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n00b question about using this plugin [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


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04-13-2016, 03:20 PM
As I begin to get these add-ons integrated with Kodi, I am concerned with what will happen with my account. Is the following safe to assume?

1) Turn off the MAG 254 before trying to authenticate in Kodi.
2) Exit Kodi before turning the MAG 254 back on.

So is having Kodi running on more than one device (with MAG 254 turned off) going to cause a problem? Assuming that this script is running in the background and connecting to the IPTV server regardless of whether or not I'm actually using the service. I only ask these questions before I do it because I don't want to get my MAC banned. Also, if only one instance of Kodi is running, this should not be a problem as long as the MAG 254 is powered off, correct? My apologies in advance if I'm posting this in the wrong forum.

04-13-2016, 04:46 PM
I'm not sure how you will do this as the third octet for the MAG is 79 and for KODI it is 78 do you plan on resetting the MAC in the PAPIO site everytime you switch box's? But what you are suggesting is fine as long as they are not both broadcasting at the same time or least that use to be the rule.

04-14-2016, 01:27 AM
Would you suggest that I'm just better off using Kodi since I have a device on every TV in my house (albeit one at a time) and just not use the MAG 254 at all? Not that I would really have a problem with this...

04-14-2016, 02:08 AM
as wickedjoker said it depends if you want to go through the process of switching mac address when you want to use the mag and back again when you want to use the kodi boxes. whether or not this is to much hassle for you is impossible for us to decide.

04-20-2016, 01:20 PM
I'm sticking with Kodi (for now). It's easy to just run one at a time and disable TV by default and use Renegades TV & iVue. Then the Stalker Plus add-on for the remainder of the channels.

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