View Full Version : Paid for service, but still can't use it!
04-19-2016, 02:38 PM
I paid for service and I still can't use it.
I don't have any login info, the email I got says to use a number as a username and password for the receiver that doesn't work. All I can check is that the route is valid.
I'm using the STB emulator, when I connect to the portal it comes up with a username and password dialog box... the numbers in the email don't work.
I've lost 7 days to this nonsense, and the support email reply was to come on to this forum and ask for help?
Who from IKS66 can help me get this sorted and get me my missing days back as well?
04-19-2016, 02:51 PM
look all of us have tv start and do some reading in your box section
Make sure you have the latest version and the appropriate version of the emulator. The route number is what you use for the username/login and password.
04-19-2016, 03:00 PM
Make sure you have the latest version and the appropriate version of the emulator. The route number is what you use for the username/login and password.
I have the latest version (I use the paid/Pro version), also finally today the login doesn't give me Error anymore, but all I get now after entering the user/pass is a stuck loading bar: _qMBI2pEZ7rmmbTaOOiKat9Zrkbmh2Nl7XfUvGgz9ThvYmoYJw CFCz5Pqy9zHIRuIjeyGDsV6cV4H7uF0_vsiyVeWfQb_EfxCRX8 J-YkLU1yeYAItjFJVpCrnXC8JQb_oiQTlxVk5Eel6p36I3eBYSQa tuJ22g2D-rpMLoMtAJ1JGFxTki0b7_duUwZma-I5-dUOCBHGuP3BO-KXF7wY15gv0Pa7_xSq4K2H93DazTVeHn42xGZHgkYsVtkJvO5_ ETPR9iruO8dBe4SQGemLqy8bwMG5HtNL_TUB2qY0Q6vaoUMzDm jtFHrMUD8K3kOAsK8_UiVOeEZyz9vgIiNhulgi42zSCNxXrcdk i1L1GRpaCo64rfiPIK-HVWYKffSQY0q9ii2t-UBQAp4alZaZD26slkDfArGRErcNOdytpElel-lhPzB8J1wu_q2mErltwCaD0-cig48qzmkN-NrZDTGdw-sJbcDNjB_gDGwHH4CyXrbnMbdh3A=w800-h600-no
You have been ask to go to your receiver/emu section for help.
04-19-2016, 03:12 PM
You have been ask to go to your receiver/emu section for help.
This isn't my first time I've used this application to connect to an IPTV portal, I've followed the instructions in the EMU section of this forum. There is nothing special that needs to be done here according to the thread.
I've setup the portal info, my MAC, and the emulation to MAG 250.
I get the authentication page when reloading the portal, I enter the user name and password and the above is what I get.
If I should be doing something else, it is not listed in that thread at all.
You're better off posting in the appropriate device/emu subforum. More people there will have familiarity with your set-up.
04-19-2016, 03:19 PM
I have had this same issue for two weeks and it still doesn't work. I am just frustrated. It accepts my login credentials but the bar never moves from this point
You too should go to your receiver/emu section for help and do not hijack anothers thread.
04-19-2016, 03:28 PM
You're better off posting in the appropriate device/emu subforum. More people there will have familiarity with your set-up.
I'll give that a shot, thanks.
Who can I speak to about the 5-6 days it took for my account to become active? I feel that should be added back to my account.
Your account became active when it was sent.
04-19-2016, 03:40 PM
Your account became active when it was sent.
This is not true, because I was unable to log in during the past few days. Login would give me Error!
This is why I reached out to the support/contact email of the site. Which then I was told to come here for support.
Also all of this and it's still not working, I even just tried with the "official" IPTV emulator for IKE66... I get the exact same problem.
So why should I be penalized for issues that are not my fault?
Well your donation is good and you just won't go to your proper section to learn how to use your donation.
04-19-2016, 04:46 PM
Well your donation is good and you just won't go to your proper section to learn how to use your donation.
All I'm getting here is the same reply.. how will I ever use my donation if I get no actual support. Only people telling me to learn how to use it, if your official android application gives me the same issues, and the MAC is correct, and supposedly the login is working. How can it be anything that I have done?
04-19-2016, 05:14 PM
Well, for whatever reason without changing anything on my end it started to work. I don't understand why or how, does it take some time after doing an IPTV reset function from the website or something? The issue was clearly not on my end. I simply let more time pass (which seems to be normal for services provided by IKE66).
Either way, the support for IKE66 is horrible. As a person who pays for service I don't really need to have people to tell me that I should read a bunch of nonsense, and not even read what I write here. I've provided all the information to make reasonable steps to get help from someone selling a product "donation" or not, IKE66 needs to get ther $#@^ together and provider their users with proper service and support.
04-19-2016, 07:59 PM
for 'Spoon-Feeding, call 1800-366-dish.. they'll hook u up.. this hobby & the prices stated r based on the fact that u research issues & invest the time to figure out what is causing ur issues.. bad mouthing services supported here will only cause u to take a vacation.. there r plenty of people just looking for a chance to help some1 get their tv up & runnin,, but when u continually refuse to take their advice,, the problem is yours.. own it...
04-19-2016, 08:02 PM
Well, for whatever reason without changing anything on my end it started to work. I don't understand why or how, does it take some time after doing an IPTV reset function from the website or something? The issue was clearly not on my end. I simply let more time pass (which seems to be normal for services provided by IKE66).
Either way, the support for IKE66 is horrible. As a person who pays for service I don't really need to have people to tell me that I should read a bunch of nonsense, and not even read what I write here. I've provided all the information to make reasonable steps to get help from someone selling a product "donation" or not, IKE66 needs to get ther $#@^ together and provider their users with proper service and support.
This is not the help support number, when you purchase something or before you do you should read, read and read. This is not your everyday cable or satellite company and if you don't like it there is the door.
04-19-2016, 11:37 PM
for 'Spoon-Feeding, call 1800-366-dish.. they'll hook u up.. this hobby & the prices stated r based on the fact that u research issues & invest the time to figure out what is causing ur issues.. bad mouthing services supported here will only cause u to take a vacation.. there r plenty of people just looking for a chance to help some1 get their tv up & runnin,, but when u continually refuse to take their advice,, the problem is yours.. own it...
Ok smart guy...
Tell me what my problems was?
Why when I gave the "donation" for over 2 days I couldn't log in at all and got an Error in the corner of the Auth. box after attempting to log in? Why did this go away all on it's own?
Why this morning when I tried to log in after 7 further days thinking "well hey the charge on my CC obviously went through so surely I must be able to access the content I've "donated" for" it no longer said Error, but went to a loading bar screen, but stopped?
Why after a few hours did the loading bar finally go through, despite me doing absolutely nothing?
I'd love to hear someone tell me what the issue actually was? My guess is that no one here can actually tell me anything specific, which is why all I got was "read bro!" although not one person pointed me to anything relevant.
Also you say I'm bad mouthing, but I'm simply stating my experience... I find it frustrating when people give blind/generic answers.
This is not the help support number
It's not? Funny, I was told by IKE66 to come to specifically this forum for help/support after emailing directly due to me believing it was an account issue. Would you like me to post a screen shot of the email?
I'll admit, it's an odd way to deal with support issues when something I believed to be account related was the issue, but hey.... I don't run this "donation"
when you purchase something or before you do you should read, read and read. This is not your everyday cable or satellite company and if you don't like it there is the door.
Again and I've stated this already, this isn't my first time using a service like this. Admittedly this was the first time I've used IKE66 as a provider. Notice that I didn't once ask about configuration issues, what to do, etc.
I've had no issues in the past setting up the EMU with other portals and I'm certainly not computer illiterate, so having random people jump in the thread telling me to read the instructions that specifically tell you nothing special, that I've confirmed here that I have actually done, and I even confirmed that I tried the app that was specifically made for the service and get the same issue/error. Still, even though it's now working I have yet to see someone chime in and even attempt to give an explanation of what happened.
Surely it cannot be the first time this has happened to someone, I've seen numerous posts on here detailing people have login issues. Most seem to go unanswered...
EDIT: Well I suppose that was short lived after all, back to the loading bar not going anywhere.... Fantastic... Nothing changed, again.
Everyone here apologizes for trying to help you and for attempting to point you to the appropriate forum.
Strange, though, you've had an account here since December, yet you make it sound like you had no idea that this forum existed until IKS66 support pointed you in this direction. I'm not sure what that's all about.
If you want help, I'd lose the chip on your shoulder, stop making it sound like no one here ever gets any help, because that couldn't be further from the truth, and post in the appropriate forum.
04-20-2016, 01:51 AM
Everyone here apologizes for trying to help you and for attempting to point you to the appropriate forum.
Strange, though, you've had an account here since December, yet you make it sound like you had no idea that this forum existed until IKS66 support pointed you in this direction. I'm not sure what that's all about.
If you want help, I'd lose the chip on your shoulder, stop making it sound like no one here ever gets any help, because that couldn't be further from the truth, and post in the appropriate forum.
I'm here asking for help, I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder, I just like to have valid and concise answers/replies. I believe I've given enough info to ensure that my setup/settings aren't the issue.
As far as I'm concerned this is an IKE66/account problem and not an emulator issue since both the STB Pro and the IKE66 EMU do the exact same things and it randomly worked.
So ilan, if you don't mind. Point me to the forum I should be posting for help with account issues, unless you have another suggestion?
What I know so far:
MAC is valid, route is valid, I'm able to get past the auth. box (no more Error like the first 2 days), portal info is correct (not editable anyway in the IKE66 app).
I've tried on two separate devices, my Nexus 6P and my MINIX 8H box. Same issue with both.
Tried different networks (home, LTE/mobile, and work). No difference.
As for my account date... As I've mentioned in my previous post. I have been around this for a while, I just have never sub'd to IKE66's services until now.
04-20-2016, 02:13 AM
Well as a last ditch effort, I decided to try and register a different MAC address...
Tested on the IKE66 app on my phone, it worked first time. But not I can't use my Android box as it seems to know the difference between the two boxes/apps/locations and says I have to "register" the device (even though the MAC and Serial no. are identical in the settings).
Apparently for some reason there is a limit on how many times you can "search" your route (I don't understand why) and now I have to wait another 24 hours (and lost yet another day on my account) before I can once again reset it and attempt to register the IKE66 app on the Minix and hope it works.
I will update the thread then.
Just for clarification, can I not have the app installed on my phone and Android box and switch between them freely? As long as they're not both on/in use at the same time I thought this would be possible?
in a PM send me your donation number and your mac address and I'll see if the two are linked.
Never mind as you seem to have something working so not go and fine your receiver section. IT IS NOT A 66 PROBLEM!
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