View Full Version : [MOD] Shortcuts to a Group of Channels (Kodi's Favourites)
couch potato
05-03-2016, 02:09 PM
Kodi allows you to add links to your favourite programs, pictures, videos, music, files, add-ons, and more via the favourites menu. Some video add-ons have this support also. So you can access from the home menu easily without having to navigate otherwise complex paths, making it easier for you and your family to access your most common content.
05-03-2016, 08:02 PM
Cant find vod channels with above feature thanks
couch potato
05-04-2016, 12:16 AM
Cant find vod channels with above feature thanks
hahaha... I knew someone will ask that vod question
I didn't include the VoD group on purpose
since the VoD list has more than 1600 items
and I wasn't sure if the Kodi will allow them all fit in its favourites list
but ofc, I can add the codes for a test
couch potato
05-04-2016, 06:20 AM
UPDATE #10: (download link at the bottom)
move VoD (ENG & ESP) to the top list
create shortcuts to the VoD (ENG & ESP) channels in Kodi's favourite VoD).zip
05-04-2016, 09:51 AM
Thanks buddy your doing a great job
05-04-2016, 01:15 PM
Yes couch potato you are truly doing an amazing job with this add on ... I would like to thank you !
You're taking this add on in the right direction. ( At least for me LOL )
05-05-2016, 03:25 PM
I know its been said many times before couch...But when are we going to see the implementation of the features you developed in dara`s stalker video.addon. ?
Have you enabled the VOD section into genre grouping also? eg: action, comedy, horror, scfi. ect: ?
All seems quite ATM on the progress you made...So I would appreciate a update as to when or if you plan to release the features to the community.?
As Always...Thank you for your time , support. and hard work.
couch potato
05-05-2016, 03:54 PM
one feature at the time my dear mate
ATM I'm planning to release a new version based on dara's build
coz I think my build one will be to heavy to load
so I will keep it as my personal project
not everyone loves the po-tah-to (or per-tat-er lol)
I'd appreciate if you could give me some inputs
maybe I can add them in my next release
05-05-2016, 04:07 PM
one feature at the time my dear mate
ATM I'm planning to release a new version based on dara's build
coz I think my build one will be to heavy to load
so I will keep it as my personal project
not everyone loves the po-tah-to (or per-tat-er lol)
I'd appreciate if you could give me some inputs
maybe I can add them in my next release
Thank you Sir.....I really can wait for the full implementation of your forthcoming features it will be Awesome I imagine.
I am not sure of my input as feedback for your project....But I really would like if possible the VOD section to have categorize genres if this was at all possible. So lets say I select VOD then opens into a categorized section of generates e.g.: horror , scfi, comedy, ect..... That would be very nice indeed.
You may already have include this feature so my apologies if this is the scenario?
Again.. Thank you Sir for all your Sterling support.
05-05-2016, 10:16 PM
Live tv tab include vods if possible?
Live tv tab include vods if possible?
That's a PVR feature on the PVR Stalker NFPS. There is no Live TV tab on IPTV Stalker.
A suggestion for couch potato, instead of bookmarking all available channels onto the favourites, I'd rather see a Favorites in the 'Genres' level, where you can use a context selection within the add-on. Users now can just select and save individual channels as a favourite. Listing all the available channels and VoDs only bypasses the need to start the add-on and select 'All', and if you need to see the channel numbers, the user can just "Sort By: Play count". There is no need to remove the favourites bookmark option in the Mod, a user just would leave it unselected, but the Favourites could go right before All.
Users can already sort the VoD's by Genre, but maybe a separate level where a user can select IPTV channels or VoD/PPVs, then after that, have a separate genre level for the VoD's. Some VoD's have multiple genres, so the code would have to check each of the 4 IDs assigned and build the list accordingly
So, a user that wants to see a Vod Comedy in English would go "Portal Name">"VoD/PPV">Comedy [ENG], then select from the list. Now, the user goes "Portal Name">"VoDs (or "[VoD][ENG]" in the 10.3.0+ mods)), then sort by Genre to locate a comedy. I don't think the PPVs have genre tags, so they would just be another category. At least that's the way I would do it.
couch potato
05-05-2016, 11:23 PM
actually the genre selection feature has already included in my personal build
I put it as a feature tab's option in the addon settings
but if you prefer as a home page option, the 3rd page after portal & channel genre selection
maybe I can add it too in my next release
if what you mean is adding a shortcut as a sub-menu on the Kodi's home menu bar
YES! it's possible and you can also do it by yourself
but ofc, it depends on the (custom) skin you install on your Kodi
e.g. if you're using the Aeon Nox 5
you can follow these guide
05-05-2016, 11:37 PM
actually the genre selection feature has already included in my personal build
I put it as a feature tab's option in the addon settings
but if you prefer as a home page option, the 3rd page after portal & channel genre selection
maybe I can add it too in my next release
Any of these options to be included would be good...(I do like sound of the home option)... Hopefully you may release it into your next revision.
Thank you as always...for all your help and support.
Users can already sort the VoD's by Genre, but maybe a separate level where a user can select IPTV channels or VoD/PPVs, then after that, have a separate genre level for the VoD's. Some VoD's have multiple genres, so the code would have to check each of the 4 IDs assigned and build the list accordingly
So, a user that wants to see a Vod Comedy in English would go "Portal Name">"VoD/PPV">Comedy [ENG], then select from the list. Now, the user goes "Portal Name">"VoDs (or "[VoD][ENG]" in the 10.3.0+ mods)), then sort by Genre to locate a comedy. I don't think the PPVs have genre tags, so they would just be another category. At least that's the way I would do it.
I really like the sounds of this.
couch potato
05-06-2016, 12:02 AM
thanks for your feedback :)
about the shortcut to partial channel selection:
cmiiw, I think there's no need to add it as a feature since users can do it by themselves
actually there's a simple way to sort out the displayed channels
if you add all related tags to the movie's title
e.g. movie's title [year][genre][mpaa]
you can sort out the display by using kodi's filter
about the multi genres:
I'd rather to use only the firsr item in the list genre[0]
about the. PPV genre:
actualy I've also have this feature included in my personal build
which has all the metadatas scraped directly from the TMDb & youtube (movie trailers)
but ofc, it will make the addon loading a little bit longer
so I decided not to include this feature in my next release
05-06-2016, 08:31 AM
but ofc, it will make the addon loading a little bit longer
so I decided not to include this feature in my next release
I myself personally would welcome the added features for the slightly longer load scenario.....So please
Reconsider your position on release as I suspect many more would gladly enjoy the updated feature.
I would much rather a feature rich edition any day of the week . ;)
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