View Full Version : HD channels are buffering constantly. Can we an option for non HD?
04-30-2016, 03:01 AM
I noticed that CNN, ESPN and some other channels are high quality now but they constantly buffer like crazy.
04-30-2016, 03:08 AM
Here is like that since they became HD a week ago.
Me too. Since switching to HD, I'm unable to watch CNN. As mentioned, too much buffering. I wish there were a workaround .
04-30-2016, 09:41 PM
They are running flawlessly without any buffering, quite a few of us have tested them and had zero issues. Maybe try using a VPN? Are you running wireless or hard wired? What's your ISP speed?
04-30-2016, 09:51 PM
I have 10 Mbps and not issues at all at those channels.
05-01-2016, 05:14 PM
neighbor's runnin 20m dsl & enjoyin the hd channels with very little issue...:)
05-01-2016, 07:54 PM
Unfortunately here it's the same. Unwatchable
05-02-2016, 01:25 AM
100mb here ad HD Channels looks really fine
Hd working great. I Love the quality.
05-02-2016, 12:40 PM
Fine here on 50mbps Wi-Fi.
05-02-2016, 07:31 PM
I've also been having constant buffering on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and other American channels. Also the Audio Sync is off badly on those channels, I'm on PVR client, FireStick, Jarvis, 20mbps wireless.
I think this started happening when these channels went HD.
Anyone know why these channels work for some and not others?
How can I fix this? Channels are unwatchable.
Any help? Thanks
05-02-2016, 07:36 PM
so anything under 20 and we r dead in the water
05-02-2016, 07:44 PM
I have 20mbps here too and wired. The channels that now are 720p are buffering a lot here, it's unwatchable.
I don't believe that it's something wrong with my ISP or configurations, because the Pac 12 Channels (Sports 1 to 6) always were 720p and they're working just fine here.
Only this new HD channels are buffering.
05-02-2016, 07:58 PM
Try changing you DNS server in your router to googles DNS service or
05-02-2016, 08:04 PM
I tried everything. Changed DNS to google's, using very servers on paid VPN service, changing settings on kodi, advanced setting addon, a many other thing. It stays the same.
05-02-2016, 08:43 PM
The only channels that I have buffering and Audio Sync issues are some American channels, all the other ones work pretty good.
It seems the problems started since those channels went HD.
How can we get info on how to fix this? It doesn't seem like it's on our end.
If any one figures this out or get's info about this, please post, it will be greatly appreciated.
05-02-2016, 08:47 PM
I'm on Firestick - Kodi Jarvis latest update, anyone else...maybe that's causing it? It works for some and not others,
so there has to be a solution.
05-02-2016, 11:53 PM
CNN and fox new were unwatchable, checked my download speed 3 times, under 10 mbs, supposed to be 30, now it's back up to 30 and thing seem to be fine, am using kodi 16
05-02-2016, 11:56 PM
I'm experiencing these problems as well. I have a 5O MB and was working perfect all the time. I did a trial with another provider who has HD streams as well today and all their stations are running flawlessly. This has nothing to do with VPN or DNS at this point in time because some of the stations just stick on the screen and you would have to change station . About 5 minutes ago I have NFPS running on a MXQ and another IPTV trial service on another MXQ on the same internet and most of NFPS stations are buffering and the other one isn't which confirms that something is abnormal with their service that some people are experiencing . It's difficult to say as everyone are on different portals so can't say whether it's a issue with a specific portal or if it's in general but yesterday and up until now I have severely poor viewable experience which I wasn't having before.
05-03-2016, 12:09 AM
Lol, it was ok till they fixed it
05-03-2016, 12:35 AM
OK , I change it to portal 1 and it seems to be working ok so far. Would monitor and keep you guys posted.
05-03-2016, 12:41 AM
AHHHH!!! Food network buffering. Astro Super Sports 1 & Sky Sports 5 as well. Some others I tried like HGTV working ok.
05-03-2016, 12:42 AM
AHHHH!!! Food network buffering. Astro Super Sports 1 & Sky Sports 5 as well. Some others I tried like HGTV working ok.
See if ESPN US is buffering.
Here is like that over a week. All the HD channels are.
05-03-2016, 12:45 AM
Correct , Buffering every 2 seconds . It's showing Baseball now like a slideshow. Quality is good by the way
05-03-2016, 12:48 AM
Yeah! Here's the same thing. All the new HD are buffering a lot, in all devices.
05-03-2016, 03:49 AM
For whatever it's worth I was buffering pretty bad in the HD channels recently as well. I've always used wifi and went hardwire. All HD channels smooth now. Im guessing alot if interference in wifi these days. Android box running kodi 16.0 simple client
05-03-2016, 03:58 AM
OK , I change it to portal 1 and it seems to be working ok so far. Would monitor and keep you guys posted.
Yes please keep us posted if changing portals works. A guy at another forum has the same portal 5 as me and is having no problems, he is using a different device, I'm on Firestick.
I did a IPTV reset over at the donation checker site and it did not fix the problem. There MUST be a solution, some people are having problems and some are not which tells me that it's fixable on our end somehow.
I hope someone finds the solution and saves the day!
05-03-2016, 04:33 AM
Hazebronso, are you on a Firestick? What portal are you on?
05-03-2016, 05:39 AM
I fixed the audio sync offset by turning on media codec (surface) and off the one below it in video acceleration. I fixed the stuttering by turning off OSD in the guide. By doing these the buffering if worse then ever and freezes after a couple of minutes...still unwatchable. Will search for more possible fixes.
Try using a VPN like Hotspot Shield. I was getting constant buffering without it, but with the VPN, at least the video continues to play. This is probably not going to work for all people. I'd rather have lower resolution than getting frozen out every minute or two.
05-03-2016, 08:21 AM
Dara, Is there a way to download/install VPN Hotspot shield to my firestick through es explorer maybe? If not is there another VPN that I can install on the firestick?
Thanks :)
It seems like the constant buffering has stopped for me without a VPN. It could just be light usage of the server at this time of day, but 200 and 205 seem to be ok. My bandwidth is 17Mb, so if you are lower, you may not have the same result.
@MMB10, I don't know, as I don't have a firestick, but hotspot shield is in the google play store, and may be available as a stand-alone .apk out there.
05-03-2016, 08:19 PM
Mine is like 20 sonething and it still buffering
05-03-2016, 09:47 PM
Nothing new here.
Same buffering every time on the HD channels. Unwatchable
Post your bandwidth as well, to help the server techs if they are monitoring the thread. I see the buffering only on HBO (300) ATM, with my 17Mb connection, using Kodi on my PC.
05-03-2016, 10:20 PM
Post your bandwidth as well, to help the server techs if they are monitoring the thread. I see the buffering only on HBO (300) ATM, with my 17Mb connection, using Kodi on my PC.
Mine is 20mb, wired. And here all the new HD channels are buffering over a week.
05-03-2016, 11:18 PM
Buffering started at 6:30pm on all HD channels. MAG254 16MB DSL wired
05-03-2016, 11:31 PM
I am really thinking of another word that starts with f for the blight that alot of us r presently in with low mb, all of my stations except 726 for the region i am in are unwatchable regardless of me using wireless or hardwired. Reason being it wasn't like this b 4 the maintenance update/upgrade so the fault isn't solely mine, what is it you fix something to make the viewers enjoy the service better but at the expense of many who are linked to something beyond their control
Buffering started at 6:30pm on all HD channels. MAG254 16MB DSL wired
Yeah, demand driven, probably local. Turned on the VPN, buffering gone.
Trying to watch NESN...stuttering comes and goes...sometimes quite bad...sometimes minimal...24mb.
05-04-2016, 01:01 AM
Yeah, demand driven, probably local. Turned on the VPN, buffering gone.
Is this something NFPS will resolve or will a VPN be required to correct? Unfortunately I don't have many options on my end, my internet is the best I can get in my rural location and I'm also a technologically challenged senior on a fixed income. Have no clue what a vpn is, what it may cost or how to use it. May be time for this old fella to tap out
We'll have to wait and see about any changes. As far as VPNs go, what they do is to make a virtual tunnel between your computer to the server, but also may change the internet routing back to the server. Its hard to explain it, but there are inexpensive or free options that can do all the configuration work for you, and all you do is to control when it is on. You just have to read up on it and see if it's a good solution to you.
05-04-2016, 02:01 AM
Thank Dara,
I've made it this far by reading advice from all the good people and mods in this forum, Ill do some research. I guess you're never too old to learn, just finding the service frustrating over the past month.
05-05-2016, 06:20 PM
I didn't have any buffering problems per se. I'm on a 15 Mbps down. however I've noticed that some of these channels went back down to SD, like Food Network and a few others.
05-05-2016, 10:39 PM
The food network channel never went HD I believe
05-05-2016, 10:56 PM
Im showing Food Network East 720x480 should be HD
05-06-2016, 05:34 AM
I have the same problem. Is this problem only occurs in AVOV TVonline box and not for newer version like Vixo 2?
05-06-2016, 06:06 PM
Is this something NFPS will resolve or will a VPN be required to correct? Unfortunately I don't have many options on my end, my internet is the best I can get in my rural location and I'm also a technologically challenged senior on a fixed income. Have no clue what a vpn is, what it may cost or how to use it. May be time for this old fella to tap out
no need to tap out.. strange that vpn reduces buffering,, as it should actually increase the communication-time in most situations.. only reason i could think of is that isp's throttling u down for some reason.. google can find any answer u need & if u spend much time on line a vpn is a basic necessity... i learned this the hard way...
05-07-2016, 04:31 AM
That means the resolution is 480p which is SD. ie 1280x720 =720p HD or 1920x1080=1080p HD so on and so forth.
05-07-2016, 11:48 AM
THANKS but here is what i feel, moreso like this morning when every channel including youtube and 726 for my region of the world that i live taking up to ten minutes to come on with a 10mbs speed and more than often not at all. This is what i feel, it might be true or not mishchivous or not but i feel with alot of us now having viewing issues where alot of our channels can't be viewed at all, the server is no longer bumbarded so many others have better viewing pleasure. Blame it on ISP etc. but that is how i feel regardless of upgrades still going on or fixes to the upgrades possibly leaning to a help line for us who are greatly affected
05-07-2016, 12:23 PM
Nauditor, your ISP connection is the problem. On another forum, you mentioned your trace route issue. Kindly check where your packet drops start. If it is still in your house, you need to sort that.
05-07-2016, 12:57 PM
k will do thanks
05-07-2016, 01:17 PM
Nauditor, you wrote this in another thread:
"Well instead of beating what i suspect is now a dead horse i guess we'll just have to wait until either the server guys feel generous and oblige us to the request or our internet providers bump up the switch and my speed suddenly becomes lightening fast so until either happens i will just chill since the problem is now known but no corrective action yet. Furthermore not everyone has an independent setup to do whatever as to the internet, i get a wireless link from someone who is hardwired to the modem, if this new upgrade is negative to me i can't selfishly impose vpn etc on the link so i just have to bear the limitations until i either toss it all or upgrade".
Your last sentence indicates your problem. You are sharing an internet connection. That is your problem. Until you get your own internet connection directly from the ISP, you will have problems.
05-07-2016, 03:09 PM
Two weeks has passed and the same problem here. The HD channels are unwatchable, as I said, I have a 20mpbs internet connection hardwired and from other IPTV service that I purchased yesterday to make a test, all the HD channels from them is working fine, even some channels with 1080p resolution.
It's proved that I have no problem with my ISP.
The problem still is the route from the server to you. If one service takes a different route to deliver the stream, which of course it will, the bandwidth might be fine in all segments of that route, and you will have a clean viewing experience. If, however, there is a bottleneck in any segment of the stream, that will screw up packet delivery and the ultimate channel delivery
Now, I'm not saying this as a pie-in-the-sky analysis, because I'm experiencing the same issue. My HD channels (CNN, MSNBC, ESPN US, NESN, etc.) buffer quite often. I couldn't get a clean game the other night while watching NESN, but I found the same game on an HD feed from an add-on and it was hiccup free for the entire game.
My PC has the same issues as my device, so it isn't a device-driven problem. Let's hope and wait and see. I wish I had the answer, but I don't. I just tell it like I see it.
05-07-2016, 06:21 PM
I suggest just for ish n giggles to install kodi on your Android phone and move the sub there just for testing purposes.
My 4g phone never buffers as opposed my wifi connected Android box. That led me to hard wire my Android box voila! No buffering @ 17mbs down
05-07-2016, 06:42 PM
I have said for months its something wrong with their servers, because way before the maintnence and HD channels i couldnt watch nothing at all. So i invested in a VPN service and was beginning to think that was a bust to get it to play. I found a few select servers i use and i watch fine even the HD with zero buffering as long as i am connected to one of them VPN servers. without VPN i can't watch any channels. Everyone trys to blame it on your internet and thats NOT peoples problems or devices they are using. As of right now i am playing flawlessly, including HD and i have slow internet speed 8mbps on firestick running on STB Emu. For folks that have VPN try to use servers from Dallas or Houston thats ones i use to get mine to work. But it could be a factor of where you are located. No one can answer why this is happening.
05-08-2016, 05:34 PM
90 Mbs and only HBO is buffering for 15 secs and then freezes with the audio still on.
05-08-2016, 08:30 PM
OMG I so figured out how to get everything to stop buffering..This is what i did...I let my subscription run out and got a cable box for my computer lol...I got so tired of screwing around with all this it got old quick
05-08-2016, 08:44 PM
I have said for months its something wrong with their servers, because way before the maintnence and HD channels i couldnt watch nothing at all. So i invested in a VPN service and was beginning to think that was a bust to get it to play. I found a few select servers i use and i watch fine even the HD with zero buffering as long as i am connected to one of them VPN servers. without VPN i can't watch any channels. Everyone trys to blame it on your internet and thats NOT peoples problems or devices they are using. As of right now i am playing flawlessly, including HD and i have slow internet speed 8mbps on firestick running on STB Emu. For folks that have VPN try to use servers from Dallas or Houston thats ones i use to get mine to work. But it could be a factor of where you are located. No one can answer why this is happening.
the whole point is: if u suffer no issues using vpn, but u do get buffering not using vpn,, ur issue is most likely with ur isp or connection.. it is that simple...
05-09-2016, 01:58 AM
OMG I so figured out how to get everything to stop buffering..This is what i did...I let my subscription run out and got a cable box for my computer lol...I got so tired of screwing around with all this it got old quick
Glad you got it sorted out for yourself. Only wish this would work in my situation...
05-09-2016, 02:01 AM
They need to call it downgrade instead of
crazed 9.6
05-09-2016, 02:04 AM
smart ass sarcasm comments are not appreciated here at iptvTalk
It gets old REAL quick !
crazed 9.6
05-09-2016, 02:09 AM
sat-junkie and Reaper both will be away for 7 days.
sat-junkie prolly does not need to come back since he downgraded to cable.
Reaper, if you need iptvTalk help, you will need to come back in 7 days
05-09-2016, 02:55 AM
Tried the VPN as suggested by Dara - unfortunately no luck, still buffering on all HD channels. All out of options and patience on my end.
05-09-2016, 03:23 AM
Do u have an Android device lying around? Try setting that up and see how that works.
05-09-2016, 04:00 AM
strange, i have absolutely no problems with the new HD channels i have been watching discovery id, crime & investigation, some usa5 and espn nearly nonstop since they went HD and i have not seen any buffering, nothing but maybe a short freeze once with many hours in between like it can happen on every other channel. 2 of my friends do not have problems either. we must be at a sweet spot up north on the other side of the pond.
no vpn, fire-tv/pc/rpi, 100/100Mbit no modem or line splitting, ethernet in the wall (i use a router of cause, nothing fancy).
05-09-2016, 11:30 PM
the whole point is: if u suffer no issues using vpn, but u do get buffering not using vpn,, ur issue is most likely with ur isp or connection.. it is that simple... Nope not that simple, it still buffers with VPN, just have to use select ones not to get no buffering.
05-10-2016, 12:31 AM
Hd channels run just fine, maybe you need better internet
05-10-2016, 01:11 AM
It's only been about 6 hours but I may have eliminated the buffering on HD channels after trying some suggestions from ISP tech. My modem channel setting was set at auto, suggested to set on a specific channel (4). He also said to turn off ICloud on two iPads he seen connected. I have no idea what all this does but so far so good after two weeks of trying everything possible.
05-10-2016, 01:13 AM
90 Mbs here and still buffering and VPN didn't help at all??
crazed 9.6
05-10-2016, 01:18 AM
It's only been about 6 hours but I may have eliminated the buffering on HD channels after trying some suggestions from ISP tech. My modem channel setting was set at auto, suggested to set on a specific channel (4). He also said to turn off ICloud on two iPads he seen connected. I have no idea what all this does but so far so good after two weeks of trying everything possible.
thnx for sharing that puggles :)
Even watching or loading Ytube videos or other such things can cause it too.
Have had many things cause freezing which were not server related.
05-10-2016, 03:05 AM
watched cnn all day..not 1 buffer.30 the way crazed..route checker is workin good on 66.thanks again for ur help.
05-11-2016, 03:04 AM
not such luck here still HBO first freezes and only audio remains. :confused: at least that is the only hd channel doing it.
05-12-2016, 03:01 AM
as of today Hbo hd working great:D
05-13-2016, 09:17 PM
Turning on hardware acceleration solved the buffering issues for me.
05-14-2016, 09:51 PM
I'm currently running IPTV services on my Sony TV (androidOS), and did a custom advanced settings.XML file and still get buffering just the same. I'm going to try and go back to FireTV2 and see if I can get it to work.
05-15-2016, 10:31 PM
Using my 4G LTE modem I have had no problem streaming almost everything that the IPTV services (running on iptv66 here, using KODI + Stalker.PVR NFPS) has to offer.
Unfortunately, the same is not true when using my 50 Mbps fiber connection which is supposed to be by far superior in terms of latency and reliability. All HD Channels and most SD channels were buffering so I was frustrated with the problem and decided to do some extensive and technical research to try and get the problem fixed. After a couple of traceroutes later I complained to my ISP and they made some changes on their BGP routing tables so that inbound traffic for this service is routed through an alternative upstream provider. After the routing changes of the ISP propagated through the internet, I could now stream most SD channels and some HD channels but still a lot of channels are buffering so this seems to have fixed the problem for some of the channels but not all. I figured it out this is because I gave my ISP just one 1 IP address of the server which I had sniffed the service was using...
So in order to fix the problem completely and permanently I will need to know all IP addresses / blocks that are associated with the service. I am not sure if someone here can give me this information or perhaps point me to someone that could so that I can overcome this. I am not posting the IP here as it might be against the rules or inappropriate to do so, I will therefore expect that the person that has this information will be able to PM it to me. My ISP has said that they do not usually like to alter their routing tables but wanted to make sure I'm happy with their services and were willing to do so in this case. They suspect that the data-center where the service is located has a congested link to their other upstream provider and wanted me to report this to the IPTV service provider. As the user ilan said on this thread, bottlenecks may exist in some segments of a route - the Internet is not a static or perfect network but very dynamic.
Hopefully I will be getting a PM soon. :-)
Thank you.
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