone could see 10:30 p.m. and I had to wait until 2:30 a.m., what a disappointment!
Yesterday Fox1 returned to its programming, but now does not work.
Could someone fix it?
10-30-2016, 04:11 PM
Please post in Channel issues section!!!Regarding TWD it will be a hard episode to follow!!
The latest episode (and I won't include a spoiler) was lighthearted compared to last week's. I needed the breather after the former beast of an episode! :)
11-03-2016, 05:41 PM
It is a new TWD after Negan is a whole different series!!
I'm not sure what you mean? This one is just episode 2 of TWD, correct?
11-03-2016, 07:41 PM
I mean the atmosphere of the show is different, he is a new type of Villain unlike the Governor!!
Ah, yes, ok... I gotcha now! :)
11-03-2016, 10:07 PM
Tried watching TWD live was very difficult with all the constant freezing, just wondering how you guys were able to enjoy it live? I have 200Mbps Internet speed on a MAG254, using Ethernet.
I watched a recorded version on Specto (Genesis fork).
11-14-2016, 06:19 PM
I guess all the spoilers are coming true from post #46!!
I haven't watched last night's episode yet. Since last week's episode was following Daryl and Negan, I'm thinking this week will be back with be back with Carol, Morgan and the Kingdom.
Well, I was wrong on that one. And you know, I'm beginning to think Negan isn't a very nice guy, although he does appear to be a baseball fan.
11-18-2016, 11:07 PM
Com on Negan is a sweetheart, he seems to be very fond of Daryl!!
Got to figure Daryl's silence is some kind of ploy. I bet he's planning something.
crazed 9.6
11-19-2016, 12:19 AM
I do not watch the show much,,, but I agree Daryl is up to something and being a baseball fan aint gonna save Negan !!
lol, kidding guys, I do not watch the show much, so I would not know. Might have to pick up on it again thou....
Daryl was my hero thou, he is up to something :)
Time to get back into it. :) You'd only have 3 episodes to watch and you'd be caught up.
11-28-2016, 06:31 PM
Boring episode this week, ratings are going down. lots of subplots so far.
12-12-2016, 06:17 PM
Nice episode, this show is winding down for me. Running out people to kill for shock value!!
crazed 9.6
02-15-2017, 10:57 PM
so I started watching this series again. Started from season 1 again and am now mid-season 4 when Rick's group looses the prison.
I might make it to present date this time :eek:
I forgot how powerful this show is... wow !
I found the comic online and was following the comic along with the TV series. I see things are different but similar at the same time too.
I see at the end of Book #049 is when Rick's group lost the Prison and gets split up, in season 4
02-16-2017, 03:08 PM
Awesome, I will check it out!!
crazed 9.6
02-16-2017, 10:41 PM
I am wond right up !!! (whatever that means) :)
I been watching now for days on end. I am now at end of season 5
Only thing that scares me more these days is Freed's recent avatars .... lol
I have to remember to draw the drapes. I don't know how he got that pic of me.
crazed 9.6
02-17-2017, 12:40 AM
I have to remember to draw the drapes. I don't know how he got that pic of me.
draw them drapes bud :)
I'm a looker... No bout adoubt it :)
03-07-2017, 04:16 PM
War is coming, but they need more guns!!!
03-13-2017, 03:08 PM
Carol is back, and she is bringing old Morgan with her!!!
03-29-2017, 01:56 PM
Season finale is this weekend, i wonder who "the little birdy" is!!
10-25-2017, 01:43 PM
Walking Dead is BACK!!! First episode was all over the place, but war is here.....Feel free to posts spoilers here :o
10-30-2017, 08:38 PM
It was a war episode for sure, some nice storyline leaks have come up in the internet!!
11-18-2017, 03:57 PM
Is it me or this season is "blah", starting to just let the episodes go and watch all of them at the end of the year!!
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