View Full Version : Removed from SERVER status thread
03-09-2015, 11:03 AM
abc new York been down for couple of days some other channels are down some channels never went down for me skysports 4 and 5 been working great. thank you
03-11-2015, 01:27 PM
Most channels not working on avov tv online box, hopefully they are adding more channels to the server!
03-11-2015, 04:47 PM
yea hang on they says sometime moving server this is just testing so they could be most of my app dont work too
03-13-2015, 08:02 PM
Lots of freezing and many channels down on avov tvonline also vod also freezing badly when trying to play a movie! Have a great weekend all!
TV Hot has been down for a few days now. Just a black screen, no audio/video
03-16-2015, 02:33 AM
and some people said there is no relation to IKS
IKS had ecm recently
TV Hot has been down for a few days now. Just a black screen, no audio/video
03-16-2015, 02:46 AM
and some people said there is no relation to IKS
IKS had ecm recently
No relation at all iks and iptv not even close
03-16-2015, 05:15 AM
count me as one of those "some" people...LOL..not to be confused or related to "some guy"..
03-16-2015, 04:45 PM
and some people said there is no relation to IKS
IKS had ecm recently
No US tv channels for the last couple days, non US channels and movies are working. It sure seems like the video source is coming from the same place. Tracing the IP of both the IKS and IPTV server show they are both coming from the same server farm, in Amsterdam if I recall correctly.
Also, if there is "no relation" then it would also seem strange that IPTV is honoring the IKS rockets out there.
03-16-2015, 05:14 PM
Yea most channels down and some like fox sports one has been down for weeks, hopefully they get all the bugs out before they try and get people to actually pay for this service because right now live tv with kodi is working better! Hope all have a great week!
Yea most channels down and some like fox sports one has been down for weeks, hopefully they get all the bugs out before they try and get people to actually pay for this service because right now live tv with kodi is working better! Hope all have a great week!
It's obvious the bugs are to be worked out before it goes pay.
That's why it's free right now, to work the bugs out.
But you're posting about channels on a server that is up- and free.
Server is up or no channels would show.
03-16-2015, 07:49 PM
It's obvious the bugs are to be worked out before it goes pay.
That's why it's free right now, to work the bugs out.
But you're posting about channels on a server that is up- and free.
Server is up or no channels would show.
So are you saying that we shouldn't waste our time posting about the fact that most American channels are down and have been for awhile and just be happy with the Spanish channels that work since it is free? I guess I am confused because I thought the point of this thread was to post channels up and down status , I realize that the server is up because if it wasn't no channels at all would be available but you seem to make it seem like that all channels are up and working flawlessly and the problem is on my end totally which if that is the case I do apologize for posting that the current status of the server is unacceptable but I was simply giving my opinion in the future I will refrain from posting the status of my channels. Have a great day!
03-16-2015, 07:58 PM
Don't put words in anothers mouth, pls. I saw none of the things you imply by either staff or anyone else...take care, son and check the attitude, thks
03-16-2015, 08:00 PM
They want to force you to buy there iptv but don't have time for any complaints about problems with server or why mostly Spanish and UK channels and only a few American channels. So much for testing.
So are you saying that we shouldn't waste our time posting about the fact that most American channels are down and have been for awhile and just be happy with the Spanish channels that work since it is free? I guess I am confused because I thought the point of this thread was to post channels up and down status , I realize that the server is up because if it wasn't no channels at all would be available but you seem to make it seem like that all channels are up and working flawlessly and the problem is on my end totally which if that is the case I do apologize for posting that the current status of the server is unacceptable but I was simply giving my opinion in the future I will refrain from posting the status of my channels. Have a great day!
You can waste as much time as you want posting, but the server techs know already what channels are there and are trying to add as many as they can. Wouldn't do any good to add every channel they can and have everything unstable would it..
Thread is for what the title says, SERVER up or down status- if one channel comes in then the server is obviously up isn't it. Title does NOT say what channel is up or down, that would be be so full of different channel requests nobody could tell if the server was down or if their settings are off.
If you wish to go through and make a list of the channels you're getting then post.
03-16-2015, 08:04 PM
Max no one is being forced to buy anything here and feedback is noted but some are just unreasonable.
They want to force you to buy there iptv but don't have time for any complaints about problems with server or why mostly Spanish and UK channels and only a few American channels. So much for testing.
Server is FREE to get it setup and stable- if someone is selling you something you need to read more. If the server was working perfect with all the channels then it would be time to set it up for payment.
You are the beta tester now, to test stability and load. You are not paying anything for it and everyone thanks you for connecting and enjoying tv- it makes it easier to see where the server settings should be.
Channels will be added, takes time to do it right
03-16-2015, 08:14 PM
Ok I understand so if one channel is working without freezing then server is up and working great I get it now and good luck to all who decide to use this service! Have a great week all!
Ok I understand so if one channel is working without freezing then server is up and working great I get it now and good luck to all who decide to use this service! Have a great week all!
Sorry to see you go- sounds as if you are....
03-16-2015, 08:31 PM
To all the mods that replied, it is a new service and is in beta testing mode that is understood but this type of service and equipment is also new and in beta testing with the viewers also. I for one, didn't realize that if channels even showed that the server was active. For a few days, every channel I tried did not work, I fully admit that I did not try all channels, only a few of my favorites. I now know that some channels working, some not is to be expected for a while.
As for the server up/down thread, it seems pretty useless if its purpose is to only report if the server is actually up and running. A server that is up and running but not doing any actual serving is down for all practical purposes. Likewise, a server that is up but totally overloaded and unable to respond in a timely manner is also down for practical purposes, that was the case in recent times with IKS. Hopefully, the persons responsible for the server do not need to be told if it is up or down.
Perhaps instead of being titled and used for server up/down reporting the better function would be to report quality of service. When I noticed the US channels down for the last few days, and being new to the equipment and service, I first wondered if it was something in my setup. Next, I went to this forum, looked around in announcements, and searched recent posts to see if others were reporting the US channels down, no announcement, no post at the time confirming US channels down. THAT would be usefull information and prevent a lot of useless posts.
As BIO said earlier in this thread "You can waste as much time as you want posting, but the server techs know already what channels are there" Would it be all that difficult to make a short post in the announcement section when channels are down for days so users don't have to be left in the dark wondering if its on their end or the server end? It wouldn't take any longer than posts in this thread did and would serve a very useful purpose as well as saving a lot of unnecessary posts.
Lastly, so far I am very impressed with the new service and equipment in these early stages.
This thread is for those setting theirs up or if theirs just went down- to check if anyone else is down before they start buggering their system up needlessly. These channel debates are a distraction to that and actually a thread-jacking since it is not what the thread is about or for.
Channels coming and going can be a daily thing and everyone here is volunteering their time. The effort involved in immediately posting a channel can take up all that time. Was a channel thread copied to the forum the other day and before the ink was even dry there were posts of the list being inaccurate.
If you want to make a thread and update it several times a day, thank you. But for me, I am going to refrain from that right now and eventually delete the distractions from this thread or move them to their own thread.
Thread is for server status, if it is up and working or down and not connecting.
It's a KISS kinda thing
03-16-2015, 08:49 PM
This thread is for those setting theirs up or if theirs just went down- to check if anyone else is down before they start buggering their system up needlessly. These channel debates are a distraction to that and actually a thread-jacking since it is not what the thread is about or for.
It's a KISS kinda thing
Ummm that is exactly the problem I was having..... a new receiver, only setup and running for a couple days, then a couple days of channels down. Was it my setup, the server? Yup, I started buggering up my system needlessly because as far as the forum reported, all was well.
It is a KISS sort of thing.... and it looks like IPTV is missing that concept Again, a short post in the announcement section when multiple channels are down for days is not a unreasonable request, or expectation. I realize the mods work as volunteers, but the users will be paying for this service soon.
The server operators are the ones that should be reporting up/down, not the users !
I can see this is beating a dead horse. I will go back to watch mode like the last few years, I don't like a total waste of time.
I change the channels and if they don't come in they're down- it's not really too much to expect the same devotion from others. If the portal connects the server is up, I also see that with my remote. If channels stay black but vod works, then it's movie time.
See where I'm going with this- it's not that difficult. But jockeying life, forum, and a channel thread gets difficult quickly. I won't stop you or anyone else from posting an accurate list of channels, but bashing and begging is when it becomes silly and a waste of time and the thread goes closed.
I'm going back to what I was doing now- it's beautiful outside.
03-16-2015, 09:40 PM
and some people said there is no relation to IKS
IKS had ecm recently's time to do some reading about the difference between IKS and IPTV.
03-22-2015, 10:30 PM
some freezing in trinidad but its watchable on most channels...
03-25-2015, 10:48 PM
Is BTSports supposed to be working?
03-25-2015, 11:07 PM
check channel list if not working they are still in testing stage
03-26-2015, 09:57 PM
With all the comments I have to put in my two cents.... First, The service is a needed service be thankful that someone is developing it! Second, I wish I had the patience that Bio has! My compliments my friend! Third, (And this addressed to everyone that loves to complain.....) GET OVER IT! BE PATIENT! (Not yelling but just wanted people to see those words)... There are people working on everything. We are all in a learning curve here. I was one that thought I would learn a little and lost the "Infomir" logo. Am I complaining? No. But I did eventually learn how to reset my box! Thanks to the friendly people here that posted the info.
Finally... If the channel list loads, server is up. That don't mean every channel will load as they are still in the setup stage. Believe me, the people behind this want to get things working smoothly as soon as possible. I myself have been using this setup time to spread the word amongst friends and family so they can get their box and be ready. We all know that prices will spike on these things once everything is smoothed out. As a suggestion to those that are impatient, why don't you find some channels and load them on the inner portal? That's what I did and I simply go there for something to watch when I see freezing and non loading channels. If there is something I really wanted to see, I go and download the show and drag it to a USB then plug it into my 254 and watch it the next day!
There, rant over. LOL! Thanks again to all involved. Have a great day!
03-26-2015, 11:00 PM
They are not "Developing It". IPTV has been around for a while. There are paid servers that are more stable and work well. What they are doing is not new. But I think if they can get it working right, it will quickly rise to the top.
03-27-2015, 11:44 AM
They are not "Developing It". IPTV has been around for a while. There are paid servers that are more stable and work well. What they are doing is not new. But I think if they can get it working right, it will quickly rise to the top.
I was referring to these people developing a system..... So these guys are developing it. I am well aware about the history of IPTV. It's everywhere over seas.... Not so much here in the states. Please don't take my words out of context. The above post was meant to refer to this new service by this group, not a general reference to IPTV. I thought that was obvious. These guys are setting things up so any comparison to an already set up system is flat out ignorant. If you want paid servers then go there. I will wait for this to get done then worry about payment. As far as my experience goes, been around the sats for over 20 years... Been around IPTV watching since it's inception when the only way to watch was on the computer. Now let's get this topic back to the reporting topic it was made for as requested above. As said above we can discuss stuff in a different thread. Have a great day.
For the record it's 7:42 AM EDST and nothing loads. That's my server report! LOL!
03-27-2015, 12:11 PM
Digi you did not go to up channels like Russia today,, Music Videos or channels from 500 to the low 800s.
03-28-2015, 03:01 PM
I gave up searching for the day. But last evening around 4:15 EDST everything seemed fine. Think I said something in a different thread..... Not worried or complaining, Patiently waiting for them to get things going. Could not imagine the work involved! Thanks to all for their hard work.
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